YOUTH/TEEN Select Section WEEKLY Parasha Parshat Vayeitzei Language : english, french SHIURIM & COMMENTARIES


Select Section WEEKLY Parshat Vayeitzei  language  hebrew, french, english, spanish, german, russian, Machon Meir, CHABAD,The Jewish Woman,YOUTH/TEENS SHIURIM & COMMENTARIES

Being a Man

Why is 13 the age for a Bar Mitzvah?

By Charlie and Moshe Harary

Popular Birthright Israel & Jerusalem videos


Machon Meir is a Center for Jewish Studies that is located in the heart of Jerusalem, Israel in the neighborhood of Kiryat Moshe. It was established by Rabbi Dov Bigon shortly after the Yom Kippur War in 1973. Rabbi Bigon was a commander in the Israeli Defense Force that helped liberate Jerusalem and the Western Wall from the Jordanian Legion. After the war he began to contemplate the meaning of the Jewish Nation and decided to enroll himself in the Merkaz HaRav Kook Yeshiva in Jerusalem.

Bat Mitzvah NY Shabbaton – Chabad of Dollard

The Bat Mitzvah Girls enjoyed an amazing weekend in New York!

Sami and Tuvia – Who’s Bike is it Anyway? – Part I

Judaism for Kids – Sami and Tuvia – Who’s Bike is it Anyway? Part I
Sami finds a bike by the dumpster, which he thinks was sent just for him. Little does he know that this bike belongs to someone else and is very important to him. What is Sami to do when he finds out someone is looking for this bike?

The Ultimate in Jewish Rock

Popular Yeshivat Lev Hatorah videos

The Yeshiva Boys Choir

Parshat Vayetze: The Real Housewives of Canaan

Count yourself lucky – you’ve got expert Esther Kustanowitz helping you keep score in a soap opera of, well, biblical proportions. Meet Jacob’s family…and pay attention: there’s a lot of members.

This is Episode 7 of the weekly Torah cartoon from Each week, a different storyteller – some musical, some poetic, some just straight-up, tell the story of the current Torah portion…and then we animate it!

Torah Toons One: Parashat Toldot

Rock n’Roll Rabbi

Participating in the Torah

סיפור ילדותי


Parshat Vayetze!


Chemah Koli: la première montée de Toldot avec ses explications liturgiques – 613TV

Raphaël David Skouri vous présente CHEMAH KOLI, lecture de la première pontée de la pracha de Toldot avec ses explications liturgiques.

Pour plus de vidéos, abonnez-vous sur Free/Numericable/Darty-box

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Chemah Koli: introduction,comment apprendre à lire dans le Sepher Thora? – 613TV

Raphaël David Skouri vous présente CHEMAH KOLI, une nouvelle émission de cette année pour 613TV!!

Pour plus de vidéos, abonnez-vous sur Free/Numericable/Darty-box

VAYERA : La Paracha avec Boubach Saison 3 – 613TV

Voici la nouvelle saison de LA PARACHA AVEC BOUBACH, l’émission de 613TV conçue et présentée par Michaël Broll!! Avec BOUBACH, découvrez les trésors de la Torah à travers la paracha de la semaine!!!!!!! Un rendez-vous à ne pas manquer et à partager avec toute votre famille et tous vos amis!
Here is the new issue of 613TV designed and presented by Michaël Broll!! With BOUBACH discover the treasures of the Torah through the parsha of the week!!!!!!! An appointment not to be missed and to share with all your family and your friends!

Torah Aura Productions

La Paracha avec Boubach saison — !!

Paracha …..Rosée de Miel

Parashas para niños

Un Cafe Con Dios

David Ben Yosef

Benny Hershcovich

Chabad House Bowery

כוכבית אתרוג

תלמוד תורה יסדת עוז תשעד

Yavneh Hebrew Academy

Popular Shabbaton & NCSY videos

Celebrate 60 years of NCSY at the historic Shabbaton this Spring. Sign up online at your regional website or go to

Popular Shabbaton & Chabad videos

A fantastic group of Young Adults from Chabad NDG in the heart of Montreal’s trendy Monkland Village went down to Crown Heights, New York for an incredible Shabbaton weekend. It was the best of both the physical and spiritual worlds. This is a 6 minute documentary of our journey, reflections and inspiration
s… hope you enjoy it!

Filmed by Rabbi Yisroel Bernath on Canon Powershot SD1400 IS
Edited in iMovie for iPhone

Mitzvah Boulevard #3 – Shabbos Trailer

WEEKLY TORAH FOR KIDS:  Parshat Vayeitzei

Pray Before Skiing?!
Kislev 4, 5775 · November 26, 2014


Year Four could barely contain their excitement within the four walls of their classroom. They were all sitting, during their break, with their teacher, Mr. Benson, and discussing their forthcoming ski trip. They had worked hard for this ski trip, and now—it was finally happening.

“Everyone should come to school on time on the day of the trip,” Mr. Benson was saying, “so we will have enough time to pray before the coach comes to collect us.”

Benjy gasped in outrage, as did some of his classmates. “Mr. Benson, we can’t pray before our trip! That will waste time—and we want to spend the entire day on the slopes!”

Mr. Benson held up his hand to stop the barrage of complaints. “Hold it boys! We just learned this week’s Torah reading together, Vayeitzei. What does it tell us about Jacob?”

Adam ventured a reply. “Well, Jacob leaves his birthplace, and his family. He leaves the holy land of Israel, and travels to Haran—a difficult and harsh place to live, where there were lots of idol worshippers.”

Mr. Benson smiled. “Good. Now listen, boys. Jacob is leaving his family. How many of you have left your family for a time longer than a week or two?”

No one raised their hand.

Mr. Benson continued. “Jacob is travelling to place which would be extremely challenging for him to live in and keep G‑d’s commandments. Have you ever been in a place which is really difficult and challenging?”

The boys began thinking about different challenging places they had visited, but no one raised their hand.

Mr. Benson was looking really serious. “Boys, Jacob was going to a strange land, and was going to have to learn how to cope with it. However, the first thing he did was pray. Yup, pray!”

Benjy nodded. “You mean when he dreamt about the ladder, which is sometimes called the ladder of prayer? I thought that was when he slept!”

Mr. Benson shook his head. “No, it was just before he lay down to sleep. Rashi tells us that he invented the evening prayer, and he prayed.”

Benjy smiled. “Hey…I guess we should take a lesson from Jacob. He was going for much longer than a day trip and he made sure to pray first.”

David, in a quiet voice, summed it up for everyone. “No matter what we do, and where we are, the first thing to do as Jews is—pray to G‑d!” Update

Chanukah is just 3 weeks away!

Kislev 2, 5775 · November 24, 2014
Hey kids!

Chanukah is just three weeks away and here at we have a huge collection of holiday videos and activities for you to enjoy!On Chanukah we celebrate our freedom of religion and the miracle of the menorah burning in the Holy Temple in Jerusalem for eights days straight.

Want to make your own menorah? Start collecting baby-food jars and we’ll show you how to turn them into a show stopping menorah you can actually light all eight nights of Chanukah.

Have a great week!

Your friends at

This Week’s Features

Listen Listen (1:08)

A Chanukah Adventure

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