24JEWISH Alerts Section jewish Recipes, Please Ask the Rabbi about Kashrut


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High Holiday Recipes

▶ ▶ ▶more videos in this playlist

Rosh Hashanah on a Budget: 4 Delicious Kosher Recipes!

http://www.joyofkosher.com | Jamie Geller from Kosher.com discusses delicious, easy to make recipes for Rosh Hashanah. The four budget-conscious recipes include Sweet Carrot Salad, Honey Chicken, Broccoli Mushroom Pie, and Puff Pastry Apple Purses and take less than one hour to make!

For all your kosher food needs, please shop http://www.kosher.com





Weekly Parasha F-U-L-L  Version  24JEWISH.TV WEEKLY PARASHAH,, Select MyRabbi,,, Languages : hebrew,english,russian,french,spanish Great Shiurim and Commentaries Selection

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CLICK “PLAYLIST”parte superior izquierda DEL VIDEO , seleccione su VIDEO
CLICK “Playlist” в левом верхнем углу VIDEO затем выберите VIDEO
CLICK “Playlist” oben links im VIDEO anschließend Wählen Sie Ihr VIDEO

How to Make Popular Rosh Hashanah Recipes

Rosh Hashanah is known as the Jewish New Year, a holiday marked by reflection, charity, and repentance. Food is an integral part of the holiday and is used to symbolize the hope for a sweet, fruitful new year.

Step 1: Bake challah bread
Bake challah bread. Dissolve 1 package dry yeast and 2 tablespoons of sugar in 1/2 cup warm water until the yeast begins to foam. Combine 5 1/2 cups flour, 1 cup water, 1/4 cup oil, 2 eggs, and teaspoon salt in a food processor, gradually adding the flour.

Step 2: Cover dough
Put the dough in a greased bowl, cover and let it rise for one hour. Knead the dough and shape it into circular roll, then let it rise again. Glaze with one additional egg and then bake on a cookie sheet at 375 degrees Fahrenheit for 30-40 minutes.

In its round form, the challah represents the cycle of life and the passing year. It is passed around the table so everyone can break off a piece.

Step 3: Slice up apples
Use a knife to slice up a selection of apples. Serve with individual dishes of honey for dipping.

After an apple slice is dipped in honey, the blessing for eating tree fruits is recited. After the apple is tasted, the apples and honey prayer is recited.

Step 4: Offer fish
Offer a fish dish, which symbolizes the hope that the coming year will bring plenty. Place any whitefish fillets — such as snapper, trout, haddock or sole — in a baking dish.

Step 5: Season the fillets
Sprinkle the fillets with salt and pepper, apple cider or red wine vinegar, olive oil, and a dash of honey. Garnish with raisins if desired. Bake at 400 degrees for about 20 minutes or until the fish is no longer translucent.

Step 6: Serve new fruits
Serve new fruits, such as pomegranates. A new fruit means one that has just come into season, recently picked. Tradition holds that a pomegranate contains 613 seeds, just as there are 613 of God’s commandments.

Step 7: Make carrot tzimmes
Make tzimmes, a savory, sweet carrot side dish. Peel and slice 12 carrots. Melt 3 tablesoons butter in a saucepan, then add 3 tablespoons honey, 3 tablespoons brown sugar, and 3 tablespoons lemon juice. Add the sliced carrots and bring the mixture to a boil. Simmer for 1 hour on low heat. L’Shanah Tovah!

Did You Know?
Rosh Hashanah occurs on the first and second days of Tishri, the seventh month of the Jewish calendar. The holiday was established in the Book of Leviticus.

Cuisine Juive Tunisienne – Les Boulettes du Couscous

Matzoh Ball 101: Caplansky’s Teaches Abbey about Authentic Jewish Cuisine

In this webisode, Abbey heads to Caplansky’s Deli in Toronto, where authority on Jewish eats, Zane Caplansky, teaches her to make authentic Matzoh Ball soup. Zane and Abbey talk briefly about the history of making matzo balls, learn how to roll and cook them up, and then of course get to taste. Join her gastronomic adventures!

Leah Cooks Kosher – Classic Challah – Braiding ,,,,,,

Joan Nathan’s Chosen Food: The Ultimate Blintz

How to make delicious cheese-filled crepes from scratch—the perfect dairy recipe for Shavuot.

Kosher Food Project – Cheese Blintzes

How to Make Blintzes [VIDEO RECIPE]

Jewish Journal Editor-in-CHEF Rob Eshman share his amazing recipe for lemon ricotta blintzes in honor of Shavuot. Watch it, cook it, taste it…THEY ARE AMAZING!!!

Israeli Food Culture

The food culture of Israel.
song is Chants Judeo-Marocains by Emil Zrihan performed by the Israel Andalusian Orchestra

Feed Me Bubbe  ChalutzProductions

Le Nougat

Voici une recette de pâtisserie orientale, qui est originaire d’Algérie, et que m’a transmise Nelly. Elle fait traditionnellement ce nougat lors de Pourim, une fête juive pendant le mois de février. Rien de compliqué à faire pour peu qu’on fasse bien attention à ne pas faire brûler les dattes sur le feu, et qu’on respect le temps de cuisson.
Ce nougat est un régal, essayez le vous m’en direz des nouvelles !
Merci à Nelly T. pour la recette 🙂

Ingrédients :

1.3 kg de dattes dénoyautées
400 gr d’amandes non salées
400 gr de noisette non salées
300 gr de sésame doré
250 gr de miel d’acacia liquide
1 Cs de cannelle en poudre
1 Cs de muscade en poudre
1 Cs de gingembre en poudre
de l’huile végétale ube.com/watch?v=8tOuYiipKw4

Spinach Noodle Kugel Recipe

Joy of Kosher
Jamie and friends make an easy classic Kosher Spinach Noodle Kugel, the ultimate in Jewish food. Get the recipe here http://www.joyofkosher.com/recipe/spi…


<<< LINK TO >>> previous videos >>>

PREVIOUS VIDEOS http://wp.me/p15wJE-6At




La viande à la marocaine, la recette d’Ariel Wizman

How Kosher Israeli Falafel is Prepared [HD] | איך להכין פלאפל ישראלי כשר

Ah, Falafel. One of the most common ethnic foods synonymous with Israeli culture. Every neighborhood in Jerusalem seems to have at least one ‘falafel stop’ where locals either gather over lunch or run by and take a quick portion of the delicious fried balls to go. No matter if you like it without ‘harif’ (hot & spicy) or ‘im chips’ (french fries) – enjoy this video with hummus, tehina, and Israeli salad!

