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Shabbos times for New York City, New York, USA
Candle lighting: 7:16pm on Friday, 28 Aug 2015
This week’s Torah portion is Parshas Ki Seitzei
S H A B B A T S H A L O M שבה שלום Шабат шалом


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PM Netanyahu upon his departure to Italy

Statement by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu upon his departure to Italy.

דברי ראש הממשלה בנימין נתניהו עם המראתו לביקור איטליה.

Hasidic Musician Yosi Piamenta Laid to Rest


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קטעים מהופעת שולי רנד בקרית מלאכי

יהודה זיתון – ישמח חתני Yehouda Zeitoun – Ismach Hatani

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Amir & Patrick Bruel – Kashe Limtso Milim, Part 2 Section on the right side
Amir & Patrick Bruel and more,., Great Videos Selection

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Apples and Honey Dessert Rolls for Rosh Hashanah


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גד אלבז – פותח את ידיך – Gad Elbaz – Open Up

Gad Elbaz Official

הרמב”ם היומי חמ”ד של תורה – צרעת

הרמב”ם היומי חמ”ד של תורה – חידה מספר 9

הרמב”ם היומי חמ”ד של תורה – חידה מספר 8

הרמב”ם היומי חמ”ד של תורה – חידה מספר 7


הרמב”ם היומי חמ”ד של תורה – עבד עברי

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Elul Is Passing Me By – Prep for the High Holy Days


Home Page

“Elul is just passing me by.”
The month before Rosh Hashana is called Elul. Its a time to prepare for the Day of Judgment. Even though its a matter of life and death we can somehow we get overwhelmed and let it pass up by. This is normal, but you can do something about it.
Here’s what to do:
In this video: About Elul, A Story, A Prayer and Plan.

REALITY: Empowering Leadership & Connecting to Jewish Heritage


Beni Akiva’s Camp for Young French Immigrants


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jerusalemplus tv


Filmé et monté par ESTI https://estifilme.wordpress.com/
Les liaisons dangereuses”, de Marc Brzustowski, Préface d’Alexandre del valle
En vente sur: http://www.editionsvalensin.fr

Roch Hachanna : Le Mois de Eloul est là : Faisons les comptes…

Moins d’enfants, plus d’argent ?


Le projet et sa réalisation.

A Roch Hachana on appelle ce jour le jour du jugement, c’est en effet un jour ou la rigueur est très forte c’est-à-dire que ce jour-là on compare la réalisation avec le projet, on met les actions de l’homme de toute une année par rapport à ce que Hachem attendait de lui. Ceci se fait par l’intermédiaire du son du shofar, la sonnerie du shofar se fait avec une corne de bélier, du bélier d’Itshak avinou qui représente la rigueur c’est-à-dire la vérité du monde futur. C’est le premier homme qui est né juif sur terre, il avait toute la perfection qu’Hachem attendait d’un homme, mais faut-il encore que cela soit viable pour toute l’humanité. Donc en fait le jour de Roch Hachana on va adoucir cette rigueur en faisant régner Hachem on dit dans la prière beaucoup de fois Hamelekh, le Roi, pour exprimer le fait que nous reconnaissons Hachem comme pouvoir suprême même si nous avons fauté, ceci ne venait que d’impulsions mais notre conscience sait qu’Hachem est le Roi et le Maître de l’univers. (Likoutey Halakhot Roch Hachana Halakha 2 page 403) 20140829 03200.mp3 http://www.breslev.fr/

Rahel Imenou : le Sepher Torah au kever Rahel.mp4

“Ra’hel Iménou” est une expression qui ne laisse insensible aucun Juif. Ra’hel est la matriarche la plus proche de nous et la plus attachante. Par son souci constant du Peuple Juif, par son amour pour ses enfants qu’elle nourrit au-delà de la mort, elle est restée la protectrice et la défenseuse de ses descendants à travers les générations.
La Torah relate le périple exemplaire mais douloureux que suivit Yaakov Avinou lorsqu’il retourna en Erets Israël avec sa famille. Sur le chemin qui le ramena en Terre Sainte, il perdit Ra’hel, la mère de ses enfants Yossef et Binyamine. Son chagrin, immense, ne lui fit pas oublier qu’il fallait rapidement donner une sépulture à cette femme exceptionnelle et il décida de l’enterrer dans la grotte de la Ma’hpela où
demeuraient déjà Sarah et Rivka.
Mais Hachem en avait décidé autrement et demanda au patriarche de ne pas l’emmener jusqu’à Hévron mais de l’enterrer là où il se trouvait, à Beith Le’hem. Ce qu’il fit.
Beith Le’hem.
A la croisée des chemins, « sur la route », afin que le kever de Ra’hel puisse être un lieu de prière pour ses enfants à travers l’histoire. D.ieu voulait que lors des exils successifs vers Babel puis vers Rome, les Juifs puissent déverser leurs c?urs sur la tombe de Ra’hel. Le verset nous enseigne qu’elle « pleure pour ses enfants ».
Même si elle-même n’eut pas beaucoup d’enfants, elle fut gratifiée de millions de descendants de qui elle se soucia au-delà de la mort. Pleine d’amour, pleine de sollicitude et d’attention, pleine de miséricorde et de tendresse, elle fut et resta une maman qui n’oublie jamais. Les yeux pleins de larmes de tous ceux qui attendent une réponse divine, une aide ou une délivrance, se tournent vers Beith Le’hem, vers ce lieu si chargé d’émotion.
Et tous les c?urs brisés, toutes les âmes en recherche, tous ceux qui souffrent où traversent une épreuve adressent leur prières en pensant à celle que les ashkénazim ont affectueusement dénommée « Mamé Rou’hel

La descendance du peulple juif est le message d’Hachem

Super-Conférence sur la Cacheroute (Rav Eliezer Wolff)



Israel Heute

Sasha Lurje, Mark Kovnatskiy and Alan Bern: Vorbei

Music: Rolf Marbot, Text: Bert Reisfeld

For the first time this song was recorded by Jewish actress and singer Dora Gerson (1899-1943) in Berlin in 1935.

This video was taken at the opening concert of the festival Yiddish Summer Weimar (Germany) in 2012.

Sasha Lurje (Riga, vocal)
Mark Kovnatskiy (Hamburg, violin)
Alan Bern (Berlin, piano)

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Judaísmo Jasidico, (Fe extrema NATGEO2)

Pueden Seguirnos en https://www.facebook.com/Talmid.Meir?…

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Rabino Shlomo Levi I

El antisemitismo en España

La pequeña comunidad judía de España denuncia el actual aumento del antisemitismo.
Enlace a El Mundo.es:

La historia desconocida de los judíos en Cataluña

Pedro Riba – Luces en la Oscuridad

Manuel Forcano, doctor en filología semítica por la Universidad de Barcelona, hebraísta, poeta, traductor, escritor y autor del libro “Els Jueus Catalans� � de Angle Editorial. Los judíos constituyeron en la España medieval una de las comunidades más prósperas de su historia, tanto bajo el dominio musulmán como, posteriormente, en los reinos cristianos. En este sentido, siglo tras siglo la presencia de la comunidad judía en Cataluña fue fecunda y muy importante hasta su expulsión en 1492, debido a que dio a la cultura judeo-catalana grandes nombres de geógrafos, médicos, poetas, filósofos y teólogos, figuras, todas ellas, reconocidas y veneradas, actualmente, en los ámbitos judíos de todo el mundo, pero poco conocidos en nuestra propia tierra.


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forshpil @ a2 – sapozhkelekh

Forshpil (Riga) performed their version of popular Yiddish folk song “Sapozhkelekh” at Klezfest Session 2009 in St. Petersburg’s club A2.

Sasha Lurje – voice
Ilya Shneyveys – keyboards
Germina Gordienko – percussion
Zheka Lizin – drums
Mitya Khramstov – bass


“Azoy Lang” – students of the 2014 Yiddish Summer Weimar Vocal Workshop, conducted by Sasha Lurje

“Azoy Lang” by Beyle Schaechter-Gottesman
Performed at the final concert of the 2014 Yiddish Summer Weimar Vocal Workshop, arranged and conducted by Sasha Lurje.

yiddish summer weimar,,,Hakofes nign – Yiddish Summer Weimar 2013 Instrumental Workshop Participants, led by Ilya Shneyveys,

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▶   ▶  ▶Whats New! JEWISH HISTORY

Jewish History Rabbi Berel Wein

The President Speaks on National Jewish American Heritage Month

President Obama delivers remarks at Adas Israel Congregation in Washington, D.C. in honor of Jewish American Heritage Month. May 22, 2015

How the Philippines saved 1,200 Jews during the Holocaust : 24/7 News Online

How the Philippines saved 1,200 Jews during the Holocaust

Even at the age of seven, Lotte Hershfield knew her world was crumbling.

