Section This Day, In Jewish History : 24JEWISH ALERTS large selection in each section


Jewish News <><> Simcha Channel <><> Torah Insights <><> Jewish Recipes <><> Jewish Life <><> Das Jüdische leben <><> La Vie Juive <><> Jewish Communities <><> Jewish Culture & Yiddish <><> Jewish History <><> This Day, In Jewish History Tanya Shiurim Shiurim Hayom Yom <><> V I D E O C L I P O F T H E D A Y <><> This week’s Torah Portion

<h1New Antisemitism English Subs האנטישמיות החדשה כיתוביות באנגלית

An investigative documentary called The New Anti-Semitism was aired on Sunday night, the eve of Holocaust Remembrance Day 2013, on Channel 2 …

The Keshet documentary is a Canadian-Israeli co-production presented by Israeli anchorman Ya’akov Eilon. The binational cooperation enabled Canadian journalists to interview people that Israelis would not have had access to, such as Alex Linder, the owner and operator of the viciously anti-Semitic, white supremacist Vanguard News Network.

The filmmakers document what they describe as “new Anti-Semitism” through the use of hidden cameras in conferences, demonstrations and behind the scenes of anti-Zionist meetings across the globe.

Filmmaker and director Martin Himel told The Jerusalem Post that the primary objective of the documentary is to present “Anti-Semitism in action,” to allow viewers to feel what it means and to acknowledge that is exists.

“My goal was not so much to explain it [Anti-Semitism] or to describe how people suffer. For me it was more important to say, ‘Here is the new Anti-Semitism, take a look and see it for what it is,'” he clarified.

The director pointed to comparisons of Jews with Nazis and the use of terms such as “genocide,” “extinction” and extermination” when discussing Israel as examples of contemporary Anti-Semitism. He also cited claims that Jews control Hollywood, the banks and the media as examples.

He was keen, however, to point out the difference between being critical of Israel and being anti-Semitic, saying that the former conversely includes language such as “occupation,” “annexation of territories” and “settlements.” Himel also flagged lobbies such as Occupy AIPAC, which he charged with disguising Anti-Semitism with anti-Zionism. The documentary “pulls the pants down on people who say ‘I’m anti- Zionist, not an anti-Semite,'” Himel told the Post…;

This Day in Jewish History / Phil Silvers, funnyman who played scheming Sgt. Bilko, is born
This Day in Jewish History / Phil Silvers, funnyman who played scheming Sgt. Bilko, is born. U.S. comedian got his big break after emceeing the TV …
This Day, May 11, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin
Cleveland Jewish News (blog)
1421: At Styria, Austria, a large number of Jews were burned. …. 1879: “Assyrian and Biblical History” published today described unresolved conflicts …

The History of Lag BaOmer

Lag BaOmer is a festive day on the Jewish calendar, celebrated for twofold … The mourning customs are suspended, and we celebrate the day as a … they should rejoice on this day, just as he rejoiced in his soul’s imminent reunion …

This day in Jewish history / An execution in Iran

Haaretz (blog)09.05.2014
This day in Jewish history / An execution in Iran. Prominent Iranian businessman Habib Elghanian was executed after an Islamic court …

Yom haatzmaut670


yom haatzmaut Videos Selection


Yom Hazikaron670


yom hazikaron Videos Selection


Yom HaShoah-670

yom HaShoah Videos Selection

Yom Haatzmaut Independence Day Fireworks Jerusalem, Israel 2014

Fire works display in Independence Park on Independence Day

Yom Haatzmaut 2014: 66 Israeli Heroes Share a Powerful

04.05.2014 – Celebrate Israeli Independence Day with 66 Israeli heroes sharing a powerful message! Hear their stories. Live your dreams. Am Yisrael Chai! See the names below (in order of appearance):

0:22 Natan Sharansky — Chairman of the Executive of the Jewish Agency for Israel
0:27 Rabbi Jerry Epstein — Former VP and CEO of the USCJ
0:31 Shahar Pe’er — Professional Tennis Player
0:34 Edan Tamler — Israel X-Factor Finalist & NBN Oleh
0:39 Rabbi Yisrael Meir Lau — Former Chief Rabbi of Israel
0:55 Gabriela Shalev — Former Israeli Ambassador to the UN
1:00 Sussman kids — Sabra kids of NBN Olim
1:03 Frances Greenberg — Exodus passenger and NBN Olah
1:08 Gilad Schalit — Former MIA soldier of the IDF
1:29 Ariel Shain — NBN Oleh named for Ariel Sharon
1:32 Goldstein Family — Nefesh B’Nefesh Olim 2011
1:38 Doreet Freedman — Nefesh B’Nefesh Director of Strategic Partnerships
1:42 Benji Lovitt – Stand–up Comedian and NBN Oleh
1:44 Rami Kleinstein — Israeli singer and composer
1:45 Nir Barkat — Mayor of Jerusalem
1:48 Jay Shultz — President of the Am Yisrael Foundation
1:50 David Gerstein — Contemporary Israeli artist
1:52 Dr. Asael Lubotsky — War hero and Physician
1:55 Noam Gershony — Wheelchair tennis player & Olympic Gold Medalist
2:09 Josh Hoffman — NBN Oleh and Social Media Entrepreneur
2:10 Geulah Cohen — Irgun and Lehi member, politician and journalist
2:17 Titi Aynaw — First Ethiopian Miss Israel
2:44 Ruth Zuman — Holocaust Survivor
2:53 Natalie Silverlieb — Former Broadway performer and NBN Olah
3:05 Yael Arad — First Israeli Olympic medalist
3:08 Alyssa Magid — NBN Olah and Business Co-Director
3:11 Hilary Faverman — NBN Olah and Business Co-Director
3:14 Noah Miller — Israel National Lacrosse Team
3:15 Matthew Cherry — Israel National Lacrosse Team
3:26 Atara Solow — NBN Staff
3:29 Benji Davis — NBN Staff
3:32 Yakir Hyman — G-Nome Project band Member
3:32 Zecharia Reich — G-Nome Project band Member
3:35 Eric Michaelson — Executive VP of NBN
4:00 Randi Weiss — Young Leadership Director, Save a Child’s Heart
4:05 Eliezer Davish — NBN Oleh
4:09 Joseph Gitler — Founder and Chairman of Leket Israel
4:12 Marvin Casey — Dance Choreographer
4:15 Elan Neiger — Israel Football League Player
4:15 Sagen Zavelo – Israel Football League Player
4:15 Jonathan Curran – Israel Football League Player
4:15 Ronny Moscona – Israel Football League Player
4:21 Adam Weiner — Oleh Lone Soldier*
4:40 Caroline Fitouchi — NBN Staff
4:43 Prime Minister of Israel, Binyamin Netanyahu
4:42 Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu
4:45 Tal Brody — Goodwill Ambassador of Israel
4:49 Debra Applebaum — Veteran Olah
4:51 Sarah Hindman — Marketing Director, Israel Experience
4:57 Rabbi Yehoshua Fass — Executive Director and Founder, Nefesh B’Nefesh
5:07 President of Israel, Shimon Peres

Production Company: The Bakery, Yuval Nathan and Michael Patrick
Music Composition: Tomer Biran
Vocals: Amir Dadon,
Archive Material: Israel State Archives
Israeli Government Press Office
Israel Visuals: Dmytro Golumbevskyy

Thank you:
Oi Studio
The entire Nefesh B’Nefesh Staff
To all the heroes, icons and dreamers for making this video dream a reality

* Adam Weiner is no longer an IDF soldier

Daglanut Yom Haatzmaut 2014 Hashmonaim


Yom Ha’atzmaut 2014 – Eitan Freilich sings Hatikvah at Manchester King David Dinner


Heritage: Civilization and the Jews (1984) — 5. The Search for Deliverance




(DVD description)

Winner of the coveted Peabody Award, HERITAGE: CIVILIZATION AND THE JEWS is the monumental nine-part series spanning three millennia of Jewish history and culture. The series is hosted by former Israeli Ambassador to the United States, Abba Eban, who describes it as “a celebration of our common humanistic and moral heritage, explored through the mysteries of preservation, renewal, and resonance of the Jewish people.” From the stony heights of Sinai to the shores of the Dead Sea, from a Greek amphitheater in Delphi to the Forum of ancient Rome, out of the ashes of concentration camps to the rebuilt cities and villages of Israel, “Heritage” brings to life the long and complex history of the Jews and their centuries-old interaction with the rest of Western civilization.

This program picks up the thread of Jewish history as the intellectual awakening of the Renaissance began to alter the attitudes and habits of all people. Such scholars as Copernicus, Tycho Brahe, Johanes Kepler, and Galileo began to examine the world around them with new eyes. Abba Eban takes viewers through the narrow alleys of the Venetian ghetto, as he explains the reality of ghetto life. Jewish composers, artists, and poets achieved fame the transcended the ghetto walls. Spanish and Portuguese Jews who had escaped the persecution of the Spanish Inquisition flocked to Amsterdam, known as the “New Jerusalem” where refugees from religious intolerance were welcomed.

Hosted and Narrated by ABBA EBAN
Produced and Directed by EUGENE MARNER
Written by JOHN G. FOX

Offscreen Voices

Music Composed and Conducted by JOHN DUFFY
Series Producer JOHN G. FOX
Executive Producers ARNOLD LABATON and MARC SIEGEL

Copyright © 1984 Thirteen WNET / New York in association with PBS. All rights reserved.

• For more information and educational resources, visit the PBS web site at

* This series is still available on DVD from at….

(No copyright infringement intended. All material property of Thirteen WNET / New York and PBS.)

Jewish History Lectures – Winter 2013-14

Rabbi Dovid Katz

Jewish History Lecture 03.wmv

Jewish History Lecture 01.wmv

Jewish History Lecture 07.wmv

Jewish History Lecture 08.wmv

Jewish History Lecture Series by Rabbi Dovid Katz Winter 2013 Lecture 2

Jewish History Lecture Series by Rabbi Dovid Katz Winter 2013 Lecture 3

Jewish History Lecture Series by Rabbi Dovid Katz Winter 2013 Lecture 4

Jewish History Lecture Series by Rabbi Dovid Katz Winter 2013 Lecture 5

Jewish History Lecture Series by Rabbi Dovid Katz Winter 2013 Lecture 1

Jewish History Lecture Series by Rabbi Dovid Katz Winter 2013 Lecture 6

and more,,,

This Week in Jewish History by Dr. Henry Abramson


The Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs ( is an independent non-profit institute for policy research and education.
Established in 1976, the Jerusalem Center focuses on the main issues affecting Israel’s security and international standing in order to wage the war of ideas in global opinion.
אתר בעברית-

Sephardic History Part 1-6



A 6 part introduction to Medieval Jewish History with JTS Professor Benjamin Gampel.

When the Jews Arrived in the Iberian Peninsula.

Section This Day, In Jewish History : 24JEWISH ALERTS large selection in each section

Global Holocaust Memory and the New Anti-Semitism

A Center for Jewish Studies’ Community Lecture
Alejandro Baer, director of the Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies, University of Minnesota
Feb. 5, 2014
Beth El Synagogue

Research on contemporary anti-Semitism, as well as Holocaust education and commemoration reveals that the way people think about the Holocaust is changing. Rather than public discussions of the Holocaust discouraging hatred, in some cases the reverse is happening. This new phenomenon, sometimes called “memory envy,” or “Holocaust skepticism,” is channeling new resentments and hostilities. Professor Baer will shed light on the sources, functions and different contexts of emergence of a new anti-Semitism related to the globalization of Holocaust memory.

Prof. Baer is the director and Stephen C. Feinstein Chair of the Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies at the University of Minnesota. He has authored numerous articles addressing issues of genocide, memory, and antisemitism. Prof. Baer directed the Spanish section of the Shoah Visual Archives and has served as a member of the Spanish delegation to the International Task Force for Holocaust Education Remembrance and Research. His books include “Holocaust: Remembrance and Representation.” More recently he has curated a traveling exhibition, Visas for Freedom: Spanish Diplomats and the Holocaust.

Popular Louis Moreau Gottschalk videos

This Day, May 8, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin

1829: Birthdate of Louis Moreau Gottschalk an American composer and pianist whose father was Jewish and whose mother was Creole from New …
This day in Jewish history / An execution in Iran
This day in Jewish history / An execution in Iran. Prominent Iranian businessman Habib Elghanian was executed after an Islamic court convicted him …
This Day in Jewish History / First customer pays for Coca-Cola
There was one mistake Atlanta pharmacy owner Joseph Jacobs would never live down: His decision to sell a one-third interest in Coca-Cola to Asa …


Yom haatzmaut670


yom haatzmaut Videos Selection


Yom Hazikaron670


yom hazikaron Videos Selection


Yom HaShoah-670

yom HaShoah Videos Selection



Jewish News <><> Simcha Channel <><> Torah Insights <><> Jewish Recipes <><> Jewish Life <><> Das Jüdische leben <><> La Vie Juive <><> Jewish Communities <><> Jewish Culture & Yiddish <><> Jewish History <><> This Day, In Jewish History Tanya Shiurim Shiurim Hayom Yom <><> V I D E O C L I P O F T H E D A Y <><> This week’s Torah Portion

Yom Haatzmaut Independence Day Fireworks Jerusalem, Israel 2014

Fire works display in Independence Park on Independence Day

Yom Haatzmaut 2014: 66 Israeli Heroes Share a Powerful

04.05.2014 – Celebrate Israeli Independence Day with 66 Israeli heroes sharing a powerful message! Hear their stories. Live your dreams. Am Yisrael Chai! See the names below (in order of appearance):