Music: “Space Run” – Original Composition by Yisroel Tzvi for How2Kosher.com

how to kosher

how2kosher produces videos and photographs documenting how kosher foods are made and prepared, ranging from ethnic Israeli food to traditional Jewish dishes.

Egyptian Food. A gem in Tel Aviv

Julie could be your Mom. Go and sit down for lunch and talk to her. Check her kitchen, ask her for the ingredients. She speaks Arabic, English, French and probably other languages. Bon appétit

Spend a day in Tel Aviv :Carmel Market,Dizengoff,Max Brenner chocolates,the beach

Israeli Cuisine and Arabic Street Food in Israel

Coming to Israel and participating in Taste of Israel was one of the top highlights for us in 2013. Having experienced eating hummus, shakshouka and falafel, I already knew I would love Israeli food; however, I was keen to expand the scope of food to extend to as many different Israeli dishes and Arabic food as I possibly could handle.


24JEWISH Alerts Section jewish Recipes, Please Ask the Rabbi about Kashrut

High Holiday Recipes

▶ ▶ ▶more videos in this playlist

Rosh Hashanah on a Budget: 4 Delicious Kosher Recipes!

http://www.joyofkosher.com | Jamie Geller from Kosher.com discusses delicious, easy to make recipes for Rosh Hashanah. The four budget-conscious recipes include Sweet Carrot Salad, Honey Chicken, Broccoli Mushroom Pie, and Puff Pastry Apple Purses and take less than one hour to make!

For all your kosher food needs, please shop http://www.kosher.com





Weekly Parasha F-U-L-L  Version  24JEWISH.TV WEEKLY PARASHAH,, Select MyRabbi,,, Languages : hebrew,english,russian,french,spanish Great Shiurim and Commentaries Selection

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CLICK “PLAYLIST”parte superior izquierda DEL VIDEO , seleccione su VIDEO
CLICK “Playlist” в левом верхнем углу VIDEO затем выберите VIDEO
CLICK “Playlist” oben links im VIDEO anschließend Wählen Sie Ihr VIDEO

How to Make Popular Rosh Hashanah Recipes

Rosh Hashanah is known as the Jewish New Year, a holiday marked by reflection, charity, and repentance. Food is an integral part of the holiday and is used to symbolize the hope for a sweet, fruitful new year.

Step 1: Bake challah bread
Bake challah bread. Dissolve 1 package dry yeast and 2 tablespoons of sugar in 1/2 cup warm water until the yeast begins to foam. Combine 5 1/2 cups flour, 1 cup water, 1/4 cup oil, 2 eggs, and teaspoon salt in a food processor, gradually adding the flour.

Step 2: Cover dough
Put the dough in a greased bowl, cover and let it rise for one hour. Knead the dough and shape it into circular roll, then let it rise again. Glaze with one additional egg and then bake on a cookie sheet at 375 degrees Fahrenheit for 30-40 minutes.

In its round form, the challah represents the cycle of life and the passing year. It is passed around the table so everyone can break off a piece.

Step 3: Slice up apples
Use a knife to slice up a selection of apples. Serve with individual dishes of honey for dipping.

After an apple slice is dipped in honey, the blessing for eating tree fruits is recited. After the apple is tasted, the apples and honey prayer is recited.

Step 4: Offer fish
Offer a fish dish, which symbolizes the hope that the coming year will bring plenty. Place any whitefish fillets — such as snapper, trout, haddock or sole — in a baking dish.

Step 5: Season the fillets
Sprinkle the fillets with salt and pepper, apple cider or red wine vinegar, olive oil, and a dash of honey. Garnish with raisins if desired. Bake at 400 degrees for about 20 minutes or until the fish is no longer translucent.

Step 6: Serve new fruits
Serve new fruits, such as pomegranates. A new fruit means one that has just come into season, recently picked. Tradition holds that a pomegranate contains 613 seeds, just as there are 613 of God’s commandments.

Step 7: Make carrot tzimmes
Make tzimmes, a savory, sweet carrot side dish. Peel and slice 12 carrots. Melt 3 tablesoons butter in a saucepan, then add 3 tablespoons honey, 3 tablespoons brown sugar, and 3 tablespoons lemon juice. Add the sliced carrots and bring the mixture to a boil. Simmer for 1 hour on low heat. L’Shanah Tovah!

Did You Know?
Rosh Hashanah occurs on the first and second days of Tishri, the seventh month of the Jewish calendar. The holiday was established in the Book of Leviticus.

Cuisine Juive Tunisienne – Les Boulettes du Couscous

Matzoh Ball 101: Caplansky’s Teaches Abbey about Authentic Jewish Cuisine

In this webisode, Abbey heads to Caplansky’s Deli in Toronto, where authority on Jewish eats, Zane Caplansky, teaches her to make authentic Matzoh Ball soup. Zane and Abbey talk briefly about the history of making matzo balls, learn how to roll and cook them up, and then of course get to taste. Join her gastronomic adventures!

Leah Cooks Kosher – Classic Challah – Braiding ,,,,,,

Joan Nathan’s Chosen Food: The Ultimate Blintz

How to make delicious cheese-filled crepes from scratch—the perfect dairy recipe for Shavuot.

Kosher Food Project – Cheese Blintzes

How to Make Blintzes [VIDEO RECIPE]

Jewish Journal Editor-in-CHEF Rob Eshman share his amazing recipe for lemon ricotta blintzes in honor of Shavuot. Watch it, cook it, taste it…THEY ARE AMAZING!!!

