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Israel Heute

Israelnetz Nachrichten


Breslev Deutsch

שלום לכולם וברוכים הבאים!

כמו באתר “ברסלב ישראל”, גם כאן נשתדל להעלות תכנים של שמחה, אמונה ואהבה על פי תורתו של רבי נחמן מברסלב, ברוח ספרי הרב שלום ארוש, “גן האמונה”, “גן הגעגועים”, “שעריו בתודה” ועוד

Hafazat Hatora

tagesschau 20:00 Uhr, 13.05.2015

Themen der Sendung: Flüchtlingsproblematik: EU-Kommission plant Quotenregelung, NATO-Außenrat berät zum Ukraine-Konflikt, Merkel und Poroschenko beraten über prekäre Lage in der Ostukraine, Offenbar Militärputsch in Burundi, Anti-Nazi-Aktivisten Beate und Serge Klarsfeld mit Bundesverdienstkreuz ausgezeichnet, Kabinett beschließt Strategie gegen multi-resistente Keime in Krankenhäusern, CDU-Sprecher Pfeiffer unterstützt Grüne beim Vorstoß zur Freigabe von Cannabis, Jahresbericht zum Thema “Jugendschutz im Internet” in Berlin vorgestellt, Schlichtung im Tarifstreit der Lufthansa vorerst gelungen, Hamburgisches Oberverwaltungsgericht urteilt zu Gefahrengebieten, 68. Internationale Filmfestspiele in Cannes eröffnet, Die Lottozahlen, Das Wetter

Israel und Deutschland feiern 50 Jahre diplomatische Beziehungen

Größtes ehemaliges KZ auf österreichischem Boden: 22.000 gedenken der Befreiung des KZ Mauthausen

70 Jahre Kriegsende: militärische Leistungsschau in Moskau

Dutzende Tote bei Nachbeben in Nepal

LILMOD Chaya Tal Auf in das Heilige Land! 11 Mai 2015

WWW.LILMOD.ORG – online video conference, Judaism and Jewish Culture in Russian, German, Hebrew, English.
Подписаться на новостную рассылку LILMOD.ORG/RU

Israel und Deutschland feiern 50 Jahre diplomatische Beziehungen

Еврейское ницшеанство / Jüdischer Nietzscheanismus


Berlin – Ruine 1945 – Metropole 2000

Diese Berlin-Dokumentation zeigt in eindrucksvollen Rückblenden in die Nachkriegszeit und mit Filmaufnahmen aus den 90er Jahren den Wandel der Stadt Berlin nach 1945 und nach der deutschen Wiedervereinigung. Farbige Luftaufnahmen amerikanischer Kameramänner von der Ruine Berlin im Jahre 1945 erzählt vom Leben in einer Trümmerwüste. Dies Aufnahmen der Berliner Trümmerlandschaft werden der Metropole von heute Jahren gegenübergestellt, die Entwicklung wird lebendig, vom Neubeginn nach 1945 bis zur Teilung der Stadt 1961, von der unterschiedlichen Stadtentwicklung in West – und Ostberlins bis zur Wende. Die rege Bautätigkeit nach dem Mauerfall dokumentieren Luftaufnahmen von 1992, ’97 und ’99. An drei markanten Punkten wird das Gestern und Heute besonders deutlich: am Potsdamer Platz, am Brandenburger Tor und am Reichstag.

Berlin in July 1945 (HD 1080p color footage)

That’s how it looked like just after the Second World War in Berlin!

Fascinating moving pictures in color show the situation of the city in summer 1945, just after the Second World War and the capitulation of Germany. Daily life after years of war.

Pictures from the destroyed city, the Reichstag, Brandenburger Tor, Adlon, Führerbunker, Unter den Linden, rubble women working in the streets, the tram is running again.

A collage of archive material
produced by: Kronos Media

Voici à quoi ressemblait Berlin juste après la Seconde Guerre Mondiale !

Ces fascinantes vidéos en couleur nous montrent la situation de la ville lors de l’été 1945, directement après la Seconde Guerre Mondiale et la capitulation de l’Allemagne. Voici la vie quotidienne
des Berlinois après des années de guerre.

Les images nous dévoilent une ville détruite, le Reichstag, la porte de Brandebourg, l’hôtel Adlon, le bunker du Führer, l’avenue Unter den Linden, les femmes des ruines à l’œuvre dans les rues, et les trams à nouveau en fonctionnement.

Un assemblage d’images d’archive
production par Kronos Media

LILMOD Rabbi Apel Geheimnis der juedischen Existenz 3 Mai 2015

WWW.LILMOD.ORG – online video conference, Judaism and Jewish Culture in Russian, German, Hebrew, English.
Подписаться на новостную рассылку LILMOD.ORG/RU

Vom Wiener Lehrling zum Friedensnobelpreisträger

(c) Andreas H. Landl für

AK Präsident Herbert Tumpel erwies Wiens Friedensnobelpreisträger die Ehre. Tumpels Vater war Esperantist und ein Mann er Lettern, sprich gelernter Drucker wie der Friedensnobelpreisträger. Tumpel ist ein Anliegen, dass die von den Nazis verbrannten Bücher der Pazifisten in Österreich wieder zugänglich gemacht werden. Denn was nicht gedruckt vorliegt ist nicht zugänglich und kann tot geschwiegen werden. Ab jetzt wir “zurückgedruckt”, denn:

Im Land der unbegrenzten Möglichkeiten schaffte ein Bursche aus elendigen Verhältnissen eine Karriere mit Lehre. Er wurde der einzige Wiener Friedensnobelpreisträger. Bis 2006 war das in Wien kaum jemandem bekannt. Denn der war Freidenker aus einer jüdischen Familie, Pazifist, Gewerkschafter, Friedensjournalist, Internationalist und Freimauerer. Soviel Friedensengagement war natürlich für die Militaristen im deutschsprachigen Raum ab 1914 zuviel des Guten. Fried und seine Werke wurden bekämpft. Er musste zweimal fliehen. Einmal aus Österreich und einmal aus Bayern. Rechtsextreme aller Couleur säuberten die Bibliotheken in vier Wellen von seinen Werken. So kam es, dass selbst Friedensbeweger wie ich oder Herbert Tumpel der Präsident der Arbeiterkammer bis 2006 nichts über den Wiener Friedensnobelpreisträger wussten. Walter Göhring stieß bei der Recherche über Ferdinand Hanusch auf den Wiener Friedensnobelpreisträger und macht erstmals 2006 breiter publik, was fast vollkommen verdrängt war.

Am 11.04.2012 18:00 Uhr gab es eine hochkarätige Veranstaltung des

Instituts für Gewerkschafts- und AK Geschichte und derAlfred Hermann Fried Gesellschaft Löcker Verlag in der AK Bibiliothek in Wien.

“Zwei Mal in der Geschichte ging der begehrte Friedensnobelpreis auch an ÖsterreicherInnen:
1905 an Bertha von Suttner (1843-1914) und 1911 an
Alfred Hermann Fried (1864-1921).

Die Leistungen des Friedensnobelpreisträgers Alfred Hermann Fried standen lange Zeit im Schatten Bertha von Suttners. Vielfach unbekannt ist, dass Fried
* als Buchhandelslehrling eine Jugendgewerkschaft gründete, die in die Gewerkschaft der Kaufmännischen Angestellten mündete, eine der Vorläufer organisationen der heutigen GPA-djp.
* Ab 1892 gab er gemeinsam mit Bertha von Suttner die pazifistische Zeitschrift „Die Waffen nieder!” heraus, in der er u.a. seine pazifistischen Ideen artikulierte.

Dass Fried damit zu den Vorkämpfern der europäischen Friedensbewegung gehörte, ist heute ebenfalls vielfach vergessen: mit seiner

Zeitschrift “Die Friedenswarte”

schuf Fried ein Organ, in dem die Ideen für ein neues demokratisch geeintes Europa ihren Niederschlag fanden.

Der Zeithistoriker Walter Göhring hat sich in Archiven und Bibliotheken in der Schweiz, in den USA, den Niederlanden, Ungarn, der Slowakei und Österreich auf die Spuren Alfred Hermann Frieds begeben. Ergebnis dieser Spurensuche sind Publikationen und Beiträge sowie eine Ausstellung über Alfred Hermann Fried, der mit seinen Arbeiten bis in die Gründung der UNO und der Europäischen Union hineingewirkt hat.

Sein Werk ist heute aktueller denn je.”

Entfetzung für Wiener Friedensnobelpreisträger Alfred Hermann Fried nach 100 Jahren

Wien – 1911 vor 100 Jahren erhielt der Wiener Pazifist Alfred Hermann Fried den Friedensnobelpreis. Der revolutionäre Pazifist, Friedensforscher und erste Friedensjournalist von Weltrang erhielt nun gestern nach fast 100 Jahren seine 1. Gedenktafel in Wien.

Vor Widerhofergasse 5 wo Fried 1911 wohnte versammelten sich am 25.5.2011 abends über 200 Menschen und nahmen am Festakt teil.

Klaus Maria Brandauer enthüllte die Gedenktafel während der Brunnenchor
Kayra Silo (Mandingo/En: The Way of Peace)

Hevenu Shalom (Wir haben Euch Frieden gebracht) sang.

Der Nahostkonflikt im Blick der Medien – Jüdische Gespräche 2006 FFM

Immer noch aktuell ist dieses Thema der Podiumsdiskussion vom 05. Sept. 2006. Leider wird in deutschen Medien immer mehr einseitig und falsch zum Nachteil Israels berichtet, so war es schon in den letzten 10 Jahren.

Datei:Bundesarchiv Bild 183-86686-0008, Baden-Baden, Festnahme von Juden.jpg

Nach dem Novemberpogrom wird eine Kolonne Juden zur Schutzhaft ins KZ Dachau gebracht, Baden-Baden, November 1938

KZ Dachau

Das Konzentrationslager Dachau, in der Folge KZ Dachau genannt, bestand vom 22. März 1933 bis zu seiner Befreiung durch Truppen der US Army am 29. April 1945. Das NS-Regime errichtete es bereits wenige Wochen nach der Machtübernahme. Es war das erste durchgehend betriebene KZ und wurde dadurch eines der bekanntesten Konzentrationslager. Es war zwölf Jahre durchgehend in Betrieb, d. h. mehr als doppelt so lange wie die meisten späteren Konzentrationslager.

Das Gelände lag ungefähr 20 Kilometer nordwestlich von München. Zunächst diente es der Inhaftierung von politischen Gegnern des NS-Regimes. Heinrich Himmler, 1933 Reichsführer SS und Münchener Polizeipräsident, ließ es östlich der Stadt Dachau auf dem Gelände einer ehemaligen Munitionsfabrik errichten. Es diente – v. a. in seinen Anfangsjahren, als die NSDAP ihre Macht festigen wollte – zur Inhaftierung und zur Abschreckung politisch Andersdenkender..  Read More Button--orangePhotos by  Wikipedia 

KZ-Befreiung vor 70 Jahren – Gedenken in DACHAU – 03.05. 2015

KZ Dachau – (Kurz-)Dokumentation | german/deutsch [HD]

Konzentrationslager (KZ) Dachau – Sie sehen eine (Kurz-)Dokumentation über das KZ Dachau. Die wichtigsten Infos wurden herausgesucht und mit zum Teil originalen Aufnahmen zu einer kleinen Dokumentation verarbeitet. Lizenzierungen am Ende des Videos.

70 Jahre Befreiung KZ Dachau

Dachau: Nachbildung der gestohlenen KZ-Tür eingesetzt

Am 70. Jahrestag der Befreiung des Konzentrationslagers Dachau ist eine Nachbildung der Tür mit dem Schriftzug “Arbeit macht frei” eingesetzt worden. Das historische Original wurde vor fast einem halben Jahr gestohlen. Von den Dieben fehlt jede Spur. Täter, die 2009 in Ausschwitz den Schriftzug am Eingang stahlen, wurden gefass


Neue Ausstellung im Jüdischen Museum München: “Jukebox. Jewkbox! Ein jüdisches Jahrhundert auf Schellack und Vinyl”

Impressionen der Vernissage zur Ausstellung “KRIEG! JUDEN ZWISCHEN DEN FRONTEN 1914–1918”

Im diesjährigen Gedenkjahr widmet sich die Ausstellung KRIEG! JUDEN ZWISCHEN DEN FRONTEN 1914–1918 im Jüdischen Museum München dem Ersten Weltkrieg aus einer jüdischen Perspektive heraus. Durch Feldpostbriefe, Tagebücher, Photographien und andere persönliche Objekte wird das historische Ereignis in individuell erlebte und beschriebene Momente zerlegt und damit greifbarer gemacht. Der Patriotismus vieler jüdischer Deutscher und deren Mitwirken am Krieg spielt dabei ebenso eine Rolle wie der zutiefst verstörende Alltag im Schützengraben und die religiöse Erfahrungsdimension jüdischer Soldaten. Auch der zunehmende Antisemitismus in Militär und Gesellschaft während der Kriegsjahre und die politische Dimension des Gedenkens nach 1918 werden in der Ausstellung durch vielfältige Dokumente und Exponate thematisiert.

»Der Erste Weltkrieg in der jüdischen Erinnerung«

»Der Erste Weltkrieg in der jüdischen Erinnerung«
Kabinettausstellung im Jüdischen Museum Berlin
3. Juli 2014 bis 16. November 2014

Im Labyrinth des Schweigens Offizieller Trailer (2014) – German | Deutsch HD

Offizieller Deutscher Im Labyrinth des Schweigens Trailer von Giulio Ricciarelli mit Alexander Fehling, André Szymanski, Gert Voss
Click to Subscribe:

“Deutschland Ende der Fünfziger Jahre: Die Wirtschaft brummt, den Menschen geht es wieder gut und die Geschehnisse, die keine zwanzig Jahre zurückliegen, geraten langsam aber sicher in Vergessenheit. Eines Tages sorgt jedoch der Journalist Thomas Gnielka (André Szymanski) im Frankfurter Gericht für Aufruhr, als er einen ehemaligen Auschwitz-Wärter anzeigen will, den ein Freund auf einem Schulhof identifiziert hat und der jetzt als Lehrer offenbar unbehelligt durchs Lebens gehen kann. Der Journalist stößt jedoch auf Ablehnung. Nur der junge Staatsanwalt Johann Radmann (Alexander Fehling) schenkt ihm Gehör und will die Vorgänge aufklären. Rückendeckung erhält er vom Generalstaatsanwalt Fritz Bauer (Gert Voss), der ihm die Leitung der Ermittlungen überträgt. Radmann stürzt sich akribisch in den Fall und vernachlässigt sein Privatleben völlig. Selbst Marlene (Friederike Becht), die er gerade erst kennenlernte, vermag nicht auf ihn einzuwirken. Aber er überwirft sich auch mit Freunden und schottet sich von seiner Umwelt ab, um das Labyrinth aus Verleugnung und Verdrängung aufzuarbeiten und die Täter zu überführen und zu bestrafen.

Kinostart: 6. November 2014
Regie: Giulio Ricciarelli
Mit: Alexander Fehling, André Szymanski, Gert Voss
Genre: Historie , Drama
Nationalität: Deutschland ”

Erdbeben in Nepal / Nepal Earthquake Shocking Moments Terremoto en Nepal 2015

Erschütternde Bilder haben unsere Redaktion heute aus Nepal erreicht!
Nach letzten Informationen sind es bis jetzt über 3500 Menschen die Ihr
leben verloren haben.

Holocaust survivors gather at the Bergen-Belsen memorial site

Holocaust survivors and officials gathered at the memorial site of the former concentration camp Bergen-Belsen in northern Germany, in a solemn ceremony to commemorate the liberation of the camp 70 years ago.

Die Befreiung vom Konzentrationslager Bergen-Belsen [Doku HD]

Im Sommer 1937 wurde mit dem Bau des Konzentrationslagers Buchenwald begonnen. In dem KZ auf dem Ettersberg bei Weimar wurden 8 Jahre lang Juden, Sinti und Roma, politischer Gegner und Nonkonformisten interniert. Mit Beginn des Krieges 1939 wurden Menschen aus ganz Europa nach Buchenwald gebracht. Als das KZ am 11.April 1945 von amerikanischen Soldaten befreit wird, stoßen sie auf 48.000 Inhaftierte, darunter auch viele Kinder und Jugendliche.
Das ca. 60 Kilometer nordöstlich von Hannover gelegene KZ Bergen-Belsen wurde 1941 im Rahmen der Kriegsvorbereitungen gegen die Sowjetunion erbaut. Schon kurze Zeit nach der Errichtung wurden erste Gefangene in das KZ transportiert. Ab März 1944 fungierte das ehemals als Gefangenenlager konzipierte KZ als “Austauschlager” in welches später auch Anne Frank deportiert wurde. Als britische Soldaten am 15. April 1945 das KZ befreiten, fanden sie ein grausames Bild vor.

Gedenken in BERGEN-BELSEN – Erinnerung an die KZ-Befreiung vor 70 Jahren – 26.04. 2015

Auschwitz – Bilder aus der hölle – Documentary (Deutsch)

Auschwitz – Bilder aus der hölle – Documentary (Deutsch)
©Copyright “Nazi Scrapbooks From Hell”, visuele inhoud beheerd door National Geographic.

Datei:EvaKor2011.jpgEva Mozes Kor

Eva Mozes Kor (geborene Eva Mozes; * 31. Januar 1934 in Portz, heute: Porț, Gemeinde Marca, Kreis Sălaj, Rumänien) ist eine Überlebende des Holocaust und wurde zusammen mit ihrer Zwillingsschwester Miriam von Josef Mengele für Experimente in derZwillingsforschung missbraucht.

Sie löste mehrfach kritische Reaktionen bei anderen Holocaust-Überlebenden aus, u.a. als sie am 50. Jahrestag der Befreiung vonAuschwitz persönlich allen Nationalsozialisten ihre Taten vergab.

Kor wurde 1944 mit ihrer Familie nach Auschwitz deportiert und erhielt die Gefangenennummer A-7063. Ihre Eltern und die zwei älteren Schwestern starben in den Gaskammern. Sie und ihre Zwillingsschwester überlebten die grausamen Experimente und kehrten nach dem Krieg nach Rumänien zurück. .Read More Button--orangePhotos by  Wikipedia 

Eva Mozes Kor zu Besuch in Wetzlar: Eine Überlebende von Auschwitz berichtet – Teil 1 –


Eva Mozes Kor zu Besuch in Wetzlar: Eine Überlebende von Auschwitz berichtet – Teil 2 –

Eva Mozes Kor zu Besuch in Wetzlar: Eine Überlebende von Auschwitz berichtet – Teil 3 –

Eva Mozes Kor zu Besuch in Wetzlar: Eine Überlebende von Auschwitz berichtet – Teil 4 –

Datei:Child survivors of Auschwitz.jpeg

Brandenburg: Gedenken an die Opfer der Konzentrationslager Ravensbrück und Sachsenhausen

Widerstand im Holocaust – Gedenken an WARSCHAUER Aufstand vor 72 Jahren – 19.04.2015

Marcel Reich-Ranicki im Bundestag (Gedenken an Holocaust-Opfer) 2012

Marcel Reich-Ranickis bewegende Rede im Bundestag; Am Jahrestag der Auschwitz-Befreiung hat der Literaturkritiker Marcel Reich-Ranicki vor dem Bundestag gesprochen. Als Überlebender des Warschauer Ghettos berichtete der 91-Jährige von seinen eigenen Erfahrungen mit den Untaten des NS-Regimes. In einer Rede im Bundestag hat Marcel Reich-Ranicki zum 67. Jahrestag der Befreiung des Konzentrationslagers Auschwitz an die Untaten des Nazi-Regimes und das Leid der Gefangenen erinnert.
Marcel Reich-Ranicki (gebürtig Marceli Reich; * 2. Juni 1920 in Włocławek, Polen) ist ein deutscher Publizist und gilt als der einflussreichste deutschsprachige Literaturkritiker der Gegenwart.

Isreality Academy: 70 jaar na de Holocaust, Interview met Betty Bausch 

and more,,,

Lokalzeit aus Duisburg Betty Bausch


Betty Bausch am 6. Juni im Berufskolleg Geldern

Gedenktag an den Holocaust – Yom HaShoah 2012 יום הזיכרון לשואה ולגבורה

יום הזיכרון לשואה ולגבורה

Heute abend, am 27. Nisan, beginnt Yom HaShoah, der israelische Gedenktag an die 6 Mio. Opfer des deutschen Völkermordes an den Juden im 2. Weltkrieg. Leider weicht der “Tag des Gedenkens an die Opfer des Nationalsozialismus” in Deutschland von diesem Datum ab, bei uns wird er am Jahrestag der Befreiuung des KZ Auschwitz-Birkenau am 27. Januar 1945 begangen und ist seit 1996 ein offizieller Gedenktag.

In ISRAEL wird nur eine Woche nach Yom HaShoah der Unabhängigkeitstag des Jüdischen Staates

Lieblingsstücke – Ein Interview mit Rabbiner Yitzhak Ehrenberg

Essen und Trinken – über jüdische Speisegesetze

Zum 10. Jubiläum des Jüdischen Museums Berlin gaben prominente Gäste Führungen, in denen sie ihre Lieblingsstücke vorstellen.
Im Interview erzählen sie davon.

Serfaus – jewish life with a Summer vacation

In the Tyrol Serfaus community has several hotels on Jewish-Orthodox guests specialized. Seit vier Jahren immer im Juli und August haben sie ausschließlich für orthodoxe Juden ihre Betriebe geöffnet. For four years – always in July and August – they have only for Orthodox Jews their businesses open. Keine einfache Aufgabe, gilt es doch, auf strenge religiöse Vorschriften Rücksicht zu nehmen. No easy task, but it applies to strict religious rules to be taken. So verlangen etwa die jüdischen Speisegesetze (Kaschrut), dass Milch- und Fleischprodukte nicht miteinander vermischt werden dürfen. To ask about the Jewish dietary laws (Kaschrut) that milk and meat products can not be mixed together. Auch die Schabbat-Ruhe da ist orthodoxen Juden das Bedienen elektrischer Geräte verboten stellt das Hotelpersonal vor Herausforderungen. Also, the Shabbat rest – there’s Orthodox Jews use electrical appliances banned – the hotel staff as challenges. Bericht: Kurt Reindl, Länge: 6 Minuten Report: Kurt Reindl
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Hallel – Teil 1 (Aus Psalmen 113-117) – Singen im jüdischen Gottesdienst – Breslev Deutsch – הלל

Rabbi Schalom Arusch, Rabbi David Kraus und Schüler, bei einer Feier in Jerusalem, beten das Rosch Chodesch (Neumond) Gebet (Kislev 5771) – das „Hallel” (“Lobgesang”) nach der Tradition der Chassidismusbewegung Breslev – mit bekannten jüdischen Melodien gesungen.

Hebräisch mit Untertitel in deutscher Sprache

Psalm 113
Halleluja (Lobet Gott)! Lobet, Knechte des Ewigen, lobet den Namen des Ewigen!
Gepriesen sei der Name des Ewigen von nun an bis in Ewigkeit!
Von Sonnenaufgang bis zu ihrem Niedergang sei der Name des Ewigen gelobt!
Erhaben über alle Völker ist der Ewige, über dem Himmel ist Seine Herrlichkeit.
Wer ist dem Ewigen, unserem Gott, gleich, der in der Höhe thront,
doch auch das Niedrigste beachtet, im Himmel und auf Erden?
Der aus dem Staub den Armen aufrichtet, aus dem Schmutz den Bedürftigen erhebt,
um ihn neben Edlen zu setzen, neben Edlen Seines Volkes.
Er belebt das Haus der Kinderlosen, (indem Er) sie zu einer fröhlichen Mutter macht. Halleluja!

Psalm 114
Als Israel aus Ägypten zog, das Haus Jakobs aus dem fremden Volk,
da wurde Jehuda zu Seinem Heiligtum, Israel wurde Sein Reich.
Das Meer sah und floh, der Jordan wich zurück.
Die Berge hüpften wie Widder, die Hügel wie junge Schafe.
Was ist mit dir, o Meer, dass du fliehest? Mit dir, o Jordan, dass du dich zurückweichst?
Ihr Berge, dass ihr hüpft wie Widder? Ihr Hügel, wie junge Schafe?
Vor dem Herrn erbebe, du Erde, vor dem Gott Jakobs!
Der Fels in Wasserteich wandelt, Kieselstein in Wasserquelle.

Psalm 115 (12-18)
Der Ewige hat unser gedacht, Er segnet.
Segnet das Haus Israels, segnet das Haus Aarons.
Segnet Gottesfürchtige, die Kleinen samt den Großen.
Der Ewige vermehre euch, euch und eure Kinder.
Gesegnet seid ihr für Gott, den Schöpfer von Himmel und Erde.
Die Himmel sind des Ewigen Himmel, aber die Erde hat Er den Menschen gegeben.
Nicht die Toten loben Gott, und nicht die, die in die Grabesstille hinabsteigen.
Wir aber preisen Gott von jetzt bis in Ewigkeit.
Von jetzt bis in Ewigkeit. Halleluja!

Psalm 116 (12-19)
Wie soll ich dem Ewigen all die Wohltaten erwidern, die Er mir erwiesen hat?
Den Kelch der Rettung will ich erheben, und den Namen des Ewigen anrufen.
Wie soll ich dem Ewigen all die Wohltaten erwidern, die Er mir erwiesen hat?
Den Kelch der Rettung will ich erheben, und den Namen des Ewigen anrufen.
Meine Gelübde werde ich dem Ewigen vor Seinem ganzen Volk bezahlen.
Schwer ist in den Augen des Ewigen das Sterben Seiner Frommen.
Bitte Ewiger, ich bin Dein Knecht, ich bin Dein Knecht, Sohn Deiner Magd.
Ich bin Dein Knecht, Sohn Deiner Magd. Du hast meine Fesseln gelöst.
Dir will ich Dankopfer darbringen, und den Namen des Ewigen anrufen.
Meine Gelübde werde ich dem Ewigen vor Seinem ganzen Volk bezahlen,
in den Höfen des Hauses des Ewigen, inmitten Jerusalem.
Inmitten Jerusalem. Halleluja!

Psalm 117
Lobet den Ewigen, alle Völker, rühmet Ihn, alle Nationen!
Denn mächtig ist Seine Liebe über uns, und die Wahrheit des Ewigen währt ewig. Halleluja!

Hallel – Teil 2 (Psalm 118, 1-4) – Singen im jüdischen Gottesdienst – Breslev

Hallel – Teil 3 (Psalm 118, 5-25) – Singen im jüdischen Gottesdienst – Breslev



Reise der jüdischen Gemeindevorsteher

300 jüdische Gemeinde-Mitglieder reisen aus den USA nach Deutschland, 70 Kantoren der amerikanischen “Cantors Assembly” und ihre Angehörigen. Kantoren oder Chasan, die Vorbeter jüdischer Gemeinden, sind aus alter Tradition Meister der Liturgie mit herausragenden Stimmen. Ihre Stationen in Deutschland sind Orte der Erinnerung an jüdisches Leben genauso wie Orte, an denen jüdisches Leben noch lebendig ist – aber vor allem Orte, wo Musik ist, wie die Synagoge in der Berliner Rykestraße.

·  Jüdische Kulturtage

Die jüdische Gemeinde in Regensburg: Geschichte, Gegenwart und Zukunft

Regensburg Jüdische Gemeinde

Regensburg Pläne für ein neues Zentrum

Israel: Jewish daily life – Israel: Jüdischer Alltag – ישראל: חיי היומיום יהודים

Leben als Jude in Israel..