0:22 Natan Sharansky — Chairman of the Executive of the Jewish Agency for Israel
0:27 Rabbi Jerry Epstein — Former VP and CEO of the USCJ
0:31 Shahar Pe’er — Professional Tennis Player
0:34 Edan Tamler — Israel X-Factor Finalist & NBN Oleh
0:39 Rabbi Yisrael Meir Lau — Former Chief Rabbi of Israel
0:55 Gabriela Shalev — Former Israeli Ambassador to the UN
1:00 Sussman kids — Sabra kids of NBN Olim
1:03 Frances Greenberg — Exodus passenger and NBN Olah
1:08 Gilad Schalit — Former MIA soldier of the IDF
1:29 Ariel Shain — NBN Oleh named for Ariel Sharon
1:32 Goldstein Family — Nefesh B’Nefesh Olim 2011
1:38 Doreet Freedman — Nefesh B’Nefesh Director of Strategic Partnerships
1:42 Benji Lovitt – Stand–up Comedian and NBN Oleh
1:44 Rami Kleinstein — Israeli singer and composer
1:45 Nir Barkat — Mayor of Jerusalem
1:48 Jay Shultz — President of the Am Yisrael Foundation
1:50 David Gerstein — Contemporary Israeli artist
1:52 Dr. Asael Lubotsky — War hero and Physician
1:55 Noam Gershony — Wheelchair tennis player & Olympic Gold Medalist
2:09 Josh Hoffman — NBN Oleh and Social Media Entrepreneur
2:10 Geulah Cohen — Irgun and Lehi member, politician and journalist
2:17 Titi Aynaw — First Ethiopian Miss Israel
2:44 Ruth Zuman — Holocaust Survivor
2:53 Natalie Silverlieb — Former Broadway performer and NBN Olah
3:05 Yael Arad — First Israeli Olympic medalist
3:08 Alyssa Magid — NBN Olah and Business Co-Director
3:11 Hilary Faverman — NBN Olah and Business Co-Director
3:14 Noah Miller — Israel National Lacrosse Team
3:15 Matthew Cherry — Israel National Lacrosse Team
3:26 Atara Solow — NBN Staff
3:29 Benji Davis — NBN Staff
3:32 Yakir Hyman — G-Nome Project band Member
3:32 Zecharia Reich — G-Nome Project band Member
3:35 Eric Michaelson — Executive VP of NBN
4:00 Randi Weiss — Young Leadership Director, Save a Child’s Heart
4:05 Eliezer Davish — NBN Oleh
4:09 Joseph Gitler — Founder and Chairman of Leket Israel
4:12 Marvin Casey — Dance Choreographer
4:15 Elan Neiger — Israel Football League Player
4:15 Sagen Zavelo – Israel Football League Player
4:15 Jonathan Curran – Israel Football League Player
4:15 Ronny Moscona – Israel Football League Player
4:21 Adam Weiner — Oleh Lone Soldier*
4:40 Caroline Fitouchi — NBN Staff
4:43 Prime Minister of Israel, Binyamin Netanyahu
4:42 Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu
4:45 Tal Brody — Goodwill Ambassador of Israel
4:49 Debra Applebaum — Veteran Olah
4:51 Sarah Hindman — Marketing Director, Israel Experience
4:57 Rabbi Yehoshua Fass — Executive Director and Founder, Nefesh B’Nefesh
5:07 President of Israel, Shimon Peres

Production Company: The Bakery, Yuval Nathan and Michael Patrick
Music Composition: Tomer Biran
Vocals: Amir Dadon,
Archive Material: Israel State Archives
Israeli Government Press Office
Israel Visuals: Dmytro Golumbevskyy

Thank you:
Oi Studio
The entire Nefesh B’Nefesh Staff
To all the heroes, icons and dreamers for making this video dream a reality

* Adam Weiner is no longer an IDF soldier

Daglanut Yom Haatzmaut 2014 Hashmonaim


Yom Ha’atzmaut 2014 – Eitan Freilich sings Hatikvah at Manchester King David Dinner


Heritage: Civilization and the Jews (1984) — 5. The Search for Deliverance




(DVD description)

Winner of the coveted Peabody Award, HERITAGE: CIVILIZATION AND THE JEWS is the monumental nine-part series spanning three millennia of Jewish history and culture. The series is hosted by former Israeli Ambassador to the United States, Abba Eban, who describes it as “a celebration of our common humanistic and moral heritage, explored through the mysteries of preservation, renewal, and resonance of the Jewish people.” From the stony heights of Sinai to the shores of the Dead Sea, from a Greek amphitheater in Delphi to the Forum of ancient Rome, out of the ashes of concentration camps to the rebuilt cities and villages of Israel, “Heritage” brings to life the long and complex history of the Jews and their centuries-old interaction with the rest of Western civilization.

This program picks up the thread of Jewish history as the intellectual awakening of the Renaissance began to alter the attitudes and habits of all people. Such scholars as Copernicus, Tycho Brahe, Johanes Kepler, and Galileo began to examine the world around them with new eyes. Abba Eban takes viewers through the narrow alleys of the Venetian ghetto, as he explains the reality of ghetto life. Jewish composers, artists, and poets achieved fame the transcended the ghetto walls. Spanish and Portuguese Jews who had escaped the persecution of the Spanish Inquisition flocked to Amsterdam, known as the “New Jerusalem” where refugees from religious intolerance were welcomed.

Hosted and Narrated by ABBA EBAN
Produced and Directed by EUGENE MARNER
Written by JOHN G. FOX

Offscreen Voices

Music Composed and Conducted by JOHN DUFFY
Series Producer JOHN G. FOX
Executive Producers ARNOLD LABATON and MARC SIEGEL

Copyright © 1984 Thirteen WNET / New York in association with PBS. All rights reserved.

• For more information and educational resources, visit the PBS web site at

* This series is still available on DVD from at….

(No copyright infringement intended. All material property of Thirteen WNET / New York and PBS.)

Jewish History Lectures – Winter 2013-14

Rabbi Dovid Katz

Jewish History Lecture 03.wmv

Jewish History Lecture 01.wmv

Jewish History Lecture 07.wmv

Jewish History Lecture 08.wmv

Jewish History Lecture Series by Rabbi Dovid Katz Winter 2013 Lecture 2

Jewish History Lecture Series by Rabbi Dovid Katz Winter 2013 Lecture 3

Jewish History Lecture Series by Rabbi Dovid Katz Winter 2013 Lecture 4

Jewish History Lecture Series by Rabbi Dovid Katz Winter 2013 Lecture 5

Jewish History Lecture Series by Rabbi Dovid Katz Winter 2013 Lecture 1

Jewish History Lecture Series by Rabbi Dovid Katz Winter 2013 Lecture 6

and more,,,

This Week in Jewish History by Dr. Henry Abramson


The Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs ( is an independent non-profit institute for policy research and education.
Established in 1976, the Jerusalem Center focuses on the main issues affecting Israel’s security and international standing in order to wage the war of ideas in global opinion.
אתר בעברית-

Sephardic History Part 1-6



A 6 part introduction to Medieval Jewish History with JTS Professor Benjamin Gampel.

When the Jews Arrived in the Iberian Peninsula.


This Day in Jewish History / Dramatist who created role of ‘good Jew’ dies
This Day in Jewish History / Dramatist who created role of ‘good Jew’ dies. Richard Cumberland gave life to Sheva as an antidote to the Jewish …
This Day, May 8, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin
Cleveland Jewish News (blog)
336: Emperor Constantine prohibits Jews from negatively interacting with their co-religionists who have converted to Christianity. “Jews are not …
This Day in Jewish History / Dramatist who created role of ‘good Jew’ dies
This Day in Jewish History / Dramatist who created role of ‘good Jew’ dies. Richard Cumberland gave life to Sheva as an antidote to the Jewish …
This Day, May 7, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin
Cleveland Jewish News (blog)
Today the CIEE Center at Charles University offers courses in Jewish Though and Jewish History including one styled “The History of the Jews in …


Section This Day, In Jewish History : 24JEWISH ALERTS large selection in each section

This Day in Jewish History / Dramatist who created role of ‘good Jew’ dies
This Day in Jewish History / Dramatist who created role of ‘good Jew’ dies. Richard Cumberland gave life to Sheva as an antidote to the Jewish …
This Day, May 8, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin
Cleveland Jewish News (blog)
336: Emperor Constantine prohibits Jews from negatively interacting with their co-religionists who have converted to Christianity. “Jews are not …


Yom haatzmaut670


yom haatzmaut Videos Selection


Yom Hazikaron670


yom hazikaron Videos Selection


Yom HaShoah-670

yom HaShoah Videos Selection



Jewish News <><> Simcha Channel <><> Torah Insights <><> Jewish Recipes <><> Jewish Life <><> Das Jüdische leben <><> La Vie Juive <><> Jewish Communities <><> Jewish Culture & Yiddish <><> Jewish History <><> This Day, In Jewish History Tanya Shiurim Shiurim Hayom Yom <><> V I D E O C L I P O F T H E D A Y <><> This week’s Torah Portion

Yom Haatzmaut Independence Day Fireworks Jerusalem, Israel 2014

Fire works display in Independence Park on Independence Day

Yom Haatzmaut 2014: 66 Israeli Heroes Share a Powerful

04.05.2014 – Celebrate Israeli Independence Day with 66 Israeli heroes sharing a powerful message! Hear their stories. Live your dreams. Am Yisrael Chai! See the names below (in order of appearance):

0:22 Natan Sharansky — Chairman of the Executive of the Jewish Agency for Israel
0:27 Rabbi Jerry Epstein — Former VP and CEO of the USCJ
0:31 Shahar Pe’er — Professional Tennis Player
0:34 Edan Tamler — Israel X-Factor Finalist & NBN Oleh
0:39 Rabbi Yisrael Meir Lau — Former Chief Rabbi of Israel
0:55 Gabriela Shalev — Former Israeli Ambassador to the UN
1:00 Sussman kids — Sabra kids of NBN Olim
1:03 Frances Greenberg — Exodus passenger and NBN Olah
1:08 Gilad Schalit — Former MIA soldier of the IDF
1:29 Ariel Shain — NBN Oleh named for Ariel Sharon
1:32 Goldstein Family — Nefesh B’Nefesh Olim 2011
1:38 Doreet Freedman — Nefesh B’Nefesh Director of Strategic Partnerships
1:42 Benji Lovitt – Stand–up Comedian and NBN Oleh
1:44 Rami Kleinstein — Israeli singer and composer
1:45 Nir Barkat — Mayor of Jerusalem
1:48 Jay Shultz — President of the Am Yisrael Foundation
1:50 David Gerstein — Contemporary Israeli artist
1:52 Dr. Asael Lubotsky — War hero and Physician
1:55 Noam Gershony — Wheelchair tennis player & Olympic Gold Medalist
2:09 Josh Hoffman — NBN Oleh and Social Media Entrepreneur
2:10 Geulah Cohen — Irgun and Lehi member, politician and journalist
2:17 Titi Aynaw — First Ethiopian Miss Israel
2:44 Ruth Zuman — Holocaust Survivor
2:53 Natalie Silverlieb — Former Broadway performer and NBN Olah
3:05 Yael Arad — First Israeli Olympic medalist
3:08 Alyssa Magid — NBN Olah and Business Co-Director
3:11 Hilary Faverman — NBN Olah and Business Co-Director
3:14 Noah Miller — Israel National Lacrosse Team
3:15 Matthew Cherry — Israel National Lacrosse Team
3:26 Atara Solow — NBN Staff
3:29 Benji Davis — NBN Staff
3:32 Yakir Hyman — G-Nome Project band Member
3:32 Zecharia Reich — G-Nome Project band Member
3:35 Eric Michaelson — Executive VP of NBN
4:00 Randi Weiss — Young Leadership Director, Save a Child’s Heart
4:05 Eliezer Davish — NBN Oleh
4:09 Joseph Gitler — Founder and Chairman of Leket Israel
4:12 Marvin Casey — Dance Choreographer
4:15 Elan Neiger — Israel Football League Player
4:15 Sagen Zavelo – Israel Football League Player
4:15 Jonathan Curran – Israel Football League Player
4:15 Ronny Moscona – Israel Football League Player
4:21 Adam Weiner — Oleh Lone Soldier*
4:40 Caroline Fitouchi — NBN Staff
4:43 Prime Minister of Israel, Binyamin Netanyahu
4:42 Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu
4:45 Tal Brody — Goodwill Ambassador of Israel
4:49 Debra Applebaum — Veteran Olah
4:51 Sarah Hindman — Marketing Director, Israel Experience
4:57 Rabbi Yehoshua Fass — Executive Director and Founder, Nefesh B’Nefesh
5:07 President of Israel, Shimon Peres

Production Company: The Bakery, Yuval Nathan and Michael Patrick
Music Composition: Tomer Biran
Vocals: Amir Dadon,
Archive Material: Israel State Archives
Israeli Government Press Office
Israel Visuals: Dmytro Golumbevskyy

Thank you:
Oi Studio
The entire Nefesh B’Nefesh Staff
To all the heroes, icons and dreamers for making this video dream a reality

* Adam Weiner is no longer an IDF soldier

Daglanut Yom Haatzmaut 2014 Hashmonaim


Yom Ha’atzmaut 2014 – Eitan Freilich sings Hatikvah at Manchester King David Dinner


Heritage: Civilization and the Jews (1984) — 5. The Search for Deliverance




(DVD description)

Winner of the coveted Peabody Award, HERITAGE: CIVILIZATION AND THE JEWS is the monumental nine-part series spanning three millennia of Jewish history and culture. The series is hosted by former Israeli Ambassador to the United States, Abba Eban, who describes it as “a celebration of our common humanistic and moral heritage, explored through the mysteries of preservation, renewal, and resonance of the Jewish people.” From the stony heights of Sinai to the shores of the Dead Sea, from a Greek amphitheater in Delphi to the Forum of ancient Rome, out of the ashes of concentration camps to the rebuilt cities and villages of Israel, “Heritage” brings to life the long and complex history of the Jews and their centuries-old interaction with the rest of Western civilization.

This program picks up the thread of Jewish history as the intellectual awakening of the Renaissance began to alter the attitudes and habits of all people. Such scholars as Copernicus, Tycho Brahe, Johanes Kepler, and Galileo began to examine the world around them with new eyes. Abba Eban takes viewers through the narrow alleys of the Venetian ghetto, as he explains the reality of ghetto life. Jewish composers, artists, and poets achieved fame the transcended the ghetto walls. Spanish and Portuguese Jews who had escaped the persecution of the Spanish Inquisition flocked to Amsterdam, known as the “New Jerusalem” where refugees from religious intolerance were welcomed.

Hosted and Narrated by ABBA EBAN
Produced and Directed by EUGENE MARNER
Written by JOHN G. FOX

Offscreen Voices

Music Composed and Conducted by JOHN DUFFY
Series Producer JOHN G. FOX
Executive Producers ARNOLD LABATON and MARC SIEGEL

Copyright © 1984 Thirteen WNET / New York in association with PBS. All rights reserved.

• For more information and educational resources, visit the PBS web site at

* This series is still available on DVD from at….