Israeli Food Culture

The food culture of Israel.
song is Chants Judeo-Marocains by Emil Zrihan performed by the Israel Andalusian Orchestra

Feed Me Bubbe  ChalutzProductions

Le Nougat

Voici une recette de pâtisserie orientale, qui est originaire d’Algérie, et que m’a transmise Nelly. Elle fait traditionnellement ce nougat lors de Pourim, une fête juive pendant le mois de février. Rien de compliqué à faire pour peu qu’on fasse bien attention à ne pas faire brûler les dattes sur le feu, et qu’on respect le temps de cuisson.
Ce nougat est un régal, essayez le vous m’en direz des nouvelles !
Merci à Nelly T. pour la recette 🙂

Ingrédients :

1.3 kg de dattes dénoyautées
400 gr d’amandes non salées
400 gr de noisette non salées
300 gr de sésame doré
250 gr de miel d’acacia liquide
1 Cs de cannelle en poudre
1 Cs de muscade en poudre
1 Cs de gingembre en poudre
de l’huile végétale ube.com/watch?v=8tOuYiipKw4

Spinach Noodle Kugel Recipe

Joy of Kosher
Jamie and friends make an easy classic Kosher Spinach Noodle Kugel, the ultimate in Jewish food. Get the recipe here http://www.joyofkosher.com/recipe/spi…


<<< LINK TO >>> previous videos >>>

PREVIOUS VIDEOS http://wp.me/p15wJE-6At




La viande à la marocaine, la recette d’Ariel Wizman

How Kosher Israeli Falafel is Prepared [HD] | איך להכין פלאפל ישראלי כשר

Ah, Falafel. One of the most common ethnic foods synonymous with Israeli culture. Every neighborhood in Jerusalem seems to have at least one ‘falafel stop’ where locals either gather over lunch or run by and take a quick portion of the delicious fried balls to go. No matter if you like it without ‘harif’ (hot & spicy) or ‘im chips’ (french fries) – enjoy this video with hummus, tehina, and Israeli salad!

Music: “Space Run” – Original Composition by Yisroel Tzvi for How2Kosher.com

how to kosher

how2kosher produces videos and photographs documenting how kosher foods are made and prepared, ranging from ethnic Israeli food to traditional Jewish dishes.

Egyptian Food. A gem in Tel Aviv

Julie could be your Mom. Go and sit down for lunch and talk to her. Check her kitchen, ask her for the ingredients. She speaks Arabic, English, French and probably other languages. Bon appétit

Spend a day in Tel Aviv :Carmel Market,Dizengoff,Max Brenner chocolates,the beach

Israeli Cuisine and Arabic Street Food in Israel

Coming to Israel and participating in Taste of Israel was one of the top highlights for us in 2013. Having experienced eating hummus, shakshouka and falafel, I already knew I would love Israeli food; however, I was keen to expand the scope of food to extend to as many different Israeli dishes and Arabic food as I possibly could handle.


24JEWISH Alerts Section jewish Recipes, Please Ask the Rabbi about Kashrut

Rosh Hashanah on a Budget: 4 Delicious Kosher Recipes!

http://www.joyofkosher.com | Jamie Geller from Kosher.com discusses delicious, easy to make recipes for Rosh Hashanah. The four budget-conscious recipes include Sweet Carrot Salad, Honey Chicken, Broccoli Mushroom Pie, and Puff Pastry Apple Purses and take less than one hour to make!

For all your kosher food needs, please shop http://www.kosher.com





Weekly Parasha F-U-L-L  Version  24JEWISH.TV WEEKLY PARASHAH,, Select MyRabbi,,, Languages : hebrew,english,russian,french,spanish Great Shiurim and Commentaries Selection

CLICK sur “PLAYLIST” en haut à gauche de la video puis slectionner votre vidéo
CLICK “PLAYLIST”parte superior izquierda DEL VIDEO , seleccione su VIDEO
CLICK “Playlist” в левом верхнем углу VIDEO затем выберите VIDEO
CLICK “Playlist” oben links im VIDEO anschließend Wählen Sie Ihr VIDEO

How to Make Popular Rosh Hashanah Recipes

Rosh Hashanah is known as the Jewish New Year, a holiday marked by reflection, charity, and repentance. Food is an integral part of the holiday and is used to symbolize the hope for a sweet, fruitful new year.

Step 1: Bake challah bread
Bake challah bread. Dissolve 1 package dry yeast and 2 tablespoons of sugar in 1/2 cup warm water until the yeast begins to foam. Combine 5 1/2 cups flour, 1 cup water, 1/4 cup oil, 2 eggs, and teaspoon salt in a food processor, gradually adding the flour.

Step 2: Cover dough
Put the dough in a greased bowl, cover and let it rise for one hour. Knead the dough and shape it into circular roll, then let it rise again. Glaze with one additional egg and then bake on a cookie sheet at 375 degrees Fahrenheit for 30-40 minutes.

In its round form, the challah represents the cycle of life and the passing year. It is passed around the table so everyone can break off a piece.

Step 3: Slice up apples
Use a knife to slice up a selection of apples. Serve with individual dishes of honey for dipping.

After an apple slice is dipped in honey, the blessing for eating tree fruits is recited. After the apple is tasted, the apples and honey prayer is recited.

Step 4: Offer fish
Offer a fish dish, which symbolizes the hope that the coming year will bring plenty. Place any whitefish fillets — such as snapper, trout, haddock or sole — in a baking dish.

Step 5: Season the fillets
Sprinkle the fillets with salt and pepper, apple cider or red wine vinegar, olive oil, and a dash of honey. Garnish with raisins if desired. Bake at 400 degrees for about 20 minutes or until the fish is no longer translucent.

Step 6: Serve new fruits
Serve new fruits, such as pomegranates. A new fruit means one that has just come into season, recently picked. Tradition holds that a pomegranate contains 613 seeds, just as there are 613 of God’s commandments.

Step 7: Make carrot tzimmes
Make tzimmes, a savory, sweet carrot side dish. Peel and slice 12 carrots. Melt 3 tablesoons butter in a saucepan, then add 3 tablespoons honey, 3 tablespoons brown sugar, and 3 tablespoons lemon juice. Add the sliced carrots and bring the mixture to a boil. Simmer for 1 hour on low heat. L’Shanah Tovah!

Did You Know?
Rosh Hashanah occurs on the first and second days of Tishri, the seventh month of the Jewish calendar. The holiday was established in the Book of Leviticus.

