Section This Day, In Jewish History : 24JEWISH ALERTS large selection in each section

Jewish News <><> Simcha Channel <><> Torah Insights <><> Jewish Recipes <><> Jewish Life <><> Das Jüdische leben <><> La Vie Juive <><> Jewish Communities <><> Jewish Culture & Yiddish <><> Jewish History <><> This Day, In Jewish History Tanya Shiurim Shiurim Hayom Yom <><> V I D E O C L I P O F T H E D A Y <><> This week’s Torah Portion

Jewish History Lectures – Winter 2013-14


Rabbi Dovid Katz

Rise in immigration to Israel: January witnesses 6% increase in Aliya to Jewish homeland


Israel’s Central Bureau of Statistics shows a 6% increase in immigration to Israel in January, what is referred to here as “Aliya”, Hebrew for ascending to the land of Israel. Strolling the streets of Tel Aviv, we asked Israelis why they felt many Jews from abroad make their way over here

Passover Story

27.03.2009 The Passover Story. The great holiday of Passover is one of the central days in the Jewish Calendar. The Jewish people came down to Egypt through Joseph. Joseph was at one point the viceroy of Egypt, but after he died, the Jewish people sink into slavery. This slavery was very harsh- both physically and spiritually, yet somehow there is a core of the Jewish people that survives and remains loyal to the ideas of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

Moses is the great redeemer, who was himself raised in the Egyptian court through the Princess having adopted him. Through a series of events involving G-d miracles and plagues, Moses becomes the messenger of freedom- and the Jewish people leave Egypt.

Not all the Jews make it out of Egypt. According to a Midrash, 80% of the Jewish people stayed and died in Egypt. Whatever the Exact numbers, there was still a massive exodus- and the Jewish people (along with some others who left Egypt with them) were freed and begin their wandering in the Desert. Freedom must have a purpose, and the purpose of the Jewish people was to spread the concept of G-d, morality, charity, Monotheism, and goodness throughout the world.

In the Sinai Desert, the Jewish people receive the Torah and become a nation- the beginning of a long journey of spreading light throughout the world. The Passover holiday is re-enacted every year and tells us the value of freedom, purpose, faith, and family.

At Rabbi Wein’s Passover table- there was sometimes a span of over 300 years sitting at the table (the Rabbi’s great-grandfather who witnessed generations before him, and his great grandson who will G-d willing witness generations after him). Going back in History, it would only take 10 more tables like this to connect the Jewish people back to the time of the Exodus. This is an example of how Passover is a family holiday.

By sitting together, we testify to our past, to our commitment to the future, to our faith, to the fact that we are an eternal people. And to the fact that freedom means discipline and purpose- only a person who accepts upon themselves the yoke of Torah and morality is truly free.

The first law of Passover is to give charity to the poor so that they can also have a Seder (Passover meal).

The history and tradition of Passover

Rabbi Yossi Shemtov of the Chabad House discusses in this edition of FOX Toledo Talk Back about Passover, the most holiest of the Jewish faith holidays, and the history and tradition of the seder.

Talmud Pesachim page 51 Rabbi Weisblum הרב ויסבלום תלמוד פסחים דף נ”א, Passover Pesach Torah reading Shabbat Chol Hamoed Rabbi Weisblum קריאת התורה שבת פסח

Torah Reading for Passover Pesach Shabbat Col Hamoed by Rabbi Moshe P. Weisblum PhD. Torah reading is slow and clear and accompanied with the text to make it easier to follow the lead of Rabbi Weisblum. Ashkenaz Nigun. קריאת התורה לפסח שבת חול המועד .קריאה איטית ברורה ובהירה. נוסח אשכנז אשכנזי. הטקסט נמצא על המסך ומאפשר לצופה לעקוב אחרי הקריאה. צפייה נעימה!
Lecture de la Bible pour la Pâque
bibliája olvasmány zsidó húsvét

This Week in Jewish History by Dr. Henry Abramson

A Tribute to Leslie Howard for His 120th Birthday, April 3, 2013


A tribute to Leslie Howard, this wonderful actor and unforgettable man, celebrating his 120th birthday.

This Day in Jewish History / British heartthrob actor is shot down by the Nazis
Leslie Howard’s most-remembered role is probably his 1939 performance as Ashley Wilkes in ‘Gone with the Wind,’ although it was a part he hated.


The Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs ( is an independent non-profit institute for policy research and education.
Established in 1976, the Jerusalem Center focuses on the main issues affecting Israel’s security and international standing in order to wage the war of ideas in global opinion.
אתר בעברית-

helena rubinstein biography

helena rubinstein foundation
name helena rubinstein
information helena rubinstein
helena rubinstein 1870 1965
helena rubinstein biography michele fitoussi
helena rubinstein biography video

Lost Tribes of Israel: Indian Families Make Aliya


Lost Tribes of Israel: Indian Families Make Aliya

Sephardic History Part 1-6



A 6 part introduction to Medieval Jewish History with JTS Professor Benjamin Gampel.

When the Jews Arrived in the Iberian Peninsula.