Mein neues Leben in Jerusalem – Eine Deutsche unter orthodoxen Juden

Porträt der ins Judentum konvertierten Deutschen Elishewa, die in Jerusalem mit ihrem Mann und sieben Kindern das abgeschottete, entbehrungsreiche und streng reglementierte Leben der ultraorthodoxen Juden führt. Elishewas Familie befolgt streng die Regeln der Thora, die durch zahllose detaillierte Gebote und Verbote den Alltag regeln. Kontakte zur säkularen Welt, Internet und Fernsehen sind unterbunden. Die Ultraorthodoxen unterhalten eigene Medien, Bücher und ihr eigenes Bildungssystem. Der soziale Umgang schreibt weitgehende Geschlechtertrennung vor. Die Jungen und Männer verbringen in der Regel die Tage in der ganztägigen Thora-Schule und arbeiten nur im notwendigen Rahmen. Mädchen hingegen bekommen eine bessere Allgemeinbildung, denn sie müssen später für den Unterhalt der Familie arbeiten. Finanzielle Unterstützung leisten Sponsoren und die Gesellschaft

7 Tage… unter Juden | 7 Tage | NDR

Sarahs Schwestern – Jüdische Frauen in Deutschland

Nach den Festen, den Hochzeiten, der Architektur und der Kindheit, stehen 2010 die Frauen im Zentrum der Dokumentationsreihe “Religionen in Deutschland”. Ob Judentum, Buddhismus, Islam oder Katholizismus: Frauen wird von den Religionen eine ganz bestimmte Rolle zugewiesen. Inwieweit gläubige Frauen diese erfüllen bzw. sich bewusst dagegen entscheiden, will die 4-teilige Serie anhand von ausgewählten Beispielen beleuchten. Im Zentrum stehen dabei pro Film zwei sehr unterschiedliche Frauen, die ihre Religion und ihren Glauben aus ihrer ganz persönlichen Sicht erklären. Die Rabbinerin Irit Shillor ist gebürtige Israelin. Mit den Ritualen des Judentums ist sie wie selbstverständlich groß geworden, eine besondere, religiöse Erziehung hat sie jedoch nicht genossen. Als sie nach ihrem Mathematikstudium nach England zog, lernte sie die liberale Strömung des Judentums kennen und lieben. Heute pendelt sie zwischen England und Deutschland, wo sie in der kleinen Hamelner Gemeinde als Rabbinerin tätig ist. Als religiöses Vorbild will sie ihrer Gemeinde vor allem die Gleichstellung von Mann und Frau nahe bringen. Joelle Spinner ist orthodoxe Jüdin und nimmt die religiösen Vorschriften sehr ernst. Die aus der Schweiz stammende Frau ist wie selbstverständlich mit der Orthodoxie aufgewachsen.Die promovierte Kunsthistorikerin ist verheiratet mit dem Vorsitzenden der Lauderfoundation und hat mit ihren drei Töchtern und dem Haushalt, der jede Woche am Shabbat seine Türen für Gäste aus aller Welt öffnet viel zu tun. Ihr Mann und sie kamen 2000 nach Berlin, sie waren die ersten, sichtbaren Juden am Prenzlauer Berg. Joelle Spinner zeigt, wie es gelingen kann als moderne, weltoffene Frau das orthodoxe Judentum ganz selbstverständlich hier in Deutschland zu leben.

Arte Doku: Nicht ganz koscher

613 religiöse Gebote und Verbote regeln den Alltag gläubiger Juden. Aber wie orientiert man sich an dieser verwirrend hohen Anzahl von Vorschriften und ihren vielen Ausnahmen? Wie lebt man also “koscher”? Dabei bedeutet “koscher” aus dem Hebräischen übersetzt in etwa “als richtig geprüft” oder “bestätigt”. Der jüdische Mensch unterzieht sich permanent dieser “Qualitätsprüfung”. Filmemacherin Ruth Olshan hat selbst jüdische Wurzeln, wuchs aber nicht mit der jüdischen Kultur auf. So hat sie sich auf die Suche nach ihrer eigenen jüdischen Identität gemacht und geht gleichzeitig humorvoll der Frage nach, was koscheres Leben eigentlich ist.

Dabei taucht Ruth Olshan tief ein in den facettenreichen jüdischen Alltag. Liberale und orthodoxe jüdische Familien und Rabbiner weihen sie in die Geheimnisse der koscheren Küche ein, erklären den Außenstehenden kurios erscheinenden Umgang mit Hygiene, Bekleidung und anderen Dingen des Alltags. Auch die Sexualität sparen sie dabei nicht aus. Die Filmemacherin erfährt und erlebt Überraschendes, Erstaunliches, Erheiterndes und vieles, was sie nachdenklich stimmt.

Plötzlich war ich Jüdin – Das unglaubliche Leben der Inge Deutschkron

HEBRÄISCH – SPEAKIT! – – (Videokurs) #52000

HEBRÄISCH – reden Sie einfach drauflos! (3432) | PROLOG

Hebräisch lernen – Die Zahlen

Jiddisch Deutsch vergleich

Wie der Titel stellt, dies ist ein kurzer Vergleich zwischen die beiden Sprachen, Jiddisch und Deutsch. Wir sind beiden Studenten des Deutsches (das meint dass wir nur Hochdeutsch gelernt haben, mindestens ich, verdammnt noch mal!), und wir muessten einen kurzen Endprojekt fuer unsere Professorin ueber diesem…wir dachten es wuerde Spass machen, dies schnell auf Youtube einzuladen! Also, ich weiss nicht weil du dies beobachtet, aber hoffentlich wirst du diesen kurzen Film sehr viel geniessen!!

Jewrovision 2015 Auslosung der Startplatzierung

Der bekannte Rapper Ben Salomo lost die Startplatzierung der Jewrovision 2015 aus.

Hier und Heute : Alles Koscher in Düsseldorf

Düsseldorf hat die drittgrößte jüdische Gemeinde Deutschlands
– mit eigener Kita und eigener Grundschule.
Reporter Stefan Quante ist in schwierigen Zeiten tief in das faszinierende Gemeindeleben eingetaucht.

Schalom am Rhein – Judentum in Düsseldorf

Düsseldorf hat die drittgrößte jüdische Gemeinde Deutschlands – mit eigener Kita und eigener Grundschule. Michael Szentei-Heise sieht gleichwohl Anzeichen für wachsende Judenfeindlichkeit auch bei uns. Reporter Stefan Quante hat sich in schwierigen Zeiten im faszinierenden Gemeindeleben umgesehen.

Juden in Frankreich nach den Anschlägen: Gehen oder bleiben? – reporter

Achim Doerfer, Jüdische Gemeinde Göttingen: “Mehr Juden werden Europa jetzt verlassen”

Achim Doerfer, Vorstandsmitglied der Jüdischen Gemeinde Göttingen, ist sich sicher: „Die Zahlen der Juden, die Frankreich verlassen, werden zunehmen.“
Der Rechtsanwalt und Buchautor Doerfer hat selbst ein Jahr in Paris gelebt und kennt die Sicherheitslage gut. Was hat sich nach den Anschlägen auf die Redaktion von “Charlie Hebdo” und einen jüdischen Supermarkt verändert? Er erwartet, dass sich das Klima massiv verschlechtern wird. Seiner Meinung nach müssen, ähnlich wie in Deutschland, jüdische Einrichtungen künftig auch in Frankreich massiv bewacht werden.
Im Skype-Talk mit Hendrik Holdmann spricht Doerfer über Antisemitismus in Europa, die Pegida-Bewegung und seine Ehe mit einer gläubigen Muslimin.

Deutsche Muslime und Antisemitismus: Woher kommt die Judenfeindlichkeit?

Einige Muslime vertreten antisemitische Thesen. Abdul-Ahmad Rashid spricht mit dem Berliner Rabbiner Daniel Alter und dem Psychologen Ahmad Mansour, der sich gegen Judenfeindlichkeit stark macht. (14.06.2013)

Immer wieder gibt es Angriffe auf Juden in Deutschland. Mutmaßliche Täter sind häufig muslimische Jugendliche. Zuletzt war das Anfang Juni im hessischen Offenbach so: Nach dem Angriff auf einen Rabbiner hat ein 14-Jähriger die Tat gestanden. Wie kommt es zu diesem Judenhass unter Muslimen? “Forum am Freitag”-Moderator Abdul-Ahmad Rashid spricht darüber mit Rabbiner Daniel Alter aus Berlin, der selbst Opfer eines Anschlages geworden ist, und dem Psychologen Ahmad Mansour, der mit Jugendlichen gegen Antisemitismus vorgeht.

Wenn Rabbiner Daniel Alter auf die Straßen Berlins geht, trägt er meistens zwei Mützen: die Kippa und darüber eine weitere – aus Gründen des Selbstschutzes: “Antisemitismus bekommt in der jüngeren Vergangenheit eine neue, offenere und aggressivere Qualität”, sagt der Rabbiner. Berlin ist die Stadt Deutschlands mit der größten jüdischen Gemeinde: Rund 10.000 Juden leben in der Hauptstadt. Immer mehr von ihnen wollen aber unerkannt bleiben. “Viele Mitglieder unserer Gemeinde versuchen es zu vermeiden, sich öffentlich als jüdisch zu identifizieren”, sagt Alter. Was passieren kann, wenn man als Jude ausgemacht wird, hat Alter am eigenen Leib erfahren: Vor den Augen seiner kleinen Tochter wurde er von Jugendlichen verprügelt. Einfach nur, weil er Jude ist.

Alltäglicher Antisemitismus

Viel häufiger begegnet einem der Antisemitismus unter muslimischen Migranten aber im Alltag, auf Schulhöfen, in Schulklassen, Moscheen, auf Facebook: “Jude” sei unter muslimischen Jugendlichen ein Schimpfwort geworden, schreibt Ahmad Mansour in einem Bericht für die Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung (BpB). Mansour, der mit Jugendlichen im Projekt “Heroes” arbeitet und dort judenfeindliches Gedankengut bekämpft, hört aber auch regelrechte Verschwörungstheorien: Es geht dort um die “Herrschaft der Juden” oder ihre aktive Rollen bei der Finanzkrise oder bei den Anschlägen am elften September.

Bei muslimischen Jugendlichen tritt antisemitisches Gedankengut dabei nicht nur vereinzelt auf. Die BpB spricht von einer “problematischen Größe“. Präzise Zahlen gibt es in Deutschland nicht, aber einige Studien, die Aufschluss geben. In einer Studie aus dem Jahr 2010 wurde die Zustimmung zur Aussage “Juden haben in der Welt zu viel Einfluss” abgefragt. 35,8 Prozent der arabischen und 20,9 Prozent der türkischstämmigen Jugendlichen stimmten ihr zu. Bei Jugendlichen ohne Migrationshintergrund lag der Wert bei lediglich 2,1 Prozent.

Maßnahmen gegen die Judenfeindlichkeit

Muslime, die solchen Thesen zustimmen, haben meist eins gemeinsam: Sie haben noch nie in ihrem Leben einen Juden persönlich getroffen oder mit ihm gesprochen. Sie assoziieren beim Wort “Jude” israelische Soldaten oder radikale Siedler. “Dass aber in Deutschland und anderswo Juden leben, die mit Israel kaum oder wenig zu tun haben, ist ihnen unbekannt.”, schreibt Ahmad Mansou für die BpB. Wenn Jugendliche etwa im Schulunterricht Holocaustüberlebenden begegnen oder einem Rabbiner, dann relativieren sich ihre antisemitischen Thesen. Mansour, der selbst palästinensische Wurzeln hat, hält es in Klassen mit einem hohen Anteil muslimischer Jugendlicher für sinnvoll, die Frage des Antisemitismus, des Holocaust und des Nahost-Konfliktes miteinander verknüpft zu behandeln. Leider fehlten dafür zurzeit noch die Unterrichtskonzepte, bedauert er im “Forum am Freitag”-Gespräch.

Purim 5775 (2015) _Rav Cherky

Rav Cherky spricht über das jüdische Purim-Fest, welches dieses Jahr am 04.03.15 stattfinden wird.

Anschläge in Kopenhagen: Dänische Polizei erschießt mutmaßlichen Attentäter


Schießerei in Kopenhagen: Björn Staschen, NDR, mit Informationen


Neue Stadtführung “Spurensuche jüdischen Lebens”

Die Aktion Zivilcourage bildet im Rahmen des Projektes “Spurensuche jüdischen Lebens in Pirna” neue 7 neue Stadtführer aus. Die Route für die Führung haben Ramona Meisel von der Aktion Zivilcourage und der Historiker Hugo Jensch zusammengestellt.

Rabbi Schalom Arusch – Die spirituelle Bedeutung von Purim und seine Gebräuche – פּוּרִים

purim agudas achim 2012

purim 2012 Zürich

ISRAEL MUSIC HISTORY Purim – Das Purimfest “Jüdischer Karneval” Auch in den Synagogen 2011

Purim 2012 Jüdische Gemeinde Dresden

ZDFinfo Videos

»Schützt höhere Bildung vor Rassismus und Antisemitismus?«

»Schützt höhere Bildung vor Rassismus und Antisemitismus?«
Vorstellung einer Studie und Podiumsdiskussion am 20.2.2014 in der Akademie des Jüdischen Museums Berlin

Wie verbreitet ist ausgrenzendes Denken im akademischen Milieu? Vorgestellt und diskutiert werden die Ergebnisse einer empirischen Studie von Wassilis Kassis und Charlotte Schallié.

— Einführung von Yasemin Shooman (0:08)
— Vorstellung der Studie durch die Autoren (4:56)
— Podiumsdiskussion (20:50)

Teilnehmer der Podiumsdiskussion:
— Wassilis Kassis (Universität Osnabrück)
— Charlotte Schallié (University of Victoria, British Columbia, Kanada)
— Iman Attia (Alice Salomon Hochschule)
— Stefanie Schüler-Springorum (Technische Universität Berlin)
— Andreas Zick (Universität Bielefeld)

Deutsche und Juden – Trotz allem Versöhnung? – HISTORY LIVE am 10.11.2013

Deutsche und Juden – Trotz allem Versöhnung?
Kein Verbrechen, das je an einer Bevölkerungsgruppe begangen wurde, war so menschenverachtend und dabei so systematisch organisiert wie der Holocaust. Die Reichspogromnacht jährt sich in diesem Jahr zum 75. Mal. Dies ist für Guido Knopp Anlass, sich 70 Jahre nach dem Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs in History LIVE mit dem Holocaust und seinen Folgen für das deutsch-jüdisch-israelische Verhältnis auseinander zu setzen.
Guido Knopp diskutiert mit den Historikern Michael Wolffsohn und Götz Aly sowie dem Publizisten Yves Kugelmann.

“Jüdische Genies” – Warhols Juden

13. März 2012, Eröffnung der Ausstellung “Jüdische Genies” – Warhols Juden im Museum Judenplatz

Die Judenschublade – Junge Juden in D.

Ich bin Jüdin, aber ich heiße Sharons Politik nicht gut, mein Vater trägt keinen schwarzen Kaftan und ich mache meine Freunde, die so alt sind wie ich, nich.,,,,,,

Die jüdische Gemeinde in Saarbrücken

Aus der SR-Sendung “Direkt dabei” vom 27.10.2014.

O-TON: Zum Tod von Richard von Weizsäcker

Weizsacker Rede zum 8. Mai 1985 part 1-5

Deutsch-jüdische Spurensuche: Argentinien | Kultur 21

Deutsch-jüdische Spurensuche – Diesmal USA | Kultur 21

Deutsch-jüdische Spurensuche in Südafrika | Kultur 21

Spurensuche – Deutsch-jüdisches Kulturerbe weltweit | Im Focus

Brandenburgs erste Synagoge wird in Cottbus eingeweiht

Landesrabbiner Nachum Presman und Staatssekretär (MWFK) Martin Gorholt zur neuen Synagoge. Anschließend noch ein Teil des Thora-Festzuges in der mit Interessierten gefüllten Sprem.

Anne Frank Teil 1

Anne Frank Teil 2

Anne Frank

from Wikipedia

Annelies Marie „Anne“ Frank (geboren 12. Juni 1929 in Frankfurt am Main als Anneliese[1] Marie Frank; gestorben Anfang März 1945im KZ Bergen-Belsen) war ein jüdisches deutsches Mädchen, das 1934 mit seinen Eltern in die Niederlande auswanderte, um der Verfolgung durch die Nationalsozialisten zu entgehen, und kurz vor dem Kriegsende dem nationalsozialistischen Holocaust zum Opfer fiel. Zuvor hatte sie sich mit ihrer Familie in einem Hinterhaus in Amsterdam versteckt gehalten, wo sie ihre Erlebnisse und Gedanken in einem Tagebuch niederschrieb.

Das nach dem Krieg von ihrem Vater Otto Frank veröffentlichte Tagebuch der Anne Frank gilt als ein historisches Dokument aus der Zeit des Holocaust und die Autorin als Symbolfigur für alle Opfer der Vernichtungspolitik der Zeit des Nationalsozialismus. Photo by Wikipedia    Gedenkstele an Anne Franks Geburtshaus im Marbachweg Nr. 307, in Ffm, von Bernd Fischer. Read More Button--orange

Chabad Berlin: Schabbat Nugget mit Rabbiner Yehuda Teichtal. Januar 16., 2015


7 Tage unter Juden (Reportage)

Datteln, Zimt und Kiddusch-Wein kommen zusammen in eine Küchenmaschine. Es duftet nach einer fremden Welt in der jüdischen Gemeinde zu Oldenburg. “Jede Zutat, jedes Gericht hat hier eine Bedeutung”, erzählt Oshra Levi. Sie kocht für die Pessach-Feiertage. Pessach ist das Fest, das an den Auszug der versklavten Israeliten aus Ägypten erinnert.
Tradition wird großgeschrieben

Jüdischen Museums Berlin

Wir freuen uns, eine Auswahl an Videos über die Sammlungen, Ausstellungen, Aktivitäten und Themen des Jüdischen Museums Berlin zeigen und teilen zu können.


focus online


Deutsche Welle

Deutsche Welle is Germany’s international broadcaster, producing TV, radio and Internet programming for you in 30 languages – wherever you are in the world (YouTube programming in German).

Jüdische Musik

International Holocaust Remembrance Day videos

»Jüdisches Museum Berlin, Die Erschaffung der Welt« — Ausstellungseröffnung am 3.4.2014

»Die Erschaffung der Welt« — Illustrierte Handschriften aus der Braginsky Collection
Sonderausstellung vom 4.4.2014 bis 3.8.2014

Der Schwerpunkt der Sammlung liegt auf illustrierten Handschriften, die im 18. Jahrhundert in Mittel- und Nordeuropa entstanden und einen Höhepunkt der jüdischen Handschriftenkunst darstellen.

Weitere ausführliche Informationen zur Ausstellung auf der Website des Jüdischen Museums Berlin:


Shraga Elam

Das Gespräch wurde am 9. Juli 2014 aufgenommen.


R. Jaron Engelmayer,Rav Dani Fabian,R. Marcel Bordon,R.Yitchak Ziskind,R. Yechiel Brukner, und mehr…….

lecture , Veranstaltungen the Jewish Museum Berlin

Chabad Berlin: Schabbat Nugget mit Rabbiner Yehuda Teichtal. Oktober 8., 2014

and more…..

Rabbiner Mendel Schtroks

Chabad Berlin: Schabbat Nugget mit Rabbiner Yehuda Teichtal. Oktober 2., 2014


Bet Halevi – Golan Yonatan

Israel Tourism  Israel Active Interest Tour

Ralph Giordano

Yiddish Lessons

Shiur mit Rav Albert Shamonov.

Jüdischer Kultursommer 2011 Sephardische Melodie – Max Doehlemann Jazz Trio

Konzert Max Doehlemann Jazz Trio mit Saxofonen
Jüdischer Kultursommer im Jüdischen Museum Berlin, 2011
“Sefardische Melodie”
animrecip2 (zur Startseite)

“Schalom” heißt die wöchentliche Sendung des Landesverbandes der Israelitischen Kultusgemeinden

Die 14ten Europäischen Makkabi-Spiele – 15.05.2015

Wer zur Mehrheitsgesellschaft gehört, kann das nur bedingt nachfühlen, wie das ist, ein anderer zu sein, in der Schulklasse, im Kollegenkreis, fast überall. Umso wichtiger sind Gleichgesinnte. Im Sommer treffen sich (zum ersten Mal) in Berlin rund 2000 jüdische Sportler und Sportlerinnen zur größten jüdischen Sportveranstaltung in Europa, zu den 14ten Europäischen Makkabi-Spielen. Tobias Kühn über die Vorbereitungen.

Palästinensische Kinder beim Arzt in Israel – 08.05.2015

Silke Fries erzählt uns die Geschichte von Júval Roth. Einem israelischen Helfer, der Grenzen überschreitet und palästinensische Kinder medizinisch versorgt. Sowie Parascha “Emór” von Rabbiner Joel Berger.

“Wenn ich das KZ überlebt habe, werde ich auch das überleben” – 24.04.2015

“Wenn ich das KZ überlebt habe, werde ich auch das überleben”. Tibor Sands – Budapest, KZ Buchenwald, KZ Flossenbürg, Todesmarsch nach Dachau und dann gefeierter Fotograf und gefragter Kameramann in Hollywood. Thomas Muggenthaler über das Leben und Über-Leben von Tibor Sands.
Sowie Parascha von Rabbiner Joel Berger.

Einer der letzten Auschwitz-Prozesse – 17.04.2015

Am kommenden Dienstag steht in Lüneburg Oskar Gröning (93) vor Gericht. Der SS-Mann ist angeklagt wegen Beihilfe zum Mord in 300 000 Fällen. Ein Beitrag von Silke Fries. Sowie Parascha von Rabbiner Joel Berger.

“Jukebox. Jewbox! Ein jüdisches Jahrhundert auf Schellack und Vinyl” – 10.04.2015

“Jukebox. Jewkbox! Ein jüdisches Jahrhundert auf Schellack und Vinyl” – Ulrich Trebbin hat sich die neue Ausstellung im Jüdischen Museum München am Jakobsplatz für uns angesehen. Sowie Parascha von Rabbiner Joel Berger.

“Pésach 5775” in Regensburg – 03.04.2015

Pésach 5775. Thomas Muggenthaler hat sich für uns im Gemeindehaus Regensburg umgehört, wie man dort die beiden Seder-Abende heute und morgen feiert. Sowie Parascha von Rabbiner Joel Berger.

Jüdische Gemeinde “Beth Schalom” – 27.03.2015

20 Jahre liberale jüdische Gemeinde “Beth Shalom”. Münchens liberale Juden haben letzten Sonntag ihr Jubiläum gefeiert – im Festsaal der orthodoxen IKG. Ein Beitrag von Barbara Weiß. Sowie Parascha von Rabbiner Joel Berger.

Judentum in Baiersdorf – 20.03.2015

Vor 150 Jahren haben 440 Juden im mittelfränkischen Baiersdorf gelebt und waren ein Drittel der Bevölkerung. Thomas Senne ist mit dem Heimatforscher Horst Gemeinhardt durch die Stadt gegangen

Purim 5775 – 06.03.2015

Was steckt hinter Purim, dem Losfest – und wie wurde im Lauf der Geschichte die Purim-Geschichte ausgelegt und umgedeutet. Kathrina Edinger hat nachgeforscht. Sowie Parascha von Rabbiner Joel Berger.

Wie lebt man nach der Erfahrung im KZ weiter? – 27.02.2015

Wie lebt man nach der Erfahrung im KZ weiter? Elsa Weiss hat Ghetto und vier KZ überlebt. Ein Beitrag von Kristina Dumas, sowie die Parascha Tezawe von Joel Berger.

“Jewrovision” in Köln – 20.02.2015

Die “Jewrovison 2015” unter dem Motto “Make A Difference” beginnt am Wochenende in Köln. Durch das jüdische Musik- und Tanz-Spektakel führt der Berliner Rapper Ben Salomo. Gerald Beyrodt hat sich mit ihm getroffen. Sowie Parascha von Rabbiner Joel Berger.

“Jewrovision” in Köln – 20.02.2015

Die “Jewrovison 2015” unter dem Motto “Make A Difference” beginnt am Wochenende in Köln. Durch das jüdische Musik- und Tanz-Spektakel führt der Berliner Rapper Ben Salomo. Gerald Beyrodt hat sich mit ihm getroffen. Sowie Parascha von Rabbiner Joel Berger.

Endstation: der Wald von Bi?ernieki – 13.02.2015

Endstation: der Wald von Bi?ernieki. Die Ermodung deutscher Juden in Riga. Ein Beitrag von Julia Smilga. Sowie Parascha “Mischpatim” von Rabbiner Joel Berger.

Mehr Transparenz und Effektivität – Aufbruch der IKG Nürnberg – 06.02.2015

Thomas Senne berichtet über die Kehliáh in Nürnberg, über eine Gemeinde mitten im Aufbruch. Sowie Parascha “Jitro” von Rabbiner Joel Berger. (zur Startseite)Bucharajuden – Der letzte Rabbi von Buchara – 30.01.2015

Vor etwa 2600 Jahren zogen aus der Gefangenschaft freigelassener Juden nach Usbekistan, in das damaligen Handelszentrum Buchara. Heute gibt es in Buchara nur noch eine verschwindend kleine jüdische Gemeinschaft. Julia Smilga war auf Spurensuche in Usbekistan. Sowie Parascha von Rabbiner Joel Berger.

Leon Weintraub – Überlebender des Rassenwahns – 23.01.2015

Leon Weintraub hat nicht nur Auschwitz überlebt, sondern auch Getto Litzmannstadt, die Konzentrationslager in Groß-Rosen, Flossenbürg und Natzweiler und den Todesmarsch. Thomas Muggenthaler hat mit dem “Überlebenden des Rassenwahns” gesprochen. Sowie Parascha von Rabbiner Joel Berger.


Rabbanim Shiurim

Rav Joseph Pardes


Section 24Jewish funny videos : 24JEWISH ALERTS large selection videos and feeds in each section





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The Office – the Yiddish Office parody

Coming soon! As The National Yiddish Theatre – Folksbiene approaches 100, we thought we’d share that journey with you. Completely unscripted, you’ll be thrown into the incredibly busy,sometimes confusing, and often hilarious world of professional theatre with the country’s premier Yiddish arts Institution. Stay turned as we prepare to launch to pilot episode this summer!
Director, Marketing Communications: Christopher Massimine

Oorah Prank Prize Rap

We may have been pranked, but we are proud of it!
We give these bochurim a lot of credit for coming up with a very innovative way to order prizes!
You can order prizes in your own rap by calling 877-7-Auction or go to
We salute Tova G. for being super cool about it.

The Fiveish Dance 2 – In Israel! See Oorah’s Fiveish and freinds perform the world famous Fiveish Dance all over Israel.

Dance The Fiveish! from Oorah’s Shmorg Everybody is dancing the Fiveish, Oorah! and now you can too! Get your free fivish by donating $260 to Oorah’s Auction. Get your very own copy of the Shmorg 3 by donating $36!

Oorah’s Fiveish And Friends from Shmorg 4 – Fiveish Get’s Ready For Shabbos

Oorah presents “Fiveish and Friends”,
Join Fiveish and his friends as they prepare for Shabbos!

Jewish Lady Gaga Parody – Chagaga!! – Jewish (& Frum) Lady Gaga

Yeshiva Tiferes Torah(YTT) ..Lag Ba’omer ….Cutler Boys


Playing Hasidic Yiddish Women – FUNNY YIDDISH JOKE

Playing Hasidic Yiddish Women – FUNNY YIDDISH JOKE

Teaser Lag Ba’Omer 2015 : Hashomer Hatzaïr


Jewish Mothers Question & Answer

Elie Semoun

Discovery Family Daytime: Orangutan plays with tiger cubs


להקת היום השמיני – יאלילי – הקליפ הרשמי

אנו מודיעים שאין אנו בעלי זכויות היוצרים אלא הזמר או מפיקו

בוגרי בית הספר לקולנוע יהודי בעולם הקולנוע

המכללה לאומנויות ‘תורת החיים’

שיר התהלוכה – ל”ג בעומר – חב”ד

ביום ל”ג בעומר מקיימים מאות בתי חב”ד בישראל אירועי הפנינג לילדים בכל רחבי הארץ • קליפ מוזיקה לשיר התהלוכה • צפו ושתפו את החברים

Twins from France Chabad Twin Video at Upshernish Hair Cutting Ceremony

Госсекретарь США сделал селфи со слоненком

Госсекретарь США Джон Керри в ходе официального визита в Кению сделал селфи со слоненком. Импровизированная фотосессия главного дипломата Соединенных Штатов состоялась в приюте для слонов в Национальном парке Найроби.

Achmed the Dead Terrorist Goes to Israel | Jeff Dunham: All Over the Map




The Israeli Palestinian Comedy Tour

Stand-up comedy collective Israeli Palestinian Comedy Tour takes a self-effacing and fresh look at loaded issues.

Israel Student Comedy Competition 2014 (1 of 2)

Israel Student Comedy Competition 2014 (2 of 2)

Jerusalem Open Mic – Comedy, Poetry & Music

Ces images ont vraiment marqué le monde entier !

Ces images très touchantes montrent qu’il y a encore de l’humanisme dans ce monde. La planète entière en a été émue, vous aurez votre dose à coups sur.

Accent – Hatikvah (Israeli National Anthem)

Today we take on a bit of a different project: the national anthem. Interestingly, it’s not from one of our 5 native countries. This evening marks the beginning of Yom Ha’atzmaut, Israeli Independence Day, so we decided to honor Israel with this original rendition of their anthem. It would be a great goal for us to record all national anthems of the world!
Happy 67th birthday, Israel!

imitation Douer David Oiknine yom atsmaout yabne

Controlling Emotions: A Lesson from Angry Birds

Do angry birds have a choice to be angry?