(No copyright infringement intended. All material property of Thirteen WNET / New York and PBS.)

Jewish History Lectures – Winter 2013-14

Rabbi Dovid Katz

Jewish History Lecture 03.wmv

Jewish History Lecture 01.wmv

Jewish History Lecture 07.wmv

Jewish History Lecture 08.wmv

Jewish History Lecture Series by Rabbi Dovid Katz Winter 2013 Lecture 2

Jewish History Lecture Series by Rabbi Dovid Katz Winter 2013 Lecture 3

Jewish History Lecture Series by Rabbi Dovid Katz Winter 2013 Lecture 4

Jewish History Lecture Series by Rabbi Dovid Katz Winter 2013 Lecture 5

Jewish History Lecture Series by Rabbi Dovid Katz Winter 2013 Lecture 1

Jewish History Lecture Series by Rabbi Dovid Katz Winter 2013 Lecture 6

and more,,,

This Week in Jewish History by Dr. Henry Abramson


The Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs ( is an independent non-profit institute for policy research and education.
Established in 1976, the Jerusalem Center focuses on the main issues affecting Israel’s security and international standing in order to wage the war of ideas in global opinion.
אתר בעברית-

Sephardic History Part 1-6



A 6 part introduction to Medieval Jewish History with JTS Professor Benjamin Gampel.

When the Jews Arrived in the Iberian Peninsula.


This Day in Jewish History / Dramatist who created role of ‘good Jew’ dies
This Day in Jewish History / Dramatist who created role of ‘good Jew’ dies. Richard Cumberland gave life to Sheva as an antidote to the Jewish …
This Day, May 8, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin
Cleveland Jewish News (blog)
336: Emperor Constantine prohibits Jews from negatively interacting with their co-religionists who have converted to Christianity. “Jews are not …
This Day in Jewish History / Dramatist who created role of ‘good Jew’ dies
This Day in Jewish History / Dramatist who created role of ‘good Jew’ dies. Richard Cumberland gave life to Sheva as an antidote to the Jewish …
This Day, May 7, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin
Cleveland Jewish News (blog)
Today the CIEE Center at Charles University offers courses in Jewish Though and Jewish History including one styled “The History of the Jews in …


Section This Day, In Jewish History : 24JEWISH ALERTS large selection in each section


Yom haatzmaut670


yom haatzmaut Videos Selection


Yom Hazikaron670


yom hazikaron Videos Selection


Yom HaShoah-670

yom HaShoah Videos Selection



Jewish News <><> Simcha Channel <><> Torah Insights <><> Jewish Recipes <><> Jewish Life <><> Das Jüdische leben <><> La Vie Juive <><> Jewish Communities <><> Jewish Culture & Yiddish <><> Jewish History <><> This Day, In Jewish History Tanya Shiurim Shiurim Hayom Yom <><> V I D E O C L I P O F T H E D A Y <><> This week’s Torah Portion

Yom Haatzmaut Independence Day Fireworks Jerusalem, Israel 2014

Fire works display in Independence Park on Independence Day

Yom Haatzmaut 2014: 66 Israeli Heroes Share a Powerful

04.05.2014 – Celebrate Israeli Independence Day with 66 Israeli heroes sharing a powerful message! Hear their stories. Live your dreams. Am Yisrael Chai! See the names below (in order of appearance):

0:22 Natan Sharansky — Chairman of the Executive of the Jewish Agency for Israel
0:27 Rabbi Jerry Epstein — Former VP and CEO of the USCJ
0:31 Shahar Pe’er — Professional Tennis Player
0:34 Edan Tamler — Israel X-Factor Finalist & NBN Oleh
0:39 Rabbi Yisrael Meir Lau — Former Chief Rabbi of Israel
0:55 Gabriela Shalev — Former Israeli Ambassador to the UN
1:00 Sussman kids — Sabra kids of NBN Olim
1:03 Frances Greenberg — Exodus passenger and NBN Olah
1:08 Gilad Schalit — Former MIA soldier of the IDF
1:29 Ariel Shain — NBN Oleh named for Ariel Sharon
1:32 Goldstein Family — Nefesh B’Nefesh Olim 2011
1:38 Doreet Freedman — Nefesh B’Nefesh Director of Strategic Partnerships
1:42 Benji Lovitt – Stand–up Comedian and NBN Oleh
1:44 Rami Kleinstein — Israeli singer and composer
1:45 Nir Barkat — Mayor of Jerusalem
1:48 Jay Shultz — President of the Am Yisrael Foundation
1:50 David Gerstein — Contemporary Israeli artist
1:52 Dr. Asael Lubotsky — War hero and Physician
1:55 Noam Gershony — Wheelchair tennis player & Olympic Gold Medalist
2:09 Josh Hoffman — NBN Oleh and Social Media Entrepreneur
2:10 Geulah Cohen — Irgun and Lehi member, politician and journalist
2:17 Titi Aynaw — First Ethiopian Miss Israel
2:44 Ruth Zuman — Holocaust Survivor
2:53 Natalie Silverlieb — Former Broadway performer and NBN Olah
3:05 Yael Arad — First Israeli Olympic medalist
3:08 Alyssa Magid — NBN Olah and Business Co-Director
3:11 Hilary Faverman — NBN Olah and Business Co-Director
3:14 Noah Miller — Israel National Lacrosse Team
3:15 Matthew Cherry — Israel National Lacrosse Team
3:26 Atara Solow — NBN Staff
3:29 Benji Davis — NBN Staff
3:32 Yakir Hyman — G-Nome Project band Member
3:32 Zecharia Reich — G-Nome Project band Member
3:35 Eric Michaelson — Executive VP of NBN
4:00 Randi Weiss — Young Leadership Director, Save a Child’s Heart
4:05 Eliezer Davish — NBN Oleh
4:09 Joseph Gitler — Founder and Chairman of Leket Israel
4:12 Marvin Casey — Dance Choreographer
4:15 Elan Neiger — Israel Football League Player
4:15 Sagen Zavelo – Israel Football League Player
4:15 Jonathan Curran – Israel Football League Player
4:15 Ronny Moscona – Israel Football League Player
4:21 Adam Weiner — Oleh Lone Soldier*
4:40 Caroline Fitouchi — NBN Staff
4:43 Prime Minister of Israel, Binyamin Netanyahu
4:42 Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu
4:45 Tal Brody — Goodwill Ambassador of Israel
4:49 Debra Applebaum — Veteran Olah
4:51 Sarah Hindman — Marketing Director, Israel Experience
4:57 Rabbi Yehoshua Fass — Executive Director and Founder, Nefesh B’Nefesh
5:07 President of Israel, Shimon Peres

Production Company: The Bakery, Yuval Nathan and Michael Patrick
Music Composition: Tomer Biran
Vocals: Amir Dadon,
Archive Material: Israel State Archives
Israeli Government Press Office
Israel Visuals: Dmytro Golumbevskyy

Thank you:
Oi Studio
The entire Nefesh B’Nefesh Staff
To all the heroes, icons and dreamers for making this video dream a reality

* Adam Weiner is no longer an IDF soldier

Daglanut Yom Haatzmaut 2014 Hashmonaim


Yom Ha’atzmaut 2014 – Eitan Freilich sings Hatikvah at Manchester King David Dinner


Heritage: Civilization and the Jews (1984) — 5. The Search for Deliverance




(DVD description)

Winner of the coveted Peabody Award, HERITAGE: CIVILIZATION AND THE JEWS is the monumental nine-part series spanning three millennia of Jewish history and culture. The series is hosted by former Israeli Ambassador to the United States, Abba Eban, who describes it as “a celebration of our common humanistic and moral heritage, explored through the mysteries of preservation, renewal, and resonance of the Jewish people.” From the stony heights of Sinai to the shores of the Dead Sea, from a Greek amphitheater in Delphi to the Forum of ancient Rome, out of the ashes of concentration camps to the rebuilt cities and villages of Israel, “Heritage” brings to life the long and complex history of the Jews and their centuries-old interaction with the rest of Western civilization.

This program picks up the thread of Jewish history as the intellectual awakening of the Renaissance began to alter the attitudes and habits of all people. Such scholars as Copernicus, Tycho Brahe, Johanes Kepler, and Galileo began to examine the world around them with new eyes. Abba Eban takes viewers through the narrow alleys of the Venetian ghetto, as he explains the reality of ghetto life. Jewish composers, artists, and poets achieved fame the transcended the ghetto walls. Spanish and Portuguese Jews who had escaped the persecution of the Spanish Inquisition flocked to Amsterdam, known as the “New Jerusalem” where refugees from religious intolerance were welcomed.

Hosted and Narrated by ABBA EBAN
Produced and Directed by EUGENE MARNER
Written by JOHN G. FOX

Offscreen Voices

Music Composed and Conducted by JOHN DUFFY
Series Producer JOHN G. FOX
Executive Producers ARNOLD LABATON and MARC SIEGEL

Copyright © 1984 Thirteen WNET / New York in association with PBS. All rights reserved.

• For more information and educational resources, visit the PBS web site at

* This series is still available on DVD from at….

(No copyright infringement intended. All material property of Thirteen WNET / New York and PBS.)

Jewish History Lectures – Winter 2013-14

Rabbi Dovid Katz

Jewish History Lecture 03.wmv

Jewish History Lecture 01.wmv

Jewish History Lecture 07.wmv

Jewish History Lecture 08.wmv

Jewish History Lecture Series by Rabbi Dovid Katz Winter 2013 Lecture 2

Jewish History Lecture Series by Rabbi Dovid Katz Winter 2013 Lecture 3

Jewish History Lecture Series by Rabbi Dovid Katz Winter 2013 Lecture 4

Jewish History Lecture Series by Rabbi Dovid Katz Winter 2013 Lecture 5

Jewish History Lecture Series by Rabbi Dovid Katz Winter 2013 Lecture 1

Jewish History Lecture Series by Rabbi Dovid Katz Winter 2013 Lecture 6

and more,,,

This Week in Jewish History by Dr. Henry Abramson


The Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs ( is an independent non-profit institute for policy research and education.
Established in 1976, the Jerusalem Center focuses on the main issues affecting Israel’s security and international standing in order to wage the war of ideas in global opinion.
אתר בעברית-

Sephardic History Part 1-6



A 6 part introduction to Medieval Jewish History with JTS Professor Benjamin Gampel.

When the Jews Arrived in the Iberian Peninsula.


This Day in Jewish History / Dramatist who created role of ‘good Jew’ dies
This Day in Jewish History / Dramatist who created role of ‘good Jew’ dies. Richard Cumberland gave life to Sheva as an antidote to the Jewish …
This Day, May 7, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin
Cleveland Jewish News (blog)
Today the CIEE Center at Charles University offers courses in Jewish Though and Jewish History including one styled “The History of the Jews in …


This Day, May 6, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin
Cleveland Jewish News (blog)
In its daythis was as harsh an accusation as you could make against a person … His teachings earned the admiration leaders from a variety of Jewish …
Yehuda HaKohen The Mitzvah of Jewish Sovereignty
Arutz Sheva
Yom Haatzmaut is a day on which a miracle occurred for the entire Jewish … After so many centuries as a ghost walking through history, Israel again exists … as what thisconnotes within the context of Jewish history and according to ..


This Day in Jewish History / 4 shot dead by National Guard in Vietnam war protest
This Day in Jewish History / 4 shot dead by National Guard in Vietnam war … Three of the dead at Kent State University were Jewish students, two of …
This Day in Jewish History / Christian theologian burned at stake for pursuing Judaism
This Day in Jewish History / Christian theologian burned at stake for … Both his parents were descendants of New Christians (Jewish converts to …
This Day, May 5, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin
Cleveland Jewish News (blog)
He was accused of committing the crime of using Jewish names and writing in Hebrew. On this same day Dr. Antonio Honem was sentenced to death …


This Day in Jewish History / 4 shot dead by National Guard in Vietnam war protest

This Day in Jewish History / 4 shot dead by National Guard in Vietnam war … Three of the dead at Kent State University were Jewish students, two o
This Day in Jewish History / 4 shot dead by National Guard in Vietnam war protest
This Day in Jewish History / 4 shot dead by National Guard in Vietnam war … Three of the dead at Kent State University were Jewish students, two of …
This Day, May 4, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin
Cleveland Jewish News (blog)
1008: Birthdate of King Henry I of France who reigned from 1031 until his death in 1060.This means that he was on the throne when a future wine …

This Day in Jewish History / 4 shot dead by National Guard in Vietnam war protest

Three of the dead at Kent State University were Jewish students, two of whom were bystanders in the wrong place at the wrong time. By David B.

This Day, May 4, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin

1287: Jews were arrested and accused of “clipping” the coinage in England. Although there was no evidence, the community as a whole was …

This Day, May 3, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin

Bela had welcomed Jewish immigrants to his kingdom and in 1251 gave …. For more about the history of Jewry in the Washington metropolitan area …

This Day, May 3, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin

996: Papacy of Gregory V began today making him a contemporary of Hananel Ben Hushiel, Samuel Ibn Nagrela and Jacob ben Yakar each of whom .

This Day in Jewish History / Singer, actor and activist Theodore Bikel is born
Bikel has appeared in more than 35 films, and as a singer, released some 25 albums over the years but he may be most identified with the role of …

This Day in Jewish History / The lawyer who brought France’s embrace to Algeria’s Jews is born

Adolphe Cremieux’s wife may have baptized their children, but the husband defended Jews around the world. By David B. Green | Apr. 30, 2014 | 2:35 …

This Day in Jewish History / Pope announces beatification of Jewish convert

Edith Stein was born into an observant Jewish family on October 12, 1891 – Yom Kippur — in Breslau, Silesia, then part of the Prussian empire, today …


This Day, May 1, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin

According Jewish-Scottish scholar David Daiches ,“there are grounds for saying that Scotland is the only European country which has no history of …


This Day in Jewish History / The lawyer who brought France’s embrace to Algeria’s Jews is born

(The Jews of the region could trace their history back to the 14th century and in some cases much earlier.) David had been a supporter of the French …

This Day in Jewish History / The lawyer who brought France’s embrace to Algeria’s Jews is born
Adolphe Cremieux’s wife may have baptized their children, but the husband defended Jewsaround the world. By David B. Green | Apr. 30, 2014 | 2:35 ..