25th Anniversary Part 6A Rabbi David Nesenoff


Rabbi Dr. David Nesenoff

janis joplin interview


janis joplin on the dick cavett show

Aaron Kreisler: Rabbi Cohen of Galveston


Dr. Aaron Kreisler of Dallas contrasts reform Rabbi Henry Cohen of Galveston with his orthodox counterpart, Rabbi Louis Feigon. Dr. Kreisler grew up in Galveston, where his parents settled after fleeing Poland in the late 1930s. “The Bishop” Kreisler mentions is most likely Father James M. Kirwin.

You can read more about Galveston’s Jewish history here:…

This Day in Jewish History || The first synagogue in the U.S. is consecrated in New York City 

Shearith Israel was founded in lower Manhattan more than a century before American independence, and it still exists today.

Congregation Shearith Israel, Central Park West


Michelle Nevius, co-author of “Footprints in New York: Tracing the Lives of Four Centuries of New Yorkers” discusses the history of America’s oldest Jewish congregation, Shearith Israel, now headquartered on the Upper West Side.

Cleveland Jewish News (blog)
1637: Venetian Rabbi, Judah di Modena “received word that his Italian manuscript entitled ‘History of Hebrew‘ customs had been published in Paris.

This Day, April 8, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin

April 8

73(15th of Nisan, 3833): The Great Revolt came to an end today when the defenders of Masada completed their murder/suicide pact

This Day in Jewish History / A Texas rabbi and foil to the KKK is born

This Day in Jewish History / A Texas rabbi and foil to the KKK is born … Cohen, both recent immigrants from the town of Rava (in present-day Ukraine).

This Day, April 7, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin
Cleveland Jewish News (blog)
Today Charles University is the home base for a Jewish Studies program offered to American college students that examines the history of Central ..

This Day in Jewish History / Ottoman authority orders Jews to evacuate Tel Aviv
This Day in Jewish History / Ottoman authority orders Jews to evacuate Tel Aviv. A total of 1,500 Jewish evacuees are thought to have died after …


This Day, April 5, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin

1291: Muslim forces began the siege of Acre, the last Crusader stronghold. Today, this site, Akko, is back in the control of the true titleholders, the …

This Day in Jewish History / The record exec who signed up Janis Joplin

This Day in Jewish History / The record exec who signed up Janis Joplin. After experiencing an epiphany at the 1967 Monterey Pop Festival, Clive …


Section This Day, In Jewish History : 24JEWISH ALERTS large selection in each section

Jewish News <><> Simcha Channel <><> Torah Insights <><> Jewish Recipes <><> Jewish Life <><> Das Jüdische leben <><> La Vie Juive <><> Jewish Communities <><> Jewish Culture & Yiddish <><> Jewish History <><> This Day, In Jewish History Tanya Shiurim Shiurim Hayom Yom <><> V I D E O C L I P O F T H E D A Y <><> This week’s Torah Portion

Rise in immigration to Israel: January witnesses 6% increase in Aliya to Jewish homeland


Israel’s Central Bureau of Statistics shows a 6% increase in immigration to Israel in January, what is referred to here as “Aliya”, Hebrew for ascending to the land of Israel. Strolling the streets of Tel Aviv, we asked Israelis why they felt many Jews from abroad make their way over here

Passover Story

27.03.2009 The Passover Story. The great holiday of Passover is one of the central days in the Jewish Calendar. The Jewish people came down to Egypt through Joseph. Joseph was at one point the viceroy of Egypt, but after he died, the Jewish people sink into slavery. This slavery was very harsh- both physically and spiritually, yet somehow there is a core of the Jewish people that survives and remains loyal to the ideas of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

Moses is the great redeemer, who was himself raised in the Egyptian court through the Princess having adopted him. Through a series of events involving G-d miracles and plagues, Moses becomes the messenger of freedom- and the Jewish people leave Egypt.

Not all the Jews make it out of Egypt. According to a Midrash, 80% of the Jewish people stayed and died in Egypt. Whatever the Exact numbers, there was still a massive exodus- and the Jewish people (along with some others who left Egypt with them) were freed and begin their wandering in the Desert. Freedom must have a purpose, and the purpose of the Jewish people was to spread the concept of G-d, morality, charity, Monotheism, and goodness throughout the world.

In the Sinai Desert, the Jewish people receive the Torah and become a nation- the beginning of a long journey of spreading light throughout the world. The Passover holiday is re-enacted every year and tells us the value of freedom, purpose, faith, and family.

At Rabbi Wein’s Passover table- there was sometimes a span of over 300 years sitting at the table (the Rabbi’s great-grandfather who witnessed generations before him, and his great grandson who will G-d willing witness generations after him). Going back in History, it would only take 10 more tables like this to connect the Jewish people back to the time of the Exodus. This is an example of how Passover is a family holiday.

By sitting together, we testify to our past, to our commitment to the future, to our faith, to the fact that we are an eternal people. And to the fact that freedom means discipline and purpose- only a person who accepts upon themselves the yoke of Torah and morality is truly free.

The first law of Passover is to give charity to the poor so that they can also have a Seder (Passover meal).

