Section Jewish Communities: 24JEWISH ALERTS large selection videos and feeds in each section

אוהבים אתכם צה”ל


צוק איתן – קליפ המוקדש באהבה לכל חיילי צה״ל




WEEKLY Parshat Hashavuah 



 Shiurim Tisha B’Av  language  hebrew,french,english,spanish,german,russian SHIURIM & COMMENTARIES


CLICK sur “PLAYLIST” en haut à gauche de la video puis slectionner votre vidéo
CLICK “PLAYLIST”parte superior izquierda DEL VIDEO , seleccione su VIDEO
CLICK “Playlist” в левом верхнем углу VIDEO затем выберите VIDEO
CLICK “Playlist” oben links im VIDEO anschließend Wählen Sie Ihr VIDEO

Benefit Evening 2014

Program from the Benefit Evening June 11th, 2014
The Happenings @ Chabad of Mid-Suffolk

Funeral held for Israeli soldier killed in Gaza

Funeral held for French-Israeli soldier killed in Gaza

Changing Jewish Communities TheJerusalemCenter

Livnot Galilee Fellowship June 2014

27.07.2014 | For 34 years, Livnot U’Lehibanot has been providing unaffiliated young Jewish adults an opportunity to explore Judaism in an open, non-coercive environment. Livnot’s mission is the preservation and cultivation of Jewish identity through a balanced program of hiking the land of Israel, informal Jewish study, and meaningful community service. Our Israel experience programs encourage their participation in the organized Jewish community upon their return to North America.

At the time that Livnot was founded, there were two basic options for an Israel experience: yeshiva or kibbutz ulpan. Today, there is an abundance of programs and providers but studies show little significant increase in participants’ post-trip Jewish communal involvement. The Israel experience can be one of the most powerful tools to build Jewish identity and involvement, but only if it equals a *Jewish* experience. What can we offer this generation of Jews who have become distanced from Jewish life for a variety of reasons, beyond a camel ride and felafel? What can we give them from their rich heritage that they will treasure and keep alive upon their return? How do we show them the beauty and joy of a Jewish community, so that they will seek out connection to their people as they move forward in life?

Shabbat and holidays, Jewish values, learning, and unity are among the treasures that Livnot imparts to our participants. We believe it’s not enough to teach about them, but to learn by doing. Every Galilee Fellowship participant celebrates Purim, Tu B’Shvat, Independence Day, Shabbat and other holidays by creating the holiday experience for themselves. With guidance from our dedicated educational staff, they learn the deeper meaning of these days, perform skits, dress in costumes, braid challah, cook and bake, sing, dance, and bring the holidays alive together in a personally meaningful way. They learn together and from each other. They connect with themselves and the community through service. Livnot provides the tools to the participant to take this experience home.

Rome, Italy: Jewish Quarter

More info about travel to Rome:… In this video, we’ll take a trip to Rome’s Jewish Quarter, one of the oldest Jewish communities in Europe.

At, you’ll find money-saving travel tips, small-group tours, guidebooks, TV shows, radio programs, podcasts, and more on this destination.

Young, Jewish and Proud

The Jewish Community Federation and Endowment Fund has a rich variety of programs that engage the young adult Jewish community in the Bay Area. This video provides a snapshot of some of the people and programs that strengthen our Jewish community and inspire the next generation of Jewish machers, leaders, and innovators.

Jewish Community in Covington, Kentucky

Jewish Community in Covington, Kentucky
Interview with Zell Schulman and Dorothy Siegel
March 20, 2014

Pro-Israeli rally: Israel’s ambassador gets standing ovation

Gaza-conflict: thousands of Hungarians – Jews, Christians, Gypsies – showed solidarity with Israel at Budapest’s prestigious Dohány steet synagogue on the 27th of July, 2014. The ambassador of Israel get standing ovation.


Thousands staging a pro-Israeli rally in Budapest


Gaza-conflict: thousands of Hungarians – Jews, Christians, Gypsies – showed solidarity with Israel at Budapest’s prestigious Dohány steet synagogue on the 27th of July, 2014.


Israeli Football Players Attacked With FLYING KICKS By Pro-Palestinians During Friendly Match!!!

Nashville Jewish Community Rallies For Israel 24.07.2014

Bridges for Peace Canada at Peace for Israel Rally 24.07.2014

Philadelphians Speak Their Minds on the Israel-Gaza Conflict 23.07.2014

Delaware Community “TOGETHER We Stand With Israel” Solidarity Rally July 23, 2014

Zalman Shachter – Jewish Renewal

Rabbi Zalman Shachter-Shalomi (1924-2014), his life as a religious Jew and his movement Jewish renewal. Commonalities with other new movements, including OTD.

הבדלה מוצ״ש מטות תשע״ד מקאם סיגא Hathaway shul Havdalla

Cantor Nahari dedicated tonight’s havdalla in honor of the צה״ל soldiers

Jewish Culture Festival gives a new rythym to centuries-old culture , Cracow 2014

Krakow’s Jewish Culture Festival joins centuries of Jewish tradition in one of Poland’s oldest cities with the newest trends in music and culture. The 24th edition of the festival features nearly 300 events held over 10 days and takes a more modern approach to promoting and celebrating the city’s Jewish heritage.

In previous years, the festival’s themes went far into history and Klezmer music dominated on the main square of Krakow’s historical Jewish district, Kazimierz.

This year DJ’s from Israel play to an international audience on the banks of the Vistula river and events are held all over town. The city’s historical background is preserved, but members of the younger generation want to discover more.

Loud, Proud & Jewish

What are the attitudes towards LGBT issues within the Jewish community?

Jewish News premieres the first in its brand new series of documentaries, focusing on issues at the very heart of modern Jewish life in Britain.

The first explores the Jewish LGBT community’s ongoing struggle for broad acceptance among Anglo-Jewry.

Produced and directed by london-based filmmaker Ben Burman, the documentary features provocative perspectives from Surat Knan, founder of Rainbow Jews, founder of HotSaltBeef Allan Davis and Rabbi Alan Plancey, former Rabbi of Borehamwood and Elstree Synangogue, who offers a mainstream Orthodox standpoint.

Watch the film and leave your comments!

Budapest, Hungary: Great Synagogue

The huge and gorgeously restored Great Synagogue (also called Dohány Street Synagogue) is the biggest in Europe. Tour the ornately Moorish-flavored interior and explore the attached museum. Outside, don’t miss the powerful Memorial Garden with its shimmering sculpture Tree of Life

Quenelle – Danish Ambassador in Paris compares Dieudonné and Toulouse murder of Jews

TV2 Denmark broadcast (part) January 7, 2014

French interior minister and socialist government stops popular black comedian Dieudonné M’Bala M’Bala

Danish ambassador in Paris Anne Dorte Riggelsen links Dieudonné to Toulouse murders of Jewish children – ‘In France there is less distance between words and actions than in other places’.

Some English subtitles and comments.

More here: BBC interview: Abuse of power in France: Comedian Dieudonné M’Bala M’Bala challenges politicians – The Quenelle – with transscript of BBC video – interview with philosopher Alain Soral

Shocking scenes as 150 Jewish men go on rampage in Paris streets and clash!!!

Shocking scenes as 150 Jewish men go on rampage in Paris streets and clash with pro-Palestinian demonstrators

A group of 150 Jewish men were seen brandishing iron bars and cans of pepper spray as they clashed with Pro-Palestinian demonstrators in Paris.

Video footage of the clashes show the group chanting racist slogans as they roamed the streets.

It came as President Francois Hollande warned that he did not want to see ‘the Israeli-Palestinian conflict imported into France’.

French Jewish groups have complained about an increase in anti-Semitism in recent months, with many accusing Muslim youths of targeting them.

But a video shot close to the Place de la Bastille on Sunday, and verified by police before being posted on YouTube, appears to show pro-Israel groups are also actively involved in clashes.

In Paris, CRS riot police did not arrest any of the group, thought to be linked to the Jewish Defence League, despite them openly fighting in broad daylight.

In the video, those amongst the group can be heard chanting ‘**** you Palestine’ as they smash up chairs and metal tables to be used as missiles

The men are armed with gas canisters, pepper spray, metal bars and wooden sticks and some wear crash helmets.

The video shows the men running towards pro-Palestinian demonstrators, before skirmishes break out.

Six pro-Palestinian demonstrators were arrested on Sunday, accused of trying to break into two Paris synagogues. Two Jewish men were reportedly injured.

After FIFA, Jewish Fans Grateful for Chabad of Brazil


After FIFA, Jewish Fans Grateful for Chabad of Brazil

Rabbi Raichman of Manuas, Brazil, helps a Jewish fan wrap tefillin during the games.

by Rena Greenberg – Manuas, Brazil

France: Palestine demo clashes outside synagogue

France: Clashes erupt in Pro-Palestine Paris demo

France: Zionists disrupt pro-Palestinian rally in Paris

Video ID: 20140709-049


France: Marseille protesters call for end to Israeli strikes on Gaza

Germany: Pro-Palestine protesters invade central Berlin


Experiences from Berlin’s Jewish Community with Sergey Lagodisky

AICGS Society, Culture & Politics Director Dr. Lily Gardner Feldman sits down with Sergey Lagodinsky to discuss the Jewish Community in Berlin. As a member of the Assembly of Representatives in this community, Lagodinsky shares his experience with the challenges in building a unified community across many Jewish denominations and identities. Moreover, he elaborates on Berlin’s history of integrating Russian, post-Soviet, Jewish immigrants and handling the widely held societal misperceptions of Jewish communities.

Cigar Party in the Jewish Community Berlin


Ahavah Rabah Ahavtanu – Beth Medrash Govoha Tea Presentation – 2008
Pidyon Peter Chamor In Detroit – Full Video


Chabad on Campus | Enriching University Life

Numerous prominent university presidents and deans express how Chabad on Campus plays an integral role at their school.

Maccabiah Camp Kimama Michmoret 2014 1st session

Camp Kimama Israel, is the first and best Jewish international summer camp in Israel , for ages 6-17

Maccabiah Camp Kimama Michmoret 2014

Camp Kimama Israel- International Summer Camps

Life in Israel Gaza Rockets Interrupt Wedding in Ashdod

RT, Russia Today, Iron Dome, Israel, Air raid sirens, Tel Aviv, Israel’s Iron Dome, Gaza rocket, Gaza Strip (Administrative Division), anti-missile system

Haredi: The Ultra orthodox society in Israel 1-5

An Arab and a Jew Save Each Other’s Lives



18.06.2014 The Van Leer Jerusalem Institute – מכון ון ליר בירושלים

The Jewish View

Kathy talks about how she became interested in politics after graduating from Siena College and how she rose through the ranks to her current position. Kathy reveals how she developed an interest in budgeting, which led to serving as a staffer on an important NYS Senate committee. Kathy also talks about her support for casinos

Baltimore Jewish community mourns slain Israeli teens

President Peres at the Jewish community in New York at the Park Avenue Synagogue


The Russian Émigré Seder

In 1980, Sinai Memorial Chapel Chevra Kadisha, through the efforts of its Past President Arthur S Becker, z’l, and in conjunction with the Jewish Community Center San Francisco, joined forces to welcome a significant influx of new Russian Jewish immigrants, and among other things, to help them celebrate the Jewish holiday of Passover. This is a document of the 33rd anniversary of that seder which continues to this day.

Images of the Jewish Community of Rhodes

Images of the Jewish Community of Rhodes. Music by Judy Frankel and photos collected by Aron Hasson.

Guimel Tamuz 5772 (2012) – Ohel – Momento Especial

Grupo de brasileiros visita o túmulo do Rebe, em Nova York, na véspera do dia de seu falecimento, 3 de Tamuz
Guimel Tamuz 5771 Rebe 3 Tamuz 2011 julho NY NYC New York City United States of America Nova Iorque Estados Unidos Crown Hights 770 Eastern Parkway Kingston Avenue Street Grupo Sao Paulo Brasil Brazil Rebbe Rabino Rabbi O shil Oshil Itaim Richard Tamesgui Yossi Shmuli Schildkraut Zal Hakatan

Community Lecture Series

North African Jewish music

Moishe House

Moishe House, a pluralistic international organization, provides meaningful Jewish experiences to young adults in their 20s. Our innovative model trains, supports and sponsors young Jewish leaders as they create vibrant home-based communities for themselves and their peers.

Our approach has enabled the existing 64 houses worldwide to engage more than 80,000 attendees a year. From Shabbat dinners and Learning Retreats to book clubs and sporting events, residents find ways to connect their peers with community, wherever they are. To learn more about our unique model, click here

יום ירושלים

Szól a kakas már – Hungarian Jewish Folk Music

Judaism and Jews in Greece – Greek Jewish Diaspora

Thema – Jewish Agency for Israel

Thema – Jewish Agency for Israel




Popular Kibbutz videos

Mix Events Israel

New Kosher restaurant in Brussels gains popularity


Food, in particular Kosher food, is an important part of the Jewish way of life.


WorldJewish Congress


Israel Tourism

The Israel Experience

Innovative Israel

Actual  Videos

Chabad of Boulder, Colorado

Boulder Jewish News

Comunidade na TV 20 a 26/04/2014

O Comunidade na TV é um programa da Federação Israelita do Rio de Janeiro.

O programa é exibido no Canal 14 da NET aos Domingos (7h, 16h e 21h), com reprises ao longo da semana!.

jCommunities2 Kopie

Rally for Israel in NYC

Show your support for Israel and join us for a community-wide rally

When: Monday, July 28th at 12:30 PM

Where: Dag Hammarskjold Plaza (2nd Avenue and 47th Street), New York City

More information

Download PDF Flyer

Please share:   Facebook  |  Twitter

OU Solidarity Mission to Israel

Read the latest reports from the OU Solidarity Mission to Israel

“We are now driving to Sderot, with planned visits today to IDF soldiers and to an Iron Dome installation. However, the area is closed off by the IDF due to security concerns, so there’s uncertainty about our exact route.”


What else can you do to support Israel?

Rally co-sponsors include:
UJA-Federation of New York
NY Board of Rabbis
Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations
Orthodox Union
Union for Reform Judaism
The United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism
National Council of Young Israel

Section Jewish Communities: 24JEWISH ALERTS large selection videos and feeds in each section

אוהבים אתכם צה”ל


צוק איתן – קליפ המוקדש באהבה לכל חיילי צה״ל




WEEKLY Parshat Hashavuah 



 Shiurim Tisha B’Av  language  hebrew,french,english,spanish,german,russian SHIURIM & COMMENTARIES

Beth Chabad C S L with israel


תפילות להצלחת חיילי צה”ל כא’ בתמוז


The White Shul and Achiezer Shiva Asar B’ Tamuz Kinnus Chizuk
On Tuesday July 15, 2014 (Shiva Asar B’Tamuz) an overflow crowd from the Far Rockaway, Five Towns and surrounding areas joined together at the White Shul for an uplifting gathering in light of the current crisis in Eretz Yisroel and in memory of the three kedoshim who were tragically killed several weeks ago HY”D. Numerous Rabbonim, organizations and institutions joined together in an unprecedented display of achdus. Additionally, the program was broadcast world-wide at both and This broadcast was sponsored by the Wolfson family b’zchus a refuah shelaima for Nosson Tzvi ben Sara Rivka Kashtiya who desperately needs our tefillos.