Cuisine Juive Tunisienne – Les Boulettes du Couscous

Matzoh Ball 101: Caplansky’s Teaches Abbey about Authentic Jewish Cuisine

In this webisode, Abbey heads to Caplansky’s Deli in Toronto, where authority on Jewish eats, Zane Caplansky, teaches her to make authentic Matzoh Ball soup. Zane and Abbey talk briefly about the history of making matzo balls, learn how to roll and cook them up, and then of course get to taste. Join her gastronomic adventures!

Leah Cooks Kosher – Classic Challah – Braiding ,,,,,,

Joan Nathan’s Chosen Food: The Ultimate Blintz

How to make delicious cheese-filled crepes from scratch—the perfect dairy recipe for Shavuot.

Kosher Food Project – Cheese Blintzes

How to Make Blintzes [VIDEO RECIPE]

Jewish Journal Editor-in-CHEF Rob Eshman share his amazing recipe for lemon ricotta blintzes in honor of Shavuot. Watch it, cook it, taste it…THEY ARE AMAZING!!!

Israeli Food Culture

The food culture of Israel.
song is Chants Judeo-Marocains by Emil Zrihan performed by the Israel Andalusian Orchestra

Feed Me Bubbe  ChalutzProductions

Le Nougat

Voici une recette de pâtisserie orientale, qui est originaire d’Algérie, et que m’a transmise Nelly. Elle fait traditionnellement ce nougat lors de Pourim, une fête juive pendant le mois de février. Rien de compliqué à faire pour peu qu’on fasse bien attention à ne pas faire brûler les dattes sur le feu, et qu’on respect le temps de cuisson.
Ce nougat est un régal, essayez le vous m’en direz des nouvelles !
Merci à Nelly T. pour la recette 🙂

Ingrédients :

1.3 kg de dattes dénoyautées
400 gr d’amandes non salées
400 gr de noisette non salées
300 gr de sésame doré
250 gr de miel d’acacia liquide
1 Cs de cannelle en poudre
1 Cs de muscade en poudre
1 Cs de gingembre en poudre
de l’huile végétale ube.com/watch?v=8tOuYiipKw4

Spinach Noodle Kugel Recipe

Joy of Kosher
Jamie and friends make an easy classic Kosher Spinach Noodle Kugel, the ultimate in Jewish food. Get the recipe here http://www.joyofkosher.com/recipe/spi…


<<< LINK TO >>> previous videos >>>

PREVIOUS VIDEOS http://wp.me/p15wJE-6At




La viande à la marocaine, la recette d’Ariel Wizman

How Kosher Israeli Falafel is Prepared [HD] | איך להכין פלאפל ישראלי כשר

Ah, Falafel. One of the most common ethnic foods synonymous with Israeli culture. Every neighborhood in Jerusalem seems to have at least one ‘falafel stop’ where locals either gather over lunch or run by and take a quick portion of the delicious fried balls to go. No matter if you like it without ‘harif’ (hot & spicy) or ‘im chips’ (french fries) – enjoy this video with hummus, tehina, and Israeli salad!

Music: “Space Run” – Original Composition by Yisroel Tzvi for How2Kosher.com

how to kosher

how2kosher produces videos and photographs documenting how kosher foods are made and prepared, ranging from ethnic Israeli food to traditional Jewish dishes.

Egyptian Food. A gem in Tel Aviv

Julie could be your Mom. Go and sit down for lunch and talk to her. Check her kitchen, ask her for the ingredients. She speaks Arabic, English, French and probably other languages. Bon appétit

Spend a day in Tel Aviv :Carmel Market,Dizengoff,Max Brenner chocolates,the beach

Israeli Cuisine and Arabic Street Food in Israel

Coming to Israel and participating in Taste of Israel was one of the top highlights for us in 2013. Having experienced eating hummus, shakshouka and falafel, I already knew I would love Israeli food; however, I was keen to expand the scope of food to extend to as many different Israeli dishes and Arabic food as I possibly could handle.


24JEWISH Alerts Section jewish Recipes, Please Ask the Rabbi about Kashrut

Israeli Food Culture

The food culture of Israel. 
song is Chants Judeo-Marocains by Emil Zrihan performed by the Israel Andalusian Orchestra




Section Jewish Parshat language hebrew, french, english, spanish, german, russian, Machon Meir, CHABAD, The Jewish Woman, YOUTH/TEENS SHIURIM &amp; COMMENTARIES


CLICK sur “PLAYLIST” en haut à gauche de la video puis slectionner votre vidéo
CLICK “PLAYLIST”parte superior izquierda DEL VIDEO , seleccione su VIDEO
CLICK “Playlist” в левом верхнем углу VIDEO затем выберите VIDEO
CLICK “Playlist” oben links im VIDEO anschließend Wählen Sie Ihr VIDEO

Cuisine Juive Tunisienne – Les Boulettes du Couscous

Matzoh Ball 101: Caplansky’s Teaches Abbey about Authentic Jewish Cuisine

In this webisode, Abbey heads to Caplansky’s Deli in Toronto, where authority on Jewish eats, Zane Caplansky, teaches her to make authentic Matzoh Ball soup. Zane and Abbey talk briefly about the history of making matzo balls, learn how to roll and cook them up, and then of course get to taste. Join her gastronomic adventures!

Leah Cooks Kosher – Classic Challah – Braiding ,,,,,,

Joan Nathan’s Chosen Food: The Ultimate Blintz

How to make delicious cheese-filled crepes from scratch—the perfect dairy recipe for Shavuot.

Kosher Food Project – Cheese Blintzes

How to Make Blintzes [VIDEO RECIPE]

Jewish Journal Editor-in-CHEF Rob Eshman share his amazing recipe for lemon ricotta blintzes in honor of Shavuot. Watch it, cook it, taste it…THEY ARE AMAZING!!!!