The history and tradition of Passover

Rabbi Yossi Shemtov of the Chabad House discusses in this edition of FOX Toledo Talk Back about Passover, the most holiest of the Jewish faith holidays, and the history and tradition of the seder.

Talmud Pesachim page 51 Rabbi Weisblum הרב ויסבלום תלמוד פסחים דף נ”א, Passover Pesach Torah reading Shabbat Chol Hamoed Rabbi Weisblum קריאת התורה שבת פסח

Torah Reading for Passover Pesach Shabbat Col Hamoed by Rabbi Moshe P. Weisblum PhD. Torah reading is slow and clear and accompanied with the text to make it easier to follow the lead of Rabbi Weisblum. Ashkenaz Nigun. קריאת התורה לפסח שבת חול המועד .קריאה איטית ברורה ובהירה. נוסח אשכנז אשכנזי. הטקסט נמצא על המסך ומאפשר לצופה לעקוב אחרי הקריאה. צפייה נעימה!
Lecture de la Bible pour la Pâque
bibliája olvasmány zsidó húsvét

This Week in Jewish History by Dr. Henry Abramson

A Tribute to Leslie Howard for His 120th Birthday, April 3, 2013


A tribute to Leslie Howard, this wonderful actor and unforgettable man, celebrating his 120th birthday.

This Day in Jewish History / British heartthrob actor is shot down by the Nazis
Leslie Howard’s most-remembered role is probably his 1939 performance as Ashley Wilkes in ‘Gone with the Wind,’ although it was a part he hated.


The Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs ( is an independent non-profit institute for policy research and education.
Established in 1976, the Jerusalem Center focuses on the main issues affecting Israel’s security and international standing in order to wage the war of ideas in global opinion.
אתר בעברית-

helena rubinstein biography

helena rubinstein foundation
name helena rubinstein
information helena rubinstein
helena rubinstein 1870 1965
helena rubinstein biography michele fitoussi
helena rubinstein biography video

Lost Tribes of Israel: Indian Families Make Aliya


Lost Tribes of Israel: Indian Families Make Aliya

Sephardic History Part 1-6



A 6 part introduction to Medieval Jewish History with JTS Professor Benjamin Gampel.

When the Jews Arrived in the Iberian Peninsula.

25th Anniversary Part 6A Rabbi David Nesenoff


Rabbi Dr. David Nesenoff

janis joplin interview


janis joplin on the dick cavett show

Aaron Kreisler: Rabbi Cohen of Galveston


Dr. Aaron Kreisler of Dallas contrasts reform Rabbi Henry Cohen of Galveston with his orthodox counterpart, Rabbi Louis Feigon. Dr. Kreisler grew up in Galveston, where his parents settled after fleeing Poland in the late 1930s. “The Bishop” Kreisler mentions is most likely Father James M. Kirwin.

You can read more about Galveston’s Jewish history here:…

This Day in Jewish History || The first synagogue in the U.S. is consecrated in New York City 

Shearith Israel was founded in lower Manhattan more than a century before American independence, and it still exists today.

Congregation Shearith Israel, Central Park West


Michelle Nevius, co-author of “Footprints in New York: Tracing the Lives of Four Centuries of New Yorkers” discusses the history of America’s oldest Jewish congregation, Shearith Israel, now headquartered on the Upper West Side.

This Day, April 8, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin

April 8

73(15th of Nisan, 3833): The Great Revolt came to an end today when the defenders of Masada completed their murder/suicide pact

This Day in Jewish History / A Texas rabbi and foil to the KKK is born

This Day in Jewish History / A Texas rabbi and foil to the KKK is born … Cohen, both recent immigrants from the town of Rava (in present-day Ukraine).

This Day, April 7, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin
Cleveland Jewish News (blog)
Today Charles University is the home base for a Jewish Studies program offered to American college students that examines the history of Central ..

This Day in Jewish History / Ottoman authority orders Jews to evacuate Tel Aviv
This Day in Jewish History / Ottoman authority orders Jews to evacuate Tel Aviv. A total of 1,500 Jewish evacuees are thought to have died after …


This Day, April 5, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin

1291: Muslim forces began the siege of Acre, the last Crusader stronghold. Today, this site, Akko, is back in the control of the true titleholders, the …

This Day in Jewish History / The record exec who signed up Janis Joplin

This Day in Jewish History / The record exec who signed up Janis Joplin. After experiencing an epiphany at the 1967 Monterey Pop Festival, Clive …


Section This Day, In Jewish History : 24JEWISH ALERTS large selection in each section

Jewish News <><> Simcha Channel <><> Torah Insights <><> Jewish Recipes <><> Jewish Life <><> Das Jüdische leben <><> La Vie Juive <><> Jewish Communities <><> Jewish Culture & Yiddish <><> Jewish History <><> This Day, In Jewish History Tanya Shiurim Shiurim Hayom Yom <><> V I D E O C L I P O F T H E D A Y <><> This week’s Torah Portion

Rise in immigration to Israel: January witnesses 6% increase in Aliya to Jewish homeland


Israel’s Central Bureau of Statistics shows a 6% increase in immigration to Israel in January, what is referred to here as “Aliya”, Hebrew for ascending to the land of Israel. Strolling the streets of Tel Aviv, we asked Israelis why they felt many Jews from abroad make their way over here

Passover Story

27.03.2009 The Passover Story. The great holiday of Passover is one of the central days in the Jewish Calendar. The Jewish people came down to Egypt through Joseph. Joseph was at one point the viceroy of Egypt, but after he died, the Jewish people sink into slavery. This slavery was very harsh- both physically and spiritually, yet somehow there is a core of the Jewish people that survives and remains loyal to the ideas of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

Moses is the great redeemer, who was himself raised in the Egyptian court through the Princess having adopted him. Through a series of events involving G-d miracles and plagues, Moses becomes the messenger of freedom- and the Jewish people leave Egypt.