The program featured the following speakers:

Rabbi Eytan Feiner- Rav of Congregation Kneseth Israel

Rabbi Steven Weil- Senior Managing Director of the Orthodox Union

Rabbi Yaakov Bender- Rosh HaYeshiva of Yeshiva Darchei Torah

Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zwiebel- Executive Vice President of Agudath Israel of America

Rabbi Rami Brachyahu- Rav of Talmon, Eretz Yisroel and Rav of the Shaer Family

CLICK sur “PLAYLIST” en haut à gauche de la video puis slectionner votre vidéo
CLICK “PLAYLIST”parte superior izquierda DEL VIDEO , seleccione su VIDEO
CLICK “Playlist” в левом верхнем углу VIDEO затем выберите VIDEO
CLICK “Playlist” oben links im VIDEO anschließend Wählen Sie Ihr VIDEO

Changing Jewish Communities TheJerusalemCenter

Livnot Galilee Fellowship June 2014

27.07.2014 | For 34 years, Livnot U’Lehibanot has been providing unaffiliated young Jewish adults an opportunity to explore Judaism in an open, non-coercive environment. Livnot’s mission is the preservation and cultivation of Jewish identity through a balanced program of hiking the land of Israel, informal Jewish study, and meaningful community service. Our Israel experience programs encourage their participation in the organized Jewish community upon their return to North America.

At the time that Livnot was founded, there were two basic options for an Israel experience: yeshiva or kibbutz ulpan. Today, there is an abundance of programs and providers but studies show little significant increase in participants’ post-trip Jewish communal involvement. The Israel experience can be one of the most powerful tools to build Jewish identity and involvement, but only if it equals a *Jewish* experience. What can we offer this generation of Jews who have become distanced from Jewish life for a variety of reasons, beyond a camel ride and felafel? What can we give them from their rich heritage that they will treasure and keep alive upon their return? How do we show them the beauty and joy of a Jewish community, so that they will seek out connection to their people as they move forward in life?

Shabbat and holidays, Jewish values, learning, and unity are among the treasures that Livnot imparts to our participants. We believe it’s not enough to teach about them, but to learn by doing. Every Galilee Fellowship participant celebrates Purim, Tu B’Shvat, Independence Day, Shabbat and other holidays by creating the holiday experience for themselves. With guidance from our dedicated educational staff, they learn the deeper meaning of these days, perform skits, dress in costumes, braid challah, cook and bake, sing, dance, and bring the holidays alive together in a personally meaningful way. They learn together and from each other. They connect with themselves and the community through service. Livnot provides the tools to the participant to take this experience home.

Rome, Italy: Jewish Quarter

More info about travel to Rome:… In this video, we’ll take a trip to Rome’s Jewish Quarter, one of the oldest Jewish communities in Europe.

At, you’ll find money-saving travel tips, small-group tours, guidebooks, TV shows, radio programs, podcasts, and more on this destination.

Young, Jewish and Proud

The Jewish Community Federation and Endowment Fund has a rich variety of programs that engage the young adult Jewish community in the Bay Area. This video provides a snapshot of some of the people and programs that strengthen our Jewish community and inspire the next generation of Jewish machers, leaders, and innovators.

Jewish Community in Covington, Kentucky

Jewish Community in Covington, Kentucky
Interview with Zell Schulman and Dorothy Siegel
March 20, 2014

Pro-Israeli rally: Israel’s ambassador gets standing ovation

Gaza-conflict: thousands of Hungarians – Jews, Christians, Gypsies – showed solidarity with Israel at Budapest’s prestigious Dohány steet synagogue on the 27th of July, 2014. The ambassador of Israel get standing ovation.


Thousands staging a pro-Israeli rally in Budapest


Gaza-conflict: thousands of Hungarians – Jews, Christians, Gypsies – showed solidarity with Israel at Budapest’s prestigious Dohány steet synagogue on the 27th of July, 2014.


Israeli Football Players Attacked With FLYING KICKS By Pro-Palestinians During Friendly Match!!!

Nashville Jewish Community Rallies For Israel 24.07.2014

Bridges for Peace Canada at Peace for Israel Rally 24.07.2014

Philadelphians Speak Their Minds on the Israel-Gaza Conflict 23.07.2014

Delaware Community “TOGETHER We Stand With Israel” Solidarity Rally July 23, 2014

Zalman Shachter – Jewish Renewal

Rabbi Zalman Shachter-Shalomi (1924-2014), his life as a religious Jew and his movement Jewish renewal. Commonalities with other new movements, including OTD.

הבדלה מוצ״ש מטות תשע״ד מקאם סיגא Hathaway shul Havdalla

Cantor Nahari dedicated tonight’s havdalla in honor of the צה״ל soldiers

Jewish Culture Festival gives a new rythym to centuries-old culture , Cracow 2014

Krakow’s Jewish Culture Festival joins centuries of Jewish tradition in one of Poland’s oldest cities with the newest trends in music and culture. The 24th edition of the festival features nearly 300 events held over 10 days and takes a more modern approach to promoting and celebrating the city’s Jewish heritage.

In previous years, the festival’s themes went far into history and Klezmer music dominated on the main square of Krakow’s historical Jewish district, Kazimierz.

This year DJ’s from Israel play to an international audience on the banks of the Vistula river and events are held all over town. The city’s historical background is preserved, but members of the younger generation want to discover more.

Loud, Proud & Jewish

What are the attitudes towards LGBT issues within the Jewish community?

Jewish News premieres the first in its brand new series of documentaries, focusing on issues at the very heart of modern Jewish life in Britain.

The first explores the Jewish LGBT community’s ongoing struggle for broad acceptance among Anglo-Jewry.

Produced and directed by london-based filmmaker Ben Burman, the documentary features provocative perspectives from Surat Knan, founder of Rainbow Jews, founder of HotSaltBeef Allan Davis and Rabbi Alan Plancey, former Rabbi of Borehamwood and Elstree Synangogue, who offers a mainstream Orthodox standpoint.

Watch the film and leave your comments!

Budapest, Hungary: Great Synagogue

The huge and gorgeously restored Great Synagogue (also called Dohány Street Synagogue) is the biggest in Europe. Tour the ornately Moorish-flavored interior and explore the attached museum. Outside, don’t miss the powerful Memorial Garden with its shimmering sculpture Tree of Life

Quenelle – Danish Ambassador in Paris compares Dieudonné and Toulouse murder of Jews

TV2 Denmark broadcast (part) January 7, 2014

French interior minister and socialist government stops popular black comedian Dieudonné M’Bala M’Bala

Danish ambassador in Paris Anne Dorte Riggelsen links Dieudonné to Toulouse murders of Jewish children – ‘In France there is less distance between words and actions than in other places’.

Some English subtitles and comments.

More here: BBC interview: Abuse of power in France: Comedian Dieudonné M’Bala M’Bala challenges politicians – The Quenelle – with transscript of BBC video – interview with philosopher Alain Soral

Shocking scenes as 150 Jewish men go on rampage in Paris streets and clash!!!

Shocking scenes as 150 Jewish men go on rampage in Paris streets and clash with pro-Palestinian demonstrators

A group of 150 Jewish men were seen brandishing iron bars and cans of pepper spray as they clashed with Pro-Palestinian demonstrators in Paris.

Video footage of the clashes show the group chanting racist slogans as they roamed the streets.

It came as President Francois Hollande warned that he did not want to see ‘the Israeli-Palestinian conflict imported into France’.

French Jewish groups have complained about an increase in anti-Semitism in recent months, with many accusing Muslim youths of targeting them.

But a video shot close to the Place de la Bastille on Sunday, and verified by police before being posted on YouTube, appears to show pro-Israel groups are also actively involved in clashes.

In Paris, CRS riot police did not arrest any of the group, thought to be linked to the Jewish Defence League, despite them openly fighting in broad daylight.

In the video, those amongst the group can be heard chanting ‘**** you Palestine’ as they smash up chairs and metal tables to be used as missiles

The men are armed with gas canisters, pepper spray, metal bars and wooden sticks and some wear crash helmets.

The video shows the men running towards pro-Palestinian demonstrators, before skirmishes break out.

Six pro-Palestinian demonstrators were arrested on Sunday, accused of trying to break into two Paris synagogues. Two Jewish men were reportedly injured.

After FIFA, Jewish Fans Grateful for Chabad of Brazil


After FIFA, Jewish Fans Grateful for Chabad of Brazil

Rabbi Raichman of Manuas, Brazil, helps a Jewish fan wrap tefillin during the games.

by Rena Greenberg – Manuas, Brazil

France: Palestine demo clashes outside synagogue

France: Clashes erupt in Pro-Palestine Paris demo

France: Zionists disrupt pro-Palestinian rally in Paris

Video ID: 20140709-049


France: Marseille protesters call for end to Israeli strikes on Gaza

Germany: Pro-Palestine protesters invade central Berlin


Experiences from Berlin’s Jewish Community with Sergey Lagodisky

AICGS Society, Culture & Politics Director Dr. Lily Gardner Feldman sits down with Sergey Lagodinsky to discuss the Jewish Community in Berlin. As a member of the Assembly of Representatives in this community, Lagodinsky shares his experience with the challenges in building a unified community across many Jewish denominations and identities. Moreover, he elaborates on Berlin’s history of integrating Russian, post-Soviet, Jewish immigrants and handling the widely held societal misperceptions of Jewish communities.

Cigar Party in the Jewish Community Berlin


Ahavah Rabah Ahavtanu – Beth Medrash Govoha Tea Presentation – 2008
Pidyon Peter Chamor In Detroit – Full Video


Chabad on Campus | Enriching University Life

Numerous prominent university presidents and deans express how Chabad on Campus plays an integral role at their school.

Maccabiah Camp Kimama Michmoret 2014 1st session

Camp Kimama Israel, is the first and best Jewish international summer camp in Israel , for ages 6-17

Maccabiah Camp Kimama Michmoret 2014

Camp Kimama Israel- International Summer Camps

Life in Israel Gaza Rockets Interrupt Wedding in Ashdod

RT, Russia Today, Iron Dome, Israel, Air raid sirens, Tel Aviv, Israel’s Iron Dome, Gaza rocket, Gaza Strip (Administrative Division), anti-missile system

Haredi: The Ultra orthodox society in Israel 1-5

An Arab and a Jew Save Each Other’s Lives



18.06.2014 The Van Leer Jerusalem Institute – מכון ון ליר בירושלים

The Jewish View

Kathy talks about how she became interested in politics after graduating from Siena College and how she rose through the ranks to her current position. Kathy reveals how she developed an interest in budgeting, which led to serving as a staffer on an important NYS Senate committee. Kathy also talks about her support for casinos

Baltimore Jewish community mourns slain Israeli teens

President Peres at the Jewish community in New York at the Park Avenue Synagogue


The Russian Émigré Seder

In 1980, Sinai Memorial Chapel Chevra Kadisha, through the efforts of its Past President Arthur S Becker, z’l, and in conjunction with the Jewish Community Center San Francisco, joined forces to welcome a significant influx of new Russian Jewish immigrants, and among other things, to help them celebrate the Jewish holiday of Passover. This is a document of the 33rd anniversary of that seder which continues to this day.

Images of the Jewish Community of Rhodes

Images of the Jewish Community of Rhodes. Music by Judy Frankel and photos collected by Aron Hasson.

Guimel Tamuz 5772 (2012) – Ohel – Momento Especial

Grupo de brasileiros visita o túmulo do Rebe, em Nova York, na véspera do dia de seu falecimento, 3 de Tamuz
Guimel Tamuz 5771 Rebe 3 Tamuz 2011 julho NY NYC New York City United States of America Nova Iorque Estados Unidos Crown Hights 770 Eastern Parkway Kingston Avenue Street Grupo Sao Paulo Brasil Brazil Rebbe Rabino Rabbi O shil Oshil Itaim Richard Tamesgui Yossi Shmuli Schildkraut Zal Hakatan

Community Lecture Series

North African Jewish music

Moishe House

Moishe House, a pluralistic international organization, provides meaningful Jewish experiences to young adults in their 20s. Our innovative model trains, supports and sponsors young Jewish leaders as they create vibrant home-based communities for themselves and their peers.

Our approach has enabled the existing 64 houses worldwide to engage more than 80,000 attendees a year. From Shabbat dinners and Learning Retreats to book clubs and sporting events, residents find ways to connect their peers with community, wherever they are. To learn more about our unique model, click here

יום ירושלים

Szól a kakas már – Hungarian Jewish Folk Music

Judaism and Jews in Greece – Greek Jewish Diaspora

Thema – Jewish Agency for Israel

Thema – Jewish Agency for Israel




Popular Kibbutz videos

Mix Events Israel

New Kosher restaurant in Brussels gains popularity


Food, in particular Kosher food, is an important part of the Jewish way of life.


WorldJewish Congress


Israel Tourism

The Israel Experience

Innovative Israel

Actual  Videos

Chabad of Boulder, Colorado

Boulder Jewish News

Comunidade na TV 20 a 26/04/2014

O Comunidade na TV é um programa da Federação Israelita do Rio de Janeiro.

O programa é exibido no Canal 14 da NET aos Domingos (7h, 16h e 21h), com reprises ao longo da semana!.

jCommunities2 Kopie

Rally for Israel in NYC

Show your support for Israel and join us for a community-wide rally

When: Monday, July 28th at 12:30 PM

Where: Dag Hammarskjold Plaza (2nd Avenue and 47th Street), New York City

More information

Download PDF Flyer

Please share:   Facebook  |  Twitter

OU Solidarity Mission to Israel

Read the latest reports from the OU Solidarity Mission to Israel

“We are now driving to Sderot, with planned visits today to IDF soldiers and to an Iron Dome installation. However, the area is closed off by the IDF due to security concerns, so there’s uncertainty about our exact route.”


What else can you do to support Israel?

Rally co-sponsors include:
UJA-Federation of New York
NY Board of Rabbis
Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations
Orthodox Union
Union for Reform Judaism
The United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism
National Council of Young Israel

Section Jewish Communities: 24JEWISH ALERTS large selection videos and feeds in each section

אוהבים אתכם צה”ל


צוק איתן – קליפ המוקדש באהבה לכל חיילי צה״ל




WEEKLY Parshat Hashavuah 



 Shiurim Tisha B’Av  language  hebrew,french,english,spanish,german,russian SHIURIM & COMMENTARIES

Beth Chabad C S L with israel


תפילות להצלחת חיילי צה”ל כא’ בתמוז


The White Shul and Achiezer Shiva Asar B’ Tamuz Kinnus Chizuk
On Tuesday July 15, 2014 (Shiva Asar B’Tamuz) an overflow crowd from the Far Rockaway, Five Towns and surrounding areas joined together at the White Shul for an uplifting gathering in light of the current crisis in Eretz Yisroel and in memory of the three kedoshim who were tragically killed several weeks ago HY”D. Numerous Rabbonim, organizations and institutions joined together in an unprecedented display of achdus. Additionally, the program was broadcast world-wide at both and This broadcast was sponsored by the Wolfson family b’zchus a refuah shelaima for Nosson Tzvi ben Sara Rivka Kashtiya who desperately needs our tefillos.

The program featured the following speakers:

Rabbi Eytan Feiner- Rav of Congregation Kneseth Israel

Rabbi Steven Weil- Senior Managing Director of the Orthodox Union

Rabbi Yaakov Bender- Rosh HaYeshiva of Yeshiva Darchei Torah

Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zwiebel- Executive Vice President of Agudath Israel of America

Rabbi Rami Brachyahu- Rav of Talmon, Eretz Yisroel and Rav of the Shaer Family

CLICK sur “PLAYLIST” en haut à gauche de la video puis slectionner votre vidéo
CLICK “PLAYLIST”parte superior izquierda DEL VIDEO , seleccione su VIDEO
CLICK “Playlist” в левом верхнем углу VIDEO затем выберите VIDEO
CLICK “Playlist” oben links im VIDEO anschließend Wählen Sie Ihr VIDEO

Changing Jewish Communities TheJerusalemCenter

Livnot Galilee Fellowship June 2014

27.07.2014 | For 34 years, Livnot U’Lehibanot has been providing unaffiliated young Jewish adults an opportunity to explore Judaism in an open, non-coercive environment. Livnot’s mission is the preservation and cultivation of Jewish identity through a balanced program of hiking the land of Israel, informal Jewish study, and meaningful community service. Our Israel experience programs encourage their participation in the organized Jewish community upon their return to North America.