She avoided the benches with the sign: No dogs or Jews allowed. She couldn’t attend public schools. And the Nazis and their growling German shepherds raided her family’s house, throwing their books into a fire.

As a child, “we were very aware,” said Hershfield, now 84. Jews weren’t welcome in their own home.

Growing increasingly fearful, her parents and her older brother left their hometown of Breslau, Germany, in 1938 and journeyed to an unlikely new home — the Philippines.

About 1,200 European Jews fled to the Philippines from 1937 to 1941, escaping the throes of the Nazis only to face another bloody war under Japanese occupation.

Many of the Jews came from Austria and Germany, as the anti-Semitic policies including the Nuremberg race laws intensified. Unable to immigrate to countries like the United Kingdom and the United States, thousands of Jews escaped to places like Shanghai in China, Sousa in the Dominican Republic and Manila.

Those who arrived in Manila didn’t realize that they had escaped the Holocaust only to be caught in the war in the Eastern front, where the Philippines came under attack.

“We were going from the frying pan to the fire,” Hershfield said. “We went from Nazi persecutors to the Japanese.”

The Philippines capital was liberated after a grueling, month-long campaign in the Battle of Manila, one of the bloodiest battles of World War II, which now marks its 70th anniversary.

From persecution to a welcome
This little known chapter of history about Jewish refugees in the Philippines has inspired two documentaries and talk of a possible movie.

“We know about stories like Anne Frank, ‘Schindler’s List’ — the things that grab popular imagination,” said Michelle Ephraim, whose father, Frank Ephraim escaped to the Philippines after Kristallnacht in 1939. “Once you bring an Asia element, it becomes so complicated, interesting and surprising.”

About 40 of the Philippines refugees are alive today, according to documentary filmmakers. They were children when they arrived in the Philippines over 70 years ago.

“That was like a rebirth,” said Noel Izon, the filmmaker of the documentary, “An Open Door: Jewish Rescue in the Philippines,” in which he interviewed several Jewish refugees. “They went from certain death to this life.”Among them was Frank Ephraim, who arrived in Manila at the age of eight. He recounted his experience in his biography, “Escape to Manila: From Nazi Tyranny to Japanese Terror.”

“My father got a lot of positive attention, coming from a place where Jews were exiled and treated so poorly,” said his daughter, of his escape from Europe. Frank Ephraim died in 2006.

“The Filipinos were incredibly kind and treated him extremely well. There was an element of something so redemptive.”

How the Philippines became a haven
Manuel Quezon, the first president of the Philippine Commonwealth, and a group of Americans that included future U.S. president Dwight D. Eisenhower and the Freiders, the Jewish-American brothers, became increasingly concerned about the treatment of Jews in Europe during the late 1930s.

“They had a shared view of the world, they were men who understood what was happening in Europe,” said Russ Hodge, the co-producer of the documentary “Rescue in the Philippines.” That documentary was screened in the Philippines with the country’s president, Benigno Aquino in attendance last year


12 Elul – Birth of Nachmanides (1294)


Ramban Synagogue and Igeret Haramban (the letter from the Ramban to his son)

From Wikipedia

Nahmanides [Nah-man-nid-ez] (רבי משה בן נחמן), also known as Rabbi Moses ben Naḥman Girondi, Bonastruc ça (de) Porta and by his acronym Ramban (/rɑːmˈbɑːn/;1194–1270), was a leading medieval Jewish scholar, Spanish Sephardic rabbi, philosopher,physician, kabbalist, and biblical commentator. He was raised, studied, and lived for most of his life in Girona, Catalonia, Spain
“Nahmanides” is a Greek-influenced formation meaning “son of Naḥman”. He is also commonly known by his Hebrew acronym, “רמב״ן” (RaMBaN, for Rabbi Moshe ben Naḥman). His Catalan name was Bonastruc ça Porta, (also written Saporta, de Porta).
The Ramban was born in Girona in 1194, where he grew up and studied (hence his name “Girondi”), and died in the Land of Israel about 1270.[1] He was the grandson of Isaac ben Reuben of Barcelona and cousin of Jonah Gerondi (the Rabbeinu Yonah); possibly his brother was Benveniste de Porta, the bailie of Barcelona.[clarification needed] Among his teachers in Talmud were Judah ben Yakkar and Meïr ben Nathan of Trinquetaille, and he is said to have been instructed in Kabbalah (Jewish mysticism) by his countryman Azriel of Gerona,[2] who was in turn a disciple of Isaac the Blind. foto wikipedia read more… https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nahmanides


Melvyn Bragg and guests discuss the life, times and legacy of the great Jewish medieval philsopher, Maimonides. Also known as Rambam, Maimonides was a philosopher, theologian, lawyer and physician whose works are still influential today. Melvyn is joined by Sir Anthony Kenny, philosopher and former Master of Balliol College, Oxford; Anne Hudson, Emeritus Professor of Medieval English at the University of Oxford; and Rob Lutton, Lecturer in Medieval History at the University of Nottingham.

Moses Maimonides: The Life of the Mind Jewish Biography as History Dr. Henry Abramson

Rabbi Moshe ben Maimon (1135-1204) was a towering figure in medieval Jewish history, and continues to cast a long shadow into the Jewish present. Nevertheless, the work of the philosopher-physician endured significant controversy, including an especially sad episode in which Jews actually consigned his works to the flames. Lecture delivered at Young Israel of Bal Harbour-Surfside.

Maimonides (Rambam), Spinoza, and Reason by Rabbi Marc Angel

Rambam and the Philosophers: What Reason Can and Cannot Attain
by Rabbi Marc D. Angel

Rambam and his book Guide for the Perplexed Rabbi Berel Wein MOST INGENIOUS

Rambam / Maimonides 13 Principles of Jewish Faith (Ani Maamin) 1 of 50. R’ Moshe Taub.m4v

Given in the Young Israel of Buffalo,this is part of an introduction to a year long in depth series of the fundamentals of Jewish Faith as formulated by Rambam by the Rabbi of the synagogue, Rabbi Moshe Taub. He can be reached at vaadbuffalo@yahoo.com

Rambam on Medicine

Ramabas directives on health!

Chabad’s First Siyyum – The Rebbe Speaks on the Rambam (Maimonides) Campaign

More at http://home.jemedia.org/
One should search for ways to bring another Jew to the study of Maimonides’ Mishneh Torah. One way is to celebrate the conclusion of Mishneh Torah, which includes in it all the laws of the Oral Torah. If you cause a tumult that there will be a celebration tomorrow, or the next day, those who don’t know what it is will start to ask: “What is the excitement?” What is it all about?” And most importantly they will ask: “What does this mean for me?”

To serve as an everlasting memento of the event, each celebration should have someone deliver a novel insight explaining a passage of Mishneh Torah. They should discuss a subject that is fitting for publication, to be distributed amongst those who take part in the celebration. Then each one can bring the memento home and show his wife and children that he was at this celebration and this was discussed, and he can ask his son, daughter or wife for their thoughts on the subject as well.

Moshe Halbertal: “Maimonides: Life and Thought” Book Launch

Moshe Halbertal, Gruss Professor of Law at NYU School of Law, and Noah Feldman, Bemis Professor of International Law at Harvard Law School, discuss Halbertal’s new book, “Maimonides: Life and Thought.”

Maimonides was published by Princeton University Press on Thursday, November 21, 2013. This conversation took place on the release day.

About the book (via Princeton U. Press):

Maimonides was the greatest Jewish philosopher and legal scholar of the medieval period, a towering figure who has had a profound and lasting influence on Jewish law, philosophy, and religious consciousness. This book provides a comprehensive and accessible introduction to his life and work, revealing how his philosophical sensibility and outlook informed his interpretation of Jewish tradition.

Moshe Halbertal vividly describes Maimonides’s childhood in Muslim Spain, his family’s flight to North Africa to escape persecution, and their eventual resettling in Egypt. He draws on Maimonides’s letters and the testimonies of his contemporaries, both Muslims and Jews, to offer new insights into his personality and the circumstances that shaped his thinking. Halbertal then turns to Maimonides’s legal and philosophical work, analyzing his three great books–Commentary on the Mishnah, the Mishneh Torah, and the Guide of the Perplexed. He discusses Maimonides’s battle against all attempts to personify God, his conviction that God’s presence in the world is mediated through the natural order rather than through miracles, and his locating of philosophy and science at the summit of the religious life of Torah. Halbertal examines Maimonides’s philosophical positions on fundamental questions such as the nature and limits of religious language, creation and nature, prophecy, providence, the problem of evil, and the meaning of the commandments.

A stunning achievement, Maimonides offers an unparalleled look at the life and thought of this important Jewish philosopher, scholar, and theologian

ANI MA’AMIN ( I believe ) – Israel Dance.

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Happy Rosh Hashanah from Rambam Health Care Campus

Shanna Tova

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Rambam Mesivta .

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This Day in Jewish History, 1890 Man Ray Is Born, Won’t Care How World Sees His Art

Haaretz http://www.haaretz.com/news/features/this-day-in-jewish-history/1.672982

This Day in Jewish History, 1890 Man Ray Is Born, Won’t Care How World Sees His Art. Avante-garde artist Man Ray, a product of constant evolution, ..

Man Ray

Portrait of Man Ray and Salvador Dali, Paris
From Wikipedia
Man Ray (born Emmanuel Radnitzky, August 27, 1890 – November 18, 1976) was an American visual artist who spent most of his career in France. He was a significant contributor to the Dada and Surrealist movements, although his ties to each were informal. He produced major works in a variety of media but considered himself a painter above all. He was best known for his photography, and he was a renowned fashion and portrait photographer. Man Ray is also noted for his work with photograms, which he called “rayographs” in reference to himself.[1] read more…
Man Ray was born as Emmanuel Radnitzky in South Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S. in 1890.[3] He was the eldest child of Russian Jewish immigrants.[3] He had a brother and two sisters, the youngest born in 1897 shortly after they settled in the Williamsburg[3]neighborhood of Brooklyn, New York. In early 1912, the Radnitzky family changed their surname to Ray. Man Ray’s brother chose the surname in reaction to the ethnic discrimination and anti-Semitism prevalent at the time. Emmanuel, who was called “Manny” as a nickname, changed his first name to Man and gradually began to use Man Ray as his combined single name Foto Wikipedia read more… https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Man_Ray

Photographer Man Ray – A Film by Jean-Paul Fargier 1998

A Film by Jean-Paul Fargier 1998
Coproduction by Le Centre Georges Pompidou – Paris Premiere – Les Films du Tambour de Soie
with the participation of La Cinquieme et France 3
Commentary by Jeremy Nicklin

“I do not photograph nature. I photograph my visions.”

Man Ray, the master of experimental and fashion photography was also a painter, a filmmaker, a poet, an essayist, a philosopher, and a leader of American modernism. Known for documenting the cultural elite living in France, Man Ray spent much of his time fighting the formal constraints of the visual arts. Ray’s life and art were always provocative, engaging, and challenging.

In this 1932 self portrait, the wrist watch is not a gratuitous detail. It echoes the artist’s concentrated, absorbed gaze marking the passage of time.

Photography is all about time. For the photographer, time is a matter of life and death.

Charting Man Ray’s life from his 42 years in the United States to his life in France, this documentary explores the influences on Man Ray’s photography and art.

Allthough not technically a tutorial, the photographer and artist can benefit by exploring the influences and techniques used to construct an image not only as a means of recording time, but as a medium for releasing creative energy between the artist, the subject and the spectator

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Daf Yomi Rabbi Dov Linzer Yeshivat Chovevei Torah Rabbinical School

From Guilt to Teshuva in 6 Easy Steps and One Slightly Harder One


מפטיר והפטרה פרשת כי תצא בנוסח יהודי מרוקו

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Kupat Ha’ir is the largest volunteer based charity fund supported by Jews worldwide. Kupat Ha’ir is the lifeline for thousands of needy. With offices in Israel, the U.S., Canada http://www.kupat.org PICof theDay


24Jewish Video Clip of the Day ! Amir & Patrick Bruel – Kashe Limtso Milim, Part 2 Section on the right side Amir & Patrick Bruel and more,., Great Videos Selection   http://24jewish.com/wordpress/?p=6733





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