Not all the Jews make it out of Egypt. According to a Midrash, 80% of the Jewish people stayed and died in Egypt. Whatever the Exact numbers, there was still a massive exodus- and the Jewish people (along with some others who left Egypt with them) were freed and begin their wandering in the Desert. Freedom must have a purpose, and the purpose of the Jewish people was to spread the concept of G-d, morality, charity, Monotheism, and goodness throughout the world.

In the Sinai Desert, the Jewish people receive the Torah and become a nation- the beginning of a long journey of spreading light throughout the world. The Passover holiday is re-enacted every year and tells us the value of freedom, purpose, faith, and family.

At Rabbi Wein’s Passover table- there was sometimes a span of over 300 years sitting at the table (the Rabbi’s great-grandfather who witnessed generations before him, and his great grandson who will G-d willing witness generations after him). Going back in History, it would only take 10 more tables like this to connect the Jewish people back to the time of the Exodus. This is an example of how Passover is a family holiday.

By sitting together, we testify to our past, to our commitment to the future, to our faith, to the fact that we are an eternal people. And to the fact that freedom means discipline and purpose- only a person who accepts upon themselves the yoke of Torah and morality is truly free.

The first law of Passover is to give charity to the poor so that they can also have a Seder (Passover meal).

The history and tradition of Passover

Rabbi Yossi Shemtov of the Chabad House discusses in this edition of FOX Toledo Talk Back about Passover, the most holiest of the Jewish faith holidays, and the history and tradition of the seder.

Talmud Pesachim page 51 Rabbi Weisblum הרב ויסבלום תלמוד פסחים דף נ”א, Passover Pesach Torah reading Shabbat Chol Hamoed Rabbi Weisblum קריאת התורה שבת פסח

Torah Reading for Passover Pesach Shabbat Col Hamoed by Rabbi Moshe P. Weisblum PhD. Torah reading is slow and clear and accompanied with the text to make it easier to follow the lead of Rabbi Weisblum. Ashkenaz Nigun. קריאת התורה לפסח שבת חול המועד .קריאה איטית ברורה ובהירה. נוסח אשכנז אשכנזי. הטקסט נמצא על המסך ומאפשר לצופה לעקוב אחרי הקריאה. צפייה נעימה!
Lecture de la Bible pour la Pâque
bibliája olvasmány zsidó húsvét

This Week in Jewish History by Dr. Henry Abramson

A Tribute to Leslie Howard for His 120th Birthday, April 3, 2013


A tribute to Leslie Howard, this wonderful actor and unforgettable man, celebrating his 120th birthday.

This Day in Jewish History / British heartthrob actor is shot down by the Nazis
Leslie Howard’s most-remembered role is probably his 1939 performance as Ashley Wilkes in ‘Gone with the Wind,’ although it was a part he hated.


The Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs ( is an independent non-profit institute for policy research and education.
Established in 1976, the Jerusalem Center focuses on the main issues affecting Israel’s security and international standing in order to wage the war of ideas in global opinion.
אתר בעברית-

helena rubinstein biography

helena rubinstein foundation
name helena rubinstein
information helena rubinstein
helena rubinstein 1870 1965
helena rubinstein biography michele fitoussi
helena rubinstein biography video

Lost Tribes of Israel: Indian Families Make Aliya


Lost Tribes of Israel: Indian Families Make Aliya

Sephardic History Part 1-6



A 6 part introduction to Medieval Jewish History with JTS Professor Benjamin Gampel.

When the Jews Arrived in the Iberian Peninsula.

25th Anniversary Part 6A Rabbi David Nesenoff


Rabbi Dr. David Nesenoff

janis joplin interview


janis joplin on the dick cavett show


Aaron Kreisler: Rabbi Cohen of Galveston


Dr. Aaron Kreisler of Dallas contrasts reform Rabbi Henry Cohen of Galveston with his orthodox counterpart, Rabbi Louis Feigon. Dr. Kreisler grew up in Galveston, where his parents settled after fleeing Poland in the late 1930s. “The Bishop” Kreisler mentions is most likely Father James M. Kirwin.

You can read more about Galveston’s Jewish history here:…

This Day in Jewish History / A Texas rabbi and foil to the KKK is born

This Day in Jewish History / A Texas rabbi and foil to the KKK is born … Cohen, both recent immigrants from the town of Rava (in present-day Ukraine).

This Day, April 7, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin
Cleveland Jewish News (blog)
Today Charles University is the home base for a Jewish Studies program offered to American college students that examines the history of Central ..

This Day in Jewish History / Ottoman authority orders Jews to evacuate Tel Aviv
This Day in Jewish History / Ottoman authority orders Jews to evacuate Tel Aviv. A total of 1,500 Jewish evacuees are thought to have died after …


This Day, April 5, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin

1291: Muslim forces began the siege of Acre, the last Crusader stronghold. Today, this site, Akko, is back in the control of the true titleholders, the …

This Day in Jewish History / The record exec who signed up Janis Joplin

This Day in Jewish History / The record exec who signed up Janis Joplin. After experiencing an epiphany at the 1967 Monterey Pop Festival, Clive …


Section This Day, In Jewish History : 24JEWISH ALERTS large selection in each section

Jewish News <><> Simcha Channel <><> Torah Insights <><> Jewish Recipes <><> Jewish Life <><> Das Jüdische leben <><> La Vie Juive <><> Jewish Communities <><> Jewish Culture & Yiddish <><> Jewish History <><> This Day, In Jewish History Tanya Shiurim Shiurim Hayom Yom <><> V I D E O C L I P O F T H E D A Y <><> This week’s Torah Portion

Passover Story

27.03.2009 The Passover Story. The great holiday of Passover is one of the central days in the Jewish Calendar. The Jewish people came down to Egypt through Joseph. Joseph was at one point the viceroy of Egypt, but after he died, the Jewish people sink into slavery. This slavery was very harsh- both physically and spiritually, yet somehow there is a core of the Jewish people that survives and remains loyal to the ideas of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

Moses is the great redeemer, who was himself raised in the Egyptian court through the Princess having adopted him. Through a series of events involving G-d miracles and plagues, Moses becomes the messenger of freedom- and the Jewish people leave Egypt.

Not all the Jews make it out of Egypt. According to a Midrash, 80% of the Jewish people stayed and died in Egypt. Whatever the Exact numbers, there was still a massive exodus- and the Jewish people (along with some others who left Egypt with them) were freed and begin their wandering in the Desert. Freedom must have a purpose, and the purpose of the Jewish people was to spread the concept of G-d, morality, charity, Monotheism, and goodness throughout the world.

In the Sinai Desert, the Jewish people receive the Torah and become a nation- the beginning of a long journey of spreading light throughout the world. The Passover holiday is re-enacted every year and tells us the value of freedom, purpose, faith, and family.

At Rabbi Wein’s Passover table- there was sometimes a span of over 300 years sitting at the table (the Rabbi’s great-grandfather who witnessed generations before him, and his great grandson who will G-d willing witness generations after him). Going back in History, it would only take 10 more tables like this to connect the Jewish people back to the time of the Exodus. This is an example of how Passover is a family holiday.

By sitting together, we testify to our past, to our commitment to the future, to our faith, to the fact that we are an eternal people. And to the fact that freedom means discipline and purpose- only a person who accepts upon themselves the yoke of Torah and morality is truly free.

The first law of Passover is to give charity to the poor so that they can also have a Seder (Passover meal).

The history and tradition of Passover

Rabbi Yossi Shemtov of the Chabad House discusses in this edition of FOX Toledo Talk Back about Passover, the most holiest of the Jewish faith holidays, and the history and tradition of the seder.

Talmud Pesachim page 51 Rabbi Weisblum הרב ויסבלום תלמוד פסחים דף נ”א, Passover Pesach Torah reading Shabbat Chol Hamoed Rabbi Weisblum קריאת התורה שבת פסח

Torah Reading for Passover Pesach Shabbat Col Hamoed by Rabbi Moshe P. Weisblum PhD. Torah reading is slow and clear and accompanied with the text to make it easier to follow the lead of Rabbi Weisblum. Ashkenaz Nigun. קריאת התורה לפסח שבת חול המועד .קריאה איטית ברורה ובהירה. נוסח אשכנז אשכנזי. הטקסט נמצא על המסך ומאפשר לצופה לעקוב אחרי הקריאה. צפייה נעימה!
Lecture de la Bible pour la Pâque
bibliája olvasmány zsidó húsvét

This Week in Jewish History by Dr. Henry Abramson

A Tribute to Leslie Howard for His 120th Birthday, April 3, 2013


A tribute to Leslie Howard, this wonderful actor and unforgettable man, celebrating his 120th birthday.

This Day in Jewish History / British heartthrob actor is shot down by the Nazis
Leslie Howard’s most-remembered role is probably his 1939 performance as Ashley Wilkes in ‘Gone with the Wind,’ although it was a part he hated.


The Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs ( is an independent non-profit institute for policy research and education.
Established in 1976, the Jerusalem Center focuses on the main issues affecting Israel’s security and international standing in order to wage the war of ideas in global opinion.
אתר בעברית-

helena rubinstein biography

helena rubinstein foundation
name helena rubinstein
information helena rubinstein
helena rubinstein 1870 1965
helena rubinstein biography michele fitoussi
helena rubinstein biography video

Lost Tribes of Israel: Indian Families Make Aliya


Lost Tribes of Israel: Indian Families Make Aliya

Sephardic History Part 1-6



A 6 part introduction to Medieval Jewish History with JTS Professor Benjamin Gampel.

When the Jews Arrived in the Iberian Peninsula.

25th Anniversary Part 6A Rabbi David Nesenoff


Rabbi Dr. David Nesenoff

janis joplin interview


janis joplin on the dick cavett show




This Day, April 7, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin
Cleveland Jewish News (blog)
Today Charles University is the home base for a Jewish Studies program offered to American college students that examines the history of Central ..

This Day in Jewish History / Ottoman authority orders Jews to evacuate Tel Aviv
This Day in Jewish History / Ottoman authority orders Jews to evacuate Tel Aviv. A total of 1,500 Jewish evacuees are thought to have died after …


This Day, April 5, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin

1291: Muslim forces began the siege of Acre, the last Crusader stronghold. Today, this site, Akko, is back in the control of the true titleholders, the …

This Day in Jewish History / The record exec who signed up Janis Joplin

This Day in Jewish History / The record exec who signed up Janis Joplin. After experiencing an epiphany at the 1967 Monterey Pop Festival, Clive …


Section This Day, In Jewish History : 24JEWISH ALERTS large selection in each section

Jewish News <><> Simcha Channel <><> Torah Insights <><> Jewish Recipes <><> Jewish Life <><> Das Jüdische leben <><> La Vie Juive <><> Jewish Communities <><> Jewish Culture & Yiddish <><> Jewish History <><> This Day, In Jewish History Tanya Shiurim Shiurim Hayom Yom <><> V I D E O C L I P O F T H E D A Y <><> This week’s Torah Portion


This Week in Jewish History by Dr. Henry Abramson

A Tribute to Leslie Howard for His 120th Birthday, April 3, 2013


A tribute to Leslie Howard, this wonderful actor and unforgettable man, celebrating his 120th birthday.

This Day in Jewish History / British heartthrob actor is shot down by the Nazis
Leslie Howard’s most-remembered role is probably his 1939 performance as Ashley Wilkes in ‘Gone with the Wind,’ although it was a part he hated.


The Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs ( is an independent non-profit institute for policy research and education.
Established in 1976, the Jerusalem Center focuses on the main issues affecting Israel’s security and international standing in order to wage the war of ideas in global opinion.
אתר בעברית-

helena rubinstein biography

helena rubinstein foundation
name helena rubinstein
information helena rubinstein
helena rubinstein 1870 1965
helena rubinstein biography michele fitoussi
helena rubinstein biography video

Lost Tribes of Israel: Indian Families Make Aliya


Lost Tribes of Israel: Indian Families Make Aliya

Sephardic History Part 1-6



A 6 part introduction to Medieval Jewish History with JTS Professor Benjamin Gampel.

When the Jews Arrived in the Iberian Peninsula.

25th Anniversary Part 6A Rabbi David Nesenoff


Rabbi Dr. David Nesenoff

janis joplin interview


janis joplin on the dick cavett show

This Day in Jewish History / The record exec who signed up Janis Joplin
This Day in Jewish History / The record exec who signed up Janis Joplin. After experiencing an epiphany at the 1967 Monterey Pop Festival, Clive …
This Day, April 4, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin
Cleveland Jewish News (blog)
Jews were active in Los Angeles from its earliest days as an American city. Jacob Frankfort is reported to the first Jew to live in Los Angeles. He arrived …


This Day in Jewish History / British heartthrob actor is shot down by the Nazis
Leslie Howard’s most-remembered role is probably his 1939 performance as Ashley Wilkes in ‘Gone with the Wind,’ although it was a part he hated.
This Day, April 3, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin
Cleveland Jewish News (blog)
The Emperor was anti-Jewish and a persecutor of the Marranos. … 1890(13th of Nisan, 5650): On the day before Jews are scheduled sit down to their …