At the time that Livnot was founded, there were two basic options for an Israel experience: yeshiva or kibbutz ulpan. Today, there is an abundance of programs and providers but studies show little significant increase in participants’ post-trip Jewish communal involvement. The Israel experience can be one of the most powerful tools to build Jewish identity and involvement, but only if it equals a *Jewish* experience. What can we offer this generation of Jews who have become distanced from Jewish life for a variety of reasons, beyond a camel ride and felafel? What can we give them from their rich heritage that they will treasure and keep alive upon their return? How do we show them the beauty and joy of a Jewish community, so that they will seek out connection to their people as they move forward in life?

Shabbat and holidays, Jewish values, learning, and unity are among the treasures that Livnot imparts to our participants. We believe it’s not enough to teach about them, but to learn by doing. Every Galilee Fellowship participant celebrates Purim, Tu B’Shvat, Independence Day, Shabbat and other holidays by creating the holiday experience for themselves. With guidance from our dedicated educational staff, they learn the deeper meaning of these days, perform skits, dress in costumes, braid challah, cook and bake, sing, dance, and bring the holidays alive together in a personally meaningful way. They learn together and from each other. They connect with themselves and the community through service. Livnot provides the tools to the participant to take this experience home.

Rome, Italy: Jewish Quarter

More info about travel to Rome:… In this video, we’ll take a trip to Rome’s Jewish Quarter, one of the oldest Jewish communities in Europe.

At, you’ll find money-saving travel tips, small-group tours, guidebooks, TV shows, radio programs, podcasts, and more on this destination.

Young, Jewish and Proud

The Jewish Community Federation and Endowment Fund has a rich variety of programs that engage the young adult Jewish community in the Bay Area. This video provides a snapshot of some of the people and programs that strengthen our Jewish community and inspire the next generation of Jewish machers, leaders, and innovators.

Jewish Community in Covington, Kentucky

Jewish Community in Covington, Kentucky
Interview with Zell Schulman and Dorothy Siegel
March 20, 2014

Pro-Israeli rally: Israel’s ambassador gets standing ovation

Gaza-conflict: thousands of Hungarians – Jews, Christians, Gypsies – showed solidarity with Israel at Budapest’s prestigious Dohány steet synagogue on the 27th of July, 2014. The ambassador of Israel get standing ovation.


Thousands staging a pro-Israeli rally in Budapest


Gaza-conflict: thousands of Hungarians – Jews, Christians, Gypsies – showed solidarity with Israel at Budapest’s prestigious Dohány steet synagogue on the 27th of July, 2014.


Israeli Football Players Attacked With FLYING KICKS By Pro-Palestinians During Friendly Match!!!

Nashville Jewish Community Rallies For Israel 24.07.2014

Bridges for Peace Canada at Peace for Israel Rally 24.07.2014

Philadelphians Speak Their Minds on the Israel-Gaza Conflict 23.07.2014

Delaware Community “TOGETHER We Stand With Israel” Solidarity Rally July 23, 2014

Zalman Shachter – Jewish Renewal

Rabbi Zalman Shachter-Shalomi (1924-2014), his life as a religious Jew and his movement Jewish renewal. Commonalities with other new movements, including OTD.

הבדלה מוצ״ש מטות תשע״ד מקאם סיגא Hathaway shul Havdalla

Cantor Nahari dedicated tonight’s havdalla in honor of the צה״ל soldiers

Jewish Culture Festival gives a new rythym to centuries-old culture , Cracow 2014

Krakow’s Jewish Culture Festival joins centuries of Jewish tradition in one of Poland’s oldest cities with the newest trends in music and culture. The 24th edition of the festival features nearly 300 events held over 10 days and takes a more modern approach to promoting and celebrating the city’s Jewish heritage.

In previous years, the festival’s themes went far into history and Klezmer music dominated on the main square of Krakow’s historical Jewish district, Kazimierz.

This year DJ’s from Israel play to an international audience on the banks of the Vistula river and events are held all over town. The city’s historical background is preserved, but members of the younger generation want to discover more.

Loud, Proud & Jewish

What are the attitudes towards LGBT issues within the Jewish community?

Jewish News premieres the first in its brand new series of documentaries, focusing on issues at the very heart of modern Jewish life in Britain.

The first explores the Jewish LGBT community’s ongoing struggle for broad acceptance among Anglo-Jewry.

Produced and directed by london-based filmmaker Ben Burman, the documentary features provocative perspectives from Surat Knan, founder of Rainbow Jews, founder of HotSaltBeef Allan Davis and Rabbi Alan Plancey, former Rabbi of Borehamwood and Elstree Synangogue, who offers a mainstream Orthodox standpoint.

Watch the film and leave your comments!

Budapest, Hungary: Great Synagogue

The huge and gorgeously restored Great Synagogue (also called Dohány Street Synagogue) is the biggest in Europe. Tour the ornately Moorish-flavored interior and explore the attached museum. Outside, don’t miss the powerful Memorial Garden with its shimmering sculpture Tree of Life

Quenelle – Danish Ambassador in Paris compares Dieudonné and Toulouse murder of Jews

TV2 Denmark broadcast (part) January 7, 2014

French interior minister and socialist government stops popular black comedian Dieudonné M’Bala M’Bala

Danish ambassador in Paris Anne Dorte Riggelsen links Dieudonné to Toulouse murders of Jewish children – ‘In France there is less distance between words and actions than in other places’.

Some English subtitles and comments.

More here: BBC interview: Abuse of power in France: Comedian Dieudonné M’Bala M’Bala challenges politicians – The Quenelle – with transscript of BBC video – interview with philosopher Alain Soral

Shocking scenes as 150 Jewish men go on rampage in Paris streets and clash!!!

Shocking scenes as 150 Jewish men go on rampage in Paris streets and clash with pro-Palestinian demonstrators

A group of 150 Jewish men were seen brandishing iron bars and cans of pepper spray as they clashed with Pro-Palestinian demonstrators in Paris.

Video footage of the clashes show the group chanting racist slogans as they roamed the streets.

It came as President Francois Hollande warned that he did not want to see ‘the Israeli-Palestinian conflict imported into France’.

French Jewish groups have complained about an increase in anti-Semitism in recent months, with many accusing Muslim youths of targeting them.

But a video shot close to the Place de la Bastille on Sunday, and verified by police before being posted on YouTube, appears to show pro-Israel groups are also actively involved in clashes.

In Paris, CRS riot police did not arrest any of the group, thought to be linked to the Jewish Defence League, despite them openly fighting in broad daylight.

In the video, those amongst the group can be heard chanting ‘**** you Palestine’ as they smash up chairs and metal tables to be used as missiles

The men are armed with gas canisters, pepper spray, metal bars and wooden sticks and some wear crash helmets.

The video shows the men running towards pro-Palestinian demonstrators, before skirmishes break out.

Six pro-Palestinian demonstrators were arrested on Sunday, accused of trying to break into two Paris synagogues. Two Jewish men were reportedly injured.

After FIFA, Jewish Fans Grateful for Chabad of Brazil


After FIFA, Jewish Fans Grateful for Chabad of Brazil

Rabbi Raichman of Manuas, Brazil, helps a Jewish fan wrap tefillin during the games.

by Rena Greenberg – Manuas, Brazil

France: Palestine demo clashes outside synagogue

France: Clashes erupt in Pro-Palestine Paris demo

France: Zionists disrupt pro-Palestinian rally in Paris

Video ID: 20140709-049


France: Marseille protesters call for end to Israeli strikes on Gaza

Germany: Pro-Palestine protesters invade central Berlin


Experiences from Berlin’s Jewish Community with Sergey Lagodisky

AICGS Society, Culture & Politics Director Dr. Lily Gardner Feldman sits down with Sergey Lagodinsky to discuss the Jewish Community in Berlin. As a member of the Assembly of Representatives in this community, Lagodinsky shares his experience with the challenges in building a unified community across many Jewish denominations and identities. Moreover, he elaborates on Berlin’s history of integrating Russian, post-Soviet, Jewish immigrants and handling the widely held societal misperceptions of Jewish communities.

Cigar Party in the Jewish Community Berlin


Ahavah Rabah Ahavtanu – Beth Medrash Govoha Tea Presentation – 2008
Pidyon Peter Chamor In Detroit – Full Video


Chabad on Campus | Enriching University Life

Numerous prominent university presidents and deans express how Chabad on Campus plays an integral role at their school.

Maccabiah Camp Kimama Michmoret 2014 1st session

Camp Kimama Israel, is the first and best Jewish international summer camp in Israel , for ages 6-17

Maccabiah Camp Kimama Michmoret 2014

Camp Kimama Israel- International Summer Camps

Life in Israel Gaza Rockets Interrupt Wedding in Ashdod

RT, Russia Today, Iron Dome, Israel, Air raid sirens, Tel Aviv, Israel’s Iron Dome, Gaza rocket, Gaza Strip (Administrative Division), anti-missile system

Haredi: The Ultra orthodox society in Israel 1-5

An Arab and a Jew Save Each Other’s Lives



18.06.2014 The Van Leer Jerusalem Institute – מכון ון ליר בירושלים

The Jewish View

Kathy talks about how she became interested in politics after graduating from Siena College and how she rose through the ranks to her current position. Kathy reveals how she developed an interest in budgeting, which led to serving as a staffer on an important NYS Senate committee. Kathy also talks about her support for casinos

Baltimore Jewish community mourns slain Israeli teens

President Peres at the Jewish community in New York at the Park Avenue Synagogue


The Russian Émigré Seder

In 1980, Sinai Memorial Chapel Chevra Kadisha, through the efforts of its Past President Arthur S Becker, z’l, and in conjunction with the Jewish Community Center San Francisco, joined forces to welcome a significant influx of new Russian Jewish immigrants, and among other things, to help them celebrate the Jewish holiday of Passover. This is a document of the 33rd anniversary of that seder which continues to this day.

Images of the Jewish Community of Rhodes

Images of the Jewish Community of Rhodes. Music by Judy Frankel and photos collected by Aron Hasson.

Guimel Tamuz 5772 (2012) – Ohel – Momento Especial

Grupo de brasileiros visita o túmulo do Rebe, em Nova York, na véspera do dia de seu falecimento, 3 de Tamuz
Guimel Tamuz 5771 Rebe 3 Tamuz 2011 julho NY NYC New York City United States of America Nova Iorque Estados Unidos Crown Hights 770 Eastern Parkway Kingston Avenue Street Grupo Sao Paulo Brasil Brazil Rebbe Rabino Rabbi O shil Oshil Itaim Richard Tamesgui Yossi Shmuli Schildkraut Zal Hakatan

Community Lecture Series

North African Jewish music

Moishe House

Moishe House, a pluralistic international organization, provides meaningful Jewish experiences to young adults in their 20s. Our innovative model trains, supports and sponsors young Jewish leaders as they create vibrant home-based communities for themselves and their peers.

Our approach has enabled the existing 64 houses worldwide to engage more than 80,000 attendees a year. From Shabbat dinners and Learning Retreats to book clubs and sporting events, residents find ways to connect their peers with community, wherever they are. To learn more about our unique model, click here

יום ירושלים

Szól a kakas már – Hungarian Jewish Folk Music

Judaism and Jews in Greece – Greek Jewish Diaspora

Thema – Jewish Agency for Israel

Thema – Jewish Agency for Israel




Popular Kibbutz videos

Mix Events Israel

New Kosher restaurant in Brussels gains popularity


Food, in particular Kosher food, is an important part of the Jewish way of life.


WorldJewish Congress


Israel Tourism

The Israel Experience

Innovative Israel

Actual  Videos

Chabad of Boulder, Colorado

Boulder Jewish News

Comunidade na TV 20 a 26/04/2014

O Comunidade na TV é um programa da Federação Israelita do Rio de Janeiro.

O programa é exibido no Canal 14 da NET aos Domingos (7h, 16h e 21h), com reprises ao longo da semana!.

jCommunities2 Kopie

Rally for Israel in NYC

Show your support for Israel and join us for a community-wide rally

When: Monday, July 28th at 12:30 PM

Where: Dag Hammarskjold Plaza (2nd Avenue and 47th Street), New York City

More information

Download PDF Flyer

Please share:   Facebook  |  Twitter

OU Solidarity Mission to Israel

Read the latest reports from the OU Solidarity Mission to Israel

“We are now driving to Sderot, with planned visits today to IDF soldiers and to an Iron Dome installation. However, the area is closed off by the IDF due to security concerns, so there’s uncertainty about our exact route.”


What else can you do to support Israel?

Rally co-sponsors include:
UJA-Federation of New York
NY Board of Rabbis
Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations
Orthodox Union
Union for Reform Judaism
The United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism
National Council of Young Israel

Section Jewish Communities: 24JEWISH ALERTS large selection videos and feeds in each section

אוהבים אתכם צה”ל


צוק איתן – קליפ המוקדש באהבה לכל חיילי צה״ל




WEEKLY Parshat Hashavuah 



 Shiurim Tisha B’Av  language  hebrew,french,english,spanish,german,russian SHIURIM & COMMENTARIES

Beth Chabad C S L with israel


תפילות להצלחת חיילי צה”ל כא’ בתמוז


The White Shul and Achiezer Shiva Asar B’ Tamuz Kinnus Chizuk
On Tuesday July 15, 2014 (Shiva Asar B’Tamuz) an overflow crowd from the Far Rockaway, Five Towns and surrounding areas joined together at the White Shul for an uplifting gathering in light of the current crisis in Eretz Yisroel and in memory of the three kedoshim who were tragically killed several weeks ago HY”D. Numerous Rabbonim, organizations and institutions joined together in an unprecedented display of achdus. Additionally, the program was broadcast world-wide at both and This broadcast was sponsored by the Wolfson family b’zchus a refuah shelaima for Nosson Tzvi ben Sara Rivka Kashtiya who desperately needs our tefillos.

The program featured the following speakers:

Rabbi Eytan Feiner- Rav of Congregation Kneseth Israel

Rabbi Steven Weil- Senior Managing Director of the Orthodox Union

Rabbi Yaakov Bender- Rosh HaYeshiva of Yeshiva Darchei Torah

Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zwiebel- Executive Vice President of Agudath Israel of America

Rabbi Rami Brachyahu- Rav of Talmon, Eretz Yisroel and Rav of the Shaer Family

CLICK sur “PLAYLIST” en haut à gauche de la video puis slectionner votre vidéo
CLICK “PLAYLIST”parte superior izquierda DEL VIDEO , seleccione su VIDEO
CLICK “Playlist” в левом верхнем углу VIDEO затем выберите VIDEO
CLICK “Playlist” oben links im VIDEO anschließend Wählen Sie Ihr VIDEO

Livnot Galilee Fellowship June 2014

27.07.2014 | For 34 years, Livnot U’Lehibanot has been providing unaffiliated young Jewish adults an opportunity to explore Judaism in an open, non-coercive environment. Livnot’s mission is the preservation and cultivation of Jewish identity through a balanced program of hiking the land of Israel, informal Jewish study, and meaningful community service. Our Israel experience programs encourage their participation in the organized Jewish community upon their return to North America.

At the time that Livnot was founded, there were two basic options for an Israel experience: yeshiva or kibbutz ulpan. Today, there is an abundance of programs and providers but studies show little significant increase in participants’ post-trip Jewish communal involvement. The Israel experience can be one of the most powerful tools to build Jewish identity and involvement, but only if it equals a *Jewish* experience. What can we offer this generation of Jews who have become distanced from Jewish life for a variety of reasons, beyond a camel ride and felafel? What can we give them from their rich heritage that they will treasure and keep alive upon their return? How do we show them the beauty and joy of a Jewish community, so that they will seek out connection to their people as they move forward in life?