Feed Me Bubbe  ChalutzProductions

Le Nougat

Voici une recette de pâtisserie orientale, qui est originaire d’Algérie, et que m’a transmise Nelly. Elle fait traditionnellement ce nougat lors de Pourim, une fête juive pendant le mois de février. Rien de compliqué à faire pour peu qu’on fasse bien attention à ne pas faire brûler les dattes sur le feu, et qu’on respect le temps de cuisson.
Ce nougat est un régal, essayez le vous m’en direz des nouvelles !
Merci à Nelly T. pour la recette 🙂

Ingrédients :

1.3 kg de dattes dénoyautées
400 gr d’amandes non salées
400 gr de noisette non salées
300 gr de sésame doré
250 gr de miel d’acacia liquide
1 Cs de cannelle en poudre
1 Cs de muscade en poudre
1 Cs de gingembre en poudre
de l’huile végétale ube.com/watch?v=8tOuYiipKw4

Spinach Noodle Kugel Recipe

Joy of Kosher
Jamie and friends make an easy classic Kosher Spinach Noodle Kugel, the ultimate in Jewish food. Get the recipe here http://www.joyofkosher.com/recipe/spi…


<<< LINK TO >>> previous videos >>>

PREVIOUS VIDEOS http://wp.me/p15wJE-6At




La viande à la marocaine, la recette d’Ariel Wizman

How Kosher Israeli Falafel is Prepared [HD] | איך להכין פלאפל ישראלי כשר

Ah, Falafel. One of the most common ethnic foods synonymous with Israeli culture. Every neighborhood in Jerusalem seems to have at least one ‘falafel stop’ where locals either gather over lunch or run by and take a quick portion of the delicious fried balls to go. No matter if you like it without ‘harif’ (hot & spicy) or ‘im chips’ (french fries) – enjoy this video with hummus, tehina, and Israeli salad!

Music: “Space Run” – Original Composition by Yisroel Tzvi for How2Kosher.com

how to kosher

how2kosher produces videos and photographs documenting how kosher foods are made and prepared, ranging from ethnic Israeli food to traditional Jewish dishes.

Egyptian Food. A gem in Tel Aviv

Julie could be your Mom. Go and sit down for lunch and talk to her. Check her kitchen, ask her for the ingredients. She speaks Arabic, English, French and probably other languages. Bon appétit

Spend a day in Tel Aviv :Carmel Market,Dizengoff,Max Brenner chocolates,the beach

Israeli Cuisine and Arabic Street Food in Israel

Coming to Israel and participating in Taste of Israel was one of the top highlights for us in 2013. Having experienced eating hummus, shakshouka and falafel, I already knew I would love Israeli food; however, I was keen to expand the scope of food to extend to as many different Israeli dishes and Arabic food as I possibly could handle.


24JEWISH Alerts Section jewish Recipes, Please Ask the Rabbi about Kashrut

Cuisine Juive Tunisienne – Les Boulettes du Couscous




Section Jewish Parshat language hebrew, french, english, spanish, german, russian, Machon Meir, CHABAD, The Jewish Woman, YOUTH/TEENS SHIURIM &amp; COMMENTARIES


CLICK sur “PLAYLIST” en haut à gauche de la video puis slectionner votre vidéo
CLICK “PLAYLIST”parte superior izquierda DEL VIDEO , seleccione su VIDEO
CLICK “Playlist” в левом верхнем углу VIDEO затем выберите VIDEO
CLICK “Playlist” oben links im VIDEO anschließend Wählen Sie Ihr VIDEO

Matzoh Ball 101: Caplansky’s Teaches Abbey about Authentic Jewish Cuisine

In this webisode, Abbey heads to Caplansky’s Deli in Toronto, where authority on Jewish eats, Zane Caplansky, teaches her to make authentic Matzoh Ball soup. Zane and Abbey talk briefly about the history of making matzo balls, learn how to roll and cook them up, and then of course get to taste. Join her gastronomic adventures!

Leah Cooks Kosher – Classic Challah – Braiding ,,,,,,

Joan Nathan’s Chosen Food: The Ultimate Blintz

How to make delicious cheese-filled crepes from scratch—the perfect dairy recipe for Shavuot.

Kosher Food Project – Cheese Blintzes

How to Make Blintzes [VIDEO RECIPE]

Jewish Journal Editor-in-CHEF Rob Eshman share his amazing recipe for lemon ricotta blintzes in honor of Shavuot. Watch it, cook it, taste it…THEY ARE AMAZING!!!!

Feed Me Bubbe  ChalutzProductions

Le Nougat

Voici une recette de pâtisserie orientale, qui est originaire d’Algérie, et que m’a transmise Nelly. Elle fait traditionnellement ce nougat lors de Pourim, une fête juive pendant le mois de février. Rien de compliqué à faire pour peu qu’on fasse bien attention à ne pas faire brûler les dattes sur le feu, et qu’on respect le temps de cuisson.
Ce nougat est un régal, essayez le vous m’en direz des nouvelles !
Merci à Nelly T. pour la recette 🙂

Ingrédients :

1.3 kg de dattes dénoyautées
400 gr d’amandes non salées
400 gr de noisette non salées
300 gr de sésame doré
250 gr de miel d’acacia liquide
1 Cs de cannelle en poudre
1 Cs de muscade en poudre
1 Cs de gingembre en poudre
de l’huile végétale ube.com/watch?v=8tOuYiipKw4

Spinach Noodle Kugel Recipe

Joy of Kosher
Jamie and friends make an easy classic Kosher Spinach Noodle Kugel, the ultimate in Jewish food. Get the recipe here http://www.joyofkosher.com/recipe/spi…


<<< LINK TO >>> previous videos >>>

PREVIOUS VIDEOS http://wp.me/p15wJE-6At




La viande à la marocaine, la recette d’Ariel Wizman

How Kosher Israeli Falafel is Prepared [HD] | איך להכין פלאפל ישראלי כשר

Ah, Falafel. One of the most common ethnic foods synonymous with Israeli culture. Every neighborhood in Jerusalem seems to have at least one ‘falafel stop’ where locals either gather over lunch or run by and take a quick portion of the delicious fried balls to go. No matter if you like it without ‘harif’ (hot & spicy) or ‘im chips’ (french fries) – enjoy this video with hummus, tehina, and Israeli salad!

Music: “Space Run” – Original Composition by Yisroel Tzvi for How2Kosher.com

how to kosher

how2kosher produces videos and photographs documenting how kosher foods are made and prepared, ranging from ethnic Israeli food to traditional Jewish dishes.