Section This Day, In Jewish History : 24JEWISH ALERTS large selection in each section | 24JEWISH
Letzter Eintrag: 02.04.2014
… wonderful actor and unforgettable man, celebrating his 120th birthday. This Day in Jewish History / British heartthrob actor is shot down by the Nazis…/section-this-day-in-jewish-history-…
This Day, April 3, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin |
Letzter Eintrag: 02.04.2014
This Day, April 3, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin. 2014. április 3. csütörtök, 01:22. April 3 309 B.C.E.: Traditional date for the start of the Seleucid ……
This Day in Jewish History / Activist and ideologue who coined ‘Zionism’ dies | Monitoring
Letzter Eintrag: 02.04.2014
This Day in Jewish History / Activist and ideologue who coined ‘Zionism’ dies. News: Diplomacy and Defense | National | World | Middle East ……/this-day-in-jewish-history-activist-an…
Word of the Day / Me’anyen: How a Jewish French crook inspired the Hebrew word for ‘interesting 
Letzter Eintrag: 02.04.2014
February 3, 1893 was an important day in the history of the Hebrew vocabulary. In thatday’s edition of Eliezer Ben Yehuda’s newspaper Haor, not only ……/Word_of_the_Day_Meanyen_How_a_Jewis… – image uploaded by @NationalGallery – Inagist
Letzter Eintrag: 03.04.2014
#OnThisDay Jewish British actor Leslie Howard, who was killed by the Nazis … This Day in Jewish History / British heartthrob actor is shot down by the ……/Murillo_died_OnThisDay_in_1682._His_painti…
Passover – Chabad Jewish Center of Vernon Hills
Letzter Eintrag: 02.04.2014
Today in Jewish History. First Red Heifer Prepared – 1312 BCE. Passing of Rashab – 1920. Daily Study Portions. Click here for today’s lessons.…cdo/…/Passover.htm
Best Photojournalism Print trophy to Ilan Wittenberg — Beth Shalom
Letzter Eintrag: 02.04.2014
Rabbi’s Jewish Topics, Issues, and Concerns Class … This Day in Jewish History: ‘Madame’ Helena (born Chaya) Rubinstein dies · Festival to screen ……
Jack M. Barrack Hebrew Academy: A pluralistic, college preparatory Jewish day school for grades 
Letzter Eintrag: 02.04.2014
RAVSAK’s Spring 2014 edition of HaYidion was all about teaching Jewish history. The publisher sought out schools with innovative and original …
Between Purim and Pesach: Ukraine! « Why Israel?
Letzter Eintrag: 02.04.2014
To this day, anti-Semitism in the Ukraine is the order of the day. In Purim history, written in the scroll of Esther, the Jews had a distinct adversary: ……/between-purim-and-pesach-ukrai…
James Franco: Of Entice and Rejection | Hollywood | Jewish Journal
Letzter Eintrag: 03.04.2014
Call it luxury or call it tragedy, but history writes that celebrities aren’t … The Jewish hot stuffs are no exception, as we’re reminded today by the ……/james_franco_of_entice_and_rejec…

Section This Day, In Jewish History : 24JEWISH ALERTS large selection in each section

Jewish News <><> Simcha Channel <><> Torah Insights <><> Jewish Recipes <><> Jewish Life <><> Das Jüdische leben <><> La Vie Juive <><> Jewish Communities <><> Jewish Culture & Yiddish <><> Jewish History <><> This Day, In Jewish History Tanya Shiurim Shiurim Hayom Yom <><> V I D E O C L I P O F T H E D A Y <><> This week’s Torah Portion

A Tribute to Leslie Howard for His 120th Birthday, April 3, 2013


A tribute to Leslie Howard, this wonderful actor and unforgettable man, celebrating his 120th birthday.

This Day in Jewish History / British heartthrob actor is shot down by the Nazis
Leslie Howard’s most-remembered role is probably his 1939 performance as Ashley Wilkes in ‘Gone with the Wind,’ although it was a part he hated.


The Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs ( is an independent non-profit institute for policy research and education.
Established in 1976, the Jerusalem Center focuses on the main issues affecting Israel’s security and international standing in order to wage the war of ideas in global opinion.
אתר בעברית-

helena rubinstein biography

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Lost Tribes of Israel: Indian Families Make Aliya


Lost Tribes of Israel: Indian Families Make Aliya

Sephardic History Part 1-6



A 6 part introduction to Medieval Jewish History with JTS Professor Benjamin Gampel.

When the Jews Arrived in the Iberian Peninsula.


25th Anniversary Part 6A Rabbi David Nesenoff


Rabbi Dr. David Nesenoff

Budd Schulberg meets Leni Riefenstahl, part 1


On Jan. 26, 2004. Academy Award winning screenwriter (“On The Waterfront”) Budd Schulberg was interviewed at the Robert H. Jackson Center about his role in serving a warrant on film maker Leni Riefenstahl as a material witness for the upcoming Nuremberg Trial. For further information, see
Copyright. Robert H. Jackson, Inc. 2009.

Budd Schulberg meets Leni Riefenstahl, part 2

1 10 architects -Erich Mendelsohn


life an architecture of Erich Mendelsohn

Geburtstag des Architekten Erich Mendelsohn 21. März 1887


Der Geburtstag des Architekten Erich Mendelsohn 21. März 1887
„Das primäre Element ist die Funktion, aber Funktion ohne sinnlichen Beistrom bleibt Konstruktion”, so der Architekt Erich Mendelsohn.

Schon sein Erstling Anfang der 1920er Jahre — der Einstein-Turm in Potsdam — bescherte ihm ein spektakuläres Debut. Der Baukörper mit seiner revolutionären Formensprache sollte das elastische Potential der neuen Baumaterialien Eisen und Beton ausdrücken. Das Turm-Observatorium auf einer Anhöhe bei Potsdam, dem Nobelpreisträger und Freund Albert Einstein gewidmet, wurde zum Mythos und machte seinen Erbauer mit einem Schlag weltberühmt. Mendelsohn baute Fabriken, Geschäftshäuser und Villen in Deutschland, sein Berliner Büro gehörte schnell zu den bedeutendsten in Europa. Nach seiner Flucht vor den Nationalsozialisten 1933 lebte und arbeitete er in London, Jerusalem und San Francisco.

Erich Mendelsohn teilte seinen Geburtstag am 21. März mit dem von ihm verehrten Komponisten Johann Sebastian Bach. Das Ehepaar Mendelsohn veranstaltete zu diesem Anlass gern Geselligkeiten in seiner Berliner Villa, „Bachanalien”, bei denen auch Albert Einstein als Geiger mitspielte.

Rabbi Yosef Karo and the Code of Jewish Law Jewish History Lecture Dr. Henry Abramson


Jewish History Lecture by Dr. Henry Abramson on Rabbi Yosef Karo, the author of the Code of Jewish Law. Part of the Jewish Biography as History series at

Rabbi Rebbe Yosef Caro, Author of the code of jewish law


Learn about the life of the great author of the code of Jewish law, the shulchan oruch.

Grave (Kever) of Rabbi Yosef Karo in Zfat


The Kever of Rabbi Yosef Karo 1488 – 1575) in Zfat / northern Israel. He was one of the famous Kabbalists as well as the author of the “Shulchan Aruch”.

Wikimedia FoundationNathan Birnbaum

Nathan Birnbaum (Hebrewנתן בירנבוים‎; pseudonyms: “Mathias Acher”, “Dr. N. Birner”, “Mathias Palme”, “Anton Skart”, “Theodor Schwarz”, and “Pantarhei”) (16 May 1864 – 2 April 1937) was an Austrian writer and journalist, Jewish thinker and nationalist.[1][2] His life had three main phases, representing a progression in his thinking: a Zionist phase (ca. 1883 – ca. 1900); a Jewish cultural autonomy phase (ca. 1900 – ca. 1914) which included the promotion of the Yiddish language; and religious phase (ca. 1914–1937), in which he also continued to promote Yiddish.

He married Rosa Korngut (1869 – 1934) and they had three sons: Solomon (Salomo) Birnbaum (1891–1989), Menachem Birnbaum (1893–1944), andUriel Birnbaum (1894–1956).


This Day, April 3, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin
Cleveland Jewish News (blog)
1287: Honorius IV, the Pope who played a key role in the expulsion of the Jews from England passed away. “In November 1286 Pope Honorius wrote …


This Day in Jewish History / The man nobody remembers who coined ‘Zionism’ dies
Nathan Birnbaum embodied a myriad aspects of the early 20th-century Jewish experience, from Orthodoxy to political Zionism and back to Orthodoxy.
This Day in Jewish History / British heartthrob actor is shot down by the Nazis
Leslie Howard’s most-remembered role is probably his 1939 performance as Ashley Wilkes in ‘Gone with the Wind,’ although it was a part he hated.
This Day, April 3, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin
Cleveland Jewish News (blog)
309 B.C.E.: Traditional date for the start of the Seleucid Dynasty. The Seleucid dynasty was one of the dynasties founded after the death of Alexander .
This Day in Jewish History / The man nobody remembers who coined ‘Zionism’ dies
Nathan Birnbaum embodied a myriad aspects of the early 20th-century Jewish experience, from Orthodoxy to political Zionism and back to Orthodoxy.
This Day, April 3, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin
Cleveland Jewish News (blog)
309 B.C.E.: Traditional date for the start of the Seleucid Dynasty. The Seleucid dynasty was one of the dynasties founded after the death of Alexander …


This Day in Jewish History / Activist and ideologue who coined ‘Zionism’ dies
Nathan Birnbaum embodied a myriad aspects of the early 20th-century Jewish experience, from Orthodoxy to political Zionism and back to Orthodoxy.

This Day in Jewish History: ‘Madame’ Helena (born Chaya) Rubinstein dies
This Day in Jewish History: ‘Madame’ Helena (born Chaya) Rubinstein dies. Intuitively savvy about human psychology, Rubinstein had a tendency, …

This Day, April 1, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin

This was a “lose-lose” proposition for the Jewish people. … published a lengthy article tracing the historyof the family from its earliest beginning to its …


 This Day in Jewish History / A former US congresswoman and pioneering feminist dies
Bella Abzug was such a lightning rod for her progressive views that Ralph Nader once estimated her sponsorship of a bill could actually cost it 20-30 …



This Day in Jewish History / Sephardi chief rabbi recognizes ‘lost’ tribe of Indian Jews
Members of Bnei Menashe allowed to undergo conversion and be considered eligible for immigration to Israel. By David B. Green | Mar. 30, 2014 …
This Day, March 30, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin
Cleveland Jewish News (blog)
1135: On the secular calendar, birthdate of Maimonides (Moses Ben Maimon) in Cordova, Spain. According to Jewish tradition he was born Erev …

Clara Shavelson Lemlich


A brief overview of Clara Lemlich’s life. All photos are from Google Images; I own nothing.


This Day in Jewish History / A leading Yiddish labor agitator in New York is born

Unrelenting fighter for social justice that she was, Clara Lemlich Shavelson even helped unionize the staff at the old-age home where she spent her

This Day, March 29, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin

Henry denigrated his rival Peter by portraying him as a friend of the Jews; a portrayal that including calling him “King of the Jews.” Henry exploited …

This Day in Jewish History
 / The first Jew to serve on Canada’s top court dies

This Day in Jewish History / The first Jew to serve on Canada’s top court … Idaho, William E. Borah, who was perceived to be a defender of the Jews.