Shabbat and holidays, Jewish values, learning, and unity are among the treasures that Livnot imparts to our participants. We believe it’s not enough to teach about them, but to learn by doing. Every Galilee Fellowship participant celebrates Purim, Tu B’Shvat, Independence Day, Shabbat and other holidays by creating the holiday experience for themselves. With guidance from our dedicated educational staff, they learn the deeper meaning of these days, perform skits, dress in costumes, braid challah, cook and bake, sing, dance, and bring the holidays alive together in a personally meaningful way. They learn together and from each other. They connect with themselves and the community through service. Livnot provides the tools to the participant to take this experience home.

Rome, Italy: Jewish Quarter

More info about travel to Rome:… In this video, we’ll take a trip to Rome’s Jewish Quarter, one of the oldest Jewish communities in Europe.

At, you’ll find money-saving travel tips, small-group tours, guidebooks, TV shows, radio programs, podcasts, and more on this destination.

Young, Jewish and Proud

The Jewish Community Federation and Endowment Fund has a rich variety of programs that engage the young adult Jewish community in the Bay Area. This video provides a snapshot of some of the people and programs that strengthen our Jewish community and inspire the next generation of Jewish machers, leaders, and innovators.

Jewish Community in Covington, Kentucky

Jewish Community in Covington, Kentucky
Interview with Zell Schulman and Dorothy Siegel
March 20, 2014

Pro-Israeli rally: Israel’s ambassador gets standing ovation

Gaza-conflict: thousands of Hungarians – Jews, Christians, Gypsies – showed solidarity with Israel at Budapest’s prestigious Dohány steet synagogue on the 27th of July, 2014. The ambassador of Israel get standing ovation.


Thousands staging a pro-Israeli rally in Budapest


Gaza-conflict: thousands of Hungarians – Jews, Christians, Gypsies – showed solidarity with Israel at Budapest’s prestigious Dohány steet synagogue on the 27th of July, 2014.


Israeli Football Players Attacked With FLYING KICKS By Pro-Palestinians During Friendly Match!!!

Nashville Jewish Community Rallies For Israel 24.07.2014

Bridges for Peace Canada at Peace for Israel Rally 24.07.2014

Philadelphians Speak Their Minds on the Israel-Gaza Conflict 23.07.2014

Delaware Community “TOGETHER We Stand With Israel” Solidarity Rally July 23, 2014

Zalman Shachter – Jewish Renewal

Rabbi Zalman Shachter-Shalomi (1924-2014), his life as a religious Jew and his movement Jewish renewal. Commonalities with other new movements, including OTD.

הבדלה מוצ״ש מטות תשע״ד מקאם סיגא Hathaway shul Havdalla

Cantor Nahari dedicated tonight’s havdalla in honor of the צה״ל soldiers

Jewish Culture Festival gives a new rythym to centuries-old culture , Cracow 2014

Krakow’s Jewish Culture Festival joins centuries of Jewish tradition in one of Poland’s oldest cities with the newest trends in music and culture. The 24th edition of the festival features nearly 300 events held over 10 days and takes a more modern approach to promoting and celebrating the city’s Jewish heritage.

In previous years, the festival’s themes went far into history and Klezmer music dominated on the main square of Krakow’s historical Jewish district, Kazimierz.

This year DJ’s from Israel play to an international audience on the banks of the Vistula river and events are held all over town. The city’s historical background is preserved, but members of the younger generation want to discover more.

Loud, Proud & Jewish

What are the attitudes towards LGBT issues within the Jewish community?

Jewish News premieres the first in its brand new series of documentaries, focusing on issues at the very heart of modern Jewish life in Britain.

The first explores the Jewish LGBT community’s ongoing struggle for broad acceptance among Anglo-Jewry.

Produced and directed by london-based filmmaker Ben Burman, the documentary features provocative perspectives from Surat Knan, founder of Rainbow Jews, founder of HotSaltBeef Allan Davis and Rabbi Alan Plancey, former Rabbi of Borehamwood and Elstree Synangogue, who offers a mainstream Orthodox standpoint.

Watch the film and leave your comments!

Budapest, Hungary: Great Synagogue

The huge and gorgeously restored Great Synagogue (also called Dohány Street Synagogue) is the biggest in Europe. Tour the ornately Moorish-flavored interior and explore the attached museum. Outside, don’t miss the powerful Memorial Garden with its shimmering sculpture Tree of Life

Quenelle – Danish Ambassador in Paris compares Dieudonné and Toulouse murder of Jews

TV2 Denmark broadcast (part) January 7, 2014

French interior minister and socialist government stops popular black comedian Dieudonné M’Bala M’Bala

Danish ambassador in Paris Anne Dorte Riggelsen links Dieudonné to Toulouse murders of Jewish children – ‘In France there is less distance between words and actions than in other places’.

Some English subtitles and comments.

More here: BBC interview: Abuse of power in France: Comedian Dieudonné M’Bala M’Bala challenges politicians – The Quenelle – with transscript of BBC video – interview with philosopher Alain Soral

Shocking scenes as 150 Jewish men go on rampage in Paris streets and clash!!!

Shocking scenes as 150 Jewish men go on rampage in Paris streets and clash with pro-Palestinian demonstrators

A group of 150 Jewish men were seen brandishing iron bars and cans of pepper spray as they clashed with Pro-Palestinian demonstrators in Paris.

Video footage of the clashes show the group chanting racist slogans as they roamed the streets.

It came as President Francois Hollande warned that he did not want to see ‘the Israeli-Palestinian conflict imported into France’.

French Jewish groups have complained about an increase in anti-Semitism in recent months, with many accusing Muslim youths of targeting them.

But a video shot close to the Place de la Bastille on Sunday, and verified by police before being posted on YouTube, appears to show pro-Israel groups are also actively involved in clashes.

In Paris, CRS riot police did not arrest any of the group, thought to be linked to the Jewish Defence League, despite them openly fighting in broad daylight.

In the video, those amongst the group can be heard chanting ‘**** you Palestine’ as they smash up chairs and metal tables to be used as missiles

The men are armed with gas canisters, pepper spray, metal bars and wooden sticks and some wear crash helmets.

The video shows the men running towards pro-Palestinian demonstrators, before skirmishes break out.

Six pro-Palestinian demonstrators were arrested on Sunday, accused of trying to break into two Paris synagogues. Two Jewish men were reportedly injured.

After FIFA, Jewish Fans Grateful for Chabad of Brazil


After FIFA, Jewish Fans Grateful for Chabad of Brazil

Rabbi Raichman of Manuas, Brazil, helps a Jewish fan wrap tefillin during the games.

by Rena Greenberg – Manuas, Brazil

France: Palestine demo clashes outside synagogue

France: Clashes erupt in Pro-Palestine Paris demo

France: Zionists disrupt pro-Palestinian rally in Paris

Video ID: 20140709-049


France: Marseille protesters call for end to Israeli strikes on Gaza

Germany: Pro-Palestine protesters invade central Berlin


Experiences from Berlin’s Jewish Community with Sergey Lagodisky

AICGS Society, Culture & Politics Director Dr. Lily Gardner Feldman sits down with Sergey Lagodinsky to discuss the Jewish Community in Berlin. As a member of the Assembly of Representatives in this community, Lagodinsky shares his experience with the challenges in building a unified community across many Jewish denominations and identities. Moreover, he elaborates on Berlin’s history of integrating Russian, post-Soviet, Jewish immigrants and handling the widely held societal misperceptions of Jewish communities.

Cigar Party in the Jewish Community Berlin


Ahavah Rabah Ahavtanu – Beth Medrash Govoha Tea Presentation – 2008
Pidyon Peter Chamor In Detroit – Full Video


Chabad on Campus | Enriching University Life

Numerous prominent university presidents and deans express how Chabad on Campus plays an integral role at their school.

Maccabiah Camp Kimama Michmoret 2014 1st session

Camp Kimama Israel, is the first and best Jewish international summer camp in Israel , for ages 6-17

Maccabiah Camp Kimama Michmoret 2014

Camp Kimama Israel- International Summer Camps

Life in Israel Gaza Rockets Interrupt Wedding in Ashdod

RT, Russia Today, Iron Dome, Israel, Air raid sirens, Tel Aviv, Israel’s Iron Dome, Gaza rocket, Gaza Strip (Administrative Division), anti-missile system

Haredi: The Ultra orthodox society in Israel 1-5

An Arab and a Jew Save Each Other’s Lives



18.06.2014 The Van Leer Jerusalem Institute – מכון ון ליר בירושלים

The Jewish View

Kathy talks about how she became interested in politics after graduating from Siena College and how she rose through the ranks to her current position. Kathy reveals how she developed an interest in budgeting, which led to serving as a staffer on an important NYS Senate committee. Kathy also talks about her support for casinos

Baltimore Jewish community mourns slain Israeli teens

President Peres at the Jewish community in New York at the Park Avenue Synagogue


The Russian Émigré Seder

In 1980, Sinai Memorial Chapel Chevra Kadisha, through the efforts of its Past President Arthur S Becker, z’l, and in conjunction with the Jewish Community Center San Francisco, joined forces to welcome a significant influx of new Russian Jewish immigrants, and among other things, to help them celebrate the Jewish holiday of Passover. This is a document of the 33rd anniversary of that seder which continues to this day.

Images of the Jewish Community of Rhodes

Images of the Jewish Community of Rhodes. Music by Judy Frankel and photos collected by Aron Hasson.

Guimel Tamuz 5772 (2012) – Ohel – Momento Especial

Grupo de brasileiros visita o túmulo do Rebe, em Nova York, na véspera do dia de seu falecimento, 3 de Tamuz
Guimel Tamuz 5771 Rebe 3 Tamuz 2011 julho NY NYC New York City United States of America Nova Iorque Estados Unidos Crown Hights 770 Eastern Parkway Kingston Avenue Street Grupo Sao Paulo Brasil Brazil Rebbe Rabino Rabbi O shil Oshil Itaim Richard Tamesgui Yossi Shmuli Schildkraut Zal Hakatan

Community Lecture Series

North African Jewish music

Moishe House

Moishe House, a pluralistic international organization, provides meaningful Jewish experiences to young adults in their 20s. Our innovative model trains, supports and sponsors young Jewish leaders as they create vibrant home-based communities for themselves and their peers.

Our approach has enabled the existing 64 houses worldwide to engage more than 80,000 attendees a year. From Shabbat dinners and Learning Retreats to book clubs and sporting events, residents find ways to connect their peers with community, wherever they are. To learn more about our unique model, click here

יום ירושלים

Szól a kakas már – Hungarian Jewish Folk Music

Judaism and Jews in Greece – Greek Jewish Diaspora

Thema – Jewish Agency for Israel

Thema – Jewish Agency for Israel




Popular Kibbutz videos

Mix Events Israel

New Kosher restaurant in Brussels gains popularity


Food, in particular Kosher food, is an important part of the Jewish way of life.


WorldJewish Congress


Israel Tourism

The Israel Experience

Innovative Israel

Actual  Videos

Chabad of Boulder, Colorado

Boulder Jewish News

Comunidade na TV 20 a 26/04/2014

O Comunidade na TV é um programa da Federação Israelita do Rio de Janeiro.

O programa é exibido no Canal 14 da NET aos Domingos (7h, 16h e 21h), com reprises ao longo da semana!.

jCommunities2 Kopie

Rally for Israel in NYC

Show your support for Israel and join us for a community-wide rally

When: Monday, July 28th at 12:30 PM

Where: Dag Hammarskjold Plaza (2nd Avenue and 47th Street), New York City

More information

Download PDF Flyer

Please share:   Facebook  |  Twitter

OU Solidarity Mission to Israel

Read the latest reports from the OU Solidarity Mission to Israel

“We are now driving to Sderot, with planned visits today to IDF soldiers and to an Iron Dome installation. However, the area is closed off by the IDF due to security concerns, so there’s uncertainty about our exact route.”


What else can you do to support Israel?

Rally co-sponsors include:
UJA-Federation of New York
NY Board of Rabbis
Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations
Orthodox Union
Union for Reform Judaism
The United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism
National Council of Young Israel

Section Jewish Communities: 24JEWISH ALERTS large selection videos and feeds in each section

אוהבים אתכם צה”ל


צוק איתן – קליפ המוקדש באהבה לכל חיילי צה״ל




WEEKLY Parshat Hashavuah 



 Shiurim Tisha B’Av  language  hebrew,french,english,spanish,german,russian SHIURIM & COMMENTARIES

Beth Chabad C S L with israel


תפילות להצלחת חיילי צה”ל כא’ בתמוז


The White Shul and Achiezer Shiva Asar B’ Tamuz Kinnus Chizuk
On Tuesday July 15, 2014 (Shiva Asar B’Tamuz) an overflow crowd from the Far Rockaway, Five Towns and surrounding areas joined together at the White Shul for an uplifting gathering in light of the current crisis in Eretz Yisroel and in memory of the three kedoshim who were tragically killed several weeks ago HY”D. Numerous Rabbonim, organizations and institutions joined together in an unprecedented display of achdus. Additionally, the program was broadcast world-wide at both and This broadcast was sponsored by the Wolfson family b’zchus a refuah shelaima for Nosson Tzvi ben Sara Rivka Kashtiya who desperately needs our tefillos.

The program featured the following speakers:

Rabbi Eytan Feiner- Rav of Congregation Kneseth Israel

Rabbi Steven Weil- Senior Managing Director of the Orthodox Union

Rabbi Yaakov Bender- Rosh HaYeshiva of Yeshiva Darchei Torah

Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zwiebel- Executive Vice President of Agudath Israel of America

Rabbi Rami Brachyahu- Rav of Talmon, Eretz Yisroel and Rav of the Shaer Family

CLICK sur “PLAYLIST” en haut à gauche de la video puis slectionner votre vidéo
CLICK “PLAYLIST”parte superior izquierda DEL VIDEO , seleccione su VIDEO
CLICK “Playlist” в левом верхнем углу VIDEO затем выберите VIDEO
CLICK “Playlist” oben links im VIDEO anschließend Wählen Sie Ihr VIDEO

Pro-Israeli rally: Israel’s ambassador gets standing ovation

Gaza-conflict: thousands of Hungarians – Jews, Christians, Gypsies – showed solidarity with Israel at Budapest’s prestigious Dohány steet synagogue on the 27th of July, 2014. The ambassador of Israel get standing ovation.


Thousands staging a pro-Israeli rally in Budapest

Gaza-conflict: thousands of Hungarians – Jews, Christians, Gypsies – showed solidarity with Israel at Budapest’s prestigious Dohány steet synagogue on the 27th of July, 2014.


Israeli Football Players Attacked With FLYING KICKS By Pro-Palestinians During Friendly Match!!!

Nashville Jewish Community Rallies For Israel 24.07.2014

Bridges for Peace Canada at Peace for Israel Rally 24.07.2014

Philadelphians Speak Their Minds on the Israel-Gaza Conflict 23.07.2014

Delaware Community “TOGETHER We Stand With Israel” Solidarity Rally July 23, 2014

Zalman Shachter – Jewish Renewal

Rabbi Zalman Shachter-Shalomi (1924-2014), his life as a religious Jew and his movement Jewish renewal. Commonalities with other new movements, including OTD.

הבדלה מוצ״ש מטות תשע״ד מקאם סיגא Hathaway shul Havdalla

Cantor Nahari dedicated tonight’s havdalla in honor of the צה״ל soldiers

Jewish Culture Festival gives a new rythym to centuries-old culture , Cracow 2014

Krakow’s Jewish Culture Festival joins centuries of Jewish tradition in one of Poland’s oldest cities with the newest trends in music and culture. The 24th edition of the festival features nearly 300 events held over 10 days and takes a more modern approach to promoting and celebrating the city’s Jewish heritage.

In previous years, the festival’s themes went far into history and Klezmer music dominated on the main square of Krakow’s historical Jewish district, Kazimierz.

This year DJ’s from Israel play to an international audience on the banks of the Vistula river and events are held all over town. The city’s historical background is preserved, but members of the younger generation want to discover more.

Loud, Proud & Jewish

What are the attitudes towards LGBT issues within the Jewish community?

Jewish News premieres the first in its brand new series of documentaries, focusing on issues at the very heart of modern Jewish life in Britain.

The first explores the Jewish LGBT community’s ongoing struggle for broad acceptance among Anglo-Jewry.

Produced and directed by london-based filmmaker Ben Burman, the documentary features provocative perspectives from Surat Knan, founder of Rainbow Jews, founder of HotSaltBeef Allan Davis and Rabbi Alan Plancey, former Rabbi of Borehamwood and Elstree Synangogue, who offers a mainstream Orthodox standpoint.

Watch the film and leave your comments!

Budapest, Hungary: Great Synagogue

The huge and gorgeously restored Great Synagogue (also called Dohány Street Synagogue) is the biggest in Europe. Tour the ornately Moorish-flavored interior and explore the attached museum. Outside, don’t miss the powerful Memorial Garden with its shimmering sculpture Tree of Life

Quenelle – Danish Ambassador in Paris compares Dieudonné and Toulouse murder of Jews

TV2 Denmark broadcast (part) January 7, 2014

French interior minister and socialist government stops popular black comedian Dieudonné M’Bala M’Bala

Danish ambassador in Paris Anne Dorte Riggelsen links Dieudonné to Toulouse murders of Jewish children – ‘In France there is less distance between words and actions than in other places’.

Some English subtitles and comments.

More here: BBC interview: Abuse of power in France: Comedian Dieudonné M’Bala M’Bala challenges politicians – The Quenelle – with transscript of BBC video – interview with philosopher Alain Soral

Shocking scenes as 150 Jewish men go on rampage in Paris streets and clash!!!

Shocking scenes as 150 Jewish men go on rampage in Paris streets and clash with pro-Palestinian demonstrators

A group of 150 Jewish men were seen brandishing iron bars and cans of pepper spray as they clashed with Pro-Palestinian demonstrators in Paris.

Video footage of the clashes show the group chanting racist slogans as they roamed the streets.

It came as President Francois Hollande warned that he did not want to see ‘the Israeli-Palestinian conflict imported into France’.

French Jewish groups have complained about an increase in anti-Semitism in recent months, with many accusing Muslim youths of targeting them.

But a video shot close to the Place de la Bastille on Sunday, and verified by police before being posted on YouTube, appears to show pro-Israel groups are also actively involved in clashes.

In Paris, CRS riot police did not arrest any of the group, thought to be linked to the Jewish Defence League, despite them openly fighting in broad daylight.

In the video, those amongst the group can be heard chanting ‘**** you Palestine’ as they smash up chairs and metal tables to be used as missiles

The men are armed with gas canisters, pepper spray, metal bars and wooden sticks and some wear crash helmets.

The video shows the men running towards pro-Palestinian demonstrators, before skirmishes break out.

Six pro-Palestinian demonstrators were arrested on Sunday, accused of trying to break into two Paris synagogues. Two Jewish men were reportedly injured.

After FIFA, Jewish Fans Grateful for Chabad of Brazil


After FIFA, Jewish Fans Grateful for Chabad of Brazil

Rabbi Raichman of Manuas, Brazil, helps a Jewish fan wrap tefillin during the games.

by Rena Greenberg – Manuas, Brazil

France: Palestine demo clashes outside synagogue

France: Clashes erupt in Pro-Palestine Paris demo

France: Zionists disrupt pro-Palestinian rally in Paris

Video ID: 20140709-049


France: Marseille protesters call for end to Israeli strikes on Gaza

Germany: Pro-Palestine protesters invade central Berlin


Experiences from Berlin’s Jewish Community with Sergey Lagodisky

AICGS Society, Culture & Politics Director Dr. Lily Gardner Feldman sits down with Sergey Lagodinsky to discuss the Jewish Community in Berlin. As a member of the Assembly of Representatives in this community, Lagodinsky shares his experience with the challenges in building a unified community across many Jewish denominations and identities. Moreover, he elaborates on Berlin’s history of integrating Russian, post-Soviet, Jewish immigrants and handling the widely held societal misperceptions of Jewish communities.

Cigar Party in the Jewish Community Berlin


Ahavah Rabah Ahavtanu – Beth Medrash Govoha Tea Presentation – 2008
Pidyon Peter Chamor In Detroit – Full Video


Chabad on Campus | Enriching University Life

Numerous prominent university presidents and deans express how Chabad on Campus plays an integral role at their school.

Maccabiah Camp Kimama Michmoret 2014 1st session

Camp Kimama Israel, is the first and best Jewish international summer camp in Israel , for ages 6-17

Maccabiah Camp Kimama Michmoret 2014

Camp Kimama Israel- International Summer Camps

Life in Israel Gaza Rockets Interrupt Wedding in Ashdod

RT, Russia Today, Iron Dome, Israel, Air raid sirens, Tel Aviv, Israel’s Iron Dome, Gaza rocket, Gaza Strip (Administrative Division), anti-missile system

Haredi: The Ultra orthodox society in Israel 1-5

An Arab and a Jew Save Each Other’s Lives



18.06.2014 The Van Leer Jerusalem Institute – מכון ון ליר בירושלים

The Jewish View

Kathy talks about how she became interested in politics after graduating from Siena College and how she rose through the ranks to her current position. Kathy reveals how she developed an interest in budgeting, which led to serving as a staffer on an important NYS Senate committee. Kathy also talks about her support for casinos

Baltimore Jewish community mourns slain Israeli teens

President Peres at the Jewish community in New York at the Park Avenue Synagogue


The Russian Émigré Seder

In 1980, Sinai Memorial Chapel Chevra Kadisha, through the efforts of its Past President Arthur S Becker, z’l, and in conjunction with the Jewish Community Center San Francisco, joined forces to welcome a significant influx of new Russian Jewish immigrants, and among other things, to help them celebrate the Jewish holiday of Passover. This is a document of the 33rd anniversary of that seder which continues to this day.

Images of the Jewish Community of Rhodes

Images of the Jewish Community of Rhodes. Music by Judy Frankel and photos collected by Aron Hasson.

Guimel Tamuz 5772 (2012) – Ohel – Momento Especial

Grupo de brasileiros visita o túmulo do Rebe, em Nova York, na véspera do dia de seu falecimento, 3 de Tamuz
Guimel Tamuz 5771 Rebe 3 Tamuz 2011 julho NY NYC New York City United States of America Nova Iorque Estados Unidos Crown Hights 770 Eastern Parkway Kingston Avenue Street Grupo Sao Paulo Brasil Brazil Rebbe Rabino Rabbi O shil Oshil Itaim Richard Tamesgui Yossi Shmuli Schildkraut Zal Hakatan

Community Lecture Series

North African Jewish music

Moishe House

Moishe House, a pluralistic international organization, provides meaningful Jewish experiences to young adults in their 20s. Our innovative model trains, supports and sponsors young Jewish leaders as they create vibrant home-based communities for themselves and their peers.

Our approach has enabled the existing 64 houses worldwide to engage more than 80,000 attendees a year. From Shabbat dinners and Learning Retreats to book clubs and sporting events, residents find ways to connect their peers with community, wherever they are. To learn more about our unique model, click here

יום ירושלים

Szól a kakas már – Hungarian Jewish Folk Music

Judaism and Jews in Greece – Greek Jewish Diaspora

Thema – Jewish Agency for Israel

Thema – Jewish Agency for Israel




Popular Kibbutz videos

Mix Events Israel

New Kosher restaurant in Brussels gains popularity


Food, in particular Kosher food, is an important part of the Jewish way of life.


WorldJewish Congress


Israel Tourism

The Israel Experience

Innovative Israel

Actual  Videos

Chabad of Boulder, Colorado

Boulder Jewish News

Comunidade na TV 20 a 26/04/2014

O Comunidade na TV é um programa da Federação Israelita do Rio de Janeiro.

O programa é exibido no Canal 14 da NET aos Domingos (7h, 16h e 21h), com reprises ao longo da semana!.

jCommunities2 Kopie

The Jews of Holland – History of the Jewish communities of the Netherlands – Lectures –
Rabbi Binyomin Jacobs, chief rabbi of the Netherlands, describes the rich history of the Jewish people in his native country from medieval times until …


Section Jewish Communities: 24JEWISH ALERTS large selection videos and feeds in each section

אוהבים אתכם צה”ל


צוק איתן – קליפ המוקדש באהבה לכל חיילי צה״ל




WEEKLY Parshat Hashavuah 



 Shiurim Tisha B’Av  language  hebrew,french,english,spanish,german,russian SHIURIM & COMMENTARIES

Beth Chabad C S L with israel


תפילות להצלחת חיילי צה”ל כא’ בתמוז


The White Shul and Achiezer Shiva Asar B’ Tamuz Kinnus Chizuk
On Tuesday July 15, 2014 (Shiva Asar B’Tamuz) an overflow crowd from the Far Rockaway, Five Towns and surrounding areas joined together at the White Shul for an uplifting gathering in light of the current crisis in Eretz Yisroel and in memory of the three kedoshim who were tragically killed several weeks ago HY”D. Numerous Rabbonim, organizations and institutions joined together in an unprecedented display of achdus. Additionally, the program was broadcast world-wide at both and This broadcast was sponsored by the Wolfson family b’zchus a refuah shelaima for Nosson Tzvi ben Sara Rivka Kashtiya who desperately needs our tefillos.

The program featured the following speakers:

Rabbi Eytan Feiner- Rav of Congregation Kneseth Israel

Rabbi Steven Weil- Senior Managing Director of the Orthodox Union

Rabbi Yaakov Bender- Rosh HaYeshiva of Yeshiva Darchei Torah

Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zwiebel- Executive Vice President of Agudath Israel of America

Rabbi Rami Brachyahu- Rav of Talmon, Eretz Yisroel and Rav of the Shaer Family

CLICK sur “PLAYLIST” en haut à gauche de la video puis slectionner votre vidéo
CLICK “PLAYLIST”parte superior izquierda DEL VIDEO , seleccione su VIDEO
CLICK “Playlist” в левом верхнем углу VIDEO затем выберите VIDEO
CLICK “Playlist” oben links im VIDEO anschließend Wählen Sie Ihr VIDEO

Nashville Jewish Community Rallies For Israel 24.07.2014

Bridges for Peace Canada at Peace for Israel Rally 24.07.2014

Philadelphians Speak Their Minds on the Israel-Gaza Conflict 23.07.2014

Delaware Community “TOGETHER We Stand With Israel” Solidarity Rally July 23, 2014

Zalman Shachter – Jewish Renewal

Rabbi Zalman Shachter-Shalomi (1924-2014), his life as a religious Jew and his movement Jewish renewal. Commonalities with other new movements, including OTD.

הבדלה מוצ״ש מטות תשע״ד מקאם סיגא Hathaway shul Havdalla

Cantor Nahari dedicated tonight’s havdalla in honor of the צה״ל soldiers

Jewish Culture Festival gives a new rythym to centuries-old culture , Cracow 2014

Krakow’s Jewish Culture Festival joins centuries of Jewish tradition in one of Poland’s oldest cities with the newest trends in music and culture. The 24th edition of the festival features nearly 300 events held over 10 days and takes a more modern approach to promoting and celebrating the city’s Jewish heritage.

In previous years, the festival’s themes went far into history and Klezmer music dominated on the main square of Krakow’s historical Jewish district, Kazimierz.

This year DJ’s from Israel play to an international audience on the banks of the Vistula river and events are held all over town. The city’s historical background is preserved, but members of the younger generation want to discover more.

Loud, Proud & Jewish

What are the attitudes towards LGBT issues within the Jewish community?

Jewish News premieres the first in its brand new series of documentaries, focusing on issues at the very heart of modern Jewish life in Britain.

The first explores the Jewish LGBT community’s ongoing struggle for broad acceptance among Anglo-Jewry.

Produced and directed by london-based filmmaker Ben Burman, the documentary features provocative perspectives from Surat Knan, founder of Rainbow Jews, founder of HotSaltBeef Allan Davis and Rabbi Alan Plancey, former Rabbi of Borehamwood and Elstree Synangogue, who offers a mainstream Orthodox standpoint.

Watch the film and leave your comments!

Budapest, Hungary: Great Synagogue

The huge and gorgeously restored Great Synagogue (also called Dohány Street Synagogue) is the biggest in Europe. Tour the ornately Moorish-flavored interior and explore the attached museum. Outside, don’t miss the powerful Memorial Garden with its shimmering sculpture Tree of Life

Quenelle – Danish Ambassador in Paris compares Dieudonné and Toulouse murder of Jews

TV2 Denmark broadcast (part) January 7, 2014

French interior minister and socialist government stops popular black comedian Dieudonné M’Bala M’Bala

Danish ambassador in Paris Anne Dorte Riggelsen links Dieudonné to Toulouse murders of Jewish children – ‘In France there is less distance between words and actions than in other places’.

Some English subtitles and comments.

More here: BBC interview: Abuse of power in France: Comedian Dieudonné M’Bala M’Bala challenges politicians – The Quenelle – with transscript of BBC video – interview with philosopher Alain Soral

Shocking scenes as 150 Jewish men go on rampage in Paris streets and clash!!!

Shocking scenes as 150 Jewish men go on rampage in Paris streets and clash with pro-Palestinian demonstrators

A group of 150 Jewish men were seen brandishing iron bars and cans of pepper spray as they clashed with Pro-Palestinian demonstrators in Paris.

Video footage of the clashes show the group chanting racist slogans as they roamed the streets.

It came as President Francois Hollande warned that he did not want to see ‘the Israeli-Palestinian conflict imported into France’.

French Jewish groups have complained about an increase in anti-Semitism in recent months, with many accusing Muslim youths of targeting them.

But a video shot close to the Place de la Bastille on Sunday, and verified by police before being posted on YouTube, appears to show pro-Israel groups are also actively involved in clashes.

In Paris, CRS riot police did not arrest any of the group, thought to be linked to the Jewish Defence League, despite them openly fighting in broad daylight.

In the video, those amongst the group can be heard chanting ‘**** you Palestine’ as they smash up chairs and metal tables to be used as missiles

The men are armed with gas canisters, pepper spray, metal bars and wooden sticks and some wear crash helmets.

The video shows the men running towards pro-Palestinian demonstrators, before skirmishes break out.

Six pro-Palestinian demonstrators were arrested on Sunday, accused of trying to break into two Paris synagogues. Two Jewish men were reportedly injured.

After FIFA, Jewish Fans Grateful for Chabad of Brazil


After FIFA, Jewish Fans Grateful for Chabad of Brazil

Rabbi Raichman of Manuas, Brazil, helps a Jewish fan wrap tefillin during the games.

by Rena Greenberg – Manuas, Brazil

France: Palestine demo clashes outside synagogue

France: Clashes erupt in Pro-Palestine Paris demo

France: Zionists disrupt pro-Palestinian rally in Paris

Video ID: 20140709-049


France: Marseille protesters call for end to Israeli strikes on Gaza

Germany: Pro-Palestine protesters invade central Berlin


Experiences from Berlin’s Jewish Community with Sergey Lagodisky

AICGS Society, Culture & Politics Director Dr. Lily Gardner Feldman sits down with Sergey Lagodinsky to discuss the Jewish Community in Berlin. As a member of the Assembly of Representatives in this community, Lagodinsky shares his experience with the challenges in building a unified community across many Jewish denominations and identities. Moreover, he elaborates on Berlin’s history of integrating Russian, post-Soviet, Jewish immigrants and handling the widely held societal misperceptions of Jewish communities.

Cigar Party in the Jewish Community Berlin


Ahavah Rabah Ahavtanu – Beth Medrash Govoha Tea Presentation – 2008
Pidyon Peter Chamor In Detroit – Full Video


Chabad on Campus | Enriching University Life

Numerous prominent university presidents and deans express how Chabad on Campus plays an integral role at their school.

Maccabiah Camp Kimama Michmoret 2014 1st session

Camp Kimama Israel, is the first and best Jewish international summer camp in Israel , for ages 6-17

Maccabiah Camp Kimama Michmoret 2014

Camp Kimama Israel- International Summer Camps

Life in Israel Gaza Rockets Interrupt Wedding in Ashdod

RT, Russia Today, Iron Dome, Israel, Air raid sirens, Tel Aviv, Israel’s Iron Dome, Gaza rocket, Gaza Strip (Administrative Division), anti-missile system

Haredi: The Ultra orthodox society in Israel 1-5

An Arab and a Jew Save Each Other’s Lives



18.06.2014 The Van Leer Jerusalem Institute – מכון ון ליר בירושלים

The Jewish View

Kathy talks about how she became interested in politics after graduating from Siena College and how she rose through the ranks to her current position. Kathy reveals how she developed an interest in budgeting, which led to serving as a staffer on an important NYS Senate committee. Kathy also talks about her support for casinos

Baltimore Jewish community mourns slain Israeli teens

President Peres at the Jewish community in New York at the Park Avenue Synagogue


The Russian Émigré Seder

In 1980, Sinai Memorial Chapel Chevra Kadisha, through the efforts of its Past President Arthur S Becker, z’l, and in conjunction with the Jewish Community Center San Francisco, joined forces to welcome a significant influx of new Russian Jewish immigrants, and among other things, to help them celebrate the Jewish holiday of Passover. This is a document of the 33rd anniversary of that seder which continues to this day.

Images of the Jewish Community of Rhodes

Images of the Jewish Community of Rhodes. Music by Judy Frankel and photos collected by Aron Hasson.

Guimel Tamuz 5772 (2012) – Ohel – Momento Especial

Grupo de brasileiros visita o túmulo do Rebe, em Nova York, na véspera do dia de seu falecimento, 3 de Tamuz
Guimel Tamuz 5771 Rebe 3 Tamuz 2011 julho NY NYC New York City United States of America Nova Iorque Estados Unidos Crown Hights 770 Eastern Parkway Kingston Avenue Street Grupo Sao Paulo Brasil Brazil Rebbe Rabino Rabbi O shil Oshil Itaim Richard Tamesgui Yossi Shmuli Schildkraut Zal Hakatan

Community Lecture Series

North African Jewish music

Moishe House

Moishe House, a pluralistic international organization, provides meaningful Jewish experiences to young adults in their 20s. Our innovative model trains, supports and sponsors young Jewish leaders as they create vibrant home-based communities for themselves and their peers.

Our approach has enabled the existing 64 houses worldwide to engage more than 80,000 attendees a year. From Shabbat dinners and Learning Retreats to book clubs and sporting events, residents find ways to connect their peers with community, wherever they are. To learn more about our unique model, click here

יום ירושלים

Szól a kakas már – Hungarian Jewish Folk Music

Judaism and Jews in Greece – Greek Jewish Diaspora

Thema – Jewish Agency for Israel

Thema – Jewish Agency for Israel




Popular Kibbutz videos

Mix Events Israel

New Kosher restaurant in Brussels gains popularity


Food, in particular Kosher food, is an important part of the Jewish way of life.


WorldJewish Congress


Israel Tourism

The Israel Experience

Innovative Israel

Actual  Videos

Chabad of Boulder, Colorado

Boulder Jewish News

Comunidade na TV 20 a 26/04/2014

O Comunidade na TV é um programa da Federação Israelita do Rio de Janeiro.

O programa é exibido no Canal 14 da NET aos Domingos (7h, 16h e 21h), com reprises ao longo da semana!.

jCommunities2 Kopie

The Jews of Holland – History of the Jewish communities of the Netherlands – Lectures –
Rabbi Binyomin Jacobs, chief rabbi of the Netherlands, describes the rich history of the Jewish people in his native country from medieval times until …


Section Jewish Communities: 24JEWISH ALERTS large selection videos and feeds in each section


צוק איתן – קליפ המוקדש באהבה לכל חיילי צה״ל




WEEKLY Parshat Hashavuah 



 Shiurim Tisha B’Av  language  hebrew,french,english,spanish,german,russian SHIURIM & COMMENTARIES

Pianos on the Street arrives at the Jewish Community Centre (Part 1)

Pianos on the Street arrives at the Jewish Community Centre (Part 2)

Pianos on the Street arrives at the Jewish Community Centre (Part 3)

תפילות להצלחת חיילי צה”ל כא’ בתמוז


The White Shul and Achiezer Shiva Asar B’ Tamuz Kinnus Chizuk
On Tuesday July 15, 2014 (Shiva Asar B’Tamuz) an overflow crowd from the Far Rockaway, Five Towns and surrounding areas joined together at the White Shul for an uplifting gathering in light of the current crisis in Eretz Yisroel and in memory of the three kedoshim who were tragically killed several weeks ago HY”D. Numerous Rabbonim, organizations and institutions joined together in an unprecedented display of achdus. Additionally, the program was broadcast world-wide at both and This broadcast was sponsored by the Wolfson family b’zchus a refuah shelaima for Nosson Tzvi ben Sara Rivka Kashtiya who desperately needs our tefillos.

The program featured the following speakers:

Rabbi Eytan Feiner- Rav of Congregation Kneseth Israel

Rabbi Steven Weil- Senior Managing Director of the Orthodox Union

Rabbi Yaakov Bender- Rosh HaYeshiva of Yeshiva Darchei Torah

Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zwiebel- Executive Vice President of Agudath Israel of America

Rabbi Rami Brachyahu- Rav of Talmon, Eretz Yisroel and Rav of the Shaer Family

CLICK sur “PLAYLIST” en haut à gauche de la video puis slectionner votre vidéo
CLICK “PLAYLIST”parte superior izquierda DEL VIDEO , seleccione su VIDEO
CLICK “Playlist” в левом верхнем углу VIDEO затем выберите VIDEO
CLICK “Playlist” oben links im VIDEO anschließend Wählen Sie Ihr VIDEO

Nashville Jewish Community Rallies For Israel 24.07.2014

Bridges for Peace Canada at Peace for Israel Rally 24.07.2014

Philadelphians Speak Their Minds on the Israel-Gaza Conflict 23.07.2014

Delaware Community “TOGETHER We Stand With Israel” Solidarity Rally July 23, 2014

Zalman Shachter – Jewish Renewal

Rabbi Zalman Shachter-Shalomi (1924-2014), his life as a religious Jew and his movement Jewish renewal. Commonalities with other new movements, including OTD.

הבדלה מוצ״ש מטות תשע״ד מקאם סיגא Hathaway shul Havdalla

Cantor Nahari dedicated tonight’s havdalla in honor of the צה״ל soldiers

Jewish Culture Festival gives a new rythym to centuries-old culture , Cracow 2014

Krakow’s Jewish Culture Festival joins centuries of Jewish tradition in one of Poland’s oldest cities with the newest trends in music and culture. The 24th edition of the festival features nearly 300 events held over 10 days and takes a more modern approach to promoting and celebrating the city’s Jewish heritage.

In previous years, the festival’s themes went far into history and Klezmer music dominated on the main square of Krakow’s historical Jewish district, Kazimierz.

This year DJ’s from Israel play to an international audience on the banks of the Vistula river and events are held all over town. The city’s historical background is preserved, but members of the younger generation want to discover more.

Loud, Proud & Jewish

What are the attitudes towards LGBT issues within the Jewish community?

Jewish News premieres the first in its brand new series of documentaries, focusing on issues at the very heart of modern Jewish life in Britain.

The first explores the Jewish LGBT community’s ongoing struggle for broad acceptance among Anglo-Jewry.

Produced and directed by london-based filmmaker Ben Burman, the documentary features provocative perspectives from Surat Knan, founder of Rainbow Jews, founder of HotSaltBeef Allan Davis and Rabbi Alan Plancey, former Rabbi of Borehamwood and Elstree Synangogue, who offers a mainstream Orthodox standpoint.

Watch the film and leave your comments!

Budapest, Hungary: Great Synagogue

The huge and gorgeously restored Great Synagogue (also called Dohány Street Synagogue) is the biggest in Europe. Tour the ornately Moorish-flavored interior and explore the attached museum. Outside, don’t miss the powerful Memorial Garden with its shimmering sculpture Tree of Life

Quenelle – Danish Ambassador in Paris compares Dieudonné and Toulouse murder of Jews

TV2 Denmark broadcast (part) January 7, 2014

French interior minister and socialist government stops popular black comedian Dieudonné M’Bala M’Bala

Danish ambassador in Paris Anne Dorte Riggelsen links Dieudonné to Toulouse murders of Jewish children – ‘In France there is less distance between words and actions than in other places’.

Some English subtitles and comments.

More here: BBC interview: Abuse of power in France: Comedian Dieudonné M’Bala M’Bala challenges politicians – The Quenelle – with transscript of BBC video – interview with philosopher Alain Soral

Shocking scenes as 150 Jewish men go on rampage in Paris streets and clash!!!

Shocking scenes as 150 Jewish men go on rampage in Paris streets and clash with pro-Palestinian demonstrators

A group of 150 Jewish men were seen brandishing iron bars and cans of pepper spray as they clashed with Pro-Palestinian demonstrators in Paris.

Video footage of the clashes show the group chanting racist slogans as they roamed the streets.

It came as President Francois Hollande warned that he did not want to see ‘the Israeli-Palestinian conflict imported into France’.

French Jewish groups have complained about an increase in anti-Semitism in recent months, with many accusing Muslim youths of targeting them.

But a video shot close to the Place de la Bastille on Sunday, and verified by police before being posted on YouTube, appears to show pro-Israel groups are also actively involved in clashes.

In Paris, CRS riot police did not arrest any of the group, thought to be linked to the Jewish Defence League, despite them openly fighting in broad daylight.

In the video, those amongst the group can be heard chanting ‘**** you Palestine’ as they smash up chairs and metal tables to be used as missiles

The men are armed with gas canisters, pepper spray, metal bars and wooden sticks and some wear crash helmets.

The video shows the men running towards pro-Palestinian demonstrators, before skirmishes break out.

Six pro-Palestinian demonstrators were arrested on Sunday, accused of trying to break into two Paris synagogues. Two Jewish men were reportedly injured.

After FIFA, Jewish Fans Grateful for Chabad of Brazil


After FIFA, Jewish Fans Grateful for Chabad of Brazil

Rabbi Raichman of Manuas, Brazil, helps a Jewish fan wrap tefillin during the games.

by Rena Greenberg – Manuas, Brazil

France: Palestine demo clashes outside synagogue

France: Clashes erupt in Pro-Palestine Paris demo

France: Zionists disrupt pro-Palestinian rally in Paris

Video ID: 20140709-049


France: Marseille protesters call for end to Israeli strikes on Gaza

Germany: Pro-Palestine protesters invade central Berlin


Experiences from Berlin’s Jewish Community with Sergey Lagodisky

AICGS Society, Culture & Politics Director Dr. Lily Gardner Feldman sits down with Sergey Lagodinsky to discuss the Jewish Community in Berlin. As a member of the Assembly of Representatives in this community, Lagodinsky shares his experience with the challenges in building a unified community across many Jewish denominations and identities. Moreover, he elaborates on Berlin’s history of integrating Russian, post-Soviet, Jewish immigrants and handling the widely held societal misperceptions of Jewish communities.

Cigar Party in the Jewish Community Berlin


Ahavah Rabah Ahavtanu – Beth Medrash Govoha Tea Presentation – 2008
Pidyon Peter Chamor In Detroit – Full Video


Chabad on Campus | Enriching University Life

Numerous prominent university presidents and deans express how Chabad on Campus plays an integral role at their school.

Maccabiah Camp Kimama Michmoret 2014 1st session

Camp Kimama Israel, is the first and best Jewish international summer camp in Israel , for ages 6-17

Maccabiah Camp Kimama Michmoret 2014

Camp Kimama Israel- International Summer Camps

Life in Israel Gaza Rockets Interrupt Wedding in Ashdod

RT, Russia Today, Iron Dome, Israel, Air raid sirens, Tel Aviv, Israel’s Iron Dome, Gaza rocket, Gaza Strip (Administrative Division), anti-missile system

Haredi: The Ultra orthodox society in Israel 1-5

An Arab and a Jew Save Each Other’s Lives



18.06.2014 The Van Leer Jerusalem Institute – מכון ון ליר בירושלים

The Jewish View

Kathy talks about how she became interested in politics after graduating from Siena College and how she rose through the ranks to her current position. Kathy reveals how she developed an interest in budgeting, which led to serving as a staffer on an important NYS Senate committee. Kathy also talks about her support for casinos

Baltimore Jewish community mourns slain Israeli teens

President Peres at the Jewish community in New York at the Park Avenue Synagogue


The Russian Émigré Seder

In 1980, Sinai Memorial Chapel Chevra Kadisha, through the efforts of its Past President Arthur S Becker, z’l, and in conjunction with the Jewish Community Center San Francisco, joined forces to welcome a significant influx of new Russian Jewish immigrants, and among other things, to help them celebrate the Jewish holiday of Passover. This is a document of the 33rd anniversary of that seder which continues to this day.

Images of the Jewish Community of Rhodes

Images of the Jewish Community of Rhodes. Music by Judy Frankel and photos collected by Aron Hasson.

Guimel Tamuz 5772 (2012) – Ohel – Momento Especial

Grupo de brasileiros visita o túmulo do Rebe, em Nova York, na véspera do dia de seu falecimento, 3 de Tamuz
Guimel Tamuz 5771 Rebe 3 Tamuz 2011 julho NY NYC New York City United States of America Nova Iorque Estados Unidos Crown Hights 770 Eastern Parkway Kingston Avenue Street Grupo Sao Paulo Brasil Brazil Rebbe Rabino Rabbi O shil Oshil Itaim Richard Tamesgui Yossi Shmuli Schildkraut Zal Hakatan

Community Lecture Series

North African Jewish music

Moishe House

Moishe House, a pluralistic international organization, provides meaningful Jewish experiences to young adults in their 20s. Our innovative model trains, supports and sponsors young Jewish leaders as they create vibrant home-based communities for themselves and their peers.

Our approach has enabled the existing 64 houses worldwide to engage more than 80,000 attendees a year. From Shabbat dinners and Learning Retreats to book clubs and sporting events, residents find ways to connect their peers with community, wherever they are. To learn more about our unique model, click here

יום ירושלים

Szól a kakas már – Hungarian Jewish Folk Music

Judaism and Jews in Greece – Greek Jewish Diaspora

Thema – Jewish Agency for Israel

Thema – Jewish Agency for Israel




Popular Kibbutz videos

Mix Events Israel

New Kosher restaurant in Brussels gains popularity


Food, in particular Kosher food, is an important part of the Jewish way of life.


WorldJewish Congress


Israel Tourism

The Israel Experience

Innovative Israel

Actual  Videos

Chabad of Boulder, Colorado

Boulder Jewish News

Comunidade na TV 20 a 26/04/2014

O Comunidade na TV é um programa da Federação Israelita do Rio de Janeiro.

O programa é exibido no Canal 14 da NET aos Domingos (7h, 16h e 21h), com reprises ao longo da semana!.

jCommunities2 Kopie

The Jews of Holland – History of the Jewish communities of the Netherlands – Lectures –
Rabbi Binyomin Jacobs, chief rabbi of the Netherlands, describes the rich history of the Jewish people in his native country from medieval times until …


Section Jewish Communities: 24JEWISH ALERTS large selection videos and feeds in each section


צוק איתן – קליפ המוקדש באהבה לכל חיילי צה״ל



WEEKLY Parshat Hashavuah



Fast of Tammuz 17
 Shiurim 17th of Tammuz  language  hebrew,french,english,spanish,german,russian SHIURIM & COMMENTARIES

Pianos on the Street arrives at the Jewish Community Centre (Part 1)

Pianos on the Street arrives at the Jewish Community Centre (Part 2)

Pianos on the Street arrives at the Jewish Community Centre (Part 3)

תפילות להצלחת חיילי צה”ל כא’ בתמוז


The White Shul and Achiezer Shiva Asar B’ Tamuz Kinnus Chizuk
On Tuesday July 15, 2014 (Shiva Asar B’Tamuz) an overflow crowd from the Far Rockaway, Five Towns and surrounding areas joined together at the White Shul for an uplifting gathering in light of the current crisis in Eretz Yisroel and in memory of the three kedoshim who were tragically killed several weeks ago HY”D. Numerous Rabbonim, organizations and institutions joined together in an unprecedented display of achdus. Additionally, the program was broadcast world-wide at both and This broadcast was sponsored by the Wolfson family b’zchus a refuah shelaima for Nosson Tzvi ben Sara Rivka Kashtiya who desperately needs our tefillos.

The program featured the following speakers:

Rabbi Eytan Feiner- Rav of Congregation Kneseth Israel

Rabbi Steven Weil- Senior Managing Director of the Orthodox Union

Rabbi Yaakov Bender- Rosh HaYeshiva of Yeshiva Darchei Torah

Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zwiebel- Executive Vice President of Agudath Israel of America

Rabbi Rami Brachyahu- Rav of Talmon, Eretz Yisroel and Rav of the Shaer Family

CLICK sur “PLAYLIST” en haut à gauche de la video puis slectionner votre vidéo
CLICK “PLAYLIST”parte superior izquierda DEL VIDEO , seleccione su VIDEO
CLICK “Playlist” в левом верхнем углу VIDEO затем выберите VIDEO
CLICK “Playlist” oben links im VIDEO anschließend Wählen Sie Ihr VIDEO

Zalman Shachter – Jewish Renewal

Rabbi Zalman Shachter-Shalomi (1924-2014), his life as a religious Jew and his movement Jewish renewal. Commonalities with other new movements, including OTD.

הבדלה מוצ״ש מטות תשע״ד מקאם סיגא Hathaway shul Havdalla

Cantor Nahari dedicated tonight’s havdalla in honor of the צה״ל soldiers

Jewish Culture Festival gives a new rythym to centuries-old culture , Cracow 2014

Krakow’s Jewish Culture Festival joins centuries of Jewish tradition in one of Poland’s oldest cities with the newest trends in music and culture. The 24th edition of the festival features nearly 300 events held over 10 days and takes a more modern approach to promoting and celebrating the city’s Jewish heritage.

In previous years, the festival’s themes went far into history and Klezmer music dominated on the main square of Krakow’s historical Jewish district, Kazimierz.

This year DJ’s from Israel play to an international audience on the banks of the Vistula river and events are held all over town. The city’s historical background is preserved, but members of the younger generation want to discover more.

Loud, Proud & Jewish

What are the attitudes towards LGBT issues within the Jewish community?

Jewish News premieres the first in its brand new series of documentaries, focusing on issues at the very heart of modern Jewish life in Britain.

The first explores the Jewish LGBT community’s ongoing struggle for broad acceptance among Anglo-Jewry.

Produced and directed by london-based filmmaker Ben Burman, the documentary features provocative perspectives from Surat Knan, founder of Rainbow Jews, founder of HotSaltBeef Allan Davis and Rabbi Alan Plancey, former Rabbi of Borehamwood and Elstree Synangogue, who offers a mainstream Orthodox standpoint.

Watch the film and leave your comments!

Budapest, Hungary: Great Synagogue

The huge and gorgeously restored Great Synagogue (also called Dohány Street Synagogue) is the biggest in Europe. Tour the ornately Moorish-flavored interior and explore the attached museum. Outside, don’t miss the powerful Memorial Garden with its shimmering sculpture Tree of Life

Quenelle – Danish Ambassador in Paris compares Dieudonné and Toulouse murder of Jews

TV2 Denmark broadcast (part) January 7, 2014

French interior minister and socialist government stops popular black comedian Dieudonné M’Bala M’Bala

Danish ambassador in Paris Anne Dorte Riggelsen links Dieudonné to Toulouse murders of Jewish children – ‘In France there is less distance between words and actions than in other places’.

Some English subtitles and comments.

More here: BBC interview: Abuse of power in France: Comedian Dieudonné M’Bala M’Bala challenges politicians – The Quenelle – with transscript of BBC video – interview with philosopher Alain Soral

Shocking scenes as 150 Jewish men go on rampage in Paris streets and clash!!!

Shocking scenes as 150 Jewish men go on rampage in Paris streets and clash with pro-Palestinian demonstrators

A group of 150 Jewish men were seen brandishing iron bars and cans of pepper spray as they clashed with Pro-Palestinian demonstrators in Paris.

Video footage of the clashes show the group chanting racist slogans as they roamed the streets.

It came as President Francois Hollande warned that he did not want to see ‘the Israeli-Palestinian conflict imported into France’.

French Jewish groups have complained about an increase in anti-Semitism in recent months, with many accusing Muslim youths of targeting them.

But a video shot close to the Place de la Bastille on Sunday, and verified by police before being posted on YouTube, appears to show pro-Israel groups are also actively involved in clashes.

In Paris, CRS riot police did not arrest any of the group, thought to be linked to the Jewish Defence League, despite them openly fighting in broad daylight.

In the video, those amongst the group can be heard chanting ‘**** you Palestine’ as they smash up chairs and metal tables to be used as missiles

The men are armed with gas canisters, pepper spray, metal bars and wooden sticks and some wear crash helmets.

The video shows the men running towards pro-Palestinian demonstrators, before skirmishes break out.

Six pro-Palestinian demonstrators were arrested on Sunday, accused of trying to break into two Paris synagogues. Two Jewish men were reportedly injured.

After FIFA, Jewish Fans Grateful for Chabad of Brazil


After FIFA, Jewish Fans Grateful for Chabad of Brazil

Rabbi Raichman of Manuas, Brazil, helps a Jewish fan wrap tefillin during the games.

by Rena Greenberg – Manuas, Brazil

France: Palestine demo clashes outside synagogue

France: Clashes erupt in Pro-Palestine Paris demo

France: Zionists disrupt pro-Palestinian rally in Paris

Video ID: 20140709-049


France: Marseille protesters call for end to Israeli strikes on Gaza

Germany: Pro-Palestine protesters invade central Berlin


Experiences from Berlin’s Jewish Community with Sergey Lagodisky

AICGS Society, Culture & Politics Director Dr. Lily Gardner Feldman sits down with Sergey Lagodinsky to discuss the Jewish Community in Berlin. As a member of the Assembly of Representatives in this community, Lagodinsky shares his experience with the challenges in building a unified community across many Jewish denominations and identities. Moreover, he elaborates on Berlin’s history of integrating Russian, post-Soviet, Jewish immigrants and handling the widely held societal misperceptions of Jewish communities.

Cigar Party in the Jewish Community Berlin


Ahavah Rabah Ahavtanu – Beth Medrash Govoha Tea Presentation – 2008
Pidyon Peter Chamor In Detroit – Full Video


Chabad on Campus | Enriching University Life

Numerous prominent university presidents and deans express how Chabad on Campus plays an integral role at their school.

Maccabiah Camp Kimama Michmoret 2014 1st session

Camp Kimama Israel, is the first and best Jewish international summer camp in Israel , for ages 6-17

Maccabiah Camp Kimama Michmoret 2014

Camp Kimama Israel- International Summer Camps

Life in Israel Gaza Rockets Interrupt Wedding in Ashdod

RT, Russia Today, Iron Dome, Israel, Air raid sirens, Tel Aviv, Israel’s Iron Dome, Gaza rocket, Gaza Strip (Administrative Division), anti-missile system

Haredi: The Ultra orthodox society in Israel 1-5

An Arab and a Jew Save Each Other’s Lives



18.06.2014 The Van Leer Jerusalem Institute – מכון ון ליר בירושלים

The Jewish View

Kathy talks about how she became interested in politics after graduating from Siena College and how she rose through the ranks to her current position. Kathy reveals how she developed an interest in budgeting, which led to serving as a staffer on an important NYS Senate committee. Kathy also talks about her support for casinos

Baltimore Jewish community mourns slain Israeli teens

President Peres at the Jewish community in New York at the Park Avenue Synagogue


The Russian Émigré Seder

In 1980, Sinai Memorial Chapel Chevra Kadisha, through the efforts of its Past President Arthur S Becker, z’l, and in conjunction with the Jewish Community Center San Francisco, joined forces to welcome a significant influx of new Russian Jewish immigrants, and among other things, to help them celebrate the Jewish holiday of Passover. This is a document of the 33rd anniversary of that seder which continues to this day.

Images of the Jewish Community of Rhodes

Images of the Jewish Community of Rhodes. Music by Judy Frankel and photos collected by Aron Hasson.

Guimel Tamuz 5772 (2012) – Ohel – Momento Especial

Grupo de brasileiros visita o túmulo do Rebe, em Nova York, na véspera do dia de seu falecimento, 3 de Tamuz
Guimel Tamuz 5771 Rebe 3 Tamuz 2011 julho NY NYC New York City United States of America Nova Iorque Estados Unidos Crown Hights 770 Eastern Parkway Kingston Avenue Street Grupo Sao Paulo Brasil Brazil Rebbe Rabino Rabbi O shil Oshil Itaim Richard Tamesgui Yossi Shmuli Schildkraut Zal Hakatan

Community Lecture Series

North African Jewish music

Moishe House

Moishe House, a pluralistic international organization, provides meaningful Jewish experiences to young adults in their 20s. Our innovative model trains, supports and sponsors young Jewish leaders as they create vibrant home-based communities for themselves and their peers.

Our approach has enabled the existing 64 houses worldwide to engage more than 80,000 attendees a year. From Shabbat dinners and Learning Retreats to book clubs and sporting events, residents find ways to connect their peers with community, wherever they are. To learn more about our unique model, click here

יום ירושלים

Szól a kakas már – Hungarian Jewish Folk Music

Judaism and Jews in Greece – Greek Jewish Diaspora

Thema – Jewish Agency for Israel

Thema – Jewish Agency for Israel




Popular Kibbutz videos

Mix Events Israel

New Kosher restaurant in Brussels gains popularity


Food, in particular Kosher food, is an important part of the Jewish way of life.


WorldJewish Congress


Israel Tourism

The Israel Experience

Innovative Israel

Actual  Videos

Chabad of Boulder, Colorado

Boulder Jewish News

Comunidade na TV 20 a 26/04/2014

O Comunidade na TV é um programa da Federação Israelita do Rio de Janeiro.

O programa é exibido no Canal 14 da NET aos Domingos (7h, 16h e 21h), com reprises ao longo da semana!.

jCommunities2 Kopie

The Jews of Holland – History of the Jewish communities of the Netherlands – Lectures –
Rabbi Binyomin Jacobs, chief rabbi of the Netherlands, describes the rich history of the Jewish people in his native country from medieval times until …


Section Jewish Communities: 24JEWISH ALERTS large selection videos and feeds in each section


צוק איתן – קליפ המוקדש באהבה לכל חיילי צה״ל


תפילות להצלחת חיילי צה”ל כא’ בתמוז


The White Shul and Achiezer Shiva Asar B’ Tamuz Kinnus Chizuk
On Tuesday July 15, 2014 (Shiva Asar B’Tamuz) an overflow crowd from the Far Rockaway, Five Towns and surrounding areas joined together at the White Shul for an uplifting gathering in light of the current crisis in Eretz Yisroel and in memory of the three kedoshim who were tragically killed several weeks ago HY”D. Numerous Rabbonim, organizations and institutions joined together in an unprecedented display of achdus. Additionally, the program was broadcast world-wide at both and This broadcast was sponsored by the Wolfson family b’zchus a refuah shelaima for Nosson Tzvi ben Sara Rivka Kashtiya who desperately needs our tefillos.

The program featured the following speakers:

Rabbi Eytan Feiner- Rav of Congregation Kneseth Israel

Rabbi Steven Weil- Senior Managing Director of the Orthodox Union

Rabbi Yaakov Bender- Rosh HaYeshiva of Yeshiva Darchei Torah

Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zwiebel- Executive Vice President of Agudath Israel of America

Rabbi Rami Brachyahu- Rav of Talmon, Eretz Yisroel and Rav of the Shaer Family


WEEKLY Parshat Hashavuah

Fast of Tammuz 17

 Shiurim 17th of Tammuz  language  hebrew,french,english,spanish,german,russian SHIURIM & COMMENTARIES

CLICK sur “PLAYLIST” en haut à gauche de la video puis slectionner votre vidéo
CLICK “PLAYLIST”parte superior izquierda DEL VIDEO , seleccione su VIDEO
CLICK “Playlist” в левом верхнем углу VIDEO затем выберите VIDEO
CLICK “Playlist” oben links im VIDEO anschließend Wählen Sie Ihr VIDEO

הבדלה מוצ״ש מטות תשע״ד מקאם סיגא Hathaway shul Havdalla

Cantor Nahari dedicated tonight’s havdalla in honor of the צה״ל soldiers

Jewish Culture Festival gives a new rythym to centuries-old culture , Cracow 2014

Krakow’s Jewish Culture Festival joins centuries of Jewish tradition in one of Poland’s oldest cities with the newest trends in music and culture. The 24th edition of the festival features nearly 300 events held over 10 days and takes a more modern approach to promoting and celebrating the city’s Jewish heritage.

In previous years, the festival’s themes went far into history and Klezmer music dominated on the main square of Krakow’s historical Jewish district, Kazimierz.

This year DJ’s from Israel play to an international audience on the banks of the Vistula river and events are held all over town. The city’s historical background is preserved, but members of the younger generation want to discover more.

Loud, Proud & Jewish

What are the attitudes towards LGBT issues within the Jewish community?

Jewish News premieres the first in its brand new series of documentaries, focusing on issues at the very heart of modern Jewish life in Britain.

The first explores the Jewish LGBT community’s ongoing struggle for broad acceptance among Anglo-Jewry.

Produced and directed by london-based filmmaker Ben Burman, the documentary features provocative perspectives from Surat Knan, founder of Rainbow Jews, founder of HotSaltBeef Allan Davis and Rabbi Alan Plancey, former Rabbi of Borehamwood and Elstree Synangogue, who offers a mainstream Orthodox standpoint.

Watch the film and leave your comments!

Budapest, Hungary: Great Synagogue

The huge and gorgeously restored Great Synagogue (also called Dohány Street Synagogue) is the biggest in Europe. Tour the ornately Moorish-flavored interior and explore the attached museum. Outside, don’t miss the powerful Memorial Garden with its shimmering sculpture Tree of Life

Quenelle – Danish Ambassador in Paris compares Dieudonné and Toulouse murder of Jews

TV2 Denmark broadcast (part) January 7, 2014

French interior minister and socialist government stops popular black comedian Dieudonné M’Bala M’Bala

Danish ambassador in Paris Anne Dorte Riggelsen links Dieudonné to Toulouse murders of Jewish children – ‘In France there is less distance between words and actions than in other places’.

Some English subtitles and comments.

More here: BBC interview: Abuse of power in France: Comedian Dieudonné M’Bala M’Bala challenges politicians – The Quenelle – with transscript of BBC video – interview with philosopher Alain Soral

Shocking scenes as 150 Jewish men go on rampage in Paris streets and clash!!!

Shocking scenes as 150 Jewish men go on rampage in Paris streets and clash with pro-Palestinian demonstrators

A group of 150 Jewish men were seen brandishing iron bars and cans of pepper spray as they clashed with Pro-Palestinian demonstrators in Paris.

Video footage of the clashes show the group chanting racist slogans as they roamed the streets.

It came as President Francois Hollande warned that he did not want to see ‘the Israeli-Palestinian conflict imported into France’.

French Jewish groups have complained about an increase in anti-Semitism in recent months, with many accusing Muslim youths of targeting them.

But a video shot close to the Place de la Bastille on Sunday, and verified by police before being posted on YouTube, appears to show pro-Israel groups are also actively involved in clashes.

In Paris, CRS riot police did not arrest any of the group, thought to be linked to the Jewish Defence League, despite them openly fighting in broad daylight.

In the video, those amongst the group can be heard chanting ‘**** you Palestine’ as they smash up chairs and metal tables to be used as missiles

The men are armed with gas canisters, pepper spray, metal bars and wooden sticks and some wear crash helmets.

The video shows the men running towards pro-Palestinian demonstrators, before skirmishes break out.

Six pro-Palestinian demonstrators were arrested on Sunday, accused of trying to break into two Paris synagogues. Two Jewish men were reportedly injured.

After FIFA, Jewish Fans Grateful for Chabad of Brazil


After FIFA, Jewish Fans Grateful for Chabad of Brazil

Rabbi Raichman of Manuas, Brazil, helps a Jewish fan wrap tefillin during the games.

by Rena Greenberg – Manuas, Brazil

France: Palestine demo clashes outside synagogue

France: Clashes erupt in Pro-Palestine Paris demo

France: Zionists disrupt pro-Palestinian rally in Paris

Video ID: 20140709-049


France: Marseille protesters call for end to Israeli strikes on Gaza

Germany: Pro-Palestine protesters invade central Berlin


Experiences from Berlin’s Jewish Community with Sergey Lagodisky

AICGS Society, Culture & Politics Director Dr. Lily Gardner Feldman sits down with Sergey Lagodinsky to discuss the Jewish Community in Berlin. As a member of the Assembly of Representatives in this community, Lagodinsky shares his experience with the challenges in building a unified community across many Jewish denominations and identities. Moreover, he elaborates on Berlin’s history of integrating Russian, post-Soviet, Jewish immigrants and handling the widely held societal misperceptions of Jewish communities.

Cigar Party in the Jewish Community Berlin


Ahavah Rabah Ahavtanu – Beth Medrash Govoha Tea Presentation – 2008
Pidyon Peter Chamor In Detroit – Full Video


Chabad on Campus | Enriching University Life

Numerous prominent university presidents and deans express how Chabad on Campus plays an integral role at their school.

Maccabiah Camp Kimama Michmoret 2014 1st session

Camp Kimama Israel, is the first and best Jewish international summer camp in Israel , for ages 6-17

Maccabiah Camp Kimama Michmoret 2014

Camp Kimama Israel- International Summer Camps

Life in Israel Gaza Rockets Interrupt Wedding in Ashdod

RT, Russia Today, Iron Dome, Israel, Air raid sirens, Tel Aviv, Israel’s Iron Dome, Gaza rocket, Gaza Strip (Administrative Division), anti-missile system

Haredi: The Ultra orthodox society in Israel 1-5

An Arab and a Jew Save Each Other’s Lives



18.06.2014 The Van Leer Jerusalem Institute – מכון ון ליר בירושלים

The Jewish View

Kathy talks about how she became interested in politics after graduating from Siena College and how she rose through the ranks to her current position. Kathy reveals how she developed an interest in budgeting, which led to serving as a staffer on an important NYS Senate committee. Kathy also talks about her support for casinos

Baltimore Jewish community mourns slain Israeli teens

President Peres at the Jewish community in New York at the Park Avenue Synagogue


The Russian Émigré Seder

In 1980, Sinai Memorial Chapel Chevra Kadisha, through the efforts of its Past President Arthur S Becker, z’l, and in conjunction with the Jewish Community Center San Francisco, joined forces to welcome a significant influx of new Russian Jewish immigrants, and among other things, to help them celebrate the Jewish holiday of Passover. This is a document of the 33rd anniversary of that seder which continues to this day.

Images of the Jewish Community of Rhodes

Images of the Jewish Community of Rhodes. Music by Judy Frankel and photos collected by Aron Hasson.

Guimel Tamuz 5772 (2012) – Ohel – Momento Especial

Grupo de brasileiros visita o túmulo do Rebe, em Nova York, na véspera do dia de seu falecimento, 3 de Tamuz
Guimel Tamuz 5771 Rebe 3 Tamuz 2011 julho NY NYC New York City United States of America Nova Iorque Estados Unidos Crown Hights 770 Eastern Parkway Kingston Avenue Street Grupo Sao Paulo Brasil Brazil Rebbe Rabino Rabbi O shil Oshil Itaim Richard Tamesgui Yossi Shmuli Schildkraut Zal Hakatan

Community Lecture Series

North African Jewish music

Moishe House

Moishe House, a pluralistic international organization, provides meaningful Jewish experiences to young adults in their 20s. Our innovative model trains, supports and sponsors young Jewish leaders as they create vibrant home-based communities for themselves and their peers.

Our approach has enabled the existing 64 houses worldwide to engage more than 80,000 attendees a year. From Shabbat dinners and Learning Retreats to book clubs and sporting events, residents find ways to connect their peers with community, wherever they are. To learn more about our unique model, click here

יום ירושלים

Szól a kakas már – Hungarian Jewish Folk Music

Judaism and Jews in Greece – Greek Jewish Diaspora

Thema – Jewish Agency for Israel

Thema – Jewish Agency for Israel




Popular Kibbutz videos

Mix Events Israel

New Kosher restaurant in Brussels gains popularity


Food, in particular Kosher food, is an important part of the Jewish way of life.


WorldJewish Congress


Israel Tourism

The Israel Experience

Innovative Israel

Actual  Videos

Chabad of Boulder, Colorado

Boulder Jewish News

Comunidade na TV 20 a 26/04/2014

O Comunidade na TV é um programa da Federação Israelita do Rio de Janeiro.

O programa é exibido no Canal 14 da NET aos Domingos (7h, 16h e 21h), com reprises ao longo da semana!.

jCommunities2 Kopie

The Jews of Holland – History of the Jewish communities of the Netherlands – Lectures –
Rabbi Binyomin Jacobs, chief rabbi of the Netherlands, describes the rich history of the Jewish people in his native country from medieval times until …


Section Jewish Communities: 24JEWISH ALERTS large selection videos and feeds in each section


צוק איתן – קליפ המוקדש באהבה לכל חיילי צה״ל


תפילות להצלחת חיילי צה”ל כא’ בתמוז


The White Shul and Achiezer Shiva Asar B’ Tamuz Kinnus Chizuk
On Tuesday July 15, 2014 (Shiva Asar B’Tamuz) an overflow crowd from the Far Rockaway, Five Towns and surrounding areas joined together at the White Shul for an uplifting gathering in light of the current crisis in Eretz Yisroel and in memory of the three kedoshim who were tragically killed several weeks ago HY”D. Numerous Rabbonim, organizations and institutions joined together in an unprecedented display of achdus. Additionally, the program was broadcast world-wide at both and This broadcast was sponsored by the Wolfson family b’zchus a refuah shelaima for Nosson Tzvi ben Sara Rivka Kashtiya who desperately needs our tefillos.

The program featured the following speakers:

Rabbi Eytan Feiner- Rav of Congregation Kneseth Israel

Rabbi Steven Weil- Senior Managing Director of the Orthodox Union

Rabbi Yaakov Bender- Rosh HaYeshiva of Yeshiva Darchei Torah

Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zwiebel- Executive Vice President of Agudath Israel of America

Rabbi Rami Brachyahu- Rav of Talmon, Eretz Yisroel and Rav of the Shaer Family


WEEKLY Parshat Hashavuah

Fast of Tammuz 17

 Shiurim 17th of Tammuz  language  hebrew,french,english,spanish,german,russian SHIURIM & COMMENTARIES

CLICK sur “PLAYLIST” en haut à gauche de la video puis slectionner votre vidéo
CLICK “PLAYLIST”parte superior izquierda DEL VIDEO , seleccione su VIDEO
CLICK “Playlist” в левом верхнем углу VIDEO затем выберите VIDEO
CLICK “Playlist” oben links im VIDEO anschließend Wählen Sie Ihr VIDEO

הבדלה מוצ״ש מטות תשע״ד מקאם סיגא Hathaway shul Havdalla

Cantor Nahari dedicated tonight’s havdalla in honor of the צה״ל soldiers

Jewish Culture Festival gives a new rythym to centuries-old culture , Cracow 2014

Krakow’s Jewish Culture Festival joins centuries of Jewish tradition in one of Poland’s oldest cities with the newest trends in music and culture. The 24th edition of the festival features nearly 300 events held over 10 days and takes a more modern approach to promoting and celebrating the city’s Jewish heritage.

In previous years, the festival’s themes went far into history and Klezmer music dominated on the main square of Krakow’s historical Jewish district, Kazimierz.

This year DJ’s from Israel play to an international audience on the banks of the Vistula river and events are held all over town. The city’s historical background is preserved, but members of the younger generation want to discover more.

Loud, Proud & Jewish

What are the attitudes towards LGBT issues within the Jewish community?

Jewish News premieres the first in its brand new series of documentaries, focusing on issues at the very heart of modern Jewish life in Britain.

The first explores the Jewish LGBT community’s ongoing struggle for broad acceptance among Anglo-Jewry.

Produced and directed by london-based filmmaker Ben Burman, the documentary features provocative perspectives from Surat Knan, founder of Rainbow Jews, founder of HotSaltBeef Allan Davis and Rabbi Alan Plancey, former Rabbi of Borehamwood and Elstree Synangogue, who offers a mainstream Orthodox standpoint.

Watch the film and leave your comments!

Budapest, Hungary: Great Synagogue

The huge and gorgeously restored Great Synagogue (also called Dohány Street Synagogue) is the biggest in Europe. Tour the ornately Moorish-flavored interior and explore the attached museum. Outside, don’t miss the powerful Memorial Garden with its shimmering sculpture Tree of Life

Quenelle – Danish Ambassador in Paris compares Dieudonné and Toulouse murder of Jews

TV2 Denmark broadcast (part) January 7, 2014

French interior minister and socialist government stops popular black comedian Dieudonné M’Bala M’Bala

Danish ambassador in Paris Anne Dorte Riggelsen links Dieudonné to Toulouse murders of Jewish children – ‘In France there is less distance between words and actions than in other places’.

Some English subtitles and comments.

More here: BBC interview: Abuse of power in France: Comedian Dieudonné M’Bala M’Bala challenges politicians – The Quenelle – with transscript of BBC video – interview with philosopher Alain Soral

Shocking scenes as 150 Jewish men go on rampage in Paris streets and clash!!!

Shocking scenes as 150 Jewish men go on rampage in Paris streets and clash with pro-Palestinian demonstrators

A group of 150 Jewish men were seen brandishing iron bars and cans of pepper spray as they clashed with Pro-Palestinian demonstrators in Paris.

Video footage of the clashes show the group chanting racist slogans as they roamed the streets.

It came as President Francois Hollande warned that he did not want to see ‘the Israeli-Palestinian conflict imported into France’.

French Jewish groups have complained about an increase in anti-Semitism in recent months, with many accusing Muslim youths of targeting them.

But a video shot close to the Place de la Bastille on Sunday, and verified by police before being posted on YouTube, appears to show pro-Israel groups are also actively involved in clashes.

In Paris, CRS riot police did not arrest any of the group, thought to be linked to the Jewish Defence League, despite them openly fighting in broad daylight.

In the video, those amongst the group can be heard chanting ‘**** you Palestine’ as they smash up chairs and metal tables to be used as missiles

The men are armed with gas canisters, pepper spray, metal bars and wooden sticks and some wear crash helmets.

The video shows the men running towards pro-Palestinian demonstrators, before skirmishes break out.

Six pro-Palestinian demonstrators were arrested on Sunday, accused of trying to break into two Paris synagogues. Two Jewish men were reportedly injured.

After FIFA, Jewish Fans Grateful for Chabad of Brazil


After FIFA, Jewish Fans Grateful for Chabad of Brazil

Rabbi Raichman of Manuas, Brazil, helps a Jewish fan wrap tefillin during the games.

by Rena Greenberg – Manuas, Brazil

France: Palestine demo clashes outside synagogue

France: Clashes erupt in Pro-Palestine Paris demo

France: Zionists disrupt pro-Palestinian rally in Paris

Video ID: 20140709-049


France: Marseille protesters call for end to Israeli strikes on Gaza

Germany: Pro-Palestine protesters invade central Berlin


Experiences from Berlin’s Jewish Community with Sergey Lagodisky

AICGS Society, Culture & Politics Director Dr. Lily Gardner Feldman sits down with Sergey Lagodinsky to discuss the Jewish Community in Berlin. As a member of the Assembly of Representatives in this community, Lagodinsky shares his experience with the challenges in building a unified community across many Jewish denominations and identities. Moreover, he elaborates on Berlin’s history of integrating Russian, post-Soviet, Jewish immigrants and handling the widely held societal misperceptions of Jewish communities.

Cigar Party in the Jewish Community Berlin


Ahavah Rabah Ahavtanu – Beth Medrash Govoha Tea Presentation – 2008
Pidyon Peter Chamor In Detroit – Full Video


Chabad on Campus | Enriching University Life

Numerous prominent university presidents and deans express how Chabad on Campus plays an integral role at their school.

Maccabiah Camp Kimama Michmoret 2014 1st session

Camp Kimama Israel, is the first and best Jewish international summer camp in Israel , for ages 6-17

Maccabiah Camp Kimama Michmoret 2014

Camp Kimama Israel- International Summer Camps

Life in Israel Gaza Rockets Interrupt Wedding in Ashdod

RT, Russia Today, Iron Dome, Israel, Air raid sirens, Tel Aviv, Israel’s Iron Dome, Gaza rocket, Gaza Strip (Administrative Division), anti-missile system

Haredi: The Ultra orthodox society in Israel 1-5

An Arab and a Jew Save Each Other’s Lives



18.06.2014 The Van Leer Jerusalem Institute – מכון ון ליר בירושלים

The Jewish View

Kathy talks about how she became interested in politics after graduating from Siena College and how she rose through the ranks to her current position. Kathy reveals how she developed an interest in budgeting, which led to serving as a staffer on an important NYS Senate committee. Kathy also talks about her support for casinos

Baltimore Jewish community mourns slain Israeli teens

President Peres at the Jewish community in New York at the Park Avenue Synagogue


The Russian Émigré Seder

In 1980, Sinai Memorial Chapel Chevra Kadisha, through the efforts of its Past President Arthur S Becker, z’l, and in conjunction with the Jewish Community Center San Francisco, joined forces to welcome a significant influx of new Russian Jewish immigrants, and among other things, to help them celebrate the Jewish holiday of Passover. This is a document of the 33rd anniversary of that seder which continues to this day.

Images of the Jewish Community of Rhodes

Images of the Jewish Community of Rhodes. Music by Judy Frankel and photos collected by Aron Hasson.

Guimel Tamuz 5772 (2012) – Ohel – Momento Especial

Grupo de brasileiros visita o túmulo do Rebe, em Nova York, na véspera do dia de seu falecimento, 3 de Tamuz
Guimel Tamuz 5771 Rebe 3 Tamuz 2011 julho NY NYC New York City United States of America Nova Iorque Estados Unidos Crown Hights 770 Eastern Parkway Kingston Avenue Street Grupo Sao Paulo Brasil Brazil Rebbe Rabino Rabbi O shil Oshil Itaim Richard Tamesgui Yossi Shmuli Schildkraut Zal Hakatan

Community Lecture Series

North African Jewish music

Moishe House

Moishe House, a pluralistic international organization, provides meaningful Jewish experiences to young adults in their 20s. Our innovative model trains, supports and sponsors young Jewish leaders as they create vibrant home-based communities for themselves and their peers.

Our approach has enabled the existing 64 houses worldwide to engage more than 80,000 attendees a year. From Shabbat dinners and Learning Retreats to book clubs and sporting events, residents find ways to connect their peers with community, wherever they are. To learn more about our unique model, click here

יום ירושלים

Szól a kakas már – Hungarian Jewish Folk Music

Judaism and Jews in Greece – Greek Jewish Diaspora

Thema – Jewish Agency for Israel

Thema – Jewish Agency for Israel




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jCommunities2 Kopie

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