This Day, April 30, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin

For more about the history of the Jews of Louisiana see “Gefilte Fish in the … 1863: During the Civil War, today was a day that President Lincoln had …

This Day, April 30, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin
Cleveland Jewish News (blog)
Lucinius did subscribe to the policy of tolerance towards Christians but those who were writing history in the fourth and fifth century tended to create an …

This Day, April 29, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin

While the Academy includes many Jewish members today, including David Baltimore and Israel Gelfand, this was not always the case. For example …

This Day, April 29, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin

1221: Honorius III issued “Ad nostram Noveritis audientiam” a Papal Bull obligating Jews to carry a distinctive badge and forbidding them to hold …

This Day in Jewish History / Critic of degradation of German language is born

Kraus renounced his Judaism and because he was critical of so many Jews, he has been seen as ‘self-hating.’ But his real target was middle-brow …

This Day, April 28, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin
Cleveland Jewish News (blog)
This makes the treatment of the Jews during this period all the more … a multi-volume survey history of the Jewish people that was translated into .

This Day, April 28, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin
Cleveland Jewish News (blog)
66: After stealing money from the Temple Treasury, the Roman Procurator Gessius Florus allowed his troops to “loot the Upper Market” of Jerusalem.


This Day in Jewish History / Founder of first Reform synagogue in England dies
Isaac Goldsmid, British financier opposed to the divisions between Ashkenazi and SephardiJews, cofounded the West London Synagogue in 1842. By David B. Green | 12:30 27.04.14

This Day, April 26 In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin

Lorenzo’s death was a setback for the Jewish community of Florence. ….. became famous for her sweeping novels that portrayed American history.

This Day, April 25, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin

693: Opening session of the Sixteenth Council of Toledo which, before its close, would add more regulations that would prove oppressive to the Jews …
This Day in Jewish History / A man who glimpsed the secrets of cellular genesis is born
Haaretz (blog)
This Day in Jewish History / A man who glimpsed the secrets of cellular … Kornberg not only serves as a visiting professor at the Hebrew University, …
This Day, April 24, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin
Cleveland Jewish News (blog)
70: During the Jewish rebellion against Rome, Roman legions break through Jerusalem’s middle wall, but are driven back by the Jewish defenders.



This Day, April 23, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin
Cleveland Jewish News (blog)
1185: Birthdate Alfonzo II, the third King of Portugal who was part of a dynasty that who provided a comparatively secure environment for their Jewish …

This Day in Jewish History / ‘Wizard of Oz’ composer dies

This Day in Jewish History / ‘Wizard of Oz’ composer dies. Though famously little-known among the general public, Harold Arlen composed dozens of ..

Over The Rainbow, Harold Arlen & E. Y. Harburg – Broward Symphonic Band

Broward Symphonic Band, under the direction of Maestro Neil Jenkins, performing at Bailey Concert Hall, Davie, FL, their Holiday Concert. December 13th, 2009. Vocal Soloist: Mora Newman. Gabriel was playing the bassoon.


Cleveland Jewish News (blog)
This Day, April 22, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin

404:Emperors Arcadius and Honorius limit the opportunities of Jews to serve the Empire when they issue the following: “We decree that the Jews and …

This Day in Jewish History / US Holocaust Memorial Museum opens in Washington

This Day in Jewish History / U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum opens in Washington. The building was designed by American architect James Ingo …


This Day, April 21, In Jewish History by Mitchell A Levin

753 BCE: According to tradition, on this date Romulus and Remus founded Rome. Considering the impact that Rome would have on the Jewish …

Section This Day, In Jewish History : 24JEWISH ALERTS large selection in each section


Yom haatzmaut670


yom haatzmaut Videos Selection


Yom Hazikaron670


yom hazikaron Videos Selection


Yom HaShoah-670

yom HaShoah Videos Selection



Jewish News <><> Simcha Channel <><> Torah Insights <><> Jewish Recipes <><> Jewish Life <><> Das Jüdische leben <><> La Vie Juive <><> Jewish Communities <><> Jewish Culture & Yiddish <><> Jewish History <><> This Day, In Jewish History Tanya Shiurim Shiurim Hayom Yom <><> V I D E O C L I P O F T H E D A Y <><> This week’s Torah Portion

Yom Haatzmaut Independence Day Fireworks Jerusalem, Israel 2014

Fire works display in Independence Park on Independence Day

Yom Haatzmaut 2014: 66 Israeli Heroes Share a Powerful

04.05.2014 – Celebrate Israeli Independence Day with 66 Israeli heroes sharing a powerful message! Hear their stories. Live your dreams. Am Yisrael Chai! See the names below (in order of appearance):

0:22 Natan Sharansky — Chairman of the Executive of the Jewish Agency for Israel
0:27 Rabbi Jerry Epstein — Former VP and CEO of the USCJ
0:31 Shahar Pe’er — Professional Tennis Player
0:34 Edan Tamler — Israel X-Factor Finalist & NBN Oleh
0:39 Rabbi Yisrael Meir Lau — Former Chief Rabbi of Israel
0:55 Gabriela Shalev — Former Israeli Ambassador to the UN
1:00 Sussman kids — Sabra kids of NBN Olim
1:03 Frances Greenberg — Exodus passenger and NBN Olah
1:08 Gilad Schalit — Former MIA soldier of the IDF
1:29 Ariel Shain — NBN Oleh named for Ariel Sharon
1:32 Goldstein Family — Nefesh B’Nefesh Olim 2011
1:38 Doreet Freedman — Nefesh B’Nefesh Director of Strategic Partnerships
1:42 Benji Lovitt – Stand–up Comedian and NBN Oleh
1:44 Rami Kleinstein — Israeli singer and composer
1:45 Nir Barkat — Mayor of Jerusalem
1:48 Jay Shultz — President of the Am Yisrael Foundation
1:50 David Gerstein — Contemporary Israeli artist
1:52 Dr. Asael Lubotsky — War hero and Physician
1:55 Noam Gershony — Wheelchair tennis player & Olympic Gold Medalist
2:09 Josh Hoffman — NBN Oleh and Social Media Entrepreneur
2:10 Geulah Cohen — Irgun and Lehi member, politician and journalist
2:17 Titi Aynaw — First Ethiopian Miss Israel
2:44 Ruth Zuman — Holocaust Survivor
2:53 Natalie Silverlieb — Former Broadway performer and NBN Olah
3:05 Yael Arad — First Israeli Olympic medalist
3:08 Alyssa Magid — NBN Olah and Business Co-Director
3:11 Hilary Faverman — NBN Olah and Business Co-Director
3:14 Noah Miller — Israel National Lacrosse Team
3:15 Matthew Cherry — Israel National Lacrosse Team
3:26 Atara Solow — NBN Staff
3:29 Benji Davis — NBN Staff
3:32 Yakir Hyman — G-Nome Project band Member
3:32 Zecharia Reich — G-Nome Project band Member
3:35 Eric Michaelson — Executive VP of NBN
4:00 Randi Weiss — Young Leadership Director, Save a Child’s Heart
4:05 Eliezer Davish — NBN Oleh
4:09 Joseph Gitler — Founder and Chairman of Leket Israel
4:12 Marvin Casey — Dance Choreographer
4:15 Elan Neiger — Israel Football League Player
4:15 Sagen Zavelo – Israel Football League Player
4:15 Jonathan Curran – Israel Football League Player
4:15 Ronny Moscona – Israel Football League Player
4:21 Adam Weiner — Oleh Lone Soldier*
4:40 Caroline Fitouchi — NBN Staff
4:43 Prime Minister of Israel, Binyamin Netanyahu
4:42 Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu
4:45 Tal Brody — Goodwill Ambassador of Israel
4:49 Debra Applebaum — Veteran Olah
4:51 Sarah Hindman — Marketing Director, Israel Experience
4:57 Rabbi Yehoshua Fass — Executive Director and Founder, Nefesh B’Nefesh
5:07 President of Israel, Shimon Peres

Production Company: The Bakery, Yuval Nathan and Michael Patrick
Music Composition: Tomer Biran
Vocals: Amir Dadon,
Archive Material: Israel State Archives
Israeli Government Press Office
Israel Visuals: Dmytro Golumbevskyy

Thank you:
Oi Studio
The entire Nefesh B’Nefesh Staff
To all the heroes, icons and dreamers for making this video dream a reality

* Adam Weiner is no longer an IDF soldier

Daglanut Yom Haatzmaut 2014 Hashmonaim


Yom Ha’atzmaut 2014 – Eitan Freilich sings Hatikvah at Manchester King David Dinner


Heritage: Civilization and the Jews (1984) — 5. The Search for Deliverance




(DVD description)

Winner of the coveted Peabody Award, HERITAGE: CIVILIZATION AND THE JEWS is the monumental nine-part series spanning three millennia of Jewish history and culture. The series is hosted by former Israeli Ambassador to the United States, Abba Eban, who describes it as “a celebration of our common humanistic and moral heritage, explored through the mysteries of preservation, renewal, and resonance of the Jewish people.” From the stony heights of Sinai to the shores of the Dead Sea, from a Greek amphitheater in Delphi to the Forum of ancient Rome, out of the ashes of concentration camps to the rebuilt cities and villages of Israel, “Heritage” brings to life the long and complex history of the Jews and their centuries-old interaction with the rest of Western civilization.

This program picks up the thread of Jewish history as the intellectual awakening of the Renaissance began to alter the attitudes and habits of all people. Such scholars as Copernicus, Tycho Brahe, Johanes Kepler, and Galileo began to examine the world around them with new eyes. Abba Eban takes viewers through the narrow alleys of the Venetian ghetto, as he explains the reality of ghetto life. Jewish composers, artists, and poets achieved fame the transcended the ghetto walls. Spanish and Portuguese Jews who had escaped the persecution of the Spanish Inquisition flocked to Amsterdam, known as the “New Jerusalem” where refugees from religious intolerance were welcomed.

Hosted and Narrated by ABBA EBAN
Produced and Directed by EUGENE MARNER
Written by JOHN G. FOX

Offscreen Voices

Music Composed and Conducted by JOHN DUFFY
Series Producer JOHN G. FOX
Executive Producers ARNOLD LABATON and MARC SIEGEL

Copyright © 1984 Thirteen WNET / New York in association with PBS. All rights reserved.

• For more information and educational resources, visit the PBS web site at

* This series is still available on DVD from at….

(No copyright infringement intended. All material property of Thirteen WNET / New York and PBS.)

Jewish History Lectures – Winter 2013-14

Rabbi Dovid Katz

Jewish History Lecture 03.wmv

Jewish History Lecture 01.wmv

Jewish History Lecture 07.wmv

Jewish History Lecture 08.wmv

Jewish History Lecture Series by Rabbi Dovid Katz Winter 2013 Lecture 2

Jewish History Lecture Series by Rabbi Dovid Katz Winter 2013 Lecture 3

Jewish History Lecture Series by Rabbi Dovid Katz Winter 2013 Lecture 4

Jewish History Lecture Series by Rabbi Dovid Katz Winter 2013 Lecture 5

Jewish History Lecture Series by Rabbi Dovid Katz Winter 2013 Lecture 1

Jewish History Lecture Series by Rabbi Dovid Katz Winter 2013 Lecture 6

and more,,,

This Week in Jewish History by Dr. Henry Abramson


The Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs ( is an independent non-profit institute for policy research and education.
Established in 1976, the Jerusalem Center focuses on the main issues affecting Israel’s security and international standing in order to wage the war of ideas in global opinion.
אתר בעברית-

Sephardic History Part 1-6



A 6 part introduction to Medieval Jewish History with JTS Professor Benjamin Gampel.

When the Jews Arrived in the Iberian Peninsula.


This Day, May 6, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin
Cleveland Jewish News (blog)
In its daythis was as harsh an accusation as you could make against a person … His teachings earned the admiration leaders from a variety of Jewish …
Yehuda HaKohen The Mitzvah of Jewish Sovereignty
Arutz Sheva
Yom Haatzmaut is a day on which a miracle occurred for the entire Jewish … After so many centuries as a ghost walking through history, Israel again exists … as what thisconnotes within the context of Jewish history and according to ..


This Day in Jewish History / 4 shot dead by National Guard in Vietnam war protest
This Day in Jewish History / 4 shot dead by National Guard in Vietnam war … Three of the dead at Kent State University were Jewish students, two of …
This Day in Jewish History / Christian theologian burned at stake for pursuing Judaism
This Day in Jewish History / Christian theologian burned at stake for … Both his parents were descendants of New Christians (Jewish converts to …
This Day, May 5, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin
Cleveland Jewish News (blog)
He was accused of committing the crime of using Jewish names and writing in Hebrew. On this same day Dr. Antonio Honem was sentenced to death …


This Day in Jewish History / 4 shot dead by National Guard in Vietnam war protest

This Day in Jewish History / 4 shot dead by National Guard in Vietnam war … Three of the dead at Kent State University were Jewish students, two o
This Day in Jewish History / 4 shot dead by National Guard in Vietnam war protest
This Day in Jewish History / 4 shot dead by National Guard in Vietnam war … Three of the dead at Kent State University were Jewish students, two of …
This Day, May 4, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin
Cleveland Jewish News (blog)
1008: Birthdate of King Henry I of France who reigned from 1031 until his death in 1060.This means that he was on the throne when a future wine …

This Day in Jewish History / 4 shot dead by National Guard in Vietnam war protest

Three of the dead at Kent State University were Jewish students, two of whom were bystanders in the wrong place at the wrong time. By David B.

This Day, May 4, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin

1287: Jews were arrested and accused of “clipping” the coinage in England. Although there was no evidence, the community as a whole was …

This Day, May 3, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin

Bela had welcomed Jewish immigrants to his kingdom and in 1251 gave …. For more about the history of Jewry in the Washington metropolitan area …

This Day, May 3, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin

996: Papacy of Gregory V began today making him a contemporary of Hananel Ben Hushiel, Samuel Ibn Nagrela and Jacob ben Yakar each of whom .

This Day in Jewish History / Singer, actor and activist Theodore Bikel is born
Bikel has appeared in more than 35 films, and as a singer, released some 25 albums over the years but he may be most identified with the role of …

This Day in Jewish History / The lawyer who brought France’s embrace to Algeria’s Jews is born

Adolphe Cremieux’s wife may have baptized their children, but the husband defended Jews around the world. By David B. Green | Apr. 30, 2014 | 2:35 …

This Day in Jewish History / Pope announces beatification of Jewish convert

Edith Stein was born into an observant Jewish family on October 12, 1891 – Yom Kippur — in Breslau, Silesia, then part of the Prussian empire, today …


This Day, May 1, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin

According Jewish-Scottish scholar David Daiches ,“there are grounds for saying that Scotland is the only European country which has no history of …


This Day in Jewish History / The lawyer who brought France’s embrace to Algeria’s Jews is born

(The Jews of the region could trace their history back to the 14th century and in some cases much earlier.) David had been a supporter of the French …

This Day in Jewish History / The lawyer who brought France’s embrace to Algeria’s Jews is born
Adolphe Cremieux’s wife may have baptized their children, but the husband defended Jewsaround the world. By David B. Green | Apr. 30, 2014 | 2:35 ..

This Day, April 30, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin

For more about the history of the Jews of Louisiana see “Gefilte Fish in the … 1863: During the Civil War, today was a day that President Lincoln had …

This Day, April 30, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin
Cleveland Jewish News (blog)
Lucinius did subscribe to the policy of tolerance towards Christians but those who were writing history in the fourth and fifth century tended to create an …

This Day, April 29, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin

While the Academy includes many Jewish members today, including David Baltimore and Israel Gelfand, this was not always the case. For example …

This Day, April 29, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin

1221: Honorius III issued “Ad nostram Noveritis audientiam” a Papal Bull obligating Jews to carry a distinctive badge and forbidding them to hold …

This Day in Jewish History / Critic of degradation of German language is born

Kraus renounced his Judaism and because he was critical of so many Jews, he has been seen as ‘self-hating.’ But his real target was middle-brow …

This Day, April 28, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin
Cleveland Jewish News (blog)
This makes the treatment of the Jews during this period all the more … a multi-volume survey history of the Jewish people that was translated into .

This Day, April 28, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin
Cleveland Jewish News (blog)
66: After stealing money from the Temple Treasury, the Roman Procurator Gessius Florus allowed his troops to “loot the Upper Market” of Jerusalem.


This Day in Jewish History / Founder of first Reform synagogue in England dies
Isaac Goldsmid, British financier opposed to the divisions between Ashkenazi and SephardiJews, cofounded the West London Synagogue in 1842. By David B. Green | 12:30 27.04.14

This Day, April 26 In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin

Lorenzo’s death was a setback for the Jewish community of Florence. ….. became famous for her sweeping novels that portrayed American history.

This Day, April 25, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin

693: Opening session of the Sixteenth Council of Toledo which, before its close, would add more regulations that would prove oppressive to the Jews …
This Day in Jewish History / A man who glimpsed the secrets of cellular genesis is born
Haaretz (blog)
This Day in Jewish History / A man who glimpsed the secrets of cellular … Kornberg not only serves as a visiting professor at the Hebrew University, …
This Day, April 24, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin
Cleveland Jewish News (blog)
70: During the Jewish rebellion against Rome, Roman legions break through Jerusalem’s middle wall, but are driven back by the Jewish defenders.



This Day, April 23, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin
Cleveland Jewish News (blog)
1185: Birthdate Alfonzo II, the third King of Portugal who was part of a dynasty that who provided a comparatively secure environment for their Jewish …

This Day in Jewish History / ‘Wizard of Oz’ composer dies

This Day in Jewish History / ‘Wizard of Oz’ composer dies. Though famously little-known among the general public, Harold Arlen composed dozens of ..

Over The Rainbow, Harold Arlen & E. Y. Harburg – Broward Symphonic Band

Broward Symphonic Band, under the direction of Maestro Neil Jenkins, performing at Bailey Concert Hall, Davie, FL, their Holiday Concert. December 13th, 2009. Vocal Soloist: Mora Newman. Gabriel was playing the bassoon.


Cleveland Jewish News (blog)
This Day, April 22, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin

404:Emperors Arcadius and Honorius limit the opportunities of Jews to serve the Empire when they issue the following: “We decree that the Jews and …

This Day in Jewish History / US Holocaust Memorial Museum opens in Washington

This Day in Jewish History / U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum opens in Washington. The building was designed by American architect James Ingo …


This Day, April 21, In Jewish History by Mitchell A Levin

753 BCE: According to tradition, on this date Romulus and Remus founded Rome. Considering the impact that Rome would have on the Jewish …

Section This Day, In Jewish History : 24JEWISH ALERTS large selection in each section

Jewish News <><> Simcha Channel <><> Torah Insights <><> Jewish Recipes <><> Jewish Life <><> Das Jüdische leben <><> La Vie Juive <><> Jewish Communities <><> Jewish Culture & Yiddish <><> Jewish History <><> This Day, In Jewish History Tanya Shiurim Shiurim Hayom Yom <><> V I D E O C L I P O F T H E D A Y <><> This week’s Torah Portion

Heritage: Civilization and the Jews (1984) — 5. The Search for Deliverance




(DVD description)

Winner of the coveted Peabody Award, HERITAGE: CIVILIZATION AND THE JEWS is the monumental nine-part series spanning three millennia of Jewish history and culture. The series is hosted by former Israeli Ambassador to the United States, Abba Eban, who describes it as “a celebration of our common humanistic and moral heritage, explored through the mysteries of preservation, renewal, and resonance of the Jewish people.” From the stony heights of Sinai to the shores of the Dead Sea, from a Greek amphitheater in Delphi to the Forum of ancient Rome, out of the ashes of concentration camps to the rebuilt cities and villages of Israel, “Heritage” brings to life the long and complex history of the Jews and their centuries-old interaction with the rest of Western civilization.

This program picks up the thread of Jewish history as the intellectual awakening of the Renaissance began to alter the attitudes and habits of all people. Such scholars as Copernicus, Tycho Brahe, Johanes Kepler, and Galileo began to examine the world around them with new eyes. Abba Eban takes viewers through the narrow alleys of the Venetian ghetto, as he explains the reality of ghetto life. Jewish composers, artists, and poets achieved fame the transcended the ghetto walls. Spanish and Portuguese Jews who had escaped the persecution of the Spanish Inquisition flocked to Amsterdam, known as the “New Jerusalem” where refugees from religious intolerance were welcomed.

Hosted and Narrated by ABBA EBAN
Produced and Directed by EUGENE MARNER
Written by JOHN G. FOX

Offscreen Voices

Music Composed and Conducted by JOHN DUFFY
Series Producer JOHN G. FOX
Executive Producers ARNOLD LABATON and MARC SIEGEL

Copyright © 1984 Thirteen WNET / New York in association with PBS. All rights reserved.

• For more information and educational resources, visit the PBS web site at

* This series is still available on DVD from at….

(No copyright infringement intended. All material property of Thirteen WNET / New York and PBS.)

Jewish History Lectures – Winter 2013-14


Rabbi Dovid Katz


This Week in Jewish History by Dr. Henry Abramson


The Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs ( is an independent non-profit institute for policy research and education.
Established in 1976, the Jerusalem Center focuses on the main issues affecting Israel’s security and international standing in order to wage the war of ideas in global opinion.
אתר בעברית-

Sephardic History Part 1-6



A 6 part introduction to Medieval Jewish History with JTS Professor Benjamin Gampel.

When the Jews Arrived in the Iberian Peninsula.


This Day in Jewish History / A man who glimpsed the secrets of cellular genesis is born
Haaretz (blog)
This Day in Jewish History / A man who glimpsed the secrets of cellular … Kornberg not only serves as a visiting professor at the Hebrew University, …
This Day, April 24, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin
Cleveland Jewish News (blog)
70: During the Jewish rebellion against Rome, Roman legions break through Jerusalem’s middle wall, but are driven back by the Jewish defenders.


This Day, April 22, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin

404:Emperors Arcadius and Honorius limit the opportunities of Jews to serve the Empire when they issue the following: “We decree that the Jews and …

This Day in Jewish History / US Holocaust Memorial Museum opens in Washington

This Day in Jewish History / U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum opens in Washington. The building was designed by American architect James Ingo …


This Day, April 21, In Jewish History by Mitchell A Levin

753 BCE: According to tradition, on this date Romulus and Remus founded Rome. Considering the impact that Rome would have on the Jewish …

Section Jewish History : 24JEWISH ALERTS large selection in each section

Jewish News <><> Simcha Channel <><> Torah Insights <><> Jewish Recipes <><> Jewish Life <><> Das Jüdische leben <><> La Vie Juive <><> Jewish Communities <><> Jewish Culture & Yiddish <><> Jewish History <><> This Day, In Jewish History Tanya Shiurim Shiurim Hayom Yom <><> V I D E O C L I P O F T H E D A Y <><> This week’s Torah Portion

Why I’m Writing a Jewish History Book in Lithuanian

Roza Bieliauskiene – active member of the Vilnius, Lithuania Jewish community – explains why she is writing a book on Jewish history for her students in the Sholem Aleichem Jewish Day School.

To learn more about the Wexler Oral History Project, visit:

Trailer | The Story of the Jews | PBS

Watch the full series at; (US Only)
Prize winning author and Emmy-Award winner Simon Schama brings to life Jewish history and experience in this new five-part documentary series, The Story of the Jews with Simon Schama, premiering Tuesdays March 25th 8-10 p.m. ET (episodes 1 and 2) and April 1st, 8-11 p.m. ET (episodes 3, 4 and 5) on PBS (check local listings).

The series is, at the same time, a personal journey for Schama, who has been immersed in Jewish history since his postwar childhood; a meditation on its dramatic trajectory; and a macro-history of a people whose mark on the world has been out of all proportion to its modest numbers.

“If you were to remove from our collective history,” said Schama, “the contribution Jews have made to human culture, our world would be almost unrecognizable. There would be no monotheism, no written Bible, and our sense of modernity would be completely different. So the history of the Jews is everyone’s history too and what I hope people will take away from the series is that sense of connection: a weave of cultural strands over the millennia, some brilliant, some dark, but resolving into a fabric of thrilling, sometimes tragic, often exalted creativity.”

View this video and more at

Mahal , Overseas Volunteers In Israel’s Fighting Force – Isr


From the birth of the State of Israel and up until the present time, thousands of volunteers from abroad have joined the Mahal ranks, serving in Israel’s army, many in combat units.06/05/08

Sea of Galilee 2014 – Mar da Galileia 2014

Sea of Galilee 2014 – Mar da Galileia 2014

Yael Ben-Dov – “Go home!”

Yael Ben-Dov talks about how she got her start at a young age in the struggle for Israel’s founding as part of The Founders: The Story of the 1948 Generation, a jointly produced project of Toldot Yisrael and the History Channel.

Jewish History Lecture Series by Rabbi Dovid Katz Winter 2013 Lecture 5


The Seventh Annual Winter
Jewish History Lecture Series
Rabbi Dovid Katz
Thirteen lectures held on Saturday
Progress Without Peace:
Israel and the Jewish People, 1952-1956
The Snake-Pit: Politics, National-Security, & the Clash of Personalities 1952-56
Sponsored by Avi and Michael Glazer, in honor of their nieces and nephew, Alyson, Danielle, Emily, Chana, and Ari

The Borders of Israel (Essential Lectures in Jewish History) Dr. Henry Abramson


This video describes the changes in the political boundaries of the State of Israel from its inception 1948 through the disengagement from Gaza in 2005. Part of the Essential Lectures in Jewish History series by Dr. Henry Abramson. To see the Prezi associated with this video please visit…

Charlie Weinbaum, Beaumont

18.06.2013   ISJL Oral History , Institute of Southern Jewish Life

Charlie Weinbaum was born in Beaumont, Texas, in 1926 to Charles Sr. and Eleanor Perlstein Weinbaum. He has been in the insurance business since 1949 and is involved with numerous community groups and projects. A 1947 graduate of Texas A&M University, he received their Dinstinguished Almni Award in 2008.

In this video, he discusses his grandfather, Hyman Asher Perlstein, an immigrant to Beaumont who became a prominent business man and fixture in the local Jewish community.

For more on Beaumont’s Jewish history, visit:….

Paris Jewish Cultural Centre celebrates rich and ancient history of Moroccan Judaism


What pushed thousands of Moroccan Jews to emigrate to Israel? And what elements of their past remain today? These are some of the questions explored in the documentary “Moroccan Jews: destinies undone”, which was shown at the Jewish cultural centre as part of a festival celebrating the history of Judaism in Morocco. But at a time where the government of Rabat is debating a new law to cut ties with Israel, Moroccan Jews could find themselves caught in the middle.


Moshe Arens – Flags over the Warsaw Ghetto – Jerusalem Great Synagogue


Moshe Arens
Flags over the Warsaw Ghetto
Jerusalem Great Synagogue
Videograohy by Dr. Les Glassman

What is on the Seder Plate?


Dr. Rachael Turkienicz takes you through the different objects that are on the Seder Plate at Passover.

If you like this video, check us out at


JUDAISM: JEWISH HISTORY IN 60 MINUTES ( Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung ): PART 1 OF 4

JEWISH HISTORY IN 60 MINUTES ( Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung ): PART 2 OF 4

JEWISH HISTORY IN 60 MINUTES ( Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung ): PART 3 OF 4

JEWISH HISTORY IN 60 MINUTES ( Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung ): PART 4 OF 4

Jewish-American History

Popular Steven Spielberg Jewish Film Archive videos

The Steven Spielberg Jewish Film Archive is dedicated to the preservation and research of Jewish documentary films. The archive is jointly administered by the Abraham Harman Institute of Contemporary Jewry at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the Central Zionist Archives of the World Zionist Organization


Jewish Biography as History By Dr.Henry Abramson

Videos of Henry Abramson’s lectures in Jewish History and Thought. Supports courses and other materials available at

Yom Hashoah 2009: Holocaust Remembrance Day Service in Geneva


GENEVA (JTA) — The Geneva Jewish community held a ceremony for Holocaust Memorial Day opposite the United Nations, April 20, 2009.

Yom HaShoah


Over 1,100 Students, faculty and staff gathered to commemorate the Holocaust in Yeshiva University’s Yom Hashoa ceremony. The event was hosted by the Student Holocaust Education Movement (SHEM).

 No Holds Barred: How Jewish values enrich the Earth
Jerusalem Post
The Jewish people were entrusted by God with awesome purpose. No nation in the historyof the world has had a more significant and positive impact …

South Dakota’s Tiny Hillel Embraces Messianic Jews
Jewish Daily Forward
South Dakota State University’s Hillel affiliate, B’rith Sholom is more than the only Jewish cultural club in the entire state; its nine members constitute a …


Shalom, Lithuania: A Jewish Culture Guide
Shalom Life
World cities, provincial towns, and even the most unassuming of suburbs are infused withJewish history and culture, some of which is waiting to be …
For Jews from Arab lands, nostalgia is a two-way street
But one thing seems beyond dispute, irrespective of political affiliations: Jewish-Arabculture and Judeo-Arabic languages existed for centuries and …
Culture His gentle, Jewish humor is again Crystal clear in ‘700 Sundays’
The Jewish Journal of Greater L.A.
which is a very Jewish, in the best way, thing to say.” In fact, the script is … It’s not different. We still haven’t eaten yet, and the Jews haven’t left Egypt.”.


Shalom, Lithuania: A Jewish Culture Guide

Shalom Life
World cities, provincial towns, and even the most unassuming of suburbs are infused withJewish history and culture, some of which is waiting to be …


Did the Exodus happen?

The Jewish Journal of Greater L.A.
Second, as noted, the Exodus is one of the two essential stories not only of the Torah, but of Judaism and Jewish history. Our prayer book regularly ..

Adventures in San Diego Jewish History, February 7, 1958,m Part 1


San Diego Jewish World
Attention Family Historians: If you would like a JPG photo copy from the Southwestern Jewish Press of any “Adventures in San Diego Jewish History” …


Learning through Jewish texts and history at Me’ah in Sharon
Wicked Local Sharon
Students, who hail from all backgrounds, study the major texts of Judaism – the Hebrew Bible and Talmud – as well as Jewish history from medieval …


Is it possible to be a Jewish intellectual?
How do concepts such as ‘ahavat Israel’ and ‘solidarity for the Jewish …. important events of Jewish history of the last millennium: the Holocaust and …

Next year in Jerusalem’? — just kidding!

But those of us born since the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948 live in a fundamentally different era of Jewish historyAmerican Jews, in ..

Passover and recognizing the Jewish state

But in recent years, Jewish history and identity have been under assault, as part of the wider war against restored national sovereignty in the State of …

Museum exhibit looks at baseball’s role in turning immigrants intoAmericans

Perelman said “Chasing Dreams” had its genesis right around the time the National Museum of American Jewish History opened in 2012, when some …

Remember The Snowy Day? Ezra Jack Keats Exhibition Opens at the Skirball

… Akron Art Museum and the National Museum of American Jewish History. Although the Skirball is a Jewish cultural center, Skirball Art Curator Erin ..
The Exodus: Jewish history, or ancient Semitic memory?
So if the Exodus that Jews tell every year on Passover didn’t happen, … There may be evidence of a long oral history combined with the use of the rich …
Polish Museum Director Stresses 1000-Year Jewish History
Jewish Daily Forward
Dariusz Stola, the newly appointed director of the Museum of the History of Polish Jews, never seems to tire of discussing the groundbreaking …
Exhibit in Manhattan sheds revealing light on Iraqi-Jewish history
New Jersey Jewish News
“Discovery and Recovery: Preserving Iraqi Jewish Heritage” offers a glimpse of the life of a community whose history dates back to the Babylonian era; …
Minnesota Jewish Theatre Company’s THE HISTORY OF INVULNERABILITY to Open 4/19
Broadway World
The History of Invulnerability will be playing April 19 through May 11; Wednesdays and Thursdays at 7:30 p.m., Saturdays at 8 p.m., Sundays at 1 p.m. …
‘Frozen Tableau’ helps faith’s history, values come alive at Temple Sinai
Cranston Herald
The stories of the Torah and values of Judaism are being taught to the students at Temple Sinai in Cranston through acting. The theater program is the …
Jewish Refugees Respond to “Zionism Unsettled”
Arutz Sheva
The Presbyterian Church, which published a revisionist history of Mizrahi Jewry, can hear … JIMENA Jews Indigenous to the Middle East and N. Africa.
Ballroom peace
The Jewish Journal of Greater L.A.
The long history of Jewish-Arab animosity is a hard thing to change, but that didn’t stop ballroom dance champion and choreographer Pierre Dulaine …
Those Jewish charity parties? Pricey
Other top spenders include the National Museum of American Jewish History, which spent $3.3 million; Friends of the Israel Defense Forces, which …
The Secret Jewish History of Tax Day
Jewish Daily Forward
As Rabbi Shmuly Yanklowitz writes in the Jewish Journal, “The principle of dina d’malchuta dina explicitly includes tax money (Bava Kamma 113a, …
Re-examining Atlanta’s Jewish History
In March, The PBS documentary series “ The Story of The Jews” chronicled the impact of the Jewish diaspora through 300 years of art, history, and …
The Story of the Jews: Documentary on Judaism tells a story that deserves to be told
“If you were to remove from our collective history the contribution Jews have made to human culture, our world would be almost unrecognizable,” said …
Erasure and Exodus: The Forgotten History of the Jews of Egypt
Inter Press Service
UNITED NATIONS, Apr 7 2014 (IPS) – In the early 1940s, minorities like the approximately 80,000 Jews, or even the 200,000 Greeks, did not make up …
Shalom, Vietnam: A Jewish Culture Guide
Shalom Life
World cities, provincial towns, and even the most unassuming of suburbs are infused withJewish history and culture, some of which is waiting to be …
How Israelis, American Jews Differ, Even On Passover
The Jewish Week
I understand the dark side of Jewish history. But part of Zionism is the wish for us to become a normal people, like all other people. We have our own …
Studying the Role and Finances of Fundraising Galas among Jewish Organizations
The Nonprofit Quarterly
Other big spenders are the National Museum of American Jewish History, which spent $3.3 million; Friends of the Israel Defense Forces, which spent …
Epicenter of Holocaust now fastest-growing Jewish community
And this upsurge in the Jewish population — believed to be more than … museums and workaday places related to Jewish history and present life in …


Tragic Past, Rebirth in Berlin’s Jewish Community
ABC News
And this upsurge in the Jewish population — believed to be more than … museums and workaday places related to Jewish history and present life in …

26 Billion Bucks: Those Jewish Charity Parties? Pricey.

Other top spenders include the National Museum of American Jewish History, which spent $3.3 million; Friends of the Israel Defense Forces, which …
The Intricate Past of Modern-Day Portuguese Jewry
He explains that Portugal has a long Jewish history, but its public celebration of Judaism has not been the same since the infamous expulsions of the …
Richmond has history, art and many monuments
San Diego Jewish World
Thus, the city has a proud Colonial past and Civil War history. … There is also a thrivingJewish population which has been in the area almost since the …
‘Kabbalat Shabbat Ala Blues’ at Wayland temple
Wicked Local Weston
As he explains, “As the African slave experience was a catalyst for blues, Jewish historyfostered its own form of soulful tears, from Jews crying out in …
Adventures in San Diego Jewish History, Southwestern Jewish Press, Part 2
San Diego Jewish World
Attention Family Historians: If you would like a JPG photo copy from the Southwestern Jewish Press of any “Adventures in San Diego Jewish History” …
Reexamining History at AJFF: Austin Jewish Film Festival wrap
Austin Chronicle
The 12th annual Austin Jewish Film Festival offered up yet another nicely curated slate of movies-with-a-Jewish-nexus for a broad range of ages and …
The Pesach Seder – 3rd in a Series of 5 Blogs
The Jewish Journal of Greater L.A. (blog)
The Very First Seder in Jewish History – The first Seder was held in Egypt before the Exodus itself. Consequently, the Seder is not a celebration of …

Jewish leadership in the Baltic states

The breakup of the Soviet Union and the end of Communist domination in Eastern Europe opened a new chapter in the history of the Jewish …

Jewish cultural heritage exhibit on view at City Hall Park

People interested in Jewish history, roots and genealogy are especially welcome on Tuesdays at noon, when a member of the Jewish Genealogy …

The Faith of Fallen Jews: Conforming Doesn’t Work

The title of this compilation, The Faith of Fallen Jews: Yosef Hayim Yerushalmi and the Writing of Jewish History, comes from the major interest of his …

Judaism: Feminism and Chazaka

Judaism: Feminism and Chazaka … and educator, admired the world over for his audio tapes/CDs, videos and books, particularly on Jewish history.

Elsewhere: Putin and Ukraine’s Jews, story of slivovitz, why kosher bacon?

… slivovitz: The characteristically Jewish plum brandy, a popular Passover drink, has its roots in Jewish history but is thriving in contemporary America.

Jews had no place on earth, so they hid under it

Jews had no place on earth, so they hid under it … HISTORY is supporting No Place on Earth with educational content for schools nationwide.
‘San Diego Yesterday’ filled with fascinating tidbits
San Diego Jewish World
SAN DIEGO–Anyone who has ever seriously researched San Diego history … Donald H. Harrison is editor of San Diego Jewish World, which seeks …
Richmond has history, art and many monuments
San Diego Jewish World
Thus, the city has a proud Colonial past and Civil War history. … There is also a thrivingJewish population which has been in the area almost since the …
‘Kabbalat Shabbat Ala Blues’ at Wayland temple
Wicked Local Weston
As he explains, “As the African slave experience was a catalyst for blues, Jewish historyfostered its own form of soulful tears, from Jews crying out in …

The Pesach Seder – 3rd in a Series of 5 Blogs
The Jewish Journal of Greater L.A. (blog)
The Very First Seder in Jewish History – The first Seder was held in Egypt before the Exodus itself. Consequently, the Seder is not a celebration of ..

Jewish baseball cards hit home

… pictures of objets d’baseball currently being shown in “Chasing Dreams,” the new exhibit at the National Museum of American Jewish History, where …

Baseball historian headlines National Museum of American Jewish History party

Professional baseball’s official historian was the guest speaker at a cocktail party honoring the National Museum of American Jewish History.

Section This Day, In Jewish History : 24JEWISH ALERTS large selection in each section

Jewish News <><> Simcha Channel <><> Torah Insights <><> Jewish Recipes <><> Jewish Life <><> Das Jüdische leben <><> La Vie Juive <><> Jewish Communities <><> Jewish Culture & Yiddish <><> Jewish History <><> This Day, In Jewish History Tanya Shiurim Shiurim Hayom Yom <><> V I D E O C L I P O F T H E D A Y <><> This week’s Torah Portion

Heritage: Civilization and the Jews (1984) — 5. The Search for Deliverance




(DVD description)

Winner of the coveted Peabody Award, HERITAGE: CIVILIZATION AND THE JEWS is the monumental nine-part series spanning three millennia of Jewish history and culture. The series is hosted by former Israeli Ambassador to the United States, Abba Eban, who describes it as “a celebration of our common humanistic and moral heritage, explored through the mysteries of preservation, renewal, and resonance of the Jewish people.” From the stony heights of Sinai to the shores of the Dead Sea, from a Greek amphitheater in Delphi to the Forum of ancient Rome, out of the ashes of concentration camps to the rebuilt cities and villages of Israel, “Heritage” brings to life the long and complex history of the Jews and their centuries-old interaction with the rest of Western civilization.

This program picks up the thread of Jewish history as the intellectual awakening of the Renaissance began to alter the attitudes and habits of all people. Such scholars as Copernicus, Tycho Brahe, Johanes Kepler, and Galileo began to examine the world around them with new eyes. Abba Eban takes viewers through the narrow alleys of the Venetian ghetto, as he explains the reality of ghetto life. Jewish composers, artists, and poets achieved fame the transcended the ghetto walls. Spanish and Portuguese Jews who had escaped the persecution of the Spanish Inquisition flocked to Amsterdam, known as the “New Jerusalem” where refugees from religious intolerance were welcomed.

Hosted and Narrated by ABBA EBAN
Produced and Directed by EUGENE MARNER
Written by JOHN G. FOX

Offscreen Voices

Music Composed and Conducted by JOHN DUFFY
Series Producer JOHN G. FOX
Executive Producers ARNOLD LABATON and MARC SIEGEL

Copyright © 1984 Thirteen WNET / New York in association with PBS. All rights reserved.

• For more information and educational resources, visit the PBS web site at

* This series is still available on DVD from at….

(No copyright infringement intended. All material property of Thirteen WNET / New York and PBS.)

Jerusalem First Century – Jerusalém Século I

Video clip on Jerusalem first century model at Israel National Museum in Jerusalem, Israel.

Jewish History Lectures – Winter 2013-14


Rabbi Dovid Katz

Rise in immigration to Israel: January witnesses 6% increase in Aliya to Jewish homeland


Israel’s Central Bureau of Statistics shows a 6% increase in immigration to Israel in January, what is referred to here as “Aliya”, Hebrew for ascending to the land of Israel. Strolling the streets of Tel Aviv, we asked Israelis why they felt many Jews from abroad make their way over here

Passover Story

27.03.2009 The Passover Story. The great holiday of Passover is one of the central days in the Jewish Calendar. The Jewish people came down to Egypt through Joseph. Joseph was at one point the viceroy of Egypt, but after he died, the Jewish people sink into slavery. This slavery was very harsh- both physically and spiritually, yet somehow there is a core of the Jewish people that survives and remains loyal to the ideas of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

Moses is the great redeemer, who was himself raised in the Egyptian court through the Princess having adopted him. Through a series of events involving G-d miracles and plagues, Moses becomes the messenger of freedom- and the Jewish people leave Egypt.

Not all the Jews make it out of Egypt. According to a Midrash, 80% of the Jewish people stayed and died in Egypt. Whatever the Exact numbers, there was still a massive exodus- and the Jewish people (along with some others who left Egypt with them) were freed and begin their wandering in the Desert. Freedom must have a purpose, and the purpose of the Jewish people was to spread the concept of G-d, morality, charity, Monotheism, and goodness throughout the world.

In the Sinai Desert, the Jewish people receive the Torah and become a nation- the beginning of a long journey of spreading light throughout the world. The Passover holiday is re-enacted every year and tells us the value of freedom, purpose, faith, and family.

At Rabbi Wein’s Passover table- there was sometimes a span of over 300 years sitting at the table (the Rabbi’s great-grandfather who witnessed generations before him, and his great grandson who will G-d willing witness generations after him). Going back in History, it would only take 10 more tables like this to connect the Jewish people back to the time of the Exodus. This is an example of how Passover is a family holiday.

By sitting together, we testify to our past, to our commitment to the future, to our faith, to the fact that we are an eternal people. And to the fact that freedom means discipline and purpose- only a person who accepts upon themselves the yoke of Torah and morality is truly free.

The first law of Passover is to give charity to the poor so that they can also have a Seder (Passover meal).

The history and tradition of Passover

Rabbi Yossi Shemtov of the Chabad House discusses in this edition of FOX Toledo Talk Back about Passover, the most holiest of the Jewish faith holidays, and the history and tradition of the seder.

Talmud Pesachim page 51 Rabbi Weisblum הרב ויסבלום תלמוד פסחים דף נ”א, Passover Pesach Torah reading Shabbat Chol Hamoed Rabbi Weisblum קריאת התורה שבת פסח

Torah Reading for Passover Pesach Shabbat Col Hamoed by Rabbi Moshe P. Weisblum PhD. Torah reading is slow and clear and accompanied with the text to make it easier to follow the lead of Rabbi Weisblum. Ashkenaz Nigun. קריאת התורה לפסח שבת חול המועד .קריאה איטית ברורה ובהירה. נוסח אשכנז אשכנזי. הטקסט נמצא על המסך ומאפשר לצופה לעקוב אחרי הקריאה. צפייה נעימה!
Lecture de la Bible pour la Pâque
bibliája olvasmány zsidó húsvét

This Week in Jewish History by Dr. Henry Abramson


The Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs ( is an independent non-profit institute for policy research and education.
Established in 1976, the Jerusalem Center focuses on the main issues affecting Israel’s security and international standing in order to wage the war of ideas in global opinion.
אתר בעברית-

Sephardic History Part 1-6



A 6 part introduction to Medieval Jewish History with JTS Professor Benjamin Gampel.

When the Jews Arrived in the Iberian Peninsula.

25th Anniversary Part 6A Rabbi David Nesenoff


Rabbi Dr. David Nesenoff


Aaron Kreisler: Rabbi Cohen of Galveston


Dr. Aaron Kreisler of Dallas contrasts reform Rabbi Henry Cohen of Galveston with his orthodox counterpart, Rabbi Louis Feigon. Dr. Kreisler grew up in Galveston, where his parents settled after fleeing Poland in the late 1930s. “The Bishop” Kreisler mentions is most likely Father James M. Kirwin.

You can read more about Galveston’s Jewish history here:…

This Day in Jewish History || The first synagogue in the U.S. is consecrated in New York City 

Shearith Israel was founded in lower Manhattan more than a century before American independence, and it still exists today.

Bob Dylan – A Tribute To Bob Dylan (Album 1) Full Album


01. 0:00:00 The Waterboys – Girl From The North Country
02. 0:04:16 Bill Kirchen – Just Like Tom Thumb’s Blues
03. 0:09:48 Johnny Marr – Don’t Think Twice, It’s All Right
04. 0;14:10 Howard Devoto / Luxuria – She’s Your Lover Now
05. 0:17:41 Thea Gilmore – I Dreamed I Saw St. Augustine
06. 0:22:08 The Band – When I Paint My Masterpiece
07. 0:26:05 The Hollies – The Times They Are A-Changin’
08. 0:29:18 Robert Palmer – I’ll Be Your Baby Tonight
09. 0:32:37 Cat Power – Paths Of Victory
10. 0:35:52 Thurston, Kim And Epic – Sitting On A Barbed Wire Fence
11. 0:39:36 Mary Lou Lord – You’re Gonna Make Me Lonesome When You Go
12. 0:43:08 Manfred Mann – With God On Our Side
13. 0:47:30 Cassandra Wilson – Shelter From The Storm
14. 0:52:36 The Nice – She Belongs To Me
15. 1:04:19 Paul Weller – I Shall Be Released


This Day In Jewish History / In Germany, the start of a wave of massacres
This Day In Jewish History / In Germany, the start of a wave of massacres … On April 20, 1298, the Jews of Roettingen (today in northern Bavaria) …
This Day, April 20, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin
Cleveland Jewish News (blog)
In this case the Jews merely seemed to have gotten caught up in the dynastic swirl that was so much of European History prior to the French …


This Day, April 18, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin

Cleveland Jewish News (blog)
Luther had a profound effect on Western history in general and Jewish history in particular. His inability to convert the Jews led him down the path of …

This Day, April 18, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin

Cleveland Jewish News (blog)
383: The Roman Emperors ended the exemption Jewish religious leaders enjoyed from compulsory public service. “The order which Jewish men …

This Day in Jewish History / A founding father of economics born in London

This Day in Jewish History / A founding father of economics born in London. David Ricardo became one of Britain’s richest men, thanks to opportune …

This Day, April 17, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin

392: The Roman Emperors issued a new law “stating that Jewish leaders … But Chaucer is proof that you do not need Jews to have anti-Semitism.

This day in Jewish history / A pioneer of DNA research dies

This day in Jewish history / A pioneer of DNA research dies. Rosalind Franklin, British physical chemist who helped discover the structure of DNA, died …

This Day, April 14, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin

If they had spent more time considering the realities of the situation and less time killing their Jewish“enemies” they might have been able to negotiate …

This Day, April 13, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin
Cleveland Jewish News (blog)
1111: Henry V is crowned Holy Roman Emperor. Henry gained power by revolting against his father Henry IV. This was unfortunate for the Jews of …


This Day, April 12, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin

The Crusades were a disaster for much of the Jewish population of Europe. But the Jewish suffering was really an offshoot of Christian enmity towards …

This Day in Jewish History / Bob Dylan, debuts at a New York folk-music club
Club owner Mike Porco heard the 19-year old kid sing at open-mike night. The rest is history. By David B. Green | Apr. 11, 2014 | 1:45 AM …

This Day in Jewish History / The biologist who co-invented The Pill from yams is born

This Day in Jewish History / The biologist who co-invented The Pill from … had established one of his Jewish agricultural colony in the United States, ..

This Day in Jewish History / A German-born author whose communist bent frightened Americans is 

April 10, 1913, is the birthdate of Stefan Heym, the German-born journalist and novelist who fled the Nazis, became and fought as an American citizen ..
Cleveland Jewish News (blog)
1637: Venetian Rabbi, Judah di Modena “received word that his Italian manuscript entitled ‘History of Hebrew‘ customs had been published in Paris.

This Day, April 8, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin

April 8

73(15th of Nisan, 3833): The Great Revolt came to an end today when the defenders of Masada completed their murder/suicide pact

This Day in Jewish History / A Texas rabbi and foil to the KKK is born

This Day in Jewish History / A Texas rabbi and foil to the KKK is born … Cohen, both recent immigrants from the town of Rava (in present-day Ukraine).

This Day, April 7, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin
Cleveland Jewish News (blog)
Today Charles University is the home base for a Jewish Studies program offered to American college students that examines the history of Central ..

This Day in Jewish History / Ottoman authority orders Jews to evacuate Tel Aviv
This Day in Jewish History / Ottoman authority orders Jews to evacuate Tel Aviv. A total of 1,500 Jewish evacuees are thought to have died after …


This Day, April 5, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin

1291: Muslim forces began the siege of Acre, the last Crusader stronghold. Today, this site, Akko, is back in the control of the true titleholders, the …

This Day in Jewish History / The record exec who signed up Janis Joplin

This Day in Jewish History / The record exec who signed up Janis Joplin. After experiencing an epiphany at the 1967 Monterey Pop Festival, Clive …


Section Jewish History : 24JEWISH ALERTS large selection in each section

Jewish News <><> Simcha Channel <><> Torah Insights <><> Jewish Recipes <><> Jewish Life <><> Das Jüdische leben <><> La Vie Juive <><> Jewish Communities <><> Jewish Culture & Yiddish <><> Jewish History <><> This Day, In Jewish History Tanya Shiurim Shiurim Hayom Yom <><> V I D E O C L I P O F T H E D A Y <><> This week’s Torah Portion

Sea of Galilee 2014 – Mar da Galileia 2014

Sea of Galilee 2014 – Mar da Galileia 2014

Yael Ben-Dov – “Go home!”

Yael Ben-Dov talks about how she got her start at a young age in the struggle for Israel’s founding as part of The Founders: The Story of the 1948 Generation, a jointly produced project of Toldot Yisrael and the History Channel.

Jewish History Lecture Series by Rabbi Dovid Katz Winter 2013 Lecture 5


The Seventh Annual Winter
Jewish History Lecture Series
Rabbi Dovid Katz
Thirteen lectures held on Saturday
Progress Without Peace:
Israel and the Jewish People, 1952-1956
The Snake-Pit: Politics, National-Security, & the Clash of Personalities 1952-56
Sponsored by Avi and Michael Glazer, in honor of their nieces and nephew, Alyson, Danielle, Emily, Chana, and Ari

The Borders of Israel (Essential Lectures in Jewish History) Dr. Henry Abramson


This video describes the changes in the political boundaries of the State of Israel from its inception 1948 through the disengagement from Gaza in 2005. Part of the Essential Lectures in Jewish History series by Dr. Henry Abramson. To see the Prezi associated with this video please visit…

Charlie Weinbaum, Beaumont

18.06.2013   ISJL Oral History , Institute of Southern Jewish Life

Charlie Weinbaum was born in Beaumont, Texas, in 1926 to Charles Sr. and Eleanor Perlstein Weinbaum. He has been in the insurance business since 1949 and is involved with numerous community groups and projects. A 1947 graduate of Texas A&M University, he received their Dinstinguished Almni Award in 2008.

In this video, he discusses his grandfather, Hyman Asher Perlstein, an immigrant to Beaumont who became a prominent business man and fixture in the local Jewish community.

For more on Beaumont’s Jewish history, visit:….

Paris Jewish Cultural Centre celebrates rich and ancient history of Moroccan Judaism


What pushed thousands of Moroccan Jews to emigrate to Israel? And what elements of their past remain today? These are some of the questions explored in the documentary “Moroccan Jews: destinies undone”, which was shown at the Jewish cultural centre as part of a festival celebrating the history of Judaism in Morocco. But at a time where the government of Rabat is debating a new law to cut ties with Israel, Moroccan Jews could find themselves caught in the middle.


Moshe Arens – Flags over the Warsaw Ghetto – Jerusalem Great Synagogue


Moshe Arens
Flags over the Warsaw Ghetto
Jerusalem Great Synagogue
Videograohy by Dr. Les Glassman

What is on the Seder Plate?


Dr. Rachael Turkienicz takes you through the different objects that are on the Seder Plate at Passover.

If you like this video, check us out at


JUDAISM: JEWISH HISTORY IN 60 MINUTES ( Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung ): PART 1 OF 4

JEWISH HISTORY IN 60 MINUTES ( Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung ): PART 2 OF 4

JEWISH HISTORY IN 60 MINUTES ( Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung ): PART 3 OF 4

JEWISH HISTORY IN 60 MINUTES ( Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung ): PART 4 OF 4

Jewish-American History

Popular Steven Spielberg Jewish Film Archive videos

The Steven Spielberg Jewish Film Archive is dedicated to the preservation and research of Jewish documentary films. The archive is jointly administered by the Abraham Harman Institute of Contemporary Jewry at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the Central Zionist Archives of the World Zionist Organization


Jewish Biography as History By Dr.Henry Abramson

Videos of Henry Abramson’s lectures in Jewish History and Thought. Supports courses and other materials available at

Yom Hashoah 2009: Holocaust Remembrance Day Service in Geneva


GENEVA (JTA) — The Geneva Jewish community held a ceremony for Holocaust Memorial Day opposite the United Nations, April 20, 2009.

Yom HaShoah


Over 1,100 Students, faculty and staff gathered to commemorate the Holocaust in Yeshiva University’s Yom Hashoa ceremony. The event was hosted by the Student Holocaust Education Movement (SHEM).


Learning through Jewish texts and history at Me’ah in Sharon
Wicked Local Sharon
Students, who hail from all backgrounds, study the major texts of Judaism – the Hebrew Bible and Talmud – as well as Jewish history from medieval …


Is it possible to be a Jewish intellectual?
How do concepts such as ‘ahavat Israel’ and ‘solidarity for the Jewish …. important events of Jewish history of the last millennium: the Holocaust and …

Next year in Jerusalem’? — just kidding!

But those of us born since the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948 live in a fundamentally different era of Jewish historyAmerican Jews, in ..

Passover and recognizing the Jewish state

But in recent years, Jewish history and identity have been under assault, as part of the wider war against restored national sovereignty in the State of …

Museum exhibit looks at baseball’s role in turning immigrants intoAmericans

Perelman said “Chasing Dreams” had its genesis right around the time the National Museum of American Jewish History opened in 2012, when some …

Remember The Snowy Day? Ezra Jack Keats Exhibition Opens at the Skirball

… Akron Art Museum and the National Museum of American Jewish History. Although the Skirball is a Jewish cultural center, Skirball Art Curator Erin ..
The Exodus: Jewish history, or ancient Semitic memory?
So if the Exodus that Jews tell every year on Passover didn’t happen, … There may be evidence of a long oral history combined with the use of the rich …
Polish Museum Director Stresses 1000-Year Jewish History
Jewish Daily Forward
Dariusz Stola, the newly appointed director of the Museum of the History of Polish Jews, never seems to tire of discussing the groundbreaking …
Exhibit in Manhattan sheds revealing light on Iraqi-Jewish history
New Jersey Jewish News
“Discovery and Recovery: Preserving Iraqi Jewish Heritage” offers a glimpse of the life of a community whose history dates back to the Babylonian era; …
Minnesota Jewish Theatre Company’s THE HISTORY OF INVULNERABILITY to Open 4/19
Broadway World
The History of Invulnerability will be playing April 19 through May 11; Wednesdays and Thursdays at 7:30 p.m., Saturdays at 8 p.m., Sundays at 1 p.m. …
‘Frozen Tableau’ helps faith’s history, values come alive at Temple Sinai
Cranston Herald
The stories of the Torah and values of Judaism are being taught to the students at Temple Sinai in Cranston through acting. The theater program is the …
Jewish Refugees Respond to “Zionism Unsettled”
Arutz Sheva
The Presbyterian Church, which published a revisionist history of Mizrahi Jewry, can hear … JIMENA Jews Indigenous to the Middle East and N. Africa.
Ballroom peace
The Jewish Journal of Greater L.A.
The long history of Jewish-Arab animosity is a hard thing to change, but that didn’t stop ballroom dance champion and choreographer Pierre Dulaine …
Those Jewish charity parties? Pricey
Other top spenders include the National Museum of American Jewish History, which spent $3.3 million; Friends of the Israel Defense Forces, which …
The Secret Jewish History of Tax Day
Jewish Daily Forward
As Rabbi Shmuly Yanklowitz writes in the Jewish Journal, “The principle of dina d’malchuta dina explicitly includes tax money (Bava Kamma 113a, …
Re-examining Atlanta’s Jewish History
In March, The PBS documentary series “ The Story of The Jews” chronicled the impact of the Jewish diaspora through 300 years of art, history, and …
The Story of the Jews: Documentary on Judaism tells a story that deserves to be told
“If you were to remove from our collective history the contribution Jews have made to human culture, our world would be almost unrecognizable,” said …
Erasure and Exodus: The Forgotten History of the Jews of Egypt
Inter Press Service
UNITED NATIONS, Apr 7 2014 (IPS) – In the early 1940s, minorities like the approximately 80,000 Jews, or even the 200,000 Greeks, did not make up …
Shalom, Vietnam: A Jewish Culture Guide
Shalom Life
World cities, provincial towns, and even the most unassuming of suburbs are infused withJewish history and culture, some of which is waiting to be …
How Israelis, American Jews Differ, Even On Passover
The Jewish Week
I understand the dark side of Jewish history. But part of Zionism is the wish for us to become a normal people, like all other people. We have our own …
Studying the Role and Finances of Fundraising Galas among Jewish Organizations
The Nonprofit Quarterly
Other big spenders are the National Museum of American Jewish History, which spent $3.3 million; Friends of the Israel Defense Forces, which spent …
Epicenter of Holocaust now fastest-growing Jewish community
And this upsurge in the Jewish population — believed to be more than … museums and workaday places related to Jewish history and present life in …


Tragic Past, Rebirth in Berlin’s Jewish Community
ABC News
And this upsurge in the Jewish population — believed to be more than … museums and workaday places related to Jewish history and present life in …

26 Billion Bucks: Those Jewish Charity Parties? Pricey.

Other top spenders include the National Museum of American Jewish History, which spent $3.3 million; Friends of the Israel Defense Forces, which …
The Intricate Past of Modern-Day Portuguese Jewry
He explains that Portugal has a long Jewish history, but its public celebration of Judaism has not been the same since the infamous expulsions of the …
Richmond has history, art and many monuments
San Diego Jewish World
Thus, the city has a proud Colonial past and Civil War history. … There is also a thrivingJewish population which has been in the area almost since the …
‘Kabbalat Shabbat Ala Blues’ at Wayland temple
Wicked Local Weston
As he explains, “As the African slave experience was a catalyst for blues, Jewish historyfostered its own form of soulful tears, from Jews crying out in …
Adventures in San Diego Jewish History, Southwestern Jewish Press, Part 2
San Diego Jewish World
Attention Family Historians: If you would like a JPG photo copy from the Southwestern Jewish Press of any “Adventures in San Diego Jewish History” …
Reexamining History at AJFF: Austin Jewish Film Festival wrap
Austin Chronicle
The 12th annual Austin Jewish Film Festival offered up yet another nicely curated slate of movies-with-a-Jewish-nexus for a broad range of ages and …
The Pesach Seder – 3rd in a Series of 5 Blogs
The Jewish Journal of Greater L.A. (blog)
The Very First Seder in Jewish History – The first Seder was held in Egypt before the Exodus itself. Consequently, the Seder is not a celebration of …

Jewish leadership in the Baltic states

The breakup of the Soviet Union and the end of Communist domination in Eastern Europe opened a new chapter in the history of the Jewish …

Jewish cultural heritage exhibit on view at City Hall Park

People interested in Jewish history, roots and genealogy are especially welcome on Tuesdays at noon, when a member of the Jewish Genealogy …

The Faith of Fallen Jews: Conforming Doesn’t Work

The title of this compilation, The Faith of Fallen Jews: Yosef Hayim Yerushalmi and the Writing of Jewish History, comes from the major interest of his …

Judaism: Feminism and Chazaka

Judaism: Feminism and Chazaka … and educator, admired the world over for his audio tapes/CDs, videos and books, particularly on Jewish history.

Elsewhere: Putin and Ukraine’s Jews, story of slivovitz, why kosher bacon?

… slivovitz: The characteristically Jewish plum brandy, a popular Passover drink, has its roots in Jewish history but is thriving in contemporary America.

Jews had no place on earth, so they hid under it

Jews had no place on earth, so they hid under it … HISTORY is supporting No Place on Earth with educational content for schools nationwide.
‘San Diego Yesterday’ filled with fascinating tidbits
San Diego Jewish World
SAN DIEGO–Anyone who has ever seriously researched San Diego history … Donald H. Harrison is editor of San Diego Jewish World, which seeks …
Richmond has history, art and many monuments
San Diego Jewish World
Thus, the city has a proud Colonial past and Civil War history. … There is also a thrivingJewish population which has been in the area almost since the …
‘Kabbalat Shabbat Ala Blues’ at Wayland temple
Wicked Local Weston
As he explains, “As the African slave experience was a catalyst for blues, Jewish historyfostered its own form of soulful tears, from Jews crying out in …

The Pesach Seder – 3rd in a Series of 5 Blogs
The Jewish Journal of Greater L.A. (blog)
The Very First Seder in Jewish History – The first Seder was held in Egypt before the Exodus itself. Consequently, the Seder is not a celebration of ..

Jewish baseball cards hit home

… pictures of objets d’baseball currently being shown in “Chasing Dreams,” the new exhibit at the National Museum of American Jewish History, where …

Baseball historian headlines National Museum of American Jewish History party

Professional baseball’s official historian was the guest speaker at a cocktail party honoring the National Museum of American Jewish History.

Section This Day, In Jewish History : 24JEWISH ALERTS large selection in each section

Jewish News <><> Simcha Channel <><> Torah Insights <><> Jewish Recipes <><> Jewish Life <><> Das Jüdische leben <><> La Vie Juive <><> Jewish Communities <><> Jewish Culture & Yiddish <><> Jewish History <><> This Day, In Jewish History Tanya Shiurim Shiurim Hayom Yom <><> V I D E O C L I P O F T H E D A Y <><> This week’s Torah Portion

Jerusalem First Century – Jerusalém Século I

Video clip on Jerusalem first century model at Israel National Museum in Jerusalem, Israel.

Jewish History Lectures – Winter 2013-14


Rabbi Dovid Katz

Rise in immigration to Israel: January witnesses 6% increase in Aliya to Jewish homeland


Israel’s Central Bureau of Statistics shows a 6% increase in immigration to Israel in January, what is referred to here as “Aliya”, Hebrew for ascending to the land of Israel. Strolling the streets of Tel Aviv, we asked Israelis why they felt many Jews from abroad make their way over here

Passover Story

27.03.2009 The Passover Story. The great holiday of Passover is one of the central days in the Jewish Calendar. The Jewish people came down to Egypt through Joseph. Joseph was at one point the viceroy of Egypt, but after he died, the Jewish people sink into slavery. This slavery was very harsh- both physically and spiritually, yet somehow there is a core of the Jewish people that survives and remains loyal to the ideas of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

Moses is the great redeemer, who was himself raised in the Egyptian court through the Princess having adopted him. Through a series of events involving G-d miracles and plagues, Moses becomes the messenger of freedom- and the Jewish people leave Egypt.

Not all the Jews make it out of Egypt. According to a Midrash, 80% of the Jewish people stayed and died in Egypt. Whatever the Exact numbers, there was still a massive exodus- and the Jewish people (along with some others who left Egypt with them) were freed and begin their wandering in the Desert. Freedom must have a purpose, and the purpose of the Jewish people was to spread the concept of G-d, morality, charity, Monotheism, and goodness throughout the world.

In the Sinai Desert, the Jewish people receive the Torah and become a nation- the beginning of a long journey of spreading light throughout the world. The Passover holiday is re-enacted every year and tells us the value of freedom, purpose, faith, and family.

At Rabbi Wein’s Passover table- there was sometimes a span of over 300 years sitting at the table (the Rabbi’s great-grandfather who witnessed generations before him, and his great grandson who will G-d willing witness generations after him). Going back in History, it would only take 10 more tables like this to connect the Jewish people back to the time of the Exodus. This is an example of how Passover is a family holiday.

By sitting together, we testify to our past, to our commitment to the future, to our faith, to the fact that we are an eternal people. And to the fact that freedom means discipline and purpose- only a person who accepts upon themselves the yoke of Torah and morality is truly free.

The first law of Passover is to give charity to the poor so that they can also have a Seder (Passover meal).

The history and tradition of Passover

Rabbi Yossi Shemtov of the Chabad House discusses in this edition of FOX Toledo Talk Back about Passover, the most holiest of the Jewish faith holidays, and the history and tradition of the seder.

Talmud Pesachim page 51 Rabbi Weisblum הרב ויסבלום תלמוד פסחים דף נ”א, Passover Pesach Torah reading Shabbat Chol Hamoed Rabbi Weisblum קריאת התורה שבת פסח

Torah Reading for Passover Pesach Shabbat Col Hamoed by Rabbi Moshe P. Weisblum PhD. Torah reading is slow and clear and accompanied with the text to make it easier to follow the lead of Rabbi Weisblum. Ashkenaz Nigun. קריאת התורה לפסח שבת חול המועד .קריאה איטית ברורה ובהירה. נוסח אשכנז אשכנזי. הטקסט נמצא על המסך ומאפשר לצופה לעקוב אחרי הקריאה. צפייה נעימה!
Lecture de la Bible pour la Pâque
bibliája olvasmány zsidó húsvét

This Week in Jewish History by Dr. Henry Abramson


The Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs ( is an independent non-profit institute for policy research and education.
Established in 1976, the Jerusalem Center focuses on the main issues affecting Israel’s security and international standing in order to wage the war of ideas in global opinion.
אתר בעברית-

Sephardic History Part 1-6



A 6 part introduction to Medieval Jewish History with JTS Professor Benjamin Gampel.

When the Jews Arrived in the Iberian Peninsula.

25th Anniversary Part 6A Rabbi David Nesenoff


Rabbi Dr. David Nesenoff


Aaron Kreisler: Rabbi Cohen of Galveston


Dr. Aaron Kreisler of Dallas contrasts reform Rabbi Henry Cohen of Galveston with his orthodox counterpart, Rabbi Louis Feigon. Dr. Kreisler grew up in Galveston, where his parents settled after fleeing Poland in the late 1930s. “The Bishop” Kreisler mentions is most likely Father James M. Kirwin.

You can read more about Galveston’s Jewish history here:…

This Day in Jewish History || The first synagogue in the U.S. is consecrated in New York City 

Shearith Israel was founded in lower Manhattan more than a century before American independence, and it still exists today.

Bob Dylan – A Tribute To Bob Dylan (Album 1) Full Album


01. 0:00:00 The Waterboys – Girl From The North Country
02. 0:04:16 Bill Kirchen – Just Like Tom Thumb’s Blues
03. 0:09:48 Johnny Marr – Don’t Think Twice, It’s All Right
04. 0;14:10 Howard Devoto / Luxuria – She’s Your Lover Now
05. 0:17:41 Thea Gilmore – I Dreamed I Saw St. Augustine
06. 0:22:08 The Band – When I Paint My Masterpiece
07. 0:26:05 The Hollies – The Times They Are A-Changin’
08. 0:29:18 Robert Palmer – I’ll Be Your Baby Tonight
09. 0:32:37 Cat Power – Paths Of Victory
10. 0:35:52 Thurston, Kim And Epic – Sitting On A Barbed Wire Fence
11. 0:39:36 Mary Lou Lord – You’re Gonna Make Me Lonesome When You Go
12. 0:43:08 Manfred Mann – With God On Our Side
13. 0:47:30 Cassandra Wilson – Shelter From The Storm
14. 0:52:36 The Nice – She Belongs To Me
15. 1:04:19 Paul Weller – I Shall Be Released

 This Day, April 14, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin

If they had spent more time considering the realities of the situation and less time killing their Jewish“enemies” they might have been able to negotiate …

This Day, April 13, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin
Cleveland Jewish News (blog)
1111: Henry V is crowned Holy Roman Emperor. Henry gained power by revolting against his father Henry IV. This was unfortunate for the Jews of …


This Day, April 12, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin

The Crusades were a disaster for much of the Jewish population of Europe. But the Jewish suffering was really an offshoot of Christian enmity towards …

This Day in Jewish History / Bob Dylan, debuts at a New York folk-music club
Club owner Mike Porco heard the 19-year old kid sing at open-mike night. The rest is history. By David B. Green | Apr. 11, 2014 | 1:45 AM …

This Day in Jewish History / The biologist who co-invented The Pill from yams is born

This Day in Jewish History / The biologist who co-invented The Pill from … had established one of his Jewish agricultural colony in the United States, ..

This Day in Jewish History / A German-born author whose communist bent frightened Americans is 

April 10, 1913, is the birthdate of Stefan Heym, the German-born journalist and novelist who fled the Nazis, became and fought as an American citizen ..
Cleveland Jewish News (blog)
1637: Venetian Rabbi, Judah di Modena “received word that his Italian manuscript entitled ‘History of Hebrew‘ customs had been published in Paris.

This Day, April 8, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin

April 8

73(15th of Nisan, 3833): The Great Revolt came to an end today when the defenders of Masada completed their murder/suicide pact

This Day in Jewish History / A Texas rabbi and foil to the KKK is born

This Day in Jewish History / A Texas rabbi and foil to the KKK is born … Cohen, both recent immigrants from the town of Rava (in present-day Ukraine).

This Day, April 7, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin
Cleveland Jewish News (blog)
Today Charles University is the home base for a Jewish Studies program offered to American college students that examines the history of Central ..

This Day in Jewish History / Ottoman authority orders Jews to evacuate Tel Aviv
This Day in Jewish History / Ottoman authority orders Jews to evacuate Tel Aviv. A total of 1,500 Jewish evacuees are thought to have died after …


This Day, April 5, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin

1291: Muslim forces began the siege of Acre, the last Crusader stronghold. Today, this site, Akko, is back in the control of the true titleholders, the …

This Day in Jewish History / The record exec who signed up Janis Joplin

This Day in Jewish History / The record exec who signed up Janis Joplin. After experiencing an epiphany at the 1967 Monterey Pop Festival, Clive …