Egyptian Food. A gem in Tel Aviv

Julie could be your Mom. Go and sit down for lunch and talk to her. Check her kitchen, ask her for the ingredients. She speaks Arabic, English, French and probably other languages. Bon appétit

Spend a day in Tel Aviv :Carmel Market,Dizengoff,Max Brenner chocolates,the beach

Israeli Cuisine and Arabic Street Food in Israel

Coming to Israel and participating in Taste of Israel was one of the top highlights for us in 2013. Having experienced eating hummus, shakshouka and falafel, I already knew I would love Israeli food; however, I was keen to expand the scope of food to extend to as many different Israeli dishes and Arabic food as I possibly could handle.


24JEWISH Alerts Section jewish Recipes, Please Ask the Rabbi about Kashrut

Cuisine Juive Tunisienne – Les Boulettes du Couscous




Section Jewish Parshat language hebrew, french, english, spanish, german, russian, Machon Meir, CHABAD, The Jewish Woman, YOUTH/TEENS SHIURIM &amp; COMMENTARIES


CLICK sur “PLAYLIST” en haut à gauche de la video puis slectionner votre vidéo
CLICK “PLAYLIST”parte superior izquierda DEL VIDEO , seleccione su VIDEO
CLICK “Playlist” в левом верхнем углу VIDEO затем выберите VIDEO
CLICK “Playlist” oben links im VIDEO anschließend Wählen Sie Ihr VIDEO

Leah Cooks Kosher – Classic Challah – Braiding ,,,,,,

Joan Nathan’s Chosen Food: The Ultimate Blintz

How to make delicious cheese-filled crepes from scratch—the perfect dairy recipe for Shavuot.

Kosher Food Project – Cheese Blintzes

How to Make Blintzes [VIDEO RECIPE]

Jewish Journal Editor-in-CHEF Rob Eshman share his amazing recipe for lemon ricotta blintzes in honor of Shavuot. Watch it, cook it, taste it…THEY ARE AMAZING!!!!

Feed Me Bubbe  ChalutzProductions

Le Nougat

Voici une recette de pâtisserie orientale, qui est originaire d’Algérie, et que m’a transmise Nelly. Elle fait traditionnellement ce nougat lors de Pourim, une fête juive pendant le mois de février. Rien de compliqué à faire pour peu qu’on fasse bien attention à ne pas faire brûler les dattes sur le feu, et qu’on respect le temps de cuisson.
Ce nougat est un régal, essayez le vous m’en direz des nouvelles !
Merci à Nelly T. pour la recette 🙂

Ingrédients :

1.3 kg de dattes dénoyautées
400 gr d’amandes non salées
400 gr de noisette non salées
300 gr de sésame doré
250 gr de miel d’acacia liquide
1 Cs de cannelle en poudre
1 Cs de muscade en poudre
1 Cs de gingembre en poudre
de l’huile végétale ube.com/watch?v=8tOuYiipKw4

Spinach Noodle Kugel Recipe

Joy of Kosher
Jamie and friends make an easy classic Kosher Spinach Noodle Kugel, the ultimate in Jewish food. Get the recipe here http://www.joyofkosher.com/recipe/spi…


<<< LINK TO >>> previous videos >>>

PREVIOUS VIDEOS http://wp.me/p15wJE-6At




La viande à la marocaine, la recette d’Ariel Wizman

How Kosher Israeli Falafel is Prepared [HD] | איך להכין פלאפל ישראלי כשר

Ah, Falafel. One of the most common ethnic foods synonymous with Israeli culture. Every neighborhood in Jerusalem seems to have at least one ‘falafel stop’ where locals either gather over lunch or run by and take a quick portion of the delicious fried balls to go. No matter if you like it without ‘harif’ (hot & spicy) or ‘im chips’ (french fries) – enjoy this video with hummus, tehina, and Israeli salad!

Music: “Space Run” – Original Composition by Yisroel Tzvi for How2Kosher.com

how to kosher

how2kosher produces videos and photographs documenting how kosher foods are made and prepared, ranging from ethnic Israeli food to traditional Jewish dishes.

Egyptian Food. A gem in Tel Aviv

Julie could be your Mom. Go and sit down for lunch and talk to her. Check her kitchen, ask her for the ingredients. She speaks Arabic, English, French and probably other languages. Bon appétit

Spend a day in Tel Aviv :Carmel Market,Dizengoff,Max Brenner chocolates,the beach

Israeli Cuisine and Arabic Street Food in Israel

Coming to Israel and participating in Taste of Israel was one of the top highlights for us in 2013. Having experienced eating hummus, shakshouka and falafel, I already knew I would love Israeli food; however, I was keen to expand the scope of food to extend to as many different Israeli dishes and Arabic food as I possibly could handle.


24JEWISH Alerts Section jewish Recipes, Please Ask the Rabbi about Kashrut




Section Jewish Parshat language hebrew, french, english, spanish, german, russian, Machon Meir, CHABAD, The Jewish Woman, YOUTH/TEENS SHIURIM &amp; COMMENTARIES


CLICK sur “PLAYLIST” en haut à gauche de la video puis slectionner votre vidéo
CLICK “PLAYLIST”parte superior izquierda DEL VIDEO , seleccione su VIDEO
CLICK “Playlist” в левом верхнем углу VIDEO затем выберите VIDEO
CLICK “Playlist” oben links im VIDEO anschließend Wählen Sie Ihr VIDEO

Leah Cooks Kosher – Classic Challah – Braiding ,,,,,,

Joan Nathan’s Chosen Food: The Ultimate Blintz

How to make delicious cheese-filled crepes from scratch—the perfect dairy recipe for Shavuot.

Kosher Food Project – Cheese Blintzes

How to Make Blintzes [VIDEO RECIPE]

Jewish Journal Editor-in-CHEF Rob Eshman share his amazing recipe for lemon ricotta blintzes in honor of Shavuot. Watch it, cook it, taste it…THEY ARE AMAZING!!!!

Feed Me Bubbe  ChalutzProductions

Le Nougat

Voici une recette de pâtisserie orientale, qui est originaire d’Algérie, et que m’a transmise Nelly. Elle fait traditionnellement ce nougat lors de Pourim, une fête juive pendant le mois de février. Rien de compliqué à faire pour peu qu’on fasse bien attention à ne pas faire brûler les dattes sur le feu, et qu’on respect le temps de cuisson.
Ce nougat est un régal, essayez le vous m’en direz des nouvelles !
Merci à Nelly T. pour la recette 🙂

Ingrédients :

1.3 kg de dattes dénoyautées
400 gr d’amandes non salées
400 gr de noisette non salées
300 gr de sésame doré
250 gr de miel d’acacia liquide
1 Cs de cannelle en poudre
1 Cs de muscade en poudre
1 Cs de gingembre en poudre
de l’huile végétale ube.com/watch?v=8tOuYiipKw4

Spinach Noodle Kugel Recipe

Joy of Kosher
Jamie and friends make an easy classic Kosher Spinach Noodle Kugel, the ultimate in Jewish food. Get the recipe here http://www.joyofkosher.com/recipe/spi…


<<< LINK TO >>> previous videos >>>

PREVIOUS VIDEOS http://wp.me/p15wJE-6At




La viande à la marocaine, la recette d’Ariel Wizman

How Kosher Israeli Falafel is Prepared [HD] | איך להכין פלאפל ישראלי כשר

Ah, Falafel. One of the most common ethnic foods synonymous with Israeli culture. Every neighborhood in Jerusalem seems to have at least one ‘falafel stop’ where locals either gather over lunch or run by and take a quick portion of the delicious fried balls to go. No matter if you like it without ‘harif’ (hot & spicy) or ‘im chips’ (french fries) – enjoy this video with hummus, tehina, and Israeli salad!

Music: “Space Run” – Original Composition by Yisroel Tzvi for How2Kosher.com

how to kosher

how2kosher produces videos and photographs documenting how kosher foods are made and prepared, ranging from ethnic Israeli food to traditional Jewish dishes.

Egyptian Food. A gem in Tel Aviv

Julie could be your Mom. Go and sit down for lunch and talk to her. Check her kitchen, ask her for the ingredients. She speaks Arabic, English, French and probably other languages. Bon appétit

Spend a day in Tel Aviv :Carmel Market,Dizengoff,Max Brenner chocolates,the beach

Israeli Cuisine and Arabic Street Food in Israel

Coming to Israel and participating in Taste of Israel was one of the top highlights for us in 2013. Having experienced eating hummus, shakshouka and falafel, I already knew I would love Israeli food; however, I was keen to expand the scope of food to extend to as many different Israeli dishes and Arabic food as I possibly could handle.


24JEWISH Alerts Section jewish Recipes, Please Ask the Rabbi about Kashrut




Section Jewish Parshat language hebrew, french, english, spanish, german, russian, Machon Meir, CHABAD, The Jewish Woman, YOUTH/TEENS SHIURIM &amp; COMMENTARIES


CLICK sur “PLAYLIST” en haut à gauche de la video puis slectionner votre vidéo
CLICK “PLAYLIST”parte superior izquierda DEL VIDEO , seleccione su VIDEO
CLICK “Playlist” в левом верхнем углу VIDEO затем выберите VIDEO
CLICK “Playlist” oben links im VIDEO anschließend Wählen Sie Ihr VIDEO

File:100 0774.JPG

Cooking frozen w:blintzes in a frying pan.  wikipedia

Joan Nathan’s Chosen Food: The Ultimate Blintz

How to make delicious cheese-filled crepes from scratch—the perfect dairy recipe for Shavuot.

Kosher Food Project – Cheese Blintzes

How to Make Blintzes [VIDEO RECIPE]

Jewish Journal Editor-in-CHEF Rob Eshman share his amazing recipe for lemon ricotta blintzes in honor of Shavuot. Watch it, cook it, taste it…THEY ARE AMAZING!!!!

Feed Me Bubbe  ChalutzProductions

Le Nougat

Voici une recette de pâtisserie orientale, qui est originaire d’Algérie, et que m’a transmise Nelly. Elle fait traditionnellement ce nougat lors de Pourim, une fête juive pendant le mois de février. Rien de compliqué à faire pour peu qu’on fasse bien attention à ne pas faire brûler les dattes sur le feu, et qu’on respect le temps de cuisson.
Ce nougat est un régal, essayez le vous m’en direz des nouvelles !
Merci à Nelly T. pour la recette 🙂

Ingrédients :

1.3 kg de dattes dénoyautées
400 gr d’amandes non salées
400 gr de noisette non salées
300 gr de sésame doré
250 gr de miel d’acacia liquide
1 Cs de cannelle en poudre
1 Cs de muscade en poudre
1 Cs de gingembre en poudre
de l’huile végétale ube.com/watch?v=8tOuYiipKw4

Spinach Noodle Kugel Recipe

Joy of Kosher
Jamie and friends make an easy classic Kosher Spinach Noodle Kugel, the ultimate in Jewish food. Get the recipe here http://www.joyofkosher.com/recipe/spi…


<<< LINK TO >>> previous videos >>>

PREVIOUS VIDEOS http://wp.me/p15wJE-6At




La viande à la marocaine, la recette d’Ariel Wizman

How Kosher Israeli Falafel is Prepared [HD] | איך להכין פלאפל ישראלי כשר

Ah, Falafel. One of the most common ethnic foods synonymous with Israeli culture. Every neighborhood in Jerusalem seems to have at least one ‘falafel stop’ where locals either gather over lunch or run by and take a quick portion of the delicious fried balls to go. No matter if you like it without ‘harif’ (hot & spicy) or ‘im chips’ (french fries) – enjoy this video with hummus, tehina, and Israeli salad!

Music: “Space Run” – Original Composition by Yisroel Tzvi for How2Kosher.com

how to kosher

how2kosher produces videos and photographs documenting how kosher foods are made and prepared, ranging from ethnic Israeli food to traditional Jewish dishes.

Egyptian Food. A gem in Tel Aviv

Julie could be your Mom. Go and sit down for lunch and talk to her. Check her kitchen, ask her for the ingredients. She speaks Arabic, English, French and probably other languages. Bon appétit

Spend a day in Tel Aviv :Carmel Market,Dizengoff,Max Brenner chocolates,the beach

Israeli Cuisine and Arabic Street Food in Israel

Coming to Israel and participating in Taste of Israel was one of the top highlights for us in 2013. Having experienced eating hummus, shakshouka and falafel, I already knew I would love Israeli food; however, I was keen to expand the scope of food to extend to as many different Israeli dishes and Arabic food as I possibly could handle.


24JEWISH Alerts Section jewish Recipes, Please Ask the Rabbi about Kashrut




Section Jewish Parshat language hebrew, french, english, spanish, german, russian, Machon Meir, CHABAD, The Jewish Woman, YOUTH/TEENS SHIURIM &amp; COMMENTARIES


CLICK sur “PLAYLIST” en haut à gauche de la video puis slectionner votre vidéo
CLICK “PLAYLIST”parte superior izquierda DEL VIDEO , seleccione su VIDEO
CLICK “Playlist” в левом верхнем углу VIDEO затем выберите VIDEO
CLICK “Playlist” oben links im VIDEO anschließend Wählen Sie Ihr VIDEO

Le Nougat

Voici une recette de pâtisserie orientale, qui est originaire d’Algérie, et que m’a transmise Nelly. Elle fait traditionnellement ce nougat lors de Pourim, une fête juive pendant le mois de février. Rien de compliqué à faire pour peu qu’on fasse bien attention à ne pas faire brûler les dattes sur le feu, et qu’on respect le temps de cuisson. 
Ce nougat est un régal, essayez le vous m’en direz des nouvelles !
Merci à Nelly T. pour la recette 🙂

Ingrédients :

1.3 kg de dattes dénoyautées
400 gr d’amandes non salées
400 gr de noisette non salées
300 gr de sésame doré
250 gr de miel d’acacia liquide
1 Cs de cannelle en poudre
1 Cs de muscade en poudre
1 Cs de gingembre en poudre
de l’huile végétale ube.com/watch?v=8tOuYiipKw4

Spinach Noodle Kugel Recipe

Joy of Kosher
Jamie and friends make an easy classic Kosher Spinach Noodle Kugel, the ultimate in Jewish food. Get the recipe here http://www.joyofkosher.com/recipe/spi…


<<< LINK TO >>> previous videos >>>

PREVIOUS VIDEOS http://wp.me/p15wJE-6At




La viande à la marocaine, la recette d’Ariel Wizman

How Kosher Israeli Falafel is Prepared [HD] | איך להכין פלאפל ישראלי כשר

Ah, Falafel. One of the most common ethnic foods synonymous with Israeli culture. Every neighborhood in Jerusalem seems to have at least one ‘falafel stop’ where locals either gather over lunch or run by and take a quick portion of the delicious fried balls to go. No matter if you like it without ‘harif’ (hot & spicy) or ‘im chips’ (french fries) – enjoy this video with hummus, tehina, and Israeli salad!

Music: “Space Run” – Original Composition by Yisroel Tzvi for How2Kosher.com

how to kosher

how2kosher produces videos and photographs documenting how kosher foods are made and prepared, ranging from ethnic Israeli food to traditional Jewish dishes.

Egyptian Food. A gem in Tel Aviv

Julie could be your Mom. Go and sit down for lunch and talk to her. Check her kitchen, ask her for the ingredients. She speaks Arabic, English, French and probably other languages. Bon appétit

Spend a day in Tel Aviv :Carmel Market,Dizengoff,Max Brenner chocolates,the beach

Israeli Cuisine and Arabic Street Food in Israel

Coming to Israel and participating in Taste of Israel was one of the top highlights for us in 2013. Having experienced eating hummus, shakshouka and falafel, I already knew I would love Israeli food; however, I was keen to expand the scope of food to extend to as many different Israeli dishes and Arabic food as I possibly could handle.


24JEWISH Alerts Section jewish Recipes, Please Ask the Rabbi about Kashrut




Section Jewish Parshat language hebrew, french, english, spanish, german, russian, Machon Meir, CHABAD, The Jewish Woman, YOUTH/TEENS SHIURIM &amp; COMMENTARIES


CLICK sur “PLAYLIST” en haut à gauche de la video puis slectionner votre vidéo
CLICK “PLAYLIST”parte superior izquierda DEL VIDEO , seleccione su VIDEO
CLICK “Playlist” в левом верхнем углу VIDEO затем выберите VIDEO
CLICK “Playlist” oben links im VIDEO anschließend Wählen Sie Ihr VIDEO

Spinach Noodle Kugel Recipe

Joy of Kosher
Jamie and friends make an easy classic Kosher Spinach Noodle Kugel, the ultimate in Jewish food. Get the recipe here http://www.joyofkosher.com/recipe/spi…


<<< LINK TO >>> previous videos >>>

PREVIOUS VIDEOS http://wp.me/p15wJE-6At




La viande à la marocaine, la recette d’Ariel Wizman

How Kosher Israeli Falafel is Prepared [HD] | איך להכין פלאפל ישראלי כשר

Ah, Falafel. One of the most common ethnic foods synonymous with Israeli culture. Every neighborhood in Jerusalem seems to have at least one ‘falafel stop’ where locals either gather over lunch or run by and take a quick portion of the delicious fried balls to go. No matter if you like it without ‘harif’ (hot & spicy) or ‘im chips’ (french fries) – enjoy this video with hummus, tehina, and Israeli salad!

Music: “Space Run” – Original Composition by Yisroel Tzvi for How2Kosher.com

how to kosher

how2kosher produces videos and photographs documenting how kosher foods are made and prepared, ranging from ethnic Israeli food to traditional Jewish dishes.

Egyptian Food. A gem in Tel Aviv

Julie could be your Mom. Go and sit down for lunch and talk to her. Check her kitchen, ask her for the ingredients. She speaks Arabic, English, French and probably other languages. Bon appétit

Spend a day in Tel Aviv :Carmel Market,Dizengoff,Max Brenner chocolates,the beach

Israeli Cuisine and Arabic Street Food in Israel

Coming to Israel and participating in Taste of Israel was one of the top highlights for us in 2013. Having experienced eating hummus, shakshouka and falafel, I already knew I would love Israeli food; however, I was keen to expand the scope of food to extend to as many different Israeli dishes and Arabic food as I possibly could handle.