לירן יקוטי&לויס אפוטה – טקס המשואות יום העצמאות 2015

פורטל בידור ופנאי –
טקס המשואות יום העצמאות 2015 שלושה קטעים קורעים.
לירן יקוטי העמוד הרשמי & לויס אפוטה העמוד הרשמי

עצמאות. יום העצמאות. חג עצמאות שמח!

יום עצמאות שמח!
גרפינס טישרטים מעוצבים ומתנות מאוירות

המתנחל – עונת הבחירות – קליפ סיום עונה

חנוך דאום המתנחל – עונת הבחירות – קליפ סיום עונה

Making the Israeli Wedding Band: the Documentary

A comedic documentary, produced and developed by Funkbox productions, in Jerusalem.
English subtitles have been added where there is Hebrew.
Two wedding video guys decide they would rather be a wedding band, in spite of the fact that neither of them know how to play a musical instrument.

Israeli Comedy Saddam Hussein Interview Subtitled

HOT Israeli mossad funny commercial

Israeli GPS Commercial

Israeli TV: GPS Commercial – Funny if a little Irreverent.

YES HDTV – Chassidic commercial

Rabbi Jacob dance – Bar Mitsva Daniel (5).avi

Bar Mitsva Daniel – בר מצווה של דניאל
Bnei Sim’ha – Yossef Harakdan – 054-5244525
בני שמחה – יוסף הרקדן – 054-5244525

Jewish Wedding (and Mitzvahs): An Unexpected Surprise!

You won’t believe who “crashes” this beautiful Jewish Wedding! Click SUBSCRIBE & see their fun B’nai Mitzvah surprise appearances! View our other videos.

Fiddler on the roof – Bottle dance

Bottle Dance (Wedding Dance)

Bottle Dancers – New York

These talented, high-energy dancers will add a joyous and traditional touch to your wedding, bar/bat mitzvah, other simcha or private or corporate affair. (Are you listening, Republican National Convention!??)

Hasidic Bottle Dance – the amazing bottle dancers

A Hasidic Bottle Dance performed by the Amazing Bottle Dancers ( at Glen Burtnik’s Xmas Xtravaganza at the State THeatre in New Brunswick, NJ, 12/06.

משהו גדול מגיע לירושלים – כביש מס’ 1 החדש

פרויקט בניית כביש מס’ 1 החדש נמצא בעיצומו ובסופו נהנה כולנו מנסיעה מהירה, בטוחה ונוחה בציר התנועה הוותיק והחשוב ביותר במדינה – כביש הגישה לבירה. הפרויקט הענק כולל הוספת נתיב שלישי לאורך קטע של 16.5 ק”מ משער הגיא עד הכניסה לירושלים, שדרוג מחלפים, הרחבת השוליים, ביטול סיבוב מוצא ובניית גשרים במקומו, כריית מנהרות וסלילת כביש מהיר תת-קרקעי מתחת לרכס הראל ועוד שורה של עבודות לשיקום נופי, תאורה ושילוט אלקטרוני.

Pranking Your Friends…With Science

Prank your friends with these incredible tricks that work using science!

Check out more awesome BuzzFeedBlue videos!

Everyday Objects Dancing On Sound

“I’m pickin’ up good vibrations”

Pub sixt biggestinisrael nov2012ok

Pub sixt insurance nov2012

Pub sixt nov2012OK

Bibilou Yatsanou Mimitsrayim ! (Humour)


ניקוי ראש – חד גדיא

מערכון שכתב חתולי (אלי שרייבר) מתוך תוכנית 3, 6.6.1974.
משתתפים: טוביה צפיר (הרב הראשי עובדיה יוסף), שמעון לב ארי (הרב הראשי שלמה גורן), שבתאי קונורטי (ח”כ יצחק רפאל), דובי גל (ח”כ זבולון המר), אהרון אלמוג (ח”כ יוסף בורג).

מעשנים?! לי זה לא מתאים-פרויקט הלהקה 2, בשיתוף האגודה למלחמה בסרטן

אנדרדוס – אחד מי יודע

יוצרים: אנדרדוס – מתן צור, אשר בן אבו, נדב נוה, יאיר יעקבי
אהבתם? הצטרפו לדף הפייסבוק שלנו וקבלו מידע על הופעות!

Fiveish in Flight – AMAZING 3D Animation – Full Feature Trailer

Oorah just upped the level of Jewish entertainment in a BIG way, with a full featured 3D animated film!
Join Fiveish & co. as they fly off on a journey full of excitement, danger, and a whole lot of laughs!

Pesaj 5775 – Lamroth Hakol


Etgar Yoram Hen 24 1 2015

7 Hours fun biking in the Israeli Negev desert. The winter brought with it a new life and blossom to the desert.

Der Albtraum von Peace Now

Hand in Hand With Israel

Let’s wipe out hunger this Pesach. Say YES to YES (Yad Ezra v’Shulamit). Donate now! -…
Yad Ezra V’Shulamit is one of the largest Jewish charities in the world. We provide thousands of food baskets that are delivered to the hungry weekly.

PASSOVER SPACE – Taylor Swift “Blank Space” Passover Parody

Ari Blau: “Passover Space.”
Taylor Swift: “Blank Space” Parody!

Google Exodus – Passover movie

Passover like you’ve never experienced before

If you liked our Google Exodus Passover video, you’ll love our weekly newsletter – sign up today here (privacy guaranteed):

שיר מחנה קיץ 2014-שבט אופק

Dating Advice From Bubbe and Zayde

For you, a little mazel: In honor of Sweetheart’s Day (February 14), we have some dating advice to those seeking love at any age from experts who have seen it all before. Sympathetic and wise; practical and nurturing; funny and sweet — seniors at the Los Angeles Jewish Home make the perfect matchmakers. They know from experience what it takes to light a spark and turn it into a flame.

The Maccabeats – Dayenu – Passover

Music video for “Dayenu,” a multi-genre twist on the classic Passover Seder song.
For lyrics and translation click here:


Wonders of Hashem #2 – Under the Sea

Ari and his Abba are off on another fun adventure! This time, their travels take them under the ocean! What is there to see under the sea?

Come along as they learn about the many species of fish and other creatures found in the sea and learn about the AMAZING WONDERS OF HASHEM. This FUN, exciting and educational
DVD is packed with JOKES, “FASCINATING FACTS” and “IN THE TORAH” highlights! Your children will laugh and learn NEW THINGS EACH TIME THEY WATCH IT!

Featuring cartoon animation, film footage of fabulous fish images and AMAZING graphics.

Recommended for children ages 3 and up.

For more videos, games, and books go to

Batmoses – Freedom Rises


A.K.A. Pella Presents: 2014- A Pesach Medley

Here it is, the Pesach parody you’ve all been waiting for… times six! Six awesomely reimagined songs, rolled together into one fun medley, expressed in this hilarious music video! Oh, and did we mention? It’s all a cappella!!! We’re sure you’re going to love it, and hope you spread the love far and wide! On behalf of Team A.K.A. Pella, we would like to wish a Chag sameach/Gut Yom Tov/Happy Passover to all!

1,000 Dance Shake & Donate on Main Street, Ridgefield, CT

On November 22, 2014, approximately 1,000 people gathered to dance on Main Street in Ridgefield, CT to Taylor Swift’s “Shake It Off in support Parkinson’s disease. This is what it looked like.
 clip-Passover Funk

24Jewish Video Jewish Clip of the Day ! Passover Funk – “Uptown Funk” PARODY , Part 2 Section on the right side, Aish Video,., Great Videos Selection


24Jewish Video Jewish Clip of the Day ! Six13 – Uptown Passover, Part 2 Section on the right side, Six13,., Great Videos Selection

Orthodox Jew High Fiving Strangers in NYC

Looking for a taxi cab is a common sight in the city. For some people, an outstretched arm is usually the sign for hailing a cab. A few other folks see it as something else.

Dancing Behind People in Jerusalem

Directed/Starring: Meir Kalmanson

Crank That Kosha Boy by Eric Schwartz aka Smooth-E

Jewz N The Hood

Clip from the short film By Joshua Stern, “JEWZ N THE HOOD”
Starring Adam Shapiro, Anthony Leeds, Ben Goldstein, Ben Newmark, Simon Chernin, Chuck Carter, Jonathan Murphy, and Joe Egender

אנדרדוס – מר פודלמן – ביעור חמץ

יוצרים: אנדרדוס – נדב נוה, מתן צור, אשר בן אבו, יאיר יעקבי
אהבתם? הצטרפו לדף הפייסבוק שלנו וקבלו מידע על הופעות!


Prince of Egypt Mash up
All video and cinematic copyright belongs to Dreamworks and Paramount Studios.
Song performed by Shtar

Things Not To Say On A Shidduch Date – Bloopers

RebbeSoul – “Let My People Go” (Official Music Video)

New Video 4/14 for REBBESOUL “Let My People Go” in honor of 2014 Passover.

Directed by: Stephen Estey & Atif Ekulona

Yidcore – Dayenu דַּיֵּנוּ

Remedy – Exodus

מה, אתה לא מלך?!

danzas Judias en plena calle de Jerusalem. mp4

flash mob – hora jerusalem פלאש מוב הורה ירושלים

Updated Jerusalem YMCA FlashMob (Official)

The Jerusalem International YMCA members and friends celebrate the holiday season at the outdoor Mamilla Mall just outside the walls of the old city and down the street from the JIY

פלאשמוב אחד במאי – נחלת בנימין תל אביב 2010 – May Day Flashmob

ריקוד ‘פלאש מוב’ בירושלים – Flash Mob Michael Jackson Dance in Jerusalem, Israel

Jerusalem Flash Mob – Taglit Birthright-Israel: Mayanot

Updated Jerusalem YMCA FlashMob (Official)

Anger over Singer Lipa Schmeltzer in IDF Uniform: Hassidic Singer Upsets Haredi Jews

They Tried To Kill Us (We Survived, Let’s Eat!) [The Passover Song]

Best Seder in the USA (The Passover Song)

Jewish Treats and @JewishTweets invite you to the “Best Seder in the USA”!

I Will Survive – Hilarious Pesach Cleaning Song With Lyrics

I do not own this song. This song is from the album Jewish Housewives. Lyrics by Estee Stimler. Starring Marion Hermes, Ayelet the Kosher Komic and Caroline Cohen. I just added the images and lyrics so that it can be shared here 🙂
Disclaimer: It’s a female singing…

Stuff People say on Pesach

A.K.A. Pella Presents: 2014- A Pesach Medley

The Maccabeats – Les Misérables – Passover

The Pesach Blues from Oorah’s Shmorg

Dayenu, Coming Home – The Fountainheads Passover Song

Six13 – P-A-S-S-O-V-E-R

Six13 – Chozen (A Passover Tribute)


Envisioning Freedom – Passover Video

Jew Direction – “Not Slaves Anymore” Passover Parody of Katy Perry’s “Roar” ✡D

Are you Smarter than a 10 year old Passover Dilemma

The Chumrah Song

Lev Aryeh 2015 Purim Teaser (NEW VIDEO)

Shoshanas Yaakov – Lev Aryeh 2015 (NEW) Purim Music Video – Catwalk

Six13 – P-A-S-S-O-V-E-R

Six13 – Pesach Shop (2013 Passover Jam)

Six13 – Chozen (A Passover Tribute)

The Mashal Man Treasury – AMAZING new trailer!

The Mashal Man Treasury features more than 3 hours of high-quality exciting entertainment! Your kids (and you!) will find themselves watching this over and over again, learning the incredible lessons that “The Mashal Man” teaches in his incredible, unique style.
Get yours TODAY with your Oorah Auction donation:

The 2015 Pesach Miracle

a Superio® Commercial

Superio, parent company to the Miracle household cleaning brand, presents this adorably creative commercial, which has been developed in celebration of Pesach 2015. Follow an animated incarnation of the final moments before kriyas yam suf, as the yidden stood trapped between the angry mitzri’im and the crashing sea.

Produced by GCNY Marketing and Co-produced Meedio Digital

ארץ נהדרת פסח 2015

קטע מתוך ארץ נהדרת לכבוד פסח שהי לכם פסח שמח

הגדה של פסח מצחיק!!!

Between Two Jews: The Inside Scoop To Travel Deals & Credit Card Points – Part 2

This week on “Between Two Jews” we bring you the inside on travel deals and credit card points with the CEO of Miles Marketeer Chaim Hertzel. Special thanks to Benshimon Studios for the filming location.

Stand Up Comedy By Reb Velvel Goldstein – Chatzatzka Rebbe

A Sneak Peak at Lifetimes New Series Kosher Soul

Old Jews Telling Jokes

Section Jewish Culture & Yiddish: 24JEWISH ALERTS large selection videos and feeds in each section





Section Jewish Parshat language hebrew, french, english, spanish, german, russian, Machon Meir, CHABAD, The Jewish Woman, YOUTH/TEENS SHIURIM &amp; COMMENTARIES


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Hava Nagila – Amrutam Gamaya – Music Mojo Season 3 – KappaTV

Hava Nagila by ‘Amrutam Gamaya’ a cover of “Hava Nagila” (הבה נגילה Havah Nagilah, “Let us rejoice”) an Israeli folk song traditionally sung at Jewish celebrations. It is considered to be perhaps the first modern Israeli folk song in the Hebrew language that has become a staple of band performers at Jewish weddings and Bar/Bat Mitzvahs.

The Lady Lifers: A moving song from women in prison for life

The ten women in this chorus have all been sentenced to life in prison. They share a moving song about their experiences — one that reveals their hopes, regrets and fears. “I’m not an angel,” sings one, “but I’m not the devil.” Filmed at an independent TEDx event inside Muncy State Prison, it’s a rare and poignant look inside the world of people imprisoned with no hope of parole.

TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world’s leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes (or less). Look for talks on Technology, Entertainment and Design — plus science, business, global issues, the arts and much more.

Lionel Rocheman – Margeritkele (Yiddish Song)

Lionel Rocheman – Margeritkele
from the album “Yiddisch Story”
released 1978 in France

Lionel Rocheman – Die Werbe (Yiddish Song) France 1978

Lionel Rochman – Die Werbe
from the album “Yiddisch Story”
released 1978 in France


Easy Rashi
Leshem yichud tefilin Anatomy of Tefillin

Yiddish lebt! (3) Tal Hever

Tal Hever Chybowski présente aux adhérents du groupe FB “Yiddish pour les Nuls”, les activités marquantes de la Maison de la Culture Yiddish pour le printemps et l’été 2015.
En Yiddish sous-titrés français

Yiddish lebt 2 Violette Szmajer

Yiddish lebt! Rochelle Zucker

 Israel by Drone


Dibbukim – Hinter dem tol (Live in Lund, Sweden) +++++
Swedish Klezmer/Yiddish Metal band, Dibbukim,

Tomb of Bnei Issachar

Cantor Benzion Miller Alberto Mizrahi And Naftali Hershtik Singing Tumbalalaika

Filmed Live At The Historic Portuguese Synagogue In Amsterdam

התקווה – HaTikva – Israel Anthem Song – ROCK VERSION BY NIRO KNOX

Performed Live 29.04.09 ID 61 Party in LONDON (J-Events)



Israel National Anthem (Hatikva) – Heavy Metal Instrumental

Once of the Greatest nation in the World. For Georgian-Israeli brotherhood.
My own Tribute – Heavy Metal Style Instrumental Version of Hatikva.

ברגע של האומה הגדולה ביותר בעולם. עבור האחים גאורגיה ישראל.
מחווה שלי – רוק כבד סגנון גרסה אינסטרומנטלית של התקווה.

Upshernish Jewish Traditional Hair Cutting Ceremony

erlin 1900 in colour!!!!

this is a video showing berlin, the german capital around the year 1900, although the last scenes are from 1914. ENJOY!

Berlin in July 1945 (HD 1080p color footage)

That’s how it looked like just after the Second World War in Berlin!

Fascinating moving pictures in color show the situation of the city in summer 1945, just after the Second World War and the capitulation of Germany. Daily life after years of war.

Pictures from the destroyed city, the Reichstag, Brandenburger Tor, Adlon, Führerbunker, Unter den Linden, rubble women working in the streets, the tram is running again.

A collage of archive material
produced by: Kronos Media

Voici à quoi ressemblait Berlin juste après la Seconde Guerre Mondiale !

Ces fascinantes vidéos en couleur nous montrent la situation de la ville lors de l’été 1945, directement après la Seconde Guerre Mondiale et la capitulation de l’Allemagne. Voici la vie quotidienne
des Berlinois après des années de guerre.

Les images nous dévoilent une ville détruite, le Reichstag, la porte de Brandebourg, l’hôtel Adlon, le bunker du Führer, l’avenue Unter den Linden, les femmes des ruines à l’œuvre dans les rues, et les trams à nouveau en fonctionnement.

Un assemblage d’images d’archive
production par Kronos Media

שירים מיוחדים

LvivKlezFest-2011 (телепередача Мазл Тов, 16.08.2011)

All-Ukrainian Jewish Charitable Foundation “Hesed-Arieh”

LvivKlezFest-2014. Гала-концерт Фестивалю, частина 1

film by Tader
13.07.2014 р., м.Львів, Львівська обласна Філармонія

ГАЛА-КОНЦЕРТ за участю клезмерських колективів з Ізраїлю, Великобританії, Латвії, Молдови, Німеччини, Польщі, Росії, США, України, Швеції.

Всеукраїнський єврейський благодійний фонд “Хесед-Ар’є”
вул. Котляревського, 30, м.Львів, 79013, Україна
тел.: +38 (032) 238-98-69, +38 (032) 238-98-61, +38 (032) 238-11-78

Naomi Less – Thank You

Sh’ma Yisrael – Listen Israel (Fran Gordon and Naomi Less and more ▶▶▶

What Happens When a Catholic Monk and Two Rabbis Get Real?

Jerusalem panorama from Mount of Olives

Taken by Roman Kriman (RomKri) for

Virtual Israel Touring – Into Robinson’s Arch mikveh

Rabbi Aryeh A. Leifert and take us into a Second Temple-era mikveh (Jewish ritual bath). For more information on Virtual Israel Touring, visit

Virtual Israel Touring

Rabbi Aryeh A. Leifert and

Ahavat Israel baneshama – אהבת ישראל בנשמה

AND MORE+++++++

Mix – אביהו מדינה – שבחי ירושלים

Elie Wiesel: In Hasidism – The Wonders of Rabbi,,and more+++++

Dan Nichols “Beyond” (live)

SHOMER ISRAEL Guardian De Israel HD Hebreo – Español

שמחה לארצך \ אסף נוה שלום

Jewish Prayer Songs שירי קדושה

Jewish Prayer Songs שירי קדושה

שירים על אמונה ואהבת ה’, זמירות שבת, שירי חגים לילדים, שירים רגועים ושמחים, למבוגרים ולילדים, להרגעת הלב, להרגשת הנשמה ולחיזוק האהבה והביטחון.
למעוניינים בשיעורים פרטיים בליווי, אילתור והלחנה בפסנתר, בירושלים, במחירים נוחים, ניתן להתקשר לאסף – 0509568116
Songs of Faith and Love of G-d, Sabbath songs, holiday songs for children, relaxed songs and happy songs, for adults and children, to
calm the heart, to calm the soul and strengthen the feeling of love, and Sanctity
Songs of Faith and Love de D.ieu, des chansons, des chansons sabbat de vacances pour enfants, chansons détendus et heureux, chansons pour enfants et adultes, pour calmer le cœur, pour calmer l’âme et de renforcer le sentiment d’amour et de sainteté
Canciones de la Fe y el Amor de Dios, canciones Sabbath, canciones de vacaciones para niños, canciones relajadas y canciones felices, para adultos y niños, para calmar el corazón, para calmar el alma y fortalecen el sentimiento de amor y santidad

ISRAEL MUSIC HISTORY Zionist Labor Movement 19th Century “Techezakna ” ביאליק ברכת עם

רס”ר ירון בן צבי — חיפשנו אתונות ויצאנו חמורים

ISRAEL MUSIC HISTORY WWII Jewish Brigade Music Farewell of Slavianka בין גבולות

פרשת הלמו: בועז גוטמן זוכה מחוסר אשמה,7340&#8230;
Attorney Boaz Guttman Acquitted Lack of Guilt Ynet 12/12/14

ISRAEL MUSIC HISTORY U.S. Army Band Hebrew Song סביבון בתזמורת צבא ארה”ב

פרשת הלמו: בועז גוטמן זוכה מחוסר אשמה,7340&#8230;
Attorney Boaz Guttman Acquitted Lack of Guilt Ynet 12/12/14

When the Rebbe saved three lives

Dr Harold Serebro is a leading medical practitioner, entrepreneur and author of several books.
He recalls how one a busy afternoon, a panicked Rabbi Bernhard walked into his Johannesburg practice holding a file of x-rays belonging to a congregant.
The Rabbi’s dilemma: Doctors were insisting on immediate surgery, but the Rebbe was of an entirely different opinion.
Living Torah Disc 134 Program 534

Hamilchama Ha’achrona – Yehoram Gaon

Beautiful song by Yehoram Gaon about the sacrifices of various units and divisions in the Israeli army during Israel’s wars. Enjoy!

Israel – We Wont Move From Here – מכאן

Achay Giborey Hatehilah – Shai Abramson / אחי גיבורי התהילה – שי אברמסון

אחי גיבורי התהילה – החזן הראשי לצה”ל סא”ל שי אברמסון
Achay Giborey Hatehilah – IDF Chief Cantor Ltc. Shai Abramson

לערוץ הרשמי של החזן הראשי לצה”ל:
לדף הרשמי בפייסבוק:

Hebrew Songs

V’haer Einenu written by Reb. Shlomo Carlebach. Yigdal Elohim Chai written by Kay Smith. Video produced by Luis and Jano Skinfill of Skinfill Entertainment Records, The Worship TV Channel.

Israel: Defying the Odds

Amazing facts about Israel
Taken from
Produced by Rabbi Ephraim Shore, one of the directors of Aish HaTorah Jerusalem, and the Israel Director for and the Hasbara Fellowships for campus Israel activism. Prior to making aliyah, he was Executive Director of Aish Miami and Aish Toronto.

Yom Haatzmaut 2015: So Many Reasons to Love Israel! | NBN

21.04.2015 &#8211; Thousands of Olim merit to live the dream of Aliyah. This is what they love about living in Israel. Get inspired this Israel Independence day!


Production Company: The Bakery, Yuval Nathan and Michael Patrick,
Music Composition: Tomer Biran,
Vocals: Ido Dankner
Acco Material: Shai Cohen and Jonathan Carmi,
Southern Israel Material: Icy Media,
Charter Flight Material: Jerusalem Media Group,

Thank you:
Nefesh B’Nefesh Staff
To the Olim who made this video possible
Aimee Loshinksy

Israel – what a beautiful country

The renewed growth of anti-Israeli attitudes is also irritating. Old and new resentments are being nurtured, revived, and advanced. Irraels will for self-defense and self-preservation is being distorted, and Israels right to act accordingly is being disputed. In this respect, our sympathy has certain priorities, and the latent left-wing anti-Zionism is shocking and annoying. Comparing Israelis with Nazis, calling their politics fascistic should in turn regard Germans as victims of an unaccepted defeat. Those who sell the terror initiated by the Palestinians as fight for freedom and who deny Israel the right for self-defense, who deny the positive sides of this one and only respectable justice system in the Near-East, nauseate us with their ideological untruthfulness.
Kategorie: Nachrichten & Politik

israel for ever

Are Your Lights On?!

Oorah kicks off a new weekly series with a thought-provoking look at the Torah portion of the week, Parshas Shmini, featuring TorahMates coordinator Rabbi Mordechai Beer. Short and to the point, guaranteed to fill your week with inspiration.

Zupfgeigenhansel – Lomir sich iberbetn (Yiddish Song)

Zupfgeigenhansel – Lomir sich iberbetn
from the album “Jiddische Lieder – ‘ch hob gehert sogn”
recorded 1979

Leonard Cohen – Un As Der Rebbe Singt – Vienna 1976

Leonard Cohen – Un As Der Rebbe Singt
Arena Vienna 1976 Jiddische Lieder

Als der rebe singt (if the rabbi sings)

Efim Aleksandrov sings.

Sephardic Jewish Israelis: Would you take Spanish/Portuguese citizenship?


מא תאקשי ביא * ריימונד אבקסיס

מא תאקשי ביא * ריימונד אבקסיס

אצולה מרוקאית
ריימונד אבקסיס, מייק קרוצ’י, נטע אלקיים
מנצח ראשי, מנהל מוסיקלי ומעבד: תום כהן

צילום ועריכה אבי נישניב

Becoming Frum: How Newcomers Learn the Language & Culture of Orthodox Judaism

In her book, “Becoming Frum: How Newcomers Learn the Language and Culture of Orthodox Judaism,” Sarah Bunin Benor describes how newly orthodox Jews have to adopt not only the laws and customs, but also new speech patterns.
Speaker Biography: Sarah Bun


talks to Soul Star about his Feature Documentary ‘SACRED SPERM’ which looks deeply & sensitively at an aspect of Ultra Orthodox Hasidic Judaism which is rarely discussed in public

Sacred Sperm – Rabbi Simcha Cohen

A glimpse from the editing suite
of documentary film “Sacred Sperm”

חומרים מחדר העריכה של הסרט “זרע קודש” – הרב שמחה כהן

טריילר לסרט התעודי “זרע קודש”
בכורה בישראל
פסטיבל הסרטים היהודי
סינמטק ירושלים

הרב יוסי מזרחי: תיקון הברית — הוצאת זרע לבטלה

חשיפה ראשונה לחינוך המיני בעולם החרדי – זרע הקודש

מסע אישי – חוויתי, מטלטל ומסקרן במהלכו יוצא הבמאי החרדי אור ישר ובנו המתבגר שהגיע לגיל חינוך, למסע בעקבות אחד מהאיסורים הקשים, החשובים והמורכבים ביותר ביהדות – הוצאת זרע לבטלה, שנחשב לעוון החמור ביותר ביהדות.

File:Yad Vashem BW 2.JPG


Janusz Korczak and the children, memorial at Yad Vashem

Janusz Korczak

From Wikipedia,

Janusz Korczak, the pen name of Henryk Goldszmit[1] (22 July 1878 or 1879 – August 7, 1942[2]), was a Polish-Jewish educator, children’s author, and pediatrician known as Pan Doktor (“Mr. Doctor”) or Stary Doktor (“Old Doctor”). After spending many years working as director of an orphanage in Warsaw, he refused freedom and stayed with his orphans when the institution was sent from the Ghetto to the Treblinka extermination camp, during the Grossaktion Warsaw of 1942.[3]   Photo by Wikipedia  Read More Button--orange

The Last Korczak Boy

Itzchak Belfer never really left Yanusz Korczak’s orphanage on Krochmalna Street in Warsaw, Poland. Even though he is now 90 years old, a well-known Israeli artist, he will always be little Itzchakele from Warsaw, and Korczak is always with him in thought and spirit. The Polish doctor and educator lives on in Belfer’s drawings and paintings, and Yanusz Korczak’s spirit dwells in the artist’s soul.

Belfer shares with us his amazingly clear memories from the orphanage on Krochmalna Street in pre-World War II Warsaw. He reveals Korczak’s unique view of children as, first of all, human beings to be treated with the same dignity and consideration as adults.

He warmly describes the work of Korczak and his assistant, Stepha Wilczyńska, at the orphanage, their love for the children and their total dedication to saving them, which led to their tragic end.

Janusz Korczak

(Source: Yad Vashem)…

(Pen name of Henryk Goldszmit; 1878/9-1942)

Polish Jewish doctor, author and educator. Born in Warsaw to an assimilated Jewish family, Korczak dedicated his life to caring for children, particularly orphans. He believed that children should always be listened to and respected, and this belief was reflected in his work. He wrote several books for and about children, and broadcast a children’s radio program. In 1912 Korczak became the director of a Jewish orphanage in Warsaw.

When World War II broke out in 1939, Korczak first refused to accept the German occupation and heed their regulations (consequently spending time in jail). However, when the Jews of Warsaw were forced to move into a ghetto, Korczak refocused his efforts on the children in his orphanage. Despite offers from Polish friends to hide him on the “Aryan” side of the city, Korczak refused to abandon the children.

On August 5, 1942, during a 2-month wave of deportations from the ghetto, the Nazis rounded up Korczak and his 200 children. They marched in rows to the Umschlagplatz with Korczak in the lead. He never abandoned his children, even to the very end. Korczak and the children were sent to Treblinka, where they were all murdered.

Israel Tel Aviv Museum of Art New Building

Tel Aviv Museum of Art opened its new building on November 2011.
The new building designed by Preston Scott Cohen — the head of Harvard University School of Architecture.

The Spielberg Jewish Film Archive – Morocco Music

Name: Morocco – Music of the Jews from North Africa
Year: 1994
Duration: 00:29:04
Language: English

Abstract: Part of the Israel Music Heritage Project. A look at the mixture of Arab melodies with Hebrew text that forms the basis of Moroccan Jewish music.

The Spielberg Jewish Film Archive –
The 500 films, selected for the virtual cinema, reflect the vast scope of documentary material collected in the Spielberg Archive. The films range from 1911 to the present and include home movies, short films and full length features.

שם: מרוקו: המוסיקה של יהודי צפון אפריקה
שנה: 1994
אורך: 00:29:04
שפה: אנגלית

תקציר: חלק מפרויקט המוסיקה של ישראל, “עם וצליליו”. המזיגה שבין מנגינות ערביות וטקסטים עבריים העומדת בבסיס המוסיקה היהודית המרוקנית.

ארכיון הסרטים היהודיים על שם סטיבן שפילברג –
חמש מאות הסרטים שנבחרו עבור הקולנוע הווירטואלי משקפים את ההיקף הנרחב של החומר התיעודי בארכיון שפילברג. באתר ישנם סרטים משנת 1911 ועד ימינו אלה ביתיים, קצרים ובאורך מלא.

כל הזכויות שמורות לארכיון הסרטים היהודיים על שם סטיבן שפילברג ולאוניברסיטה העברית בירושלים 2010; דף הבית;

דני רובס – משהו חדש מתחיל

Conversation with Noam Chomsky

John Nichols’ conversation with Prof. Noam Chomsky March 15, 2015 in Tucson, AZ as part of the 150th Anniversary of The Nation Magazine

Noam Chomsky, american terrorism Terrorism

15 ème Festival du Cinéma israélien de Paris


Cupcakes – Edmonton Jewish Film Festival 2015

***Edmonton Jewish Film Festival May 3-5 & 10-12, 2015***
Cupcakes – Tuesday May 12th, 2015 @ 9:15 PM at Landmark Cinemas 9 City Centre Edmonton

Natalie Portman speaking Hebrew

עברי לידר – ילדות והעיר הגדולה

סינגל רביעי מתוך האלבום החדש ‘האהבה הזאת שלנו’, לרכישת השיר ולהזמנת האלבום:

Edon – “Clarity” (by Zedd ft. Foxes)

Edon – “Clarity” available now on iTunes:

Directed/Edited by Nick Brazinsky:
Produced by Fox & The Mule Productions:
Recorded at Dr. Caw Recording:
Mixed/Mastered by Drew Mantia at CarterCo Recording:

Allegra Montanari – Cello
Ken Elsenbroek – Drum Pads

Original composition of “Clarity” by Zedd ft. Foxes

Singing Khad Gadyo (Chad Gadya) in Yiddish and Ladino

Singing Chad Gadya in Yiddish and Ladino from Yiddish Book Center.

Boris Rubinstein sings part of the traditional Passover song in two

Anthony Russell, Yiddish Opera Singer

Anthony Russell, singer, describes his artistic journey from opera to Yiddish folk song.

To learn more about the Yiddish Book Center’s Wexler Oral History Project, visit:

Shalom Rav – Kol B’Seder with Zamir

from a live concert with the Zamir Chorale of Boston at Sanders Theatre, Cambridge, MA, June 3, 2007

Jewish Prayer Songs שירי קדושה

اجمل اغاني يهوديه من التراث اليمني  Yemeni Jewish

Aharon Amram – Subhanak אהרון עמרם – סובחאנך yemen music

زيون جولان – اهلا بمن جا אהלאן במן גא – ציון גולן

Tsion Golan ( Zion Golan ) – Ahlan Bmn Ja – Yemenite Song


احلا رقص على اغنية يمنية روعة بصوت الفنانة اليهودية شمعة مالسبب مالسبب

Beautiful song voice Yemeni Jewish singer Candle
נרות יפים שיר קול תימני יהודים הזמר

The Exodus as Cultural Memory- Ron Hendel

Ron Hendel Ph.D., Norma and Sam Dabby Professor of Hebrew Bible and Jewish Studies, University of California at Berkeley
The Exodus is a central event in biblical and Jewish memory. But according to the archaeological and historical record, it is unclear what it is a memory of. I propose that it is, in part, a transformed memory of the demise of the Egyptian Empire in Canaan, which facilitated the emergence of Israel as an independent people. The story served as an engine of a distinctive cultural identity, a function that it continues to perform today.

Omer Meir Wellber & Filarmonica della Fenice at a rehearsal ++++

Omer Meir Wellber, Conductor & Composer.

Bente Kahan

From Wikipedia

Bente Kahan (born 1958) is a Norwegian solo vocalist best known for her renditions and productions of Yiddish folk music and plays. For years she has lived and worked in Poland.  Photo by Wikipedia  Read More Button--orange



Bente Kahan

פסח חג החרות | יובל דיין

Hanalisa Omer- Yosef Begun- Jerusalem exhibit: “My Journey as an Artist”

The colors of Jerusalem

Visit the biggest archive of Jerusalem Photos –


Lia van Leer

From Wikipedia,

Lia van Leer (Hebrew: ליה ון ליר‎, August 8, 1924 – March 13, 2015) was a pioneer in the field of art film programming and film archiving in Israel. She was the founder of the Haifa Cinematheque, the Jerusalem Cinematheque, the Israel Film Archive and theJerusalem Film Festival.

Lia van Leer (Greenberg) was born on August 8, 1924 in the Bessarabian city of Bălți, then in Romania, now in Moldova. Her father, Simon Greenberg, was a wheat exporter and her mother, Olga, was a WIZO volunteer. She attended a public high school and spent summer holidays in the Carpathian mountains. In 1940, her parents sent her to Palestine to visit her sister Bruria, a dentist, who had immigrated in 1936 and was living in Tel Aviv. She never saw her parents again.[1] In July 1941, the Germans occupied Beltsy and murdered her father and other Jewish community leaders. Her mother and grandmother were deported to Transnistria and died in a concentration camp. Lia moved to Jerusalem in 1943 to attend the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. In 1952, she married Wim Van Leer, a Dutch engineer, pilot, playwright and film producer, and settled in Haifa.[2] They founded the country’s first film club in 1955.Read More Button--orange

ליה ון ליר בפתיחת סינמטק ירושלים המחודש 2007 Lia Van Leer

פתיחת סינמטק ירושלים המחודש בקיץ 2007 היה אחד ההישגים החשובים של ליה ון ליר. לסינמטק נוסף אגף חדש ובו שני אולמות חדישים ושטחי האיכסון של אוסף הסרטים הורחבו. בסרט קצר זה תיעדתי את ליה באחד הרגעים השמחים בחייה.באמצע שנות השמוים לחייה היתה שופעת מרץ ורעיונות לקידום תרבות הקולנוע בישראל ובמיוחד בירושלים. אני רוצה להאמין שהסינמטק יקרא על שמה. “סינמטק ירושלים ע”ש ליה ון ליר”

ליה ון ליר – הגברת הראשונה של תעשיית הקולנוע בישראל – מברכת את הבמה הרעיונית ה – 2 של א.מ.י.ר.

ליה ון ליר, כלת פרס ישראל והגברת הראשונה של תעשיית הקולנוע בישראל, מספרת על אהבתה לקולנוע, זיכרונות מבית אמא ברומניה, מביעה דעה על הקולנוע הרומני ומברכת על הישגי קהילת יהודי רומניה.
הראיון התקיים במסגרת הבמה הרעיונית השנייה ע”ש יצחק ארצי ז”ל של ארגון א.מ.י.ר. – ארגון מאוחד של יוצאי רומניה בישראל הדואג לשימור והנצחת מורשת יהדות רומניה ומנציח את הישגי קהילת יהודי רומניה בישראל ותרומתם למדינה.
במה זו התמקדה בתרומת יהדות רומניה למדינת ישראל בתחומי התרבות והתקשורת.
28.11.13 – כפר המכביה , ר”ג

One Day / Israel

On a journey in the Middle East, brothers Robert and Adam Kolodny (from the Brooklyn based production explored the diverse adventure that is the State of Israel and the region it exists in. They went with a group then later went off backpacking, staying with friends they met along the journey and at hostels. This is the document of what was observed on this journey through one of the most complex, misunderstood, important and beautiful places in the world. This film is a message of hope and equality.
Shot on location in Jerusalem, The West Bank, Haifa, The Negev, Tel Aviv, Nazareth, Tiberias, Netanya, Golan Heights, Tsfat and Hebron.


There’s so much more to 21st century Israel than the conflict that dominates media coverage.
The reality of daily life in Israel is about commerce and research; art and culture; music and dance; community and family. Through ISRAEL21c’s original and aggregated content, we hope to convey this vibrancy to you.

לאטמה -למה שתתעצבן לבד?

אם גם אתה אלרגי לתקשורת הישראלית
אתה מוזמן להצטרף למועדון,
למה שתתעצבן לבד ?
לאטמה בפייסבוק
לאטמה בטוויטר

Going to Freedom

About The JWRP

Now Live!

Passover: Seeing The True You

27.03.2015 Tzvi Sytner
Breaking free from your inner slave mentality. (Just Breathe video blog)

“Voodoo Chile”, Lazer Lloyd in Jerusalem

“Voodoo Chile”, Lazer Lloyd in Jerusalem

Lazer Lloyd

Jew in the City

How Much Do People Know About Orthodox Jews? (Man on the Street )
How much does your average New Yorker know about Orthodox Jews? Find out here!
Filmed by Arielle Burstein, edited by
Outfit by

TEL AVIV Waterfront Cities of the World Discovery Channel new HD full documentary

Sparks Next

Founded in 2009, Sparks Next has fast made a name for itself, raising the bar in the world of cinematography. Founded by filmmaker Danny Finkelman, a Manhattan Beach resident, Sparks Next has brought a previously unprecedented level of professionalism to the Jewish entertainment business, with its staff of young and talented filmmakers, an award winning screenwriter and world renowned musicians.
A boutique production house, Sparks Next scripts, produces, shoots and edits every project from start to finish and has worked with virtually every major artist in the Jewish music industry. Sparks’ list of credits is long and varied and includes the ensemble video Unity for Justice, which featured over 40 Jewish music stars in an effort to raise awareness and funds for Sholom Rubashkin, The Japan Song, filmed on site at the Chiba Detention Center, and Rainbow in the Night, a short retrospective of the Holocaust created to educate today’s youth about the horrors of World War II.

KOLture Shock Hatikva – קולצ’ר שוק התקוה

KOLture Shock and Im Tirtzu teamed up for a flash mob on the Jerusalem light rail right before the Israeli elections.

Idan Raichel Project – “Ayal Ayale” (Live)

The Idan Raichel Project is an Israeli musical collective that features singers from Ethiopia, and a cross-cultural roster of Yemenite, Arab, African and Caribbean musicians. Superstars in Israel, The Idan Raichel Project is about to release their music worldwide on the new Cumbancha label, which was founded by the longtime head of A&R at Putumayo World Music. Visit for more information.

Abraham G-Medhin and Solomon Haile Tribute Song to Meles Zenawi

The late Prime Minister of Ethiopia, Meles Zenawi, was a dynamic and visionary leader who left his marks not just on Ethiopia but also on the continent of Africa as a whole. RIP Meles.

Abraham Gebremedhin

Matzo in Samarkand


On the same page: first ever group of women complete full Talmud study

For the first time since 1923, daily Talmud study group learned and taught exclusively by women completes 7.5 year cycle this week.

Laurence Sherr, Sonata for Cello and Piano–Mir zaynen do!, World premiere

Holocaust remembrance composition utilizing songs from the ghettos, camps, and partisans as source material

Premiere performance at University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Jan. 15, 2015 (video timeline below)
Karen Becker, cello
Jay Mauchley, piano

00:55 Sherr comments: “Favored and Forbidden”

3 source songs for Sherr’s Sonata, Kate Butler, mezzo-soprano
04:12 Ilse Weber, Wiegala
08:14 Zog nit keynmol
10:30 Yugnt himn

13:00 Sherr comments and performer demo: Sonata for Cello and Piano, movement III

Laurence Sherr, Sonata for Cello and Piano–Mir zaynen do!, World premiere
18:50 I. Resolute
26:06 II. From Another World
34:50 III. Partisan March

The Synagogue Experience: Beth Sholom Synagogue

The Synagogue Experience is a series of thirteen documentary shorts that immerse visitors in post-World War II synagogue architecture, a period of great diversity and inspiration as American Jews began to express themselves through the construction of monumental synagogue edifices. Featuring breathtaking timelapse photography and interviews with synagogue congregants and clergy, the films delve into the meaning and symbolism of the unparalleled architectural work of such esteemed architects as Frank Lloyd Wright, Percival Goodman, William Harrison and Max Abramovitz, and Minoru Yamasaki. Beyond the architecture, the films also reveal how the distinct characteristics of Jewish communities from New York to Texas to California manifested in the diverse architectural expression evident in the films. An interactive touchscreen in the gallery allows visitors select the film they would like to see projected.

Chabad Hebrew School Pesach 2015

Chabad of the Lehigh Valley celebrates Pesach with a chocolate seder and games that were so much fun!

midnight rabbi

Bulletproof Stockings, All Women Band, Offering Hope Through Melodies
JP Updates
The music begun to flow, catching fire, as the media became more interested in this “Jewish band”, their backgrounds deeply rooted in traditional …


Popular Bulletproof Stockings Videos


Section Jewish History , 24JEWISH ALERTS large selection in each section



Section Jewish Parshat language h

ebrew, french, english, spanish, german, russian, Machon Meir, CHABAD, The Jewish Woman, YOUTH/TEENS SHIURIM &amp; COMMENTARIES

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Alice Somer Herz – 108 Year Old Holocaust Survivor – Interviewed by Bernard Hiller

Bernard Hiller interviews Alice Somer Herz who was an inmate of the The Terezin concentration camp. She was a very accomplished pianist who played Chopin’s 24 etudes from memory. She lost her parents and and her husband during the war. Her son who, because a successful musician (who died 2001), survived the camp with her as well.
She believes that being “optimistic” is the most important quality to achieve a happy life. She currently lives in London and is the oldest Holocaust survivor.

When Canada Said No: The Abandoned Jews of the MS St. Louis

In May 1939, the oceanliner MS St. Louis departed Hamburg, Germany carrying Jewish refugees desperate to flee Nazi Germany.
They tried to escape any way they could.
But the world did not want them.
This is their story.

▶ ▶ ▶ Holocaust Task Force

Spiritgrow’s Shavuot Mini Series Part 1: The history of the festival

Spiritgrow’s Shavuot Mini Series Part 2: The Spiritual Message of Shavuot

Spiritgrow’s Shavuot Mini Series Part 3: The Customs & Traditions

Prof. Israel Knohl: On Shavuot We Live on Two Levels – Nature and History

Prof. Israel Knohl, senior research fellow at Shalom Hartman Institute, discusses the way the nature holiday of Shavuot was blended to the giving of Torah at Mt. Sinai in this May 2012 (5772) interview with Israel Broadcasting Authority in Jerusalem.

Historical Rare Video of Miron – Lag Ba’Omer 1940


2009-08-07 History, Music & Memory:Victor Ullman – רביעיה של אולמן

History, Music and Memory 2009 Seminar of Beit Terezin. The concert was played at Beit Wohlin, Givataim, Israel with the Yad Vashem sponsorship

Beit Theresienstadt

2014-12-24 הקולנוע של טרזין | Theresienstadt Movies – opening,,,++++

Viktor Ullmann

Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust Virtual Tour

Jewish History Manifesto by Dr. Henry Abramson

and more…. ++++

VIDEOS SELECTION Jewish History by Dr. Henry Abramson

Jewish Biography as History by Dr. Henry Abramson

Essential Lectures in Jewish History,,,, by Dr. Henry Abramson

This Week in Jewish History …by Dr. Henry Abramson

Independence Day 2015 of Israel IDF – 67 years – יום העצמאות 2015 למדינת ישראל – 67 שנים -דגלנים

Independence Day 2015 of Israel – 67 years – יום העצמאות 2014 למדינת ישראל – 67 שנים -דגלנים

Full Recording – Israeli Declaration of Independence

Israeli Declaration of Independence as read by David Ben Gurion in Tel Aviv
The following day, the 1948 war started with all neighboring arab countries
sending thier armies to stop the foundation of a Jewish State

USC Shoah Foundation i

USC Shoah Foundation is dedicated to making audio-visual interviews with survivors and witnesses of the Holocaust and other genocides a compelling voice for education and action.
The Institute currently has over 53,000 testimonies recorded in 39 languages in 61 countries that allow us to see the faces and hear the voices of those who witnessed history, allowing them to teach and inspire action against intolerance

Days of Remembrance: The Power of Music

Celebration of the state Israel – London, 1949 – Hatikva, Hora

Jews of London celebrate the foundation of the state Israel and sing the Hatikva and dance the Hora, 1949.

MACHAL – Volunteers from the Diaspora in 1948

Israel National News TV Archives: MACHAL, Volunteer Fighters from the Diaspora played a major role in Israel’s success in the 1948 War of Independence. MACHAL pilot, Smoky Simon and Former Israeli President Ezer Weitzman, who was the Israel Air Force’s founding commander, discuss the important role MACHAL played in 1948 and beyond..

Golda Meir Interview on Arab-Israeli Relations and Terrorism (1973)

Golda Meir (Hebrew: גּוֹלְדָּה מֵאִיר‎‎; earlier Golda Meyerson, born Golda Mabovich (Голда Мабович); May 3, 1898 — December 8, 1978) was a teacher, kibbutznik and politician who became the fourth Prime Minister of the State of Israel.

Meir was elected Prime Minister of Israel on March 17, 1969, after serving as Minister of Labour and Foreign Minister. Israel’s first and the world’s third woman to hold such an office, she was described as the “Iron Lady” of Israeli politics years before the epithet became associated with British prime minister Margaret Thatcher. Former prime minister David Ben-Gurion used to call Meir “the best man in the government”; she was often portrayed as the “strong-willed, straight-talking, grey-bunned grandmother of the Jewish people.”

In 1974, after the conclusion of the Yom Kippur War, Meir resigned as prime minister. She died in 1978.

After Levi Eshkol’s sudden death on February 26, 1969, the party elected Meir as his successor. Meir came out of retirement to take office on March 17, 1969, serving as prime minister until 1974. Meir maintained the coalition government formed in 1967, after the Six-Day War, in which Mapai merged with two other parties (Rafi and Ahdut HaAvoda) to form the Israel Labour party.

In 1969 and the early 1970s, Meir met with many world leaders to promote her vision of peace in the Middle East, including Richard Nixon (1969), Nicolae Ceausescu (1972) and Pope Paul VI (1973). In 1973, she hosted the chancellor of West Germany, Willy Brandt in Israel.

In August 1970, Meir accepted a U.S. peace initiative that called for an end to the War of Attrition and an Israeli pledge to withdraw to “secure and recognized boundaries” in the framework of a comprehensive peace settlement. The Gahal party quit the national unity government in protest, but Meir continued to lead the remaining coalition.

In the wake of the Munich massacre at the 1972 Summer Olympics, Meir appealed to the world to “save our citizens and condemn the unspeakable criminal acts committed.” Outraged at the perceived lack of global action, she ordered the Mossad to hunt down and assassinate the Black September and PFLP operatives who took part in the massacre. The 1986 TV film Sword of Gideon, based on the book Vengeance: The True Story of an Israeli Counter-Terrorist Team by George Jonas, and Steven Spielberg’s movie Munich (2005) were based on these events.

During the 1970s some Russian-Jewish emigrants were allowed to leave the Soviet Union for Israel by way of Austria. When seven of these emigrants were taken hostage at the Austria-Czechoslovakian border by Palestinian Arab fighters in September 1973, Austrian Chancellor Bruno Kreisky closed the Jewish Agency’s transit facility in Schönau, Lower Austria. A few days later in Vienna, Meir tried to convince Kreisky to re-open the facility by appealing to his own Jewish origin, and described his position as “succumbing to terrorist blackmail”. Kreisky did not change his position, so Meir returned to Israel infuriated. A few months later Austria opened a new transition camp.

Meir’s story has been the subject of many fictionalized portrayals. In 1977, Anne Bancroft played Meir in William Gibson’s Broadway play Golda. The Australian actress Judy Davis played a young Meir in the television film A Woman Called Golda (1982), opposite Leonard Nimoy. Ingrid Bergman played the older Golda in the same film. In 2003, the American Jewish actress Tovah Feldshuh portrayed her on Broadway in Golda’s Balcony, Gibson’s second play about Meir’s life. The one-woman show was controversial in its implication that Meir considered using nuclear weapons during the Yom Kippur War.

Valerie Harper portrayed her in the touring company and in the film version of Golda’s Balcony. Supporting actress Colleen Dewhurst portrayed her in the 1986 TV-movie Sword of Gideon. In 2005, actress Lynn Cohen portrayed Meir in Steven Spielberg’s film Munich. Later on, Tovah Feldshuh assumed her role once again in the 2006 English-speaking French movie O Jerusalem. She was played by the Polish actress Beata Fudalej in the 2009 film The Hope by Márta Mészáros.

Golda Meir and the Foundations of Israel Dr. Henry Abramson Jewish History Lecture

A presentation of the life of Golda Meir (1898-1978), spanning her immigration to Israel in 1921 through the end of her term as the fourth Prime Minister of Israel in 1974. The lecture will discuss the foundations of the Yishuv, the pre-state Jewish community, and touch on the major social and military conflicts that Israel endured during the first three decades of its existence. The lecture was held at Young Israel of Bal Harbour.

By Air, Land, and Sea: Aliyah under the British Mandate

Toldot Yisrael ( presents the dramatic stories of Jews from Germany, Austria, Czechoslovakia, and Iraq who overcame great obstacles in their efforts to reach the Land of Israel. For 2,000 years, Jews around the world dreamed about returning to the Land of Israel. But the rise of antisemitism in the 1930s and 40s made the need to return to Israel far more urgent. Jews fled their homes in Europe and Arab Lands seeking refuge in Palestine but found the British Mandate had all but closed the doors to aliyah, forcing them to find dangerous and illegal methods to immigrate – by air, land, and sea.

This movie is the fifth episode in the “Eyewitness 1948” short film series produced by Toldot Yisrael. It is the centerpiece of an educational pilot program made possible through the generous support of the Jim Joseph Foundation, the Alexander Family, and others.

Eyewitness 1948

Toldot Yisrael ( presents the story of six Jewish heroes who defiantly blew the shofar at the Kotel (Western Wall) over sixty years ago, when it was illegal to do so in British Mandatory Palestine. The British passed a law in 1930 forbidding Jews to blow the shofar at the Kotel, pray loudly there, or bring Torah scrolls, so as not to offend the Arab population.

Despite this restriction, for the next seventeen years, the shofar was sounded at the Kotel every Yom Kippur. Shofars were smuggled in to the Kotel where brave teenagers defiantly blew them at the conclusion of the fast. Some managed to get away – others were captured and sent to jail for up to six months.

Six of these men are still alive.

Two weeks ago, these six men returned to the scene of their “crime”. Armed with shofars, they recounted their individual stories and blew shofar again at the Kotel.

Echoes of a Shofar is the premiere episode in the “Eyewitness 1948” short film series produced by Toldot Yisrael and the History Channel. It is the centerpiece of an educational pilot program developed with The iCenter and made possible through the generous support of the Jim Joseph Foundation and others.

Eric Halivni (Weisberg)

Director and Editor
Tal Ella

Production and Cinematography
Peleg Levy

Troy De Lowe

Nahum Grinberg

Original Score and Sound Editor
Uri Kalian

מפיק: אריה הלבני
במאי ועורך : טל אלה
הפקה וצילום: פלג לוי
עורך וידאו: נחום גרינברג
מוסיקה ומיקס: אורי קליאן, סוויט סאונד
קריין: טרוי דילו

The Founders: The Story of the 1948 Generation

“תולדות ישראל” בחדשות

יום עיון תיעוד בעל פה – תולדות ישראל 2014

המייסדים: סיפורו של דור תש”ח

Yom HaShoah through Photographs and Songs

While listening to songs heard throughout Israel during Yom HaShoah, witness photographs of brave men and women who were lost to us during the Holocaust. We will never forget.

shoah images

Israel: Birth of a State

Israel: Birth of a State

This segment of the landmark documentary, The Jewish Americans tells the story of the establishment of the Jewish State and American Jewish efforts to make a homeland in Israel a reality.
After World War II, the British found themselves in an increasingly precarious position in Palestine. World opinion favored the establishment of a Jewish state, or at least a sanctuary for the Jewish refugees from the Holocaust, in Palestine. Arab nationalists demanded a cessation of Jewish immigration to the region. Britain tried desperately, and ultimately unsuccessfully, to maintain control of this strategically important territory. In February 1947,Britain announced its intention to cede control of Palestine to the United Nations. The United Nations, in November 1947, passed a plan to partition Palestine into an Arab state and a Jewish state. The partition plan directed Britain to quit Palestine by August 1948.
The plan was accepted by the Jews, rejected by the Arabs, and met with skepticism by the British. From November 1947 until their ultimate departure from the region in May 1948, Britain did little to prepare either party for independence as the British were convinced that no Jewish state could possible endure in the face of Arab armed forces that had pledged to attack upon the declaration of a Jewish state. Meanwhile, the Jews moved ahead with plans for statehood, establishing a provisional government under the leadership of David Ben Gurion in March 1948. On May 14, 1948 while Egyptian fighter-bombers flew overhead and the last remaining British troops prepared to depart, Ben Gurion and his cabinet gathered at the Tel Aviv Museum where they proclaimed the independence of the state of Israel.
One day after the state was declared, the armies of Egypt, Transjordan, Iraq, Syria and Lebanon invaded Israel and the War of Independence began. Israel emerged victorious, but not without great cost. Thousands of Israeli and Arab soldiers died and approximately 600,000 Palestinians fled their homes, thus creating a refugee problem that continues to trouble the region to this day

Israel: The Birth of a Nation ( ישראל לידתה של אומה )

Israel: Birth of a Nation documentary shows true history of Israel’s legitimate establishment

Israel: Birth of a Nation is a History Channel documentary presented by acclaimed British historian, Sir Martin Gilbert. The documentary chronicles the events of the Israeli War of Independence (1948-1949) using archive film, photographs, and interviews with participants.
On May 15, one day after the creation of the State of Israel, the Arab armies of Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Saudi Arabia and Lebanon invaded the new Jewish state. The Arab forces were significantly larger than Israel’s and were better equipped. Yet, coordination and organization were lacking and the Arab armies were often at odds with each other, seeking to incorporate territory from Palestine into their own states.

Despite their small numbers, the Jews were well-organized, well-disciplined and well-trained. The war was marked by long periods of fighting and temporary cease-fires. Finally, fighting officially ended in January 1949, at which time Israel held the 5,600 square miles allotted to it by the UN partition plan plus an addition 2,500 square miles. Trans-Jordan held the eastern sector of Jerusalem and the West Bank and Egypt held the Gaza Strip. From January to July 1949, armistice agreements were signed with Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan and Syria based on the frontlines as they were at the end of the fighting. These lines created the borders of the new state and as a result, Israel gained control of the areas which would have been part of the Arab state envisioned by the UN had the Arab world not gone to war with Israel.
At the time, Israel hoped that the armistice agreements would lead to official Arab-Israeli peace treaties. The Arab states, however, refused to recognize Israel’s existence and negotiate peace and remained in a state of war with the Jewish state. They continued their economic, political, social and cultural boycott of the Jewish state which was instituted by the Arab League in 1945. The Arab economic boycott of Israel prohibited Arab peoples, companies and states from conducting business both with Israel and with other companies who do business with Israel. They also embarked on a campaign to isolate the Jewish state in the international community.
Some Arab leaders attempted secret negotiations with Israel. Tragically, some of them were murdered, including King Abdullah of Jordan who was assassinated in Jerusalem in 1951. The Arab states provided little help to Palestinians who became refugees after the war. Only Jordan offered Palestinian Arabs citizenship. Refugee camps were set up and maintained primarily by the United Nations and other international relief organizations.

Yom Hashoah – Holocaust Memorial Evening Ceremony Hannaton 2015

Artistic expression with Ayalah Gura and Tamar Santis

Jewish Music Toronto does Eli Eli – אלי אלי – (Halicha Lekesariya) – Yom HaShoah and Yom Hazikaron

In this week’s lesson, Jewish Music Toronto is taking some time to commemorate Yom HaShoah – יום השואה (Holocaust Remembrance Day) and Yom Hazikaron – יום הזיכרון (Israeli Memorial Day) in our own little way. We’re doing this by learning Halicha Lekesariya – הליכה לקיסריה, better known as Eli Eli (My God, My God) אלי, אלי.

Details on the author, composer and translations are included within the video, as well as our resource links below.



Yom HaShoah –

Yom Hazikaron –;

Hannah Szenes –;


The song in Hebrew –;

David Zahavi Bio –; –

Enjoy, share, and, if you haven’t already, Subscribe!;

Jewish Music Toronto is produced by Eli Green, from Toronto, Ontario, and is working to build a database of Jewish music, week by week.

יולי זלמנוביץ’ ניצולת שואה מפעילה צפירה ארצית


רכבת ההצלה – סרט על הרב הרצוג בזמן השואה

סיפור מסעו המרתק של הרב יצחק חיים הרצוג, עם סיום מלה””ע ה-2, ברחבי אירופה, להצלת ילדים יהודיים שפוזרו בכפרים ואצל משפחות נוצריות, במאבקו להשבתם אל חיק משפחותיהם בארץ ישראל.לקטעים נוספים מתוך תכניות רשת, כנסו לערוץ רשת:
להצטרפות לערוץ רשת:;
האתר הרשמי:
חפשו אותנו בפייסבוק:!/

תיק תקשורת: תדמית ניצולי השואה בתקשורת

איך סיקרה התקשורת את ניצולי השואה כשעלו לארץ, וכיצד היא מסקרת אותם כיום? רות בונדי, ניצולת שואה, סופרת ומתרגמת, וביתה טל בשן, עיתונאית ‘מעריב’ מתארחות באולפן.
וגם- השבוע פורסם דו”ח של משרד הבריאות על כך שחצי מהילדים שחלו בסרטן בנפת חיפה בין השנים 98-2007, לקו במחלה בשל זיהום אוויר.
באיזו צורה מכסה התקשורת את הנושא ומדוע?
עו”ד אליס גולדמן, פעילה חברתית, מפרץ חיפה, דורון שפר, כתב קול ישראל בחיפה ואלי לוי, חדשות 10 יגיבו באולפן.
שלוש הדקות האחרונות של התכנית חתוכות, ניתן לצפות בתכנית המלאה בלינק הבא:

Yom Hashoah, Remembering the Holocaust

From 1933-1945, the Nazis murdered 11 million people. On Yom Hashoah, the Day of Remembrance, we light a candle for those who lost their lives.

The Future of Judaism with Rabbi Jonathan Sacks

(Visit: For Jews and for Judaism the twentieth century brought unprecedented suffering and incredible achievements — but as a new century gets going, their role in the future is up for grabs. Jonathan Sacks, Chief Rabbi of the United Hebrew Congregation of the Commonwealth, refutes the arguments for isolationism and the self-sufficiency of “people that dwell alone” that have proven so tempting through history, instead making the case that Jews and Judaism must renew their sense of hope and purpose to engage positively with the developing global culture. Series: “Herman P. and Sophia Taubman Endowed Symposia in Jewish Studies” [2/2013] [Humanities] [Show ID: 24414]


<<< LINK TO >>> previous videos >>>





Holocaust Survivors tell their stories

The Future of Remembrance: Presentation of the European Holocaust Research Infrastructure

This short film was premiered at the Presentation of the European Holocaust Research Infrastructure on 26 March 2015 in Berlin. During this presentation the EHRI online portal was launched. The EHRI portal gives access to dispersed Holocaust sources and is a growing resource. At the time of the launch it already provided access to rich information about more than 1,800 Holocaust-related archival institutions in 51 countries, and to descriptions of tens of thousands of archival materials. Please visit the portal for online searching and more info,

A Glimpse of Jewish Life in Budapest Before the Holocaust By. Professor Rich Gair

While visiting the Holocaust Museum in Budapest, Hungary during July 2011 I shot this 5 min. plus clip. It shows various scenes of the once vibrant, cultured, happy life that Jews experienced on a daily basis. After the Shoah this vitality was replaced with death, destruction and just memories of what once was. A culture that lives on only through our memories, stories, pictures and remnants of it.

The Lost Faces of Europe’s Jews

See the faces of Jewish families that once populated this continent before the Holocaust. Their’s was a rich and vibrant culture, lost to the world forever.

Why Should We Remember?

Holocaust Education Video – Overview of the Holocaust and its relevance in today’s world.

A History Of The Jews In England The Beginning of Persecution and the Organization of Jewry

For the first time Crusading enthusiasm—hitherto at a low ebb—spread throughout England among all classes, from highest to lowest. It was inevitable that the feeling against the Jews was accentuated. The heavy exactions of the previous reign, of which they had been to some extent the instruments, were not forgotten, and there was little prospect that the policy of the government would change. Increasing numbers and prosperity were a prolific cause of jealousy. In 1179 Pope Alexander III had felt obliged to exhort the king to protect the monks of St. Augustine’s, Canterbury, in their business dealings with the Jews, which must have been of considerable volume.

Jews and Law in England 1190 1290

A talk by Paul Brand (University of Oxford) on the English laws regulating Jewish communities before their expulsion in 1290. The talk took place on March 4, 2015 in the approach to the 800th anniversary Magna Carta.

Bukharian Jewish Cemetery Chigotay in Tashkent, May 2012

Кайков ТВ представляет
Благотворительный Фонд Ташкент
Бухарско-еврейское кладбище “Чигатай” в г. Ташкенте
снято в Мае, 2012 г.

Jewish Cemetery in Wrocław 1856 (museum) Walking tour, The most beautiful I have ever seen

Established in 1856, this 4.6 hectare cemetery is perhaps the most well-preserved testament to the former strength of Breslau’s pre-war Jewish community, with over 1200 gravestones. Closed in 1942, the cemetery quickly fell into deep neglect: in 1945 it was turned into a fortress by the Nazis and saw fierce fighting as evidenced by the eerie bullet holes in many of the gravestones. Preservation began in the 1970s and in 1991 it was opened as the Museum of Jewish Cemetery Art in tribute to the craftsmanship of its sepulchral art. Indeed the beauty and diversity of styles and symbols on display is perhaps unmatched anywhere. Many noteworthy figures are buried here, including the renowned biologist Ferdinand Cohn, the historian Heinrich Graetz (author of the first complete history of the Jews), Clara Immerwahl (first female PhD student at the University of Breslau, and wife of Fritz Haber, who committed suicide in objection to her husband’s work developing chemical warfare), Ferdinand Lassalle (founder and leader of the first labour party in Germany, killed in a duel), and the parents of Edith Stein; using old records some of their tombstones are slowly being restored. However, despite these modest efforts the Ślężna Street Cemetery remains a completely mysterious and evocative sanctuary of decaying vine-covered monuments, the broken pieces of which are stacked against each other, giving shelter to stray cats and shade to wildflowers. Well worth a visit.

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Shabbos times for New York, NY, USA
Candle lighting: 7:48pm on Friday, 15 May 2015
This week’s Torah portion is Parshas Behar-Bechukosai
S H A B B A T S H A L O M שבה שלום Шабат шалом


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Weekly Parasha Short Version
24Jewish Watch What Happens ! Parashat Hashavuah : Behar Bechukotai, english, hebrew, french, spanish, russian, The Jewish Woman,Kids&Teens,, Special: Parshat Bechukotai ● Seeing eye to eye with God ● Harav Yitzchak Ginsburgh,, Part 2 Section on the right side, The Temple Institute,,Weekly Torah Portion,,Rabbi Chaim Richman,,,Great Videos Selection


Select Section jewish holidays shiurim Shavuot  language hebrew,french,english,spanish,german,russian, The Jewish Woman,YOUTH/TEENS SHIURIM & COMMENTARIES

UPCOMING HOLIDAY Shavuot May 23 – May 25

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Arutz Sheva TV,  IBA NEWS, Maariv,

V<>I<>D<>E<>O<> S   >>>


American Israel Supporters Tell Pope: Stay Out of Politics
Vatican Move on Palestine Adds Fuel to European Debate
Controversy over Vatican recognizing Palestinian state

Arutz Sheva TV,  IBA NEWS, Maariv,+++++

Summit to Combat Religious Tension Held in Rockland County
Interfaith Summit Held at Rockland Community College

Malcolm Hoenlein’s Global Perspective
PM Netanyahu Meets German Defense Minister Dr. Ursula von der Leyen

Germany: Gauck welcomes Israeli President Rivlin to Berlin with full military honours

Knesset Speaker Yuli Edelstein on the Challenges Ahead
Ayelet Shaked interview English (Israeli female politician right wing nationalist jewish home)

Massive Wildfire In Ulster County NY Rt 209 & Rt 52


,,, ,,,,++++++ large selection videos +++


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Jewish News חדשות יהודיות Fearured Topic

Netanyahu Signs Deal to Form Coalition Government

Lieberman’s political bomb

LIVE: Merkel attends 70th anniversary of Dachau concentration camp liberation ceremony
Germany: Merkel joins Dachau concentration camp survivors on 70th anniversary of liberation
Dachau was Nazi Germany’s first concentration camp

Footage of Car Terror Attack That Killed Shalom Sherki

IDF Evacuates Israeli Tourists to its Nepal Field Hospital
Nepalese Man Thanks Israel in Hebrew
Woman sets man’s car on fire after snub
President Barack Obama Speaks With VICE News

To Israel from Nepal – Home at Last
Awards for Outstanding Religious Figures in Israel

Israeli Forces Rush to Save Lives in Nepal
Zaka Preparations to Head to Nepal
Special Magen David Adom Aid Team Departs for Nepal
Pope Francis to Bestow Knighthood on New York Rabbi Arthur Schneier
Israel at Aero India 2015

Nepal’s Earthquake POV [Long Video]
Statement by PM Netanyahu
French Far-Right Feud: Le Pen drops out of election amid feud with daughter
Enlace Judío – Momentos Previos a la Celebración de Yom Haatzmaut en el CDI
Reuven Rivlin
Israel Independence Day Celebration
Amb. Prosor reads Israel’s National Anthem at the UN Security Council
Yom HaZikaron – IDF Maj (res) Aviv Wishkovsky at Mount Herzl
Over a Dozen EU Countries, Including Israel’s Allies, Petition for Labeling Settlement Goods Israeli Reporter Harassed in France
President Rivlin’s Message to March of the Living 2015
PM Netanyahu Meets Holocaust Survivor Avraham Niederhoffer
WJC President Ronald S. Lauder @ Budapest March of the Living
Holocaust survivor revisits Buchenwald concentration
Holocaust Survivor @ Budapest March of the Living
Telling the Story of Jewish Heroes in the Holocaust
IDF nabs Hamas terrorists in nighttime Shechem raid
F-35 Training in High Gear at Eglin AFB
YOM HA’ATZMAUT 2015 Promo Video!
Yom Hazikaron
הלויתו של שלום שרקי היד
אחיו של כתב ערוץ 2יאיר שרקי שנהרג בפיגוע הדריסה בצומת הגבעה הצרפתית ליד הפסל הלבן
Holocaust Remembrance: Netanyahu warns against Iran | Journal
PM Netanyahu at annual Holocaust Memorial Day Ceremony
Netanyahu likens Iran to Nazis at Holocaust ceremony
Yom Hashoah Yad Vashem Ceremony 5771 Kel Maleh Rachamim

,,, ,,,,++++++ large selection videos +++


Jewish Worldnews



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Jewish News חדשות יהודיות HEBREW

בול פגיעה – אובמה מעיד בחדשות NBC שהוא פרעה !!!
▶ ▶ ▶הילה ברוכי
▶ ▶ ▶ ,בול פגיעה
▶ ▶ ▶ ,שיעורי תורה אוסף
▶ ▶ ▶ ,, אשר פרץ
▶ ▶ ▶ ,, כיכר השבת – האתר החרדי
▶ ▶ ▶ ,, 2424news
▶ ▶ ▶ ,, Torah Laam
▶ ▶ ▶ ,, הכל שפיט – הפרקים המלאים
משפחה טובה – פרקי הסידרה המלאים
▶ ▶ ▶
▶ ▶ ▶ ,, קול מן העבר
▶ ▶ ▶ ,,כך היה

russian-flag-animated  V<>I<>D<>E<>O<> S   >>> 

Jewish News חדשות יהודיות RUSSIAN

▶ ▶ ▶ ,, Мои клипы. Видеоновости и другие видеоматериал
Симхат Бейт Ашоева
▶ ▶ ▶ ,, Daniel Brochin ,,,,Mix Jewish Life
▶ ▶ ▶ ,, Рав Ицхак Зильбер זצ״ל. Удивительные доказательства из Талмуда.
▶ ▶ ▶ ,,iudaizm
▶ ▶ ▶ ,, בית חבד לדוברי רוסית בישראל Бейт-Хаба
Рав Шауль Давид Бурштейн

israel9tv· language russian
Shlomo Blumberg
Еврейская скрипка
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24Jewish Video Clip of the Dayof the Day ! Yehuda Glantz Yesh Li, Part 2 Section on the right side Yehuda Glantz ,., Great Videos Selection

24Jewish Video Jewish Event of the Day ! Meron,Lag BaOmer, Part 2 Section on the right side, Lag BaOmer,., Great Videos Selection

24Jewish Video Jewish Clip of the Day ! LvivKlezFest-2014, Part 2 Section on the right side,LvivKlezFest,., Great Videos Selection

24Jewish Video Jewish Clip of the Day ! Georges Moustaki – Le Métèque , Part 2 Section on the right side,Top Tracks for Georges Moustaki,., Videos Selection

24Jewish Video Jewish Clip of the Day ! Israel’s President Reuven Rivlin ordered the President’s Residence to Chabad emissaries’ children in Nepal , Part 2 Section on the right side,President Reuven “Ruby” Rivlin,., Great Videos Selection

24Jewish Video Jewish Clip of the Day ! 100,000 Jews Celebrate the Liberation of the Old City on Yom Yerushalayim at the Kotel, Part 2 Section on the right side,Israel Defense Forces,., Great Videos Selection

24Jewish Video Jewish Clip of the Day ! Independence Day 2015 of Israel IDF – 67 years, Part 2 Section on the right side,official YouTube channel of the Prime Minister of Israel.,., Great Videos Selection

24Jewish Video Jewish Clip of the Day ! Israeli Declaration of Independence, Part 2 Section on the right side,Popular Yom Ha’atzmaut & Israeli Declaration of Independence videos,., Great Videos Selection

24Jewish Video Jewish Clip of the Day ! Boi Veshalom, Part 2 Section on the right side,Sruli and Mendy Portnoy,., Great Videos Selection

24Jewish Video Jewish Culture of the Day ! SHOMER ISRAEL Guardian De Israel HD Hebreo – Español, Part 2 Section on the right side,JERUVISION, Great Videos Selection

24Jewish Video Jewish Event of the Day ! Israel Independence Day Video, Part 2 Section on the right side,Sussex Friends of Israel,., Great Videos Selection

24Jewish Video Jewish Life of the Day ! Jewish Life in Eastern Europe, Part 2 Section on the right side,JerusalemU,., Great Videos Selection

24Jewish Video Jewish History of the Day ! Jerusalem: 4000 Years in 5 Minutes, Part 2 Section on the right side,TheJerusalemCenter,., Great Videos Selection

24Jewish Video Jewish History of the Day ! Yitzhak Rabin in 92, Part 2 Section on the right side,Ministry of Defence,., Great Videos Selection

24Jewish Video Jewish Clip of the Day ! Meditation, Part 2 Section on the right side,Meditation Library,., Great Videos Selection

24Jewish Video Jewish Event of the Day ! Yom Ha Zikaron Israeli Memorial Day , Part 2 Section on the right side,Yom Ha Zikaron Memorial Day Song,., Great Videos Selection

24Jewish Video Jewish Culture of the Day ! Buchenwald: 70th anniversary of Nazi concentration camp’s liberation, Part 2 Section on the right side, Holocaust Survivors,Buchenwald: 70th anniversary of Nazi concentration camp., Great Videos Selection
24Jewish Video Jewish Life of the Day ! LA SOURCE DE VIE Au commencement était l’école , Part 2 Section on the right side, Alliance israélite universelle,., Great Videos Selection
24Jewish Video Jewish Life of the Day ! Straßenumfrage zum Thema Juden in Deutschland,,Kiss Me, I’m Jewish, Part 2 Section on the right side,Yad Vashem – Deutsch,., Great Videos Selection

24Jewish Video Jewish Simcha of the Day ! Moshe Hecht – Believers (Official Music Video), Part 2 Section on the right side,Moshe Hecht,., Great Videos Selection

24Jewish Video Jewish Clip of the Day ! Happy Pesach !, Part 2 Section on the right side Israel Defense Forces,., Great Videos Selection

24Jewish Video Jewish Simcha of the Day ! Hamenagnim, Part 2 Section on the right side, Hamenagnim, Kumtantz | Yisroel Werdyger,., Great Videos Selection

,, +++++++ large selection videos +++



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Simcha – Jewish Music

Motty Steinmetz at Tomchei Shabbos Dinner Lakewood 2015

▶ ▶ ▶ ,,Shavuot Songs
משה דוויק אפתח פי בשירה
משה דוויק יפה ותמה

▶ ▶ ▶ ,,כּיסופים
▶ ▶ ▶ ,, Nigun

Shlomo Carlebach – Lakewood, c. 1950s (Part 1)
Shlomo Carlebach – Lakewood, c. 1950s (Part 2)

Bar Yochai/ Lag B’omer Dance Track!!!
Acapella: Shea Berko and Yedidim – Kol Torah | ווקאלי: יושע ברקו וידידים – קול תורה
אפילו בהסתרה – יוסף קרדונר הופעה חיה and more ▶ ▶ ▶
Motty Steinmetz Lag BaOmer Rebbe, Rebbe – Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai 2015
Yaniv Raba
הלובים – נדודים (מסע אל הפיוט הלובי) The Libyans – Wandering

8th Day – Celebrate
yitzchak fuchs in antwerp feb2013
Bentzi Marcus and Dovid Dachs – ‘Yedid Nefesh’
Darchai Menachem Chinese Auction
Chazan Binyomin Levin obm Hineni הנני העני ממעש, החזן בנימין לוין
Slichos Chazan Binyomin Levin – Haneshomo Loch, חזן בנימין לוין – הנשמה לך והגוף פעלך
Musique] Compilation musicale
Mordechai Ben David Sings New Song מרדכי בן דוד שיר חדש ▶ ▶ ▶
Simchas Beis HaShoeva 2014 With Mordechai Ben David Complet Movie
MBD sings Someday – “We learn Chitas and Rambam!”
גד אלבז אנא בכוח
Yeshiva Darchei Torah Choir – Shalom Aleichem
“THE JAPAN SONG” – Official Music Video
Israel Day Concert 2015
Israel Day Concert 2014

KEAYAL TAAROG Como un Cervatillo HD Hebreo y Español
Shloime Daskal Lag Baomer An Aaron Teitelbaum Production
Cantor Ushi Blumenberg Yedidim Choir – Yismechu | חזן אשר בלומנברג וידידים – ישמח
‘עבודת הניגון’ במלווה מלכה יחד עם חיליק פרנק – ישיבת עתניאל
מקהלת ‘מלכות’ מגישה ביצוע ווקאלי מרהיב: מי שברך | Malchus Choir Vocal – Mi Shebeirach
Benny Friedman Makes A Surprise Appearance At Bar Mitzvah
Mendy Wax Does A Kumzits At The End Of A Bar Mitzvah With All The Bochurim.mp4
Shlomo Simcha Playing with the YBO ,,,and more ▶▶▶

,, ++++++ large selection videos +++


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24Jewish funny videos

The Office – the Yiddish Office parody

Oorah Prank Prize Rap
The Fiveish Dance 2 – In Israel!
Dance The Fiveish! from Oorah’s Shmorg
Oorah’s Fiveish And Friends from Shmorg 4 – Fiveish Get’s Ready For Shabbos

Jewish Lady Gaga Parody – Chagaga!! – Jewish (& Frum) Lady Gaga
Yeshiva Tiferes Torah(YTT) ..Lag Ba’omer ….Cutler Boys

Playing Hasidic Yiddish Women – FUNNY YIDDISH JOKE
Teaser Lag Ba’Omer 2015 : Hashomer Hatzaïr
Jewish Mothers Question & Answer
Elie Semoun
Discovery Family Daytime: Orangutan plays with tiger cubs

להקת היום השמיני – יאלילי – הקליפ הרשמי
בוגרי בית הספר לקולנוע יהודי בעולם הקולנוע
המכללה לאומנויות ‘תורת החיים’
שיר התהלוכה – ל”ג בעומר – חב”ד
Twins from France Chabad Twin Video at Upshernish Hair Cutting Ceremony

Госсекретарь США сделал селфи со слоненком
Achmed the Dead Terrorist Goes to Israel | Jeff Dunham: All Over the Map
The Israeli Palestinian Comedy Tour
srael Student Comedy Competition 2014 (1 of 2)
Israel Student Comedy Competition 2014 (2 of 2)
Jerusalem Open Mic – Comedy, Poetry & Music

Ces images ont vraiment marqué le monde entier !

Accent – Hatikvah (Israeli National Anthem)
imitation Douer David Oiknine yom atsmaout yabne
Controlling Emotions: A Lesson from Angry Birds

, ++++++ large selection videos +++

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Jewish Recipes
Joan Nathan’s Chosen Food: The Ultimate Blintz
Kosher Food Project – Cheese Blintzes
How to Make Blintzes [VIDEO RECIPE]
Feed Me Bubbe  ChalutzProductions

Le Nougat

Spinach Noodle Kugel Recipe

 ,+++ large selection videos +++


 CLICK-1b breakingnews-jlife3
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<< LINK TO>>

Jewish Life

מירון התשע”ה – אלי אביב ONE

The Festival of Shavuot
▶ ▶ ▶ ,,Yehuda Glantz

Daily Rebbe Video
Watch: Special Lag Ba’Omer Program on Arutz Sheva
Lag BaOmer Over Meah Shearim | [4K] צילום אווירי של מאה שערים בל”ג בעומר
באיאן מירון ל”ג בעומר תשע”ה – Boyan Bonfire in Miron on Lag Bi’Omer 2015
-ל״ג בעומר תשע״ה במירון – קבר הרשב״י חסידים רוקדים בטרנס אדיר את ״אדונינו בר-יוחאי״ לקולות תזמורת קר
Lag Baomer Efrat Israel 2015 ל”ג בעומר אפרת ישראל
Sights And Sounds lag BaOmer At Yeshiva Veretsky
תהלוכת לג בעומר – כפר חב”ד תשע”ה

ואמרתם כל לחי רבי שמעון בר יוחאי – ישראל דגן.
Lag B’omer in Meron 2012 “AMAZING FOOTAGE” ל״ג בעומר במירון תשע״ב
Lag Baomer 5770
▶ ▶ ▶ +++

Nigun “Sheyiboneh” sung @ a lag Baomer parade with the Lubavitcher Rebbe
La Gran Fogata de Lag BaOmer en Jerusalén / Rabino Shalom Arush y Rab Yonatán D. Galed
Lag Baomer 5774 With Toldos Aharon Rebbe In Miron
lag baomer – מראות ההוד מלג בעומר הילולת רבי שמעון בר יוחאי
ריקוד הבקבוקים במירון
Prominent NY Rabbi Arthur Schneier Honored With Papal Knighthood
ever wanted to learn how to wrap tefillin? CHABAD.ORG

Lubavitcher Rebbe visits Camp Gan Yisroel in 1960
Holocaust Concert Shanghai
Jerry Silverman on L’Chayim

Yom Yerushalayim (Jerusalem Day) in Israel
Sun May 17 2015

,,,, ,,,,++++++ large selection videos +++

 CLICK-1b breakingnews-jfrance2

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C’est à Dieu d’agir ! ▶ ▶ ▶
Ahavat Israel
De Pessah à Chavouot

Hava Nagila – Gad Elbaz הבה נגילה – גד אלבז
Hava Nagila – Amrutam Gamaya – Music Mojo Season 3 – KappaTV
Devinez ce que va interpréter cette chorale de Corée du Sud ?
Lionel Rocheman – Die Werbe (Yiddish Song) France 1978

L’univers de la Yechiva émision du 08 05 2015

Spécial lag baomer 5775: Cérémonie de lag baomer à ramoth alef
Spécial lag baomer 5775: chant habad de lag baomer ניגון חבד של לג בעומר
Lag Baomer 5773 : Cérémonie d’ouverture avec le Rabbi de Boyan !
Hashomer Hatzair Belgium
Lag Baomer: la segoula de ce grand jour.
La Depression; Comment s’en sortir ? HEVRATPINTO
Pourquoi un deuil pour les 24.000 élèves de la Rabbi Akiva et pas pour la Shoah ?
Pourquoi fait-on une medoura (un feu) pour Lag Baomer ?
Lag Baomer : un p’tit Tour de Mérone !
Lag Baomer : chez les ‘Hassidim de Tsanz à Netanya
מירון לג בעומר הכל בו צילום 24 שעות סרט מיוחד
Torah-Box selection ▶ ▶ ▶
Torah-Box selection 2 ▶ ▶ ▶
Berlin in July 1945 (HD 1080p color footage)
 Lag Baomer 5773 : Cérémonie d’ouverture avec le Rabbi de Boyan !
LAG BAOMER selon le Rabbi ,,, Rav TOUITOU
Le Rabbi de Loubavitch: Lag Baomer Carnaval
Lag BaOmer, la joie de Rabbi Chimon Bar Yo’haï
Lag Baomer : allumage géant du Rabbi de “Toledot Aharon”
Cacherout sur le Champagne, Brandy ou Cognac
Appel pour l’enterrement d’une femme démunie
Jean-Marie Le Pen suspendu du FN
Fusillade de Toulouse : Réaction du rabbin d’Aix-les-Bains
24Jewish   Hommage   of   the Day !
         ▶▶▶  RAV ERRERA z.l.  ▶▶▶

Hesped du Rav Errera par le Grand-Rabbin Wertenschlag
Hesped du Rav Errera par le Rav Yi’hya Teboul
Rav Errera
Rav Errera videos selection

Rav Haim,Jaskin Haykine Zal d’Aix Les Bains
La yechiva d’Aix les Bains1.wmv
la yechiva d’Aix les Bains2.wmv
Yechiva d’Aix-les-bains3.VOB
Aix Les Bains – French Alps
Vidéo officielle : Les épouvantables camps de concentration nazis
Allemagne : installation de la réplique de la porte du camp de Dachau

La biographie du Maharal de Prague
Sinai, Purim & The MaHaRaL of Prague
Le Maharal de Prague sur Pourim: La force de la pensée


La Grandeur de Rabbi Meir Baal Ha-Ness HEVRATPINTO
Visit to the Tomb of Rabbi Meir Baal Haness | Kever Tzadikim
La grande force et l’histoire du Rabbi Meir Baal Haness – 613TV
Rabbi Meir Baal Haness
Rabbi Méïr Baal Haness – rabbi David PINTO (
Rabanit Iris Odani Elyashiv Rabbi Meir Baal Haness ENGLISH
Video Especial Rabi Meir Baal Hanes
histoires de nos sages – La phrase magique de Rabbi Méïr Baal Haness –
Rabbi Meir Baal Aness – Pessah Cheni Rav Raphael Pinto
Rav Shimon GOBERT : Passer une vie a attendre
Parashat akhare mot kedochim le bonheur est dans la kedousha Rav TOUITOU
Première naissance à l’hôpital de campagne de Tsahal au Népa

,,, ,,,,++++++ large selection videos +++


CLICK-1b  breakingnews-jgerman2

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<< LINK TO>>

Jüdisches Leben

Größtes ehemaliges KZ auf österreichischem Boden: 22.000 gedenken der Befreiung des KZ Mauthausen
70 Jahre Kriegsende: militärische Leistungsschau in Moskau
Dutzende Tote bei Nachbeben in Nepal <
LILMOD Chaya Tal Auf in das Heilige Land! 11 Mai 2015 Еврейское ницшеанство / Jüdischer NietzscheanismusBerlin 1900 in colour!!!
Berlin in July 1945 (HD 1080p color footage) LILMOD Rabbi Apel Geheimnis der juedischen Existenz 3 Mai 2015
Der Nahostkonflikt im Blick der Medien – Jüdische Gespräche 2006 FFMVom Wiener Lehrling zum Friedensnobelpreisträger
Entfetzung für Wiener Friedensnobelpreisträger Alfred Hermann Fried nach 100 Jahren
KZ-Befreiung vor 70 Jahren – Gedenken in DACHAU – 03.05. 2015
KZ Dachau – (Kurz-)Dokumentation | german/deutsch [HD]
70 Jahre Befreiung KZ Dachau
Dachau: Nachbildung der gestohlenen KZ-Tür eingesetzt Jewkbox
Impressionen der Vernissage zur Ausstellung “KRIEG! JUDEN ZWISCHEN DEN FRONTEN 1914–1918”
»Der Erste Weltkrieg in der jüdischen Erinnerung«Im Labyrinth des Schweigens Offizieller Trailer (2014) – German

Die Befreiung vom Konzentrationslager Bergen-Belsen [Doku HD]
Gedenken in BERGEN-BELSEN – Erinnerung an die KZ-Befreiung vor 70 Jahren – 26.04. 2015
Auschwitz – Bilder aus der hölle – Documentary (Deutsch)
Eva Mozes Kor zu Besuch in Wetzlar: Eine Überlebende von Auschwitz berichtet – Teil 1 – 4

Isreality Academy: 70 jaar na de Holocaust, Interview met Betty Bausch

,,,,++++++ large selection videos +++


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<< LINK TO>>

Jewish Communities
TJC’s Jewish News Week in Review: May 8, 2015
Reel Pe’er House Lag B’Omer CHABAD PERSIAN YOUTH and ▶ ▶ ▶
Lag Ba’omer 2015: the Torah parade in Tsfat
Recap of the year at Chabad at ASU
שירי טיולים ומפעלים
השומר הצעיר
LAG BAOMER Johannesburg
Chabad of Fairfield Building Campaign Kick Off
Rykestrasse Synagogue Berlin 06, Ma Tovu, Cantor Alberto Mizrahi, Cantors Assembly
Munich Herkulessaal 20, You’ll Never Walk Alone (Carousel), Cantor Alberto Mizrahi
Alberto Mizrahi “El mole rachamim”
Cantor Alberto Mizrahi – “Nessun dorma”
Russian Shabbaton # 6 Melaveh Malkah Concert of Gad Elbaz
Upshernish Jewish Traditional Hair Cutting Ceremony
Edirne Grand Synagogue
Taglit-Birthright Israel with Sachlav IsraelontheHouse
10 horas caminando por Montevideo siendo judío – 10 hours walking in Montevideo as a Jew
VP Biden Quotes Lubavitcher Rebbe at New American Jewish History Museum
בית חבד לדוברי רוסית בישראל Бейт-Хабад
Chabad of Fairfield Building Campaign
Music Video for The Gan Yisroel Song You Are My home
Intro For First Time Campers At Gan Yisroel NY
Remembering Bezalel Part 1
Remembering Bezalel Part 2 / History Of Lakewood Yeshiva, BMG
Presidential Candidate Rand Paul Speaks with Torah UMesorah – VIDEO BY HILLEL ENGEL
Rabbi David Fine

 ,,, ,,,,++++++ large selection videos +++

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Jewish Culture

Hava Nagila – Amrutam Gamaya – Music Mojo Season 3 – KappaTV
The Lady Lifers: A moving song from women in prison for life

Lionel Rocheman – Margeritkele (Yiddish Song)
Lionel Rocheman – Die Werbe (Yiddish Song) France 1978
Leshem yichud tefilin Anatomy of Tefillin

Yiddish lebt! (3) Tal Hever
Yiddish lebt 2 Violette Szmajer
Yiddish lebt! Rochelle Zucker

Israel by Drone
Dibbukim – Hinter dem tol (Live in Lund, Sweden) +++++
Tomb of Bnei Issachar

Cantor Benzion Miller Alberto Mizrahi And Naftali Hershtik Singing Tumbalalaika
התקווה – HaTikva – Israel Anthem Song – ROCK VERSION BY NIRO KNOX
Israel National Anthem (Hatikva) – Heavy Metal Instrumental
Upshernish Jewish Traditional Hair Cutting Ceremony
Berlin 1900 in colour!!!
Berlin in July 1945 (HD 1080p color footage)
LvivKlezFest-2011 (телепередача Мазл Тов, 16.08.2011)
Naomi Less – Thank You
Sh’ma Yisrael – Listen Israel (Fran Gordon and Naomi Less and more ▶▶▶
What Happens When a Catholic Monk and Two Rabbis Get Real?Jerusalem panorama from Mount of Olives
Virtual Israel Touring – Into Robinson’s Arch mikvehVirtual Israel Touring
Ahavat Israel baneshama – אהבת ישראל בנשמה
AND MORE+++++++
Mix – אביהו מדינה – שבחי ירושלים Elie Wiesel: In Hasidism – The Wonders of Rabbi

     ,,, ,,,,+++ large selection videos +++

V<>I<>D<>E<>O<> S   >>> 

<< LINK TO>>

Jewish History

Alice Somer Herz – 108 Year Old Holocaust Survivor – Interviewed by Bernard Hiller


Spiritgrow’s Shavuot Mini Series Part 1: The history of the festival
Spiritgrow’s Shavuot Mini Series Part 2: The Spiritual Message of Shavuot
Spiritgrow’s Shavuot Mini Series Part 3: The Customs & Traditions
Prof. Israel Knohl: On Shavuot We Live on Two Levels – Nature and History

Prof. Israel Knohl: On Shavuot We Live on Two Levels – Nature and History
Historical Rare Video of Miron – Lag Ba’Omer 1940
2009-08-07 History, Music & Memory:Victor Ullman – רביעיה של אולמן
Beit Theresienstadt

2014-12-24 הקולנוע של טרזין | Theresienstadt Movie
2009-08-07 History, Music & Memory:Victor Ullmas – opening,,,++++
Viktor Ullmann

Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust Virtual Tour

by Dr. Henry Abramson
· Jewish History Manifesto
· Jewish Biography as History
· Essential Lectures in Jewish History,,,,
· This Week in Jewish History …

Independence Day 2015 of Israel IDF – 67 years – יום העצמאות 2015 למדינת ישראל – 67 שנים -דגלנים
Full Recording – Israeli Declaration of Independence

USC Shoah Foundation

,, ,,,,++++++ large selection videos +++
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<< LINK TO>>

This Day in Jewish History

1967 Jerusalem
Jerusalem Day – Yom Yerushalayim – יום ירושלים – Sisu et Yerushalaim – Givat Hatakhmoshet
ריקוד דגלים- Dancing with Israeli flags on the Jerusalem day
סלפי ירושלמי – יום ירושלים Jerusalem Day
This Day in Jewish History / An actress so moving that anti-Semites pelted her — with flowers — is born
YIDDISH THEATRE, New York…memories
This Day in Jewish History / A rabbi, astronomer and inventor honored by Russia dies  – Haaretz
This Day in Jewish History / Ocean liner leaves Germany with fleeing Jews on board… …Yet of the 937 passengers, nearly a third wound up …
When Canada Said No: The Abandoned Jews of the MS St. Louis
▶ ▶ ▶ Holocaust Task Force
Archaeologist announces finding 2000-year old letters by Bar Kochba
Wysinfo Docuwebs: Yigael Yadin on the Dead Sea History
The Temple Scroll
NASA | Theodore von Kármán and the Creation of JPL [HD]
Popular Jewish Museum, Berlin & Menashe Kadishman videos /
A Tribute to Artist Menashe Kadishman
Iconic Israeli painter and sculpture Kadishman died at the age of 82
This Day in Jewish History / An extraordinary Jewish leader dies in punitive exile in Uzbekistan,,,Haaretz,,,
The Jews in Poland-Lithuania and Russia: 1350 to the Present Day
This Day in Jewish History / Biologist who discovered ‘death genes’ through worm research is born
H. Robert Horvitz (MIT/HHMI): When Stockholm Called
This Day in Jewish History / The movie producer who didn’t go to Hollywood but created it is born,,,MGM 90th Anniversary
Vom Wiener Lehrling zum Friedensnobelpreisträger
Entfetzung für Wiener Friedensnobelpreisträger Alfred Hermann Fried nach 100 Jahren
La biographie du Maharal de Prague
Sinai, Purim & The MaHaRaL of Prague
Le Maharal de Prague sur Pourim: La force de la pensée
Prague Maharal Synagogue
Maharal of Prague’s Netivot Olam w/R. Daniel Kohn
Georges Moustaki : Les Mères Juives
This Day in Jewish History / Benjamin Franklin helps save floundering Philly synagogue
Miles Davis’ All Blues performed at ‘Jazz in the Sukkah” in Philly in America’s oldest synagogue
Congregation Mikveh Israel
Congregation Mikveh Israel’s Second Cemetery Philadelphia, PA
Uriah P. Levy Statue Dedication – Mikveh Israel
Avigdor Arikha PAINTINGS
Avigdor Arikha (April 28, 1929 – April 29, 2010) was a Romanian-born French-Israeli painter, draughtsman, printmaker, and art historian. wikipedia
Even today, nearly 50 years later, Auerbach is generally remembered as the finest coach professional basketball has ever seen, although his .
  ,,,,, ,,,++++++ large selection videos +++
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<< LINK TO>>

Rabbi Manis Friedman
מהלכות ערב שבועות מפי הרב ארז אלחרר שליט”א א’
Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi – Shavuot
בול פגיעה – הרב יוסף מזרחי | משיח השלב האחרון | מציאות המשיח 2015
אמונה וביטחון הרב עמנואל מזרחי
▶ ▶ ▶ ,,הילה ברוכי
עיקר וטפל בעבודת השם מאת הרב משה אלחרר שליטא
Shiur – Moroccan Customs of Shavuot
Rabbi Abba’s Short Jewish Lectures ,,
Rabbi Perelmuter
Rav Yoel Rackovsky Pre-Shavuot Shiur to Alumni 5774
Rabbi Yerucham Olshin – ATIME ShasAThon 5774
Rabbi Avraham Benhaim Rabbi Akiva Story and Teachings 2010 05 11
Rabbi Avraham Benhaim
Powerful Words Of Encouragement From The Sassoon Father – Who Lost 7 Children in Fire
Lag Ba Omer Rashbi
Temple Talk Radio: An Apple on the Temple Mount and World War II
Lag Baomer R.Shimon Bar Yochai By Rabbi David Bitton
ימי הספירה – ימים של התעלות
Parshas Emor and Dinim of Sefira
מהפכות בעולם האסלאם הרב זמיר כהן
Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks at Kohelet Yeshiva
תהלוכת לג בעומר הרב אשכנזי
Rabbi Cowen – Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai / lag baomer
מלחמת גוג ומגוג – חייבים לראות!!!!! אדיר!!!
Hesped du Rav Errera par le Grand-Rabbin Wertenschlag
Hesped du Rav Errera par le Rav Yi’hya Teboul
Rav Errera
Rav Errera videos selection
Rav Haim,Jaskin Haykine Zal d’Aix Les Bains
La yechiva d’Aix les Bains1.wmv
la yechiva d’Aix les Bains2.wmv
Yechiva d’Aix-les-bains3.VOB
פסח שני בחוקותי התשעד
Parashat Ahare Mot-Kedoshim,,,,Maalat Eretz Yisrael By Rabbi David Bitton
Sefiras Haomer With Nadvorna Yerushalayim Rebbe – 5775
הרב אמנון יצחק – חובת הלבבות – שער הביטחו
A Hesped on Rabbi Ahron Lichtenstein by Rabbi Yochanan Schrader
יחיאל נהרי הבדלה נתניה פרשת אחרי מות קדושים תשע”ה

  ,,,,  ,,,,++++++ large selection videos +++ 

PICof theDay


clip-Yehuda Glantz

24Jewish Video Clip of the Dayof the Day ! Yehuda Glantz Yesh Li, Part 2 Section on the right side Yehuda Glantz ,., Great Videos Selection


24Jewish Video Jewish Event of the Day ! Meron,Lag BaOmer, Part 2 Section on the right side, Lag BaOmer,., Great Videos Selection


24Jewish Video Jewish Clip of the Day ! LvivKlezFest-2014, Part 2 Section on the right side,LvivKlezFest,., Great Videos Selection


24Jewish Video Jewish Clip of the Day ! Georges Moustaki – Le Métèque , Part 2 Section on the right side,Top Tracks for Georges Moustaki,., Videos Selection


24Jewish Video Jewish Clip of the Day ! Israel’s President Reuven Rivlin ordered the President’s Residence to Chabad emissaries’ children in Nepal , Part 2 Section on the right side,President Reuven “Ruby” Rivlin,., Great Videos Selection


24Jewish Video Jewish Clip of the Day ! 100,000 Jews Celebrate the Liberation of the Old City on Yom Yerushalayim at the Kotel, Part 2 Section on the right side,Israel Defense Forces,., Great Videos Selection


24Jewish Video Jewish Clip of the Day ! Independence Day 2015 of Israel IDF – 67 years, Part 2 Section on the right side,official YouTube channel of the Prime Minister of Israel.,., Great Videos Selection


24Jewish Video Jewish Clip of the Day ! Israeli Declaration of Independence, Part 2 Section on the right side,Popular Yom Ha’atzmaut & Israeli Declaration of Independence videos,., Great Videos Selection

clip-Boi Veshalom

24Jewish Video Jewish Clip of the Day ! Boi Veshalom, Part 2 Section on the right side,Sruli and Mendy Portnoy,., Great Videos Selection

24Jewish Video Jewish Culture of the Day ! SHOMER ISRAEL Guardian De Israel HD Hebreo – Español, Part 2 Section on the right side,JERUVISION, Great Videos Selection


24Jewish Video Jewish Event of the Day ! Israel Independence Day Video, Part 2 Section on the right side,Sussex Friends of Israel,., Great Videos Selection

clip-Eastern Europe

24Jewish Video Jewish Life of the Day ! Jewish Life in Eastern Europe, Part 2 Section on the right side,JerusalemU,., Great Videos Selection

24Jewish Video Jewish History of the Day ! Jerusalem: 4000 Years in 5 Minutes, Part 2 Section on the right side,TheJerusalemCenter,., Great Videos Selection


24Jewish Video Jewish History of the Day ! Yitzhak Rabin in 92, Part 2 Section on the right side,Ministry of Defence,., Great Videos Selection


24Jewish Video Jewish Clip of the Day ! Meditation, Part 2 Section on the right side,Meditation Library,., Great Videos Selection


24Jewish Video Jewish Event of the Day ! Yom Ha Zikaron Israeli Memorial Day , Part 2 Section on the right side,Yom Ha Zikaron Memorial Day Song,., Great Videos Selection

clip-Yom Haatzmaut

YOM HA’ATZMAUT 2015 Promo Video!


Yom Hazikaron


24Jewish Video Jewish Culture of the Day ! Buchenwald: 70th anniversary of Nazi concentration camp’s liberation, Part 2 Section on the right side, Holocaust Survivors,Buchenwald: 70th anniversary of Nazi concentration camp., Great Videos Selection

24Jewish Video Jewish Life of the Day ! LA SOURCE DE VIE Au commencement était l’école , Part 2 Section on the right side, Alliance israélite universelle,., Great Videos Selection

24Jewish Video Jewish Life of the Day ! Straßenumfrage zum Thema Juden in Deutschland,,Kiss Me, I’m Jewish, Part 2 Section on the right side,Yad Vashem – Deutsch,., Great Videos Selection

clip-Moshe Hecht

24Jewish Video Jewish Simcha of the Day ! Moshe Hecht – Believers (Official Music Video), Part 2 Section on the right side,Moshe Hecht,., Great Videos Selection


24Jewish Video Jewish Clip of the Day ! Happy Pesach !, Part 2 Section on the right side Israel Defense Forces,., Great Videos Selection


24Jewish Video Jewish Simcha of the Day ! Hamenagnim, Part 2 Section on the right side, Hamenagnim, Kumtantz | Yisroel Werdyger,., Great Videos Selection

clip-Blue Melody

24Jewish Video Jewish Simcha of the Day !Blue Melody ft. Chaim D. Berson & Zemiros Group “Mi shehassa Nissim”, Part 2 Section on the right side,” – Blue Melody ft. Chaim D. Berson & Zemiros Group,., Great Videos Selection

clip-The Maccabeats

24Jewish Video Jewish Clip of the Day ! The Maccabeats – Dayenu – Passover, Part 2 Section on the right side,The Maccabeats,., Great Videos Selection


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American Israel Supporters Tell Pope: Stay Out of Politics

After Pope Francis moved to recognize a Palestinian state, some gung-ho defenders of Israel suggested the pontiff should stick to preaching and stay out of politics. Rep. Jeff Duncan of South Carolina, a hawkish defender of Israel, said “I’m disappointed. The Pope is legitimizing a Palestinian state without requiring those who get recognition to recognize Israel as a Jewish state.” It wasn’t just Duncan. Several House conservatives seemed exasperated that Francis, who will address Congress this fall, approved the Vatican’s recognition of Palestine as a state. On Wednesday, critics said Rome needs to leave the question of Palestinian statehood to be sorted out in the Middle East. Others were frustrated that the pontiff would recognize a place that’s an avowed enemy of a U.S. ally like Israel.
Rep. Louie Gohmert of Texas said, “I’m surprised that the pope would recognize Palestine when they’re still haters who want to eliminate Israel off the map and don’t recognize Israel. The Pope is the head of his religion, and he makes those calls for himself, but I represent 700,000 people from East Texas and a vast majority agree with me.”

Vatican Move on Palestine Adds Fuel to European Debate

The Vatican’s decision to recognize the state of Palestine in a treaty for the first time has drawn a stern response from Israel, but it may usher in a freer debate in Europe about how to proceed on the vexed Palestinian question.
The Holy See has referred to Palestine since 2012, but the treaty concluded on Wednesday, which covers the Church’s activities in areas controlled by the Palestinian Authority, marks a more formal recognition, which Vatican officials said they hoped would benefit Israeli-Palestinian ties in time.
An Israeli foreign ministry official described the Vatican’s move as a “disappointment” and indicated that it may lead to reprisals, although he did not say of what kind.
The Vatican, increasingly proactive in foreign policy under Pope Francis, is far from the only state to have recognized Palestine — 135 members of the United Nations already do so, nearly 70 percent of the total. By comparison, 160 of the UN’s 193 members recognize Israel.

Controversy over Vatican recognizing Palestinian state

Ambassador Francis Rooney and Rabbi Steve Burg debate Pope Francis’ decision

Summit to Combat Religious Tension Held in Rockland County

SUFFERN – Jews, Christians and Muslims took part in a summit Wednesday morning to improve interfaith understanding in Rockland County.

Interfaith Summit Held at Rockland Community College

NYACK – An interfaith summit was held in Rockland Wednesday in an effort to ease tensions in the community.

PM Netanyahu Meets German Defense Minister Dr. Ursula von der Leyen

ראש הממשלה בנימין נתניהו נפגש עם שרת ההגנה של גרמניה ד”ר אורסולה פון דר ליין.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu meets with German Defense Minister Dr. Ursula von der Leyen

וידאו: רועי אברהם, לע”מ
סאונד: איתמר בוטון, לע”מ

Malcolm Hoenlein’s Global Perspective

Executive Vice Chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations Malcolm Hoenlein joins Yishai in-studio for an exclusive interview about the state of affairs of the state of Israel. Is Iran gaining global momentum? Is the Israeli narrative losing global momentum? Will Argentinian Jews ever see justice?

Massive Wildfire In Ulster County NY Rt 209 & Rt 52

Netanyahu Signs Deal to Form Coalition Government

Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, secures a last minute deal to form a coalition government with the Jewish Home party.

Germany: Gauck welcomes Israeli President Rivlin to Berlin with full military honours

German President Joachim Gauck welcomed Israeli President Reuven Rivlin to the Bellevue Palace in Berlin, Monday, with full military honours.

Rivlin is visiting Germany for two days on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the establishment of bilateral diplomatic relations between Germany and Israel, which took place on May 12, 1965.

Knesset Speaker Yuli Edelstein on the Challenges Ahead

Knesset Speaker Yuli Edelstein joins VOI’s Dov Lipman to discuss the challenges facing the 20th Knesset, and opines on an array of issues, among them: religion and state; regional representation in the Knesset; and the Knesset’s being the first green parliament in the world.

Ayelet Shaked interview English (Israeli female politician right wing nationalist jewish home)

Ayelet Shaked interview English

Lieberman’s political bomb

With only 48 hours to go until the deadline expires, Israeli foreign minister and leader of the yisrael beytenu party, avigdor Lieberman, announced today hes NOT going to join Netanyahu’s government

LIVE: Merkel attends 70th anniversary of Dachau concentration camp liberation ceremony

German Chancellor Angela Merkel along with Minister-President of Bavaria Horst Seehofer will preside over the main service in Dachau commemorating the 70th anniversary of the liberation of the concentration camp on May 3. Angela Merkel is due to hold an introductory speech while students from the Bavarian International School (BIS) and the Gymnasium Herzogenaurach will read memorial poems and texts in their mother tongues, including German, Russian, Italian, French, Polish and English.<Dachau concentration camp survivors on 70th anniversary of liberation


Dachau was Nazi Germany’s first concentration camp


Footage of Car Terror Attack That Killed Shalom Sherki


IDF Evacuates Israeli Tourists to its Nepal Field Hospital


Nepalese Man Thanks Israel in Hebrew


To Israel from Nepal – Home at Last


Awards for Outstanding Religious Figures in Israel


Israeli Forces Rush to Save Lives in Nepal


Zaka Preparations to Head to Nepal

©2015 Yeshiva World News – All Rights Reserved

Special Magen David Adom Aid Team Departs for Nepa

©2015 Yeshiva World News – All Rights Reserved

Pope Francis to Bestow Knighthood on New York Rabbi Arthur Schneier

There was big news at Park East Synagogue in Manhattan on Friday night.

As CBS2’s Lou Young reported, Rabbi Arthur Schneier sound out that he is about to be made a Knight of the Roman Catholic Church.

The rabbi knight will be part of one of the same orders that once took part in the crusades. This particular title is “The Pontifical Order of St. Sylvester, Pope and Martyr.”

It’s an honor few non-Catholics have ever received, although the job description has evolved since the old days.

“No horses, no swords, nothing like that,” Joe Zwilling, New York Archdiocese said.

This most unlikely Knight of the Catholic Church has been a rabbi at the East Side synagogue for more than 50 years. He is a holocaust survivor known around the world for learning from the past and urging the use of religion to unite, rather than divide.

“This is a clear message that Pope Francis is continuing rapprochement with the Jewish people,” he said.

Christian knights on horseback and their history are a curious ecumenical symbol, but the order that Rabbi Schneier is joining has been reformed twice. Other non-Christian knights include the likes of Oscar Schindler, who rescued Jews during the Holocaust.

Rabbi Schneier was visited by Pope Benedict in 2008, and greeted Pope Francis at the Western Wall in Jerusalem. Now he gets an official post in the church.

He also had some advice for his sword-wielding brother knights of old.

“Ask for forgiveness, and make sure you do not repeat the mistakes you’ve made against humanity,” he said.

Schneier lacks a horse and sword and said his weapon will be conscience and his ally will be the Pope.

Israel at Aero India 2015



Created by professionals, for the pros, Defense-Update VideoReport® is covering aerospace, military and Homeland Security topics.

Nepal’s Earthquake POV [Long Video]

Yom Hazikaron: Saying Kaddish For Those Who Left No One Behind

VOI’s Judy Lash Balint follows a group of young Israelis to Mt Herzl Military Cemetery where they memorialize young Jews, mostly Holocaust survivors, who fell in battle leaving no survivors and no one to recite Kaddish for them. The informal group, brought together by word of mouth and social media, calls itself The Last Scion.

The IDF Has Your Back!

Soldiers from the Golani Brigade help a member of their community work out. Our soldiers always push themselves be the best they can be!
clip-Yom Haatzmaut

YOM HA’ATZMAUT 2015 Promo Video!



Yom Hazikaron

Yom Hazikaron (Hebrew: יום הזיכרון לחללי מערכות ישראל ולנפגעי פעולות האיבה‎, lit. Day of Remembrance for Israeli Fallen Soldiers and Victims of Terrorism) is Israel’s official Memorial Day. The national observance was enacted into law in 1963. While Yom Hazikaron has been traditionally dedicated to fallen soldiers, commemoration has now been extended to civilian victims of the ongoing armed dispute.

Enlace Judío – Momentos Previos a la Celebración de Yom Haatzmaut en el CDI

Reuven Rivlin

Israel Independence Day Celebration

Amb. Prosor reads Israel’s National Anthem at the UN Security Council

“Tomorrow, Israel will commemorate Yom Hazikaron and honor the 23,320 individuals who lost their lives to war and terror. We will remember the brave soldiers who died so that we can have our freedom and mourn the thousands of men, women, and children who were robbed of their lives simply because they were Israeli.

Yom HaZikaron – IDF Maj (res) Aviv Wishkovsky at Mount Herzl

In this moving video, filmed at Israel’s national cemetery on Mt. Herzl, Maj (res) Aviv Wishkovsky talks about about the young people buried there, who died defending the State of Israel and what their sacrifice means to him, to the young people who wear the uniform of the IDF today and to all of the people of Israel.

Over a Dozen EU Countries, Including Israel’s Allies, Petition for Labeling Settlement Goods

More than a dozen European governments have called for the labelling of goods produced in Israeli settlements in the West Bank. Diplomats from 16 countries, including some of Israel’s closest allies, signed a letter calling on EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini to start the process. A European diplomat confirmed the authenticity of the letter. He spoke on condition of anonymity because he was discussing internal EU affairs. Israel captured the West Bank from Jordan in the 1967 war.

Israeli Reporter Harassed in France


President Rivlin’s Message to March of the Living 2015


PM Netanyahu Meets Holocaust Survivor Avraham Niederhoffer

ראש הממשלה בנימין נתניהו נפגש עם ניצול השואה אברהם נידרהופר.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu meets with Holocaust Survivor Avraham Niederhoffer.

וידאו: איתי בית-און, לע”מ
סאונד: ניר שרף, לע”מ

WJC President Ronald S. Lauder @ Budapest March of the Living


Holocaust survivor revisits Buchenwald concentration

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A Holocaust survivor has revisited Buchenwald concentration camp, 70 years on from the camp’s liberation . Report by Hettie Maylam.

Holocaust Survivor @ Budapest March of the Living


Telling the Story of Jewish Heroes in the Holocaust


IDF nabs Hamas terrorists in nighttime Shechem raid


F-35 Training in High Gear at Eglin AFB

m 26.03.2014
As the lead F-35 training location, the Integrated Training Center at Eglin Air Force Base has qualified pilots and maintainers from the U.S. Air Force, Marine Corps, Navy, the U.K. and the Netherlands. The F-35 training system maximizes simulation to prepare pilots and maintainers before they head to the flight line.

צעיר ישראלי נרצח בברלין דובר משרד התובע בברלין על החקירה צילום רויטרס

צעיר ישראלי נרצח בברלין, דובר משרד בהתובע בברלין על החקירה
צילום רויטרס

לכתבה המלאה באתר הארץ:;

חשד: צעיר ישראלי נרצח בברלין
גופת הצעיר התגלתה בתוך חורבות כנסיה סמוך לאלכסנדר פלאץ ועליה סימנים לאלימות קשה ולצדו נמצא דרכון ישראלי. “פניו של הנרצח הושחתו עד לבלי היכר”, אמר אחד החוקרים
בועז ארד, ברלין
משטרת ברלין חוקרת חשד לרצח צעיר שגופתו נמצאה ועליה דרכון ישראלי. הגופה התגלתה ביום ראשון בבוקר בתוך חורבותיה של הכנסיה הפרנציסקנית של ברלין, סמוך לאלכסנדר פלאץ ומול בית המשפט של רובע מיטה, כשעליה סימני אלימות קשים. עוברי אורח שחלפו במקום הבחינו בה והזעיקו את המשטרה.

הגופה היתה מוטלת מאחורי חומת אבנים ליד שער ברזל, ובתחילה חשבו במשטרה כי מדובר בחסר בית, מפני שהאזור ידוע כאזור שבו מסתובבים הרבה חסרי בית ואלכוהוליסטים.

הלויתו של שלום שרקי היד


אחיו של כתב ערוץ 2יאיר שרקי שנהרג בפיגוע הדריסה בצומת הגבעה הצרפתית ליד הפסל הלבן

PM Netanyahu at annual Holocaust Memorial Day Ceremony

דברי ראש הממשלה בנימין נתניהו בטקס יום הזיכרון לשואה ולגבורה ביד ושם.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the annual Holocaust Memorial Day ceremony at the Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial in Jerusalem.

וידאו: רועי אברהם, לע”מ

Holocaust Remembrance: Netanyahu warns against Iran | Journal

Speaking on the eve of Holocaust Remembrance Day, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu drew parallels between Iran and Nazi-Germany. Netanyahu has criticized a nuclear deal between Tehran and the West. Israel sees Iran as a major threat to its existence, should Tehran get nuclear weapons.
More News and Videos:

Netanyahu likens Iran to Nazis at Holocaust ceremony

Netanyahu likens Iran to Nazis at Holocaust ceremony

Yom Hashoah Yad Vashem Ceremony 5771 Kel Maleh Rachamim

Kel Maleh Rachamim in memory of the 6 Million sung by IDF Chief Chazan (Cantor) Lt. Col. Shai Abramson
קל מלא רחמים
סא”ל שי אברמסון קל מלא רחמים – החזן הצבאי

Iran’s Supreme Leader Accuses White House Of Lying About Nuclear Deal – Forbes On Fox

Iran’s Supreme Leader Accuses White House Of Lying About Nuclear Deal – Forbes On Fox

Statement by PM Netanyahu

Statement by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

דברי ראש הממשלה בנימין נתניהו לתקשורת הבינלאומית.

וידאו: רועי אברהם, לע”מ.
סאונד: ניר שרף, לע”מ.

French Far-Right Feud: Le Pen drops out of election amid feud with daughter

The founder of France’s far-right National Front Party, Jean-Marie Le Pen, has announced he will not run in local elections. The announcement comes amid a feud between Le Pen and his daughter Marine Le Pen, who currently leads the nationalist party.

Israeli man man found beaten to death in Berlin Reuters

A 22-year-old man found dead in the ruins of a Berlin church on Easter Sunday was an Israeli citizen, according to a prosecutor who confirmed the victim was killed.

Germany to mark 70 years since Buchenwald’s liberation

Historical footage shows the horrors of Buchenwald concentration camp in April 1945, the same month it was liberated by American forces. Vanessa Johnston reports

Buchenwald: 70th anniversary of Nazi concentration camp’s liberation

Survivors and veterans have been gathering at what was Buchenwald Concentration Camp

70 años de la liberación de Buchenwald

El 11 de abril de 1945 los 21 000 presos del campo de concentración de Buchenwald, ubicado cerca de Weimar, fueron liberados por el ejército estadounidense. Más de 56 000 personas fueron asesinadas en este infierno circundado de alambradas.

Thousands attend inter-faith march in Brussels

Around 5,000 people gathered in the centre of Brussels on Sunday to participate in a march calling for peace and tolerance between religious faiths.

צעיר ישראלי נרצח בברלין דובר משרד התובע בברלין על החקירה צילום רויטרס

Israeli was killed with extreme violence in Berlin
Un Israélien a été tué avec une violence extrême à Berlin
Israeli wurde mit extremer Gewalt in Berlin getötet

צעיר ישראלי נרצח בברלין, דובר משרד בהתובע בברלין על החקירה
צילום רויטרס

לכתבה המלאה באתר הארץ:…

חשד: צעיר ישראלי נרצח בברלין
גופת הצעיר התגלתה בתוך חורבות כנסיה סמוך לאלכסנדר פלאץ ועליה סימנים לאלימות קשה ולצדו נמצא דרכון ישראלי. “פניו של הנרצח הושחתו עד לבלי היכר”, אמר אחד החוקרים
בועז ארד, ברלין
משטרת ברלין חוקרת חשד לרצח צעיר שגופתו נמצאה ועליה דרכון ישראלי. הגופה התגלתה ביום ראשון בבוקר בתוך חורבותיה של הכנסיה הפרנציסקנית של ברלין, סמוך לאלכסנדר פלאץ ומול בית המשפט של רובע מיטה, כשעליה סימני אלימות קשים. עוברי אורח שחלפו במקום הבחינו בה והזעיקו את המשטרה.

הגופה היתה מוטלת מאחורי חומת אבנים ליד שער ברזל, ובתחילה חשבו במשטרה כי מדובר בחסר בית, מפני שהאזור ידוע כאזור שבו מסתובבים הרבה חסרי בית ואלכוהוליסטים.

Israel Navy Welcomes ‘INS Tanin’

Powerful Tanin Submarine Joins Israel Navy

During a ceremony in Germany last week, the INS Tanin submarine set sail for Israel’s shores. The powerful new vessel will equip the IDF with unprecedented capabilities at sea.

Israel’s largest defense technologies display at Eurosatory ’14

“The majority of Israel’s exportable land warfare capabilities were presented at Eurosatory this year” Itamar Graff, principal deputy director of SIBAT, Israel’s defense export directorate.

Jpost Israel News: April 6 2015

Jpost Israel News April 6 2015

Obama defends Iran deal and says he will stand by Israel if anyone attacks it
Netanyahu takes arguments against deal to US public
Abbas threatens to file a complaint at ICC over tax funds
And Thousands attend Priestly Blessing ceremony at Western Wall

Deadly Stampede at Rabbi Shmuel Wosner’s Funeral

Read full article here:…

Rabbi Shmuel Wosner’s Funeral

Over 100 people were injured during the overcrowded funeral procession for revered Rabbi Shmuel Halevi Wosner.

A 27-year-old man was trampled to death during a funeral procession for a revered rabbi on Sunday after he sustained severe injuries to his chest and abdomen.

Motti Gerber, from Elad, was killed during the funeral procession for Rabbi Shmuel Halevi Wosner, one of the most senior and respected figures in the haredi world, who died Friday night at a hospital in Bnei Brak at the of age of 101. Gerber had been a student of the late rabbi.

At around 1:30 am, MDA services were called to the procession on Dessler street, near the entrance to a yeshiva in Bnei Brak, where four people were severely injured as a result of overcrowding and congestion.

Two others, including a 14-year-old boy, are reported to be in critical condition along with one more in moderate-to-critical condition.

“When we arrived…we noticed a lot of wounded. The way to them was very difficult… after we worked our way through we got to a boy of about 14 years old, semi-conscious, suffering from a head injury. We gave him medical treatment and evacuated to a hospital,” according to MDA senior medic Ami Mishari.

According to a Magen David Adom, over 100 people were treated for injuries.

Voici ce que Netanyahou à a à dire de l’accord sur le nucléaire iranien

Quelques heures après l’annonce qu’un accord était intervenu à Lausanne entre l’Iran et les grandes puissances sur le nucléaire iranien, le Premier ministre israélien a pris la parole pour expliquer son profond désaccord.

Hassidic Jews Dance at Queen Alia Airport in Jordan


Retracing Ehud Olmert’s Corruption Charges.

Former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has been convicted on corruption charges, adding another black mark to his checkered legal history.
Follow Zach Toombs:
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Israel’s Foreign Affairs Min.

Hassidic Jews Dance at Queen Alia Airport in Jordan


Richard L. Rubenstein: Obama Most Radical President ever – תרגום לעברית

Dr. Richard L. Rubenstein, Yale fellow, “Distinguished Professor of the Year”, and Harvard Phd, states that president Obama’s intention is to “correct the historical mistake of the creation of the state of Israel.” Moreover, Dr. Rubenstein states that president Obama is extremely pro Muslim due to his family past to the point of “wanting to see the destruction of Israel.”
פרופסור ריצ’רד רובינשטיין, בראיון נבואי מצמרר שנערך עמו בשנת 2010, לפני האביב הערבי, לפני התפרקותן של מדינות במזרח התיכון, לפני עלייתו של האסלאם הרדיקלי והטרור הג’יהדיסטי והרבה לפני דאע”ש:
אובמה הוא הנשיא הרדיקלי ביותר שהיה לארצות הברית. מטרתו ליצור ברית שלום עם אירן בכל מחיר. לפי התנהגותו, החלטותיו והתנהלותו, ברור למי נתונה אהדתו. ברצונו לתקן טעות היסטורית לגבי הקמתה של מדינת ישראל. הוא לא יחוש אומללות רבה, אם מדינת ישראל תושמד, כל עוד יוכל לומר “ידי לא שפכו את הדם הזה”.
תרגום לעברית.

ראש הממשלה בנימין נתניהו נפגש עם ילדי חב”ד שחוגגים בר מצווה צילום חיים צח / לע”מ


Colonel Richard Kemp – Disproportional response

The former commander of British forces in Afghanistan, Colonel Richard Kemp, explains the concept of proportionality in international law and how the term is being misused to criticize Israel.

Professor David Menashri on Iran at ISGAP

Professor David Menashri, (President of the College of Law and Business at Ramat Gan in Israel, and Founding Director of the Center for Iranian Studies at Tel Aviv University), shares expert insight in a talk entitled “Iran, The United States and the Nuclear Challenge: A View from Israel”. From ISGAP.

Final push in Iran nuclear talks as March 31 deadline looms

It is make-or-break time in nuclear talks between six world powers and Iran.

With a March 31 deadline fast approaching for a preliminary deal, the Swiss resort of Lausanne is the scene of frantic last-minute diplomacy to try to iron out differences.

US Secretary of State John Kerry and Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif have been there for days to try to reach an accord and they held several rounds of talks on Saturday.

Cavuto: Don’t Trust The White House To Make Deal With Iran?

What’s the Deal, Neil: Time to cut defense spending? FBN’s Neil Cavuto on concerns about the White House’s negotiating abilities, defense spending and former Sen. Rick Santorum’s, (R-Pa), possible presidential bid.

putin on iran and israel

Putin talks about his views regarding Iran and Israeli security concerns.

This is how Powerful Israel’s Military is – Time

The men and women who make up the Israel Defense Force are one of the most highly-trained armed forces in the world. By land, air, and sea, the IDF’s major objective is to protect the state of Israel.

ישראל היום


Haunting: Sassoon Children Sing Shortly Before Tragic Blaze

גבריאל ששון מלווה למנוחות את שבעת הילדים ז”ל


Seven Flatbush Fire Victims Laid to Rest in Jerusalem


Megyn Kelly Netanyahu FULL Interview – Fox Host Presses Israeli PM Flip Flopping, Racism Accusations

FULL INTERVIEW: Netanyahu to Megyn Kelly: Peace Agreement Must Be Negotiated, Not Imposed
FOX NEWS INSIDER – Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu sat down today with Megyn Kelly, just 48 hours after his hard-fought re-election.

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Motty Steinmetz at Tomchei Shabbos Dinner Lakewood 2015

Motty Steinmetz at Tomchei Shabbos Dinner Lakewood 2015

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משה דוויק יפה ותמה


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אנא בכח- כּיסופים- אולפנת בהר”ן בשירי סעודה שלישית

לא תצרוב!!
מילים: ר’ נחוניא בן הקנה לחן: הרב משה נוימן
מתוך- כּיסופים
אולפנת בהר”ן בשירי סעודה שלישית
שירת נשים
סיון התשעלהשיג באימייל י

▶ ▶ ▶ ,, Nigun

Shlomo Carlebach – Lakewood, c. 1950s (Part 1)

Carlebach sings Modzitz, Chabad, Bobov
קרליבך שר מודז’יץ, חב”ד, באבוב

Shlomo Carlebach – Lakewood, c. 1950s (Part 2)

Bar Yochai/ Lag B’omer Dance Track!!!

Upbeat fast dance track to the tune of the traditional “Bar Yochai” sung on the Jewish fesitival of Lag Ba’omer in honor of the YohrTzeit of the holy Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai.

Acapella: Shea Berko and Yedidim – Kol Torah | ווקאלי: יושע ברקו וידידים – קול תורה

Yedidim Choir brings you an Acapella version of the newly released song ‘Kol Torah’, Composed by the great Yossi Green, and originally sung by Eli Marcus, now covered by the talented Shea Berko, where they perform it with their own twists in a Acapella arrangement by well known Avrumi Berko

ואפילו בהסתרה – יוסף קרדונר הופעה חיה and more ▶ ▶ ▶

לקבלת כלים רוחניים לחיזוק הנפש באמנה וביטחון

Motty Steinmetz Lag BaOmer Rebbe, Rebbe – Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai 2015

Motty Steinmetz Lag BaOmer Rebbe, Rebbe – Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai 2015

Yaniv Raba

הלובים – נדודים (מסע אל הפיוט הלובי) The Libyans – Wandering
זהו אלבום הפיוטים של יהודי לוב – ‘נדודים’ – הרואה עתה אור לאחר שנתיים ממושכות של איסוף וליקוט חומרים, עיבודים מוזיקליים והקלטות בהן לקחו חלק נגנים מהשורה הראשונה בז’אנר מוזיקת עולם, הפייטן יצחק חיון ואמנים ישראליים מובילים המתארחים באלבום, כמו ברי סחרוף, ארז לב ארי, שי גבסו ורביד כחלני.
האלבום, והמופע שלצדו, מציגים לראשונה את המסורת המוזיקלית העשירה של יה

8th Day – Celebrate

Its here!! “Celebrate”! The first single/video from the -soon to be released- new 8th Day album “Inner Flame”. For more info go to:

Credits for “Celebrate”:
Produced and directed by Bentzi Marcus
Cinematography: Yoni Oscherowitz
Gaffer: Daniel Williams
2nd Camera Operator: Tomi Rosenthal
Edited and special effects by Moshe Bree
Dance Choreography: Cheryl Baxter
PA: Sean Miller
Graphic Design: Menachem Krinsky
Backline: Samson Sound Productions

Filmed at Green Screen Downtown

Special thanks to; Shmuli Rosenberg, Sholom Lieberman, Matt Thorne, Lieder’s Catering, Spaun Drums, Drew Shankweiler, Georgiana and everyone at Green Screen Downtown, Rashi Marcus, Bluma Marcus, Chaim Marcus, Eiri Sharvit, Nechama Marcus, Shlomo Dahan, Zalman Simons, Dave Donnelly, Zalman Marcus, Avi Feder, Avremi G, Mendy Werdyger.

yitzchak fuchs in antwerp feb2013

The big, gala dinner in antwerp with, yanky lemmer, yitzchak fuchs ,mushmush ,dor asaraf, moishe damen, !! feb 2013

Bentzi Marcus and Dovid Dachs – ‘Yedid Nefesh’

Darchai Menachem Chinese Auction

Chazan Binyomin Levin obm Hineni הנני העני ממעש, החזן בנימין לוין

Chazan Binyomin Levin obm
תחינת השליח ציבור הנני העני ממעש, נרעש ונפחד מפחד יושב תהילות ישראל

Slichos Chazan Binyomin Levin – Haneshomo Loch, חזן בנימין לוין – הנשמה לך והגוף פעלך

Musique] Compilation musicale

Torah-Box et le D.J Charles Cohen vous offre une compilation musicale exceptionnelle avec les chanteurs : Itsik Eshel, Haim Israel, Itsik Orlev, Elika Bouta,…

Mordechai Ben David Sings New Song מרדכי בן דוד שיר חדש ▶ ▶ ▶

Mordechai Ben David sings new song at the Simchas Bais Hashoeva of congregation Shaarei Torah Los Angeles, CA. Composed by philanthropist Shlomo Yehuda Rechnitz.

Simchas Beis HaShoeva 2014 With Mordechai Ben David Complet Movie

שמחת בית השואבה תשע”ה של ישיבה תיכונית רמת גן באולמי קונקורד הסרט המלא עם ענק הזמרים החסידיים של כל הזמנים מרדכי בן דוד – בליוי תזמורתו של עמי כהן – צילום וידיאו יניב סירי – מאת נתן איבג

MBD sings Someday – “We learn Chitas and Rambam!”

Mordechai Ben David 5775. Crown Heights 2015
At the Melavah Malka in Oholei Torah benefiting Keren Simchas Chosson V’Kallah. KSCVK.

גד אלבז אנא בכוח

Yeshiva Darchei Torah Choir – Shalom Aleichem

Music video of Benny Friedman’s Shalom Aleichem, performed by the Yeshiva Darechi Torah Boys Choir. (5th Grade) Directed by Rabbi Yisroel Kleinman, The video was produced by Skyline Music & Kol Rom Media. The song was originally produced by Avi Newmark, arranged by Ian Freitor, and composed by Ari Goldwag.

“THE JAPAN SONG” – Official Music Video

Learn more or donate visit
Buy the song for 99 Cents….

Please note: The Tzunami footage in the clip was implemented as a sign of solidarity with the tragedy that struck the great Japanese nation.

In an effort to raise both funds and awareness for two Israeli young men who are still being held in a Japanese prison almost three years after unknowingly bringing drugs into the country, Danny Finkleman, producer of the Unity project to benefit Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin, has created another stunning music video, this one featuring two of the top names in Jewish music, superstars Shloime Daskal and Avraham Fried.

While filming in Japan, Daskal and Finkelman had the opportunity to spend thirty minutes with each of the two young men. Meeting them and spending time at the Chiba Detention Center left Daskal and Finkelman feeling even more inspired than ever to do whatever they could to help the pair.

Shloime Daskal, Avrohom Fried

Produced and Directed by: Danny Finkelman

Director of Photography: Mauricio Arenas

Edited by Nicole Gonzales

Music by Eli Lishinsky and Nir Graff

Lyrics by Motti Ilowitz and Moshe Kravitsky

Vocals recorded by Ruli Ezrachi and Shragee Gestetner

For the latest projects, check out


Israel Day Concert 2015 – Promo

Get ready for biggest Jewish music concert of the year
On May 31, 2015 in Central Park NYC

Israel Day Concert 2014 – Promo

Show solidarity as we stand UNITED FOR JERUSALEM

Come join the concert of the century!
At the Israel Day Concert on Sunday, June 1st, 2014 2:30 – 7:30pm

At Central Park SummerStage (Rumsey Playfield)

Starring: Gad Elbaz, Lipa, Benny Friedman, Edon, Shloime Dachs, Michael Elias, Ari Lesser, Nachas, Elron Zabatani, Meir Goldberg, Shabi Soffer, Chaim Kiss, Broadway Youth Ensemble, Born dancers, Simcha Squad, Yaakov Rostein, Meir Kalmenson

Hosts: Nachum Segal, Zvika Bornstein

KEAYAL TAAROG Como un Cervatillo HD Hebreo y Español


Shloime Daskal Lag Baomer An Aaron Teitelbaum Production

Shloime Daskal sings Lag Baomer Songs at a Wedding in Birchwood Manor in Whippany NJ, on May 22 2011, Conducted by Yisroel Lamm an Aaron Teitelbaum Production

Cantor Ushi Blumenberg Yedidim Choir – Yismechu | חזן אשר בלומנברג וידידים – ישמחו

Talented cantor Ushi Blumenberg performing “Yismechu” composed by the great jewish cantor, the world famous Yosele Roanblatt, backed by Yedidim Choir, Masterly arranged and conducted by Tzvi Blumenfeld at a recent event in Brooklyn, NY.

‘עבודת הניגון’ במלווה מלכה יחד עם חיליק פרנק – ישיבת עתניאל

ישיבת עתניאל
התוועדות מלווה מלכה יחד עם חיליק פרנק שהתקיימה בישיבת עתניאל מוצש”ק פרשת ´וארא´ (שבת מברכין) תשע”ה. בערב נוגנו ניגונים וחיליק שיתף את הציבור כיצד לדעתו מתבטאת עבודת ה´ בניגון.

הניגונים שנוגנו:
לכה דודי – חסידי בובוב
ניגון ‘לכבוד שבת’ – קרלין (מיוחס לרבה מאפטא)
ניגון ‘לא תבושי’ – צאנז
ניגון ‘הצמח צדק’

מקהלת ‘מלכות’ מגישה ביצוע ווקאלי מרהיב: מי שברך | Malchus Choir Vocal – Mi Shebeirach

Malchus Choir Sings “Mi Shebeirach” Composed by Cantor Samuel Malavsky

קליפ חדש מבית מקהלת ‘מלכות’: קומפוזיציה מוזיקאלית מפוארת בביצוע ווקאלי מושקע במיוחד, מפציעה מבית היוצר של המקהלה בניצוחו של פנחס ביכלר.

הפעם זו יצירתו האגדית של החזן שמואל מלבסקי ז”ל ‘מי שברך’, אשר מבוצעת בחי בהיכל בית הכנסת המפואר של יוצאי קהילות הקווקזים בשכונת בית ישראל בירושלים.

על העיבוד וההפקה המוזיקאלית: פנחס ביכלר. סולני ‘מלכות’: ברוך ויזל ויואלי ויינברגר. צילום ועריכה: יחיאל שדה. הפקה: שלום וגשל.

Benny Friedman Makes A Surprise Appearance At Bar Mitzvah

NACHAS introduced Benny Friedman at the Lightman Bar Mitva and they rocked the house together

Mendy Wax Does A Kumzits At The End Of A Bar Mitzvah With All The Bochurim.mp4

 Shlomo Simcha Playing with the YBO ,,,and more ▶▶▶

Gad Elbaz Sings Hashem Melech At Brooklyn Concert

Chabad Centennial Chassidic Symphony (EXCERPTS)

A SPECTACULAR MUSICAL CELEBRATION! Immerse yourself in an incredible philharmonic journey, spanning 300-years of Chabad-Chassidic musical masterworks, captured live by Emmy-award winning video and audio directors! The Chabad Centennial Symphony was performed before an audience of 2,000, in March of 2002, showcasing over 40 songs and melodies, arranged in ten thematic suites, as orchestrated and conducted by Yisroel Lamm. Purchase the full DVD at

Cantor Chaim Adler – El Male Rachamim | חזן חיים אדלר – אל מלא רחמים

Chazan Chaim Adler & Jerusalem Great Synagogue Chior – Conductor ELli Jaffe Singing “El Male Rachamim” on Yom Hazikaron April 22 2015 at the Great Synagogue in Jerusalem, in attendance of the Israeli chief rabbis Rabbi David Lau and Rabbi Yitzak Yosef

Rachmastrivka Rebbe Spends Shabbos In Monsey – Iyar 5775

Rachmastrivka Rebbe Spends Shabbos In Monsey – Iyar 5775
האדמו”ר מראחמסטריווקא שבת בעיר מונסי
צילום י סנדיק

Beri Weber With Meshorerim Choir and more…

Niggun Sheyibone

May it be Your will, L-rd our G-d and G-d of our fathers, that the Holy Temple be rebuilt speedily in our days, and grant us our portion in your Torah.” From the daily prayers.

10 Shevat 5735 Maamar Bosi Legani

As we prepare for Yud Shevat, here is the Maamar Bosi Legani 5735 corresponding to this year’s chapter of Bosi Legani

בינו נא מורדים – בביצוע ר’ חיים לוק Binu Na Mordim with R. Haim Louk

פיוט מענה שנכתב ע”י ר’ דוד בוזגלו, גדול פייטני מרוקו במאה העשרים, לשירו של חיים גורי “באב אל וואד”.
מתוך סדרת המופעים “שירת המגרב” בעריכת חנה פתיה
שירה: ר’ חיים לוק

‘עבודת הניגון’ במלווה מלכה יחד עם חיליק פרנק – ישיבת עתניאל

ישיבת עתניאל
התוועדות מלווה מלכה יחד עם חיליק פרנק שהתקיימה בישיבת עתניאל מוצש”ק פרשת ´וארא´ (שבת מברכין) תשע”ה. בערב נוגנו ניגונים וחיליק שיתף את הציבור כיצד לדעתו מתבטאת עבודת ה´ בניגון.

הניגונים שנוגנו:
לכה דודי – חסידי בובוב
ניגון ‘לכבוד שבת’ – קרלין (מיוחס לרבה מאפטא)
ניגון ‘לא תבושי’ – צאנז
ניגון ‘הצמח צדק’

לצפיה בניגונים נוספים ושיעורים מבית ישיבת בית ועד הר חברון – עתניאל בקרו באתרנו:

Mordechai Ben David, Ma Ashib, Musica Judia


Rebbe Elimelech & Israeli dance – France, 1965

f.r.i.e.d performs a down memory lane medley

live in concert singing his earliest album hits

Sanz – Seret Viznitz – Kretchnif Wedding – Adar 5775

אלפי חסידי צאנז השתתפו בשמחת בית צדיקים בנישואי נכד כ”ק מרן האדמו”ר מצאנז שליט”א בן לבנו הרה”צ הגרימ”ד הלברשטאם ראש רשת הישיבות צאנז עם נינת כ”ק האדמו”ר מסערט ויז’ניץ נכדה לחתנו אב”ד קוסוב ויז’ניץ בת להרה”צ ר’ איתמר רוזנבוים בן כ”ק האדמו”ר מקרעטשניף שליט”א • השמחה נערכה בהיכל הגדול בקרית צאנז עד לשעות הקטנות של הלילה • צפו ברגעים המלהיבים והמרוממים בעלוץ קריה בטוב צדיקים

cantor shlomo glick – בריך שמיה – בביצוע החזן שלמה גליק

★ צפו בקליפ המלא של החזן שלמה גליק מבצע את בריך שמיה.. יחד עם המנצח הדגול מרדכי סובול והפילהרמונית ★

Rajem, Español Y Hebreo, Yaakov Shwekey

Sham’a Vatismach Tziyon Cantor Simon Cohen Composed by Dr Mordechai Sobol Chazzanut accompanied by Dr Mordechai Sobol and the Yuval Choir and Symphony Orchestra, sings Sham-ah Vatismach Tsion. This composition was composed especially by Mordechai Sobol for Simon. The composition can be found in Psalm 97 or in the Kabalat Shabbat Friday evening service. Enjoy!
החזן סיימון כהן שר שמעה ותשמח ציון אשר הולחן ע”י ד”ר מרדכי סובול במיוחד עבורו.

Tzaly Gold – Geroishen! With Sympinny and Yedidim | צלי גאלד – גערוישן אין הימל – סימפיני וידידים

Enjoy this fabulous performance of MBD’s all time hit מי כעמך ישראל presented here by Tzali Gold and Yedidim Choir, at an event in upstate New York.

Mix zemiros and more,,,

חיים ישראל שר ואפילו בהסתרה וניגון חבד בחברון פסח תשעה

 דוד מימון אוטמזגין

Nafshenu Orchestra: Featuring Simcha Leiner – Chupah

Simcha Leiner singing an amazing chupah performance with Nafshenu Orchestra.

To view additional video clips of many of the top featured vocalists please visit our website at or call 516-371-6660.

Seret Viznitz – Apta Wedding 2

Seret Viznitz – Apta Wedding in Boro Park November 10 2010

Moshe Laufer

Chabad with Moshe Laufer 3 – Preview | משה לאופר מנגן חב”ד 3 – פרומו

MIX++++,,חיים ישראל שר ואפילו בהסתרה וניגון חבד בחברון פסח תשעה,

Al Dumi Lach (Salmo 83) Canta: Motty Steinmetz

Sigue más de cerca el proyecto de música hebrea bíblica e inspirada

Nafshenu Orchestra: Featuring Shloime Daskal

To view additional video clips of many of the top featured vocalists please visit our website at
or call 516-371-6660. Aaron Appelbaum 516-371-6660

Time To Say Goodbye -A Team orchestra Feat. Amram Adar & The Meshorerim Choir

The A Team Orchestra Chuppah series presents: ‘Time To Say Goodbye – Bo’ee B’Shalom’ Featuring Adar accompanied by Meshorerim Choir.

Baryo ● “Or Halevono” ♫ “בריו חקשור – “אור הלבנה ● (The official music video)

For Events – להזמנות לאירועים
U.S.A (347) 361-2181
Israel 02-679-9181

‘עבודת הניגון’ עם חיליק פרנק – מלוה מלכה בישיבת עתניאל

מלוה מלכה עם חיליק פרנק שהתקיים בישיבת עתניאל במוצאי שבת פרשת ‘וארא’ אור לב’ שבט התשע”ג. בערב נוגנו ניגונים וחיליק שיתף את הציבור כיצד לדעתו מתבטאת עבודת ה’ בניגון.

לניגונים נוספים של חיליק פרנק בעתניאל ולשיעור תורה של רבני הישיבה מוזמנים לבקר באתר הישיבה:

אבי בן ישראל – הראשון לציון רבי יצחק יוסף | Avi Ben Israel – Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef

הזמר המיוחד אבי בן ישראל מוציא בימים אלו שיר חדש ומרומם על הראשל”צ ונשיא בית הדין הרבני הגדול הגאון רבי יצחק יוסף שליט”א.

מילים: הוא עמל בתורה יומם ולייל , שעורים בהלכה לעם ישראל , שפתותיו שזורות בתורה וזיו , מרים קרן התורה בדרכיי אביו , הוביל ישיבתו כרועה של צאן , מוליך את עמו באמונה ורצון , פוסק ודורש כל ימיי חייו , כותב ומלקט מאוצרות מרן ,
פזמון: הוא הראשון לציון רבי יצחק יוסף , מחבר הספרים , אוצרות ילקוט יוסף
הוא נבחר כאביו להנהיג את העם , כי ראשון לציון הנה הינם., גאון הדור ואור לעולם , בליבו ונשמתו אהבת חינם ,לומד ושוקד בתורת אמת , וידיו פרושות להעניק ולתת , מאחלים אנו לך , את כל הברכות , שתצעד בהצלחה , בדרך האבות , והקל איתך תמיד , במעשה ידך , וממעל בהשגחה , גם מרן איתך.

הראשון לציון – רבי יצחק יוסף / מילים: קטרין ברכה ואבי בן ישראל. לחן: חיים בר ואבי בן ישראל. תמונות: יעקב כהן , עיבוד: אלי אסרף

Freilach feat. Shloime Daskal & Zemiros Group – “Golus Mitzrayim”

In honor of Pesach, we are proud to present to you this new video of the Freilach band and famed vocalist Shloime Daskal, accompanied by the melodious voices of the Zemiros Group, performing “Golus Mitzrayim” – Originally recorded by the King of JM Mordechai Ben David on the album ‘Let My People Go’ back in the 80’s.

Wishing all of our clients and Klal Yisroel, a Chag Kosher V’someach!
Mixed – Mendy Hershkowitz
Video – Motty Engel

93,000 Jews Dancing at Siyum Hashas

Most people seemed to agree, the most inspiring moment of the Siyum Hashas at MetLife stadium was the 15 minutes of music and dance. 90,000 Yidden, Kein Yirbu.

Brit (Covenant) Shimshai & Assi Rose Playing at Shimshai’s Home in California

This is the first time I heard the song… and the first time I played it… right in front of the camera… not even a second take… that was it… fresh.. as soon as I heard it I was thinking man.. how come I never heard that song before.. then Shimshai said he composed it, I was speechless… its A classic, and we are now creating History.. these are the moments captured while I am thinking those thoughts…
הלכתי לבקר את שימשיי בבית שלו בלב הג’ונגל בדרום קליפורניה- לקראת ההופעות הראשונות בארץ שאלתי אותו אם הוא מכיר שירים בעברית והוא שלף את השיר הזה- שהוא בעצמו הלחין– מיד ידעתי שמדובר בקלאסיקה שכולם בעתיד יאהבו, הרגשתי שיש לשיר הזה מסר וכח, ועד היום אני ממשיך לשיר אותו ולהפיצו בכל מקום ובכל אפשרות

Vehi sheomdah Yonathan Razel Yaakov Shwekey pesaj.Por Siempre Israel.

No Llores Mas Jerusalem (Subtitulado) – Yaakov Shwekey

Una canción dedicada a todos.

Kolos Choir singing at a Sheva Brochos

Kolos Choir a new upcoming group singing at a sheva brochos in Spinka Hall in Boro Park.

Dovid Kish on the keys

For bookings call: 347-486-0031

Moshe Hecht – Believers (Official Music Video)

Get the album today:
The video, directed by New York/Miami based filmmaker Ferrel Goldsmith of Yeoville Productions (, features a young woman who is trying to return a lost item and ends up finding

Moshe Hecht

“מִי שֶׁעָשָׂה נִסִּים” – Blue Melody ft. Chaim D. Berson & Zemiros Group

A timely powerful תפלה encapsulated in a powerful Melody.

As חדש ניסן is upon us, the month of חרות, the month of גאולה, one cannot help but think about all of the צרות that we are facing across every part of the world. Without exception. We are all in it together. We can feel each others worry and pain. Who can say they are not ready nor anxious to see the גאולה שלימה immediately!

This coming Pesach let’s come together as one. Let us Sing as One Nation in harmony. A תפלה in אחדות. A cry that will pierce the above from all corners of earth.

מי שעשה נסים לאבותינו וגאל אותם מעבדות לחרות. הוא יגאל אותנו בקרוב ויקבץ נדחינו מארבע כנפות הארץ חברים כל ישראל, ונאמר אמן.

המנגנים | קומטאנץ | שרולי ורדיגר – ייבנה המקדש | Kumtantz | Yisroel Werdyger – Yiboneh Hamikdosh

תזמורת המנגנים: קומטאנץ | שרולי ורדיגר – ייבנה המקדש
מקהלת שירה: שרגי גולד, זבי פריד, הרשי וינברגר, יואלי הורוביץ, אלי שפריי

המנגנים | קומטאנץ 1 – תקציר וידאו | Hamenagnim | Kumtantz 1 Official Trailer

Shwekey Live In Nokia – Mi Sheberach

Yaakov Shwekey au Palais des Congrès de Paris le Lundi 17 Novembre 2014 avec la participation exceptionnelle de Shlomi Shabat

Mendy J – Habeit Reimagined (Ft. Chananya Begun)

Music video by Mendy J Performing Habeit Reimagined Ft. Chananya Begun. (C) 2015 New Sound Productions

Mendy J- Sim Shalom (Official Music Video) מענדי ג’- שים שלום

Adir Hoo – Folk – Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach – אדיר הוא – עממי – רבי שלמה קרליבך

Adir Hoo – Folk – Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach – אדיר הוא – עממי – רבי שלמה קרליבך

The Naftali Kalfa Project – Full Album

Naftali Kalfa

Lo Yaavod – Yaakov Shwekey

Time to Dance – Yaakov Shwekey

Yaakov Shwekey au Palais des Congrès de Paris le Lundi 17 Novembre 2014 avec la participation exceptionnelle de Shlomi Shabat

Dance! Wedding with Menachem Moskowitz and Naftali Schnitzler | רקוד! חתונה חסידית מנחם מאשקאוויטש

Chasidic Wedding with Menachem Moskowitz and Naftali Schnitzler

Avraham Fried and Avrumi Halpern Live in Manchester

Avraham Fried Live in Manchester at the Zichron Menachem concert – Event City. A selection of English classics

Siman Tov by Shauly Waldner (Official Music Video)

Shauly Waldner presents his all new music video, Siman Tov, from the debut album Tov Hashem. This original music video brings out the Simcha in a unique and fresh way.

Al Naharot Bavel – Boaz Davidoff, Martin Widerker | על נהרות בבל – בועז דוידוף, מרטין וידרקר

Director: Yizik Grovais
Script and Production Manager: Israel Bergman
Photography Director: Mendy Or
Photographer: Yakov Salem
Aerial Photography: “Hyper”
Editing & After Effects: “Hyper”
Set Manager: Yidi Grusgot
Composer: Martin Meir Widerker
Singing and Music Arrangements: Boaz Davidoff

Tzaly Gold – Geroishen! With Sympinny and Yedidim | צלי גאלד – גערוישן אין הימל – סימפיני וידידים

Enjoy this fabulous performance of MBD’s all time hit מי כעמך ישראל presented here by Tzali Gold and Yedidim Choir, at an event in upstate New York.
צלי גולד – גערויש אין הימל – סימפיני וידידים

Freilach feat. Shmueli Ungar & Shira – Moshe Rabeinu מקהלת שירה, פריילך ושמילו – משה רבינו

הכל אפשרי כשצוות מוזיקאלי מנצח נפגש יחד על במה אחד ולוטשת יהלום של שיר
כל זה קרה בחתונה של נגיד הקהילה בבארא פארק שבברוקלין מסביב שולחנות ערוכי באוכל משובח ויינות עתיקים
הנגיד ביקש מחברי המקהלה שיר ביידיש משהו אופייני לכבוד חג הפסח הקרב ובא. חברי המקהלה החליטו ללכת מקורי על חומר משובח ועתיק של
״מונה רוזנבלום״
ועיבד את השיר ושיגר את זה היישר לאוזני האורחים שקפצו מכיסאותיהם כששמעו את הביצוע
הזמר שמילו אונגר תרם בקולו החזק והמתוק וביצע את הלחן בטוב טעם וחן כשתזמורת פריילך מלווה את השיר עם גרוב מוזיקאלי מיוחד

לחן ומקור : מונה רוזנבלום מתוך הדיסק ״מונה 4״
שירה מקורית ומילים : ליפא שמלצער

Yumi Lowy & Yedidim Choir “The Second dance set ” an Aaron Teitelbaum Production

Yumi Lowy & Yedidim Choir Singing The “Second Dance set “At a Wedding in the Hilton Meadowlands On March 8, 2015 Conducted by Yisroel Lamm an Aaron Teitelbaum Production

Avrum Mordche Schwartz Singing “4 Sides To One Story” At The RCCs KJ Dinner,
RCCS provides an array of services for cancer-stricken patients in need; primary among them is the subsidizing of health insurance.

RCCS “Balaichtungen” Official music video – Yoely Greenfeld

Yoely Greenfeld sings “Balaichtungen” a tribute to RCCS – Rofeh Cholim Cancer Society.

The video captures a father to a sick child as he travels to meet different people who encourage him and his son.

Produced by Danny Finkelman
Director of Photography Sean Sinderbrand
Co-directed by Tzvi Waldman
Starring: Shai Wiener, and Gedalya Rauch.
Music by Leib Yaakov Rigler
Composed by Noam Kamelhar and Michoel Pruzansky
Lyrics by Motti Illowitz
Choir by Yedidim

Isaac Honig & Malchus Choir with Hamenagnim Orchestra – Kinesher

מעמד סיום המחזור הראשון של הדף היומי בהלכה של ארגון דרשו

Simply Tzfat – Instrumental



Cantor Yanky Lemmer, Frank London & Michael Winograd – Project Ahava Raba – Studio Session

Project Ahava Raba

A prayer, a Nusach and most importantly an invocation of the the abundant love between man and his Creator.

It is through this project that Cantor Yaakov Lemmer, trumpeter Frank London and clarinetist Michael Winograd elicit these emotions.

The project was conceived while touring Europe and performing at various Jewish Culture festivals. It is a marriage of Klezmer, Chazzanut, with an old school feel yet a refreshening energy and vibe.

Reuven Stone Bookings

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Arutz Sheva TV

IBA News

IDF the Israel Defense Forces (IDF).

American Israel Supporters Tell Pope: Stay Out of Politics

After Pope Francis moved to recognize a Palestinian state, some gung-ho defenders of Israel suggested the pontiff should stick to preaching and stay out of politics. Rep. Jeff Duncan of South Carolina, a hawkish defender of Israel, said “I’m disappointed. The Pope is legitimizing a Palestinian state without requiring those who get recognition to recognize Israel as a Jewish state.” It wasn’t just Duncan. Several House conservatives seemed exasperated that Francis, who will address Congress this fall, approved the Vatican’s recognition of Palestine as a state. On Wednesday, critics said Rome needs to leave the question of Palestinian statehood to be sorted out in the Middle East. Others were frustrated that the pontiff would recognize a place that’s an avowed enemy of a U.S. ally like Israel.
Rep. Louie Gohmert of Texas said, “I’m surprised that the pope would recognize Palestine when they’re still haters who want to eliminate Israel off the map and don’t recognize Israel. The Pope is the head of his religion, and he makes those calls for himself, but I represent 700,000 people from East Texas and a vast majority agree with me.”

Vatican Move on Palestine Adds Fuel to European Debate

The Vatican’s decision to recognize the state of Palestine in a treaty for the first time has drawn a stern response from Israel, but it may usher in a freer debate in Europe about how to proceed on the vexed Palestinian question.
The Holy See has referred to Palestine since 2012, but the treaty concluded on Wednesday, which covers the Church’s activities in areas controlled by the Palestinian Authority, marks a more formal recognition, which Vatican officials said they hoped would benefit Israeli-Palestinian ties in time.
An Israeli foreign ministry official described the Vatican’s move as a “disappointment” and indicated that it may lead to reprisals, although he did not say of what kind.
The Vatican, increasingly proactive in foreign policy under Pope Francis, is far from the only state to have recognized Palestine — 135 members of the United Nations already do so, nearly 70 percent of the total. By comparison, 160 of the UN’s 193 members recognize Israel.

Controversy over Vatican recognizing Palestinian state

Ambassador Francis Rooney and Rabbi Steve Burg debate Pope Francis’ decision

Summit to Combat Religious Tension Held in Rockland County

SUFFERN – Jews, Christians and Muslims took part in a summit Wednesday morning to improve interfaith understanding in Rockland County.

Interfaith Summit Held at Rockland Community College

NYACK – An interfaith summit was held in Rockland Wednesday in an effort to ease tensions in the community.

PM Netanyahu Meets German Defense Minister Dr. Ursula von der Leyen

ראש הממשלה בנימין נתניהו נפגש עם שרת ההגנה של גרמניה ד”ר אורסולה פון דר ליין.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu meets with German Defense Minister Dr. Ursula von der Leyen

וידאו: רועי אברהם, לע”מ
סאונד: איתמר בוטון, לע”מ

Malcolm Hoenlein’s Global Perspective

Executive Vice Chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations Malcolm Hoenlein joins Yishai in-studio for an exclusive interview about the state of affairs of the state of Israel. Is Iran gaining global momentum? Is the Israeli narrative losing global momentum? Will Argentinian Jews ever see justice?

Massive Wildfire In Ulster County NY Rt 209 & Rt 52

Netanyahu Signs Deal to Form Coalition Government

Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, secures a last minute deal to form a coalition government with the Jewish Home party.

Germany: Gauck welcomes Israeli President Rivlin to Berlin with full military honours

German President Joachim Gauck welcomed Israeli President Reuven Rivlin to the Bellevue Palace in Berlin, Monday, with full military honours.

Rivlin is visiting Germany for two days on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the establishment of bilateral diplomatic relations between Germany and Israel, which took place on May 12, 1965.

Knesset Speaker Yuli Edelstein on the Challenges Ahead

Knesset Speaker Yuli Edelstein joins VOI’s Dov Lipman to discuss the challenges facing the 20th Knesset, and opines on an array of issues, among them: religion and state; regional representation in the Knesset; and the Knesset’s being the first green parliament in the world.


Commander of the South Front Command, Sami Turgeman, speaks during a press conference, August 5, 2014. (photo credit: Gideon Markowicz/Flash90)

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the Permanent Mission of Israel to the United Nations.

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This channel is dedicated to promoting diplomatic relations, economic growth and friendship between the State of Israel and the UN Member States

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28 minutes : l’intégrale

28 minutes- ARTE

CRIF , Roger Cukierman

C’est à Dieu d’agir ! ▶ ▶ ▶

Le Rabbi de Loubavitch:
Le traité Sota, qu’on a coutume d’étudier entre Pessa’h et Chavouot, traite des lois relatives à une femme mariée qui est soupçonnée d’infidélité par son mari.

Ahavat Israel

Dans ce cours, le Rav Shaul Sillam explique les aspects profonds de la Mitsva d’amour du prochain, selon un developpement du Rabbi Tsemah Tsedek de Loubavitch. Vous trouverez d’autres cours du Rav Sillam sur le site:

De Pessah à Chavouot

Dans ce cours, le Rav Shaul Sillam nous explique quel est le Service Divin specifique a la periode du ‘Omer

Vous trouverez d’autres cours du Rav Sh. Sillam sur

Lionel Rocheman – Die Werbe (Yiddish Song) France 1978

Lionel Rochman – Die Werbe
from the album “Yiddisch Story”
released 1978 in France

Des chercheurs israéliens ont trouver un moyen de détecter le cancer du côlon par un simple test sanguin

Des chercheurs israéliens du Maccabi health et du  Medial Research ont développé un système pour identifier les personnes à risque d’un cancer colorectal par un simple test de numération sanguine de routine. Cerise sur le gâteau le système pourrait être utilisé pour détecter d’autres types de cancer. +++

Hava Nagila – Gad Elbaz הבה נגילה – גד אלבז


Hava Nagila – Amrutam Gamaya – Music Mojo Season 3 – KappaTV

Hava Nagila by ‘Amrutam Gamaya’ a cover of “Hava Nagila” (הבה נגילה Havah Nagilah, “Let us rejoice”) an Israeli folk song traditionally sung at Jewish celebrations. It is considered to be perhaps the first modern Israeli folk song in the Hebrew language that has become a staple of band performers at Jewish weddings and Bar/Bat Mitzvahs.

Devinez ce que va interpréter cette chorale de Corée du Sud ?

La Busan Harmony Chorus conduite par Choi Jung , l’une des respectables chorale de Corée du sud, a intégré dans ses tours de chants à traversla planète deux classiques israéliens très appréciés du public. Selon le chef de choeur, “les adaptations de ces chants sont parmi les plus applaudis et représentent un lien naturel entre les deux pays”.

émision du 08 05 2015

REPLAY de l’émission du 08 mai 2015 :
Emission avec le : Rav Bitton de Sarcelles : sur Lag Baomer et la Hilloula de Rabbi Chimone bar Yohai !
Suivi de l’émission spécial avec le Rav Chezky Lifshitz, du NEPAL !
Puis en direct avec : Yeochoua, Lior et Alexandra pour les questions des auditeurs !

Spécial lag baomer 5775: Cérémonie de lag baomer à ramoth alef


Spécial lag baomer 5775: chant habad de lag baomer ניגון חבד של לג בעומר

Saviez-vous que certains airs utilisés pour les chansons sur Bar Yo’hai sont des airs ‘habad authentique?

Lag Baomer 5773 : Cérémonie d’ouverture avec le Rabbi de Boyan !

Découvrez 1h26 de vidéo incroyable. Revivez l’allumage du premier feu (médoura) de Lag Baomer 5773 à Meron, par le Rabbi de Boyan. S’ensuit des chants rythmés par les danses des ‘Hassidim qui dureront toute la nuit de la Hiloula de Rabbi Chimon bar Yo’hai. Un évènement unique !

Hashomer Hatzair Belgium

Lag Baomer: la segoula de ce grand jour.

Rav Avraham Kadoch

La Depression; Comment s’en sortir ?


Pourquoi un deuil pour les 24.000 élèves de la Rabbi Akiva et pas pour la Shoah ?


Pourquoi fait-on une medoura (un feu) pour Lag Baomer ?


Lag Baomer : un p’tit Tour de Mérone !

Lag Baomer : chez les ‘Hassidim de Tsanz à Netanya

מירון לג בעומר הכל בו צילום 24 שעות סרט מיוחד

הרבי מביאן מדליק את ההדלקה המרכזית, ובשעה 2 בלילה מדלקים הדלקה על קברו של רבי יוחנן הסנדלר ושם מנגנים טובי המנגנים על קלרינטים, בשירי נוסטלגיה של מירון,ובראשם גדולי המנגנים במירון מוסה ברלין,וחיליק פרנק,ריקוד האדמור מרחמסטרווקא, ריקוד האדמור מתולדות אברהם יצחק, מירון לפנות בוקר, הכל מה שנעשה במירון במשך כל

Torah-Box selection ▶ ▶ ▶

Torah-Box selection 2 ▶ ▶ ▶

Berlin in July 1945 (HD 1080p color footage)

That’s how it looked like just after the Second World War in Berlin!

Fascinating moving pictures in color show the situation of the city in summer 1945, just after the Second World War and the capitulation of Germany. Daily life after years of war.

Pictures from the destroyed city, the Reichstag, Brandenburger Tor, Adlon, Führerbunker, Unter den Linden, rubble women working in the streets, the tram is running again.

A collage of archive material
produced by: Kronos Media

Voici à quoi ressemblait Berlin juste après la Seconde Guerre Mondiale !

Ces fascinantes vidéos en couleur nous montrent la situation de la ville lors de l’été 1945, directement après la Seconde Guerre Mondiale et la capitulation de l’Allemagne. Voici la vie quotidienne
des Berlinois après des années de guerre.

Les images nous dévoilent une ville détruite, le Reichstag, la porte de Brandebourg, l’hôtel Adlon, le bunker du Führer, l’avenue Unter den Linden, les femmes des ruines à l’œuvre dans les rues, et les trams à nouveau en fonctionnement.

Un assemblage d’images d’archive
production par Kronos Media

Lag Baomer 5773 : Cérémonie d’ouverture avec le Rabbi de Boyan !

LAG BAOMER selon le Rabbi ,,, Rav TOUITOU

Le Rabbi de Loubavitch: Lag Baomer Carnaval

Lag BaOmer, la joie de Rabbi Chimon Bar Yo’haï

Lag Baomer : allumage géant du Rabbi de “Toledot Aharon”



Cacherout sur le Champagne, Brandy ou Cognac


Appel pour l’enterrement d’une femme démunie


Jean-Marie Le Pen suspendu du FN

Jean-Marie Le Pen suspendu du Front National. La decision du bureau exécutif du parti est tombée en début de soirée. Le co-fondateur du Front National en 1972 a été suspendu de son statut d adhérent et une assemblée extraordinaire devra decider dans les trois mois la suppression de son statut de president d’honneur.

Jean Marie Le Pen, avait refuse de se rendre devant le bureau politique ce matin et avait affiché la même determination à réitérer ses propos.

“Je parle librement, ce qui choque …

Fusillade de Toulouse : Réaction du rabbin d’Aix-les-Bains


Réaction du rabbin d’Aix-les-Bains sur l’attentat qui a entrainé la mort de 4 personnes devant le collège juif Ozar Hatora de Toulouse



Hesped du Rav Errera par le Grand-Rabbin Wertenschlag


Hesped du Rav Errera par le Rav Yi’hya Teboul




Rav Errera

Mélavé Malka à Sarcelles le 29 janvier 2011 avec rav Errera d’Aix-Les-Bains 103 ans et en présence du Psdt de la communauté M. Richard Halimi ainsi que le Grand Rabbin Chalom BERROS.Cours sur Chalom Baït

Rav Errera

Rav Haim,Jaskin Haykine Zal d’Aix Les Bains



La yechiva d’Aix les Bains1.wmv

La yechiva d’Aix les Bains2.wmv

Yechiva d’Aix-les-bains3.VOB

Une yechiva est établie par Ernest Weill à Neudorf (Strasbourg), en 19331. Dirigée par le Rabbin Simcha Wasserman, fils de l’éminent talmudiste Elchonon Wasserman, elle est alors la seule yechiva de France. En 1938, le Rabbin Wasserman émigre aux États-Unis, laissant la direction de la Yeshiva de Neudorf à Yitzchak Chaikin, disciple du Chofetz Chaim et d’Elchonon Wasserman, fraichement débarqué. Il est bientôt déporté en Allemagne, et la yechiva doit fermer ses portes en 1939 jusqu’à la fin de la seconde Guerre mondiale.
Son collège académique décide de rouvrir ses portes après la guerre à Aix-les-Bains, où elle s’établit définitivement. Elle est toujours dirigée par le rabbin Yitzchak Chaikin1, revenu de captivité et accueille d’ailleurs de nombreux rescapés de la Shoah :
La Yeshiva Chachmei Tzorfas [la Yechiva des Sages de France] est déjà une réalité – pas simplement un bâtiment élégant, mais un palais. Environ une centaine de jeunes trouveront leur place ici. À présent de nombreux garçons venant de Buchenwald et de Dachau sont inscrits. La yeshiva attend leur arrivée. Le premier Rosh Hayeshiva (doyen) est déjà ici: le Rabbin Chaikin, un ancien étudiant de la Yeshiva de Radin. Lui aussi vient juste de rentrer de captivité [en Allemagne].2
Elle est dirigée aujourd’hui par le Rabbin Yits’hak Weill.

Aix Les Bains – French Alps

Vidéo officielle : Les épouvantables camps de concentration nazis


Allemagne : installation de la réplique de la porte du camp de Dachau

La biographie du Maharal de Prague

Sinai, Purim & The MaHaRaL of Prague

Le Maharal de Prague sur Pourim: La force de la pensée

File:Tomb Of Rabbi Meir Baial Haness, 1894.jpg

Mausolée supposé de Rabbi Meïr baal Haness, en 1894

Meïr baal Haness

Rabbi Meïr baal Haness ou Baal Ness (hébreu : רבי מאיר בעל הנס « Rabbi Meïr le Miraculeux », acronyme Rambaha”n ou Ramba”n) est un faiseur de miracles dont la tombe fait l’objet d’un pèlerinage annuel. Son nom est également associé à des caisses de bienfaisance destinées aux Juifs nécessiteux résidant en terre d’Israël.

Identifié par la croyance populaire à Rabbi Meïr, il semble cependant issu d’une confusion entre ce Sage et un ou plusieurs homonymes.  Photo by Wikipedia Read More Button--orange

La Grandeur de Rabbi Meir Baal Ha-Ness


Visit to the Tomb of Rabbi Meir Baal Haness | Kever Tzadikim

La grande force et l’histoire du Rabbi Meir Baal Haness – 613TV

Rabbi Meir Baal Haness

Rabbi Méïr Baal Haness – rabbi David PINTO (

Rabanit Iris Odani Elyashiv Rabbi Meir Baal Haness ENGLISH

Video Especial Rabi Meir Baal Hanes

histoires de nos sages – La phrase magique de Rabbi Méïr Baal Haness –

Rabbi Meir Baal Aness – Pessah Cheni

Rav Raphael Pinto


מוריס ויצמן




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JUIF ? selon…


Radio SHALOM, Charles Lugassy


Charles Lugassy is a cultivated journalist for Radio Shalom equipped with 15 years experience in journalism with Radio Canada, 20 years experience in immigration consulting and a highly active and reputable presence in the Jewish Sephardic community.

Tsahal – Armée de Défense d’Israël

euronews (en français)

A la Une , euronews (en français)

Mémorial de la Shoah

Chanson communauté juive

Centre Communautaire de Paris

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Derniers Témoins – Témoignages

Témoignage issu de la campage “Derniers Témoins”, réalisée par le Mémorial de la Shoah en partenariat avec la mairie de Paris en 2004.

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This Day in Jewish History / An actress so moving that anti-Semites pelted her — with flowers — is

This Day in Jewish History / An actress so moving that anti-Semites pelted … But it is said that she was so popular during this period that some of her …

YIDDISH THEATRE, New York…memories

File:Bertha Kalich 1.pngBertha Kalich

From Wikipedia,

Bertha Kalich, (also spelled Kalish) (17 May 17, 1874 – 18 April 1939) was a Jewish actress, born in Lemberg, Galicia (now Lviv,Ukraine). Though she was well-established as an entertainer in Eastern Europe, she is best remembered as one of the several “larger-than-life” figures that dominated New York stages during the “Golden Age” of American Yiddish Theatre during the late nineteenth and early twentieth century.[1] Historians estimate that, during her career, Kalich performed more than 125 different roles in seven different languages.

Kalich was born Beylke Kalakh in what was then Austria-Hungary, the only child of Solomon Kalakh, a poor brush manufacturer and amateur violinistRead More Button--orangePhotos by Wikipedia

Jerusalem Day 2015: History And Facts About Israeli National Holiday, Yom Yerushalayim

International Business Times
Forty-eight years ago, Jerusalem was reunited under Jewish sovereignty for the first time in … This year, Jerusalem Day will be observed on May 17.

1967 Jerusalem

Images from Jerusalem right after the war in 1967. The kotel, Western Wall, being reopened to Jews.

Jerusalem Day – Yom Yerushalayim – יום ירושלים – Sisu et Yerushalaim – Givat Hatakhmoshet

This is a compilation of short clips about Jerusalem Day.
Jerusalem Day – Yom Yerushalayim – יום ירושלים – Sisu Et Yerushalayim – Givat Hatachmoshet – Har HaBait Beyadenu – Am Israel Chai

ריקוד דגלים- Dancing with Israeli flags on the Jerusalem day

ריקוד הדגלים ביום ירושלים
Dancing with Israeli flags on the Jerusalem day

סלפי ירושלמי – יום ירושלים Jerusalem Day

Jerusalem Day

From Wikipedia,

Jerusalem Day (Hebrew: יום ירושלים‎, Yom Yerushalayim) is an Israeli national holiday commemorating the reunification of Jerusalemand the establishment of Israeli control over the Old City in the aftermath of the June 1967 Six-Day War. The day is officially marked by state ceremonies and memorial services. The Chief Rabbinate of Israel declared Jerusalem Day a minor religious holiday to mark the regaining of access to the Western Wall.[1] While the day has lost its significance for most secular Israelis,[2][3][4] the day is still very much celebrated by Israel’s Religious Zionist community[5][6] with parades and additional prayers in the synagogue.Under International Law, in the San Remo agreement in 1920, Jerusalem and Israel was given to the Jews for a homeland and is therefor still legally Jewish land[7] . Under the 1947 UN Partition Plan, which proposed the establishment of two states in the British Mandate of Palestine—a Jewish state and an Arab state—Jerusalem was to be an international city, neither exclusively Arab nor Jewish for a period of ten years Read More Button--orangePhotos by Wikipedia

This Day in Jewish History / A rabbi, astronomer and inventor honored by Russia dies – Haaretz

The brilliance of Chaim Selig Slonimski, who loved God and science, is evident in the wild span of his innovations, from advanced metal plating to …

File:Slonimski Chaim Zelig.jpgHayyim Selig Slonimski

From Wikipedia

Hayyim Selig Slonimski (Hebrew: חיים זעליג סלונימסקי‎, also known by his acronym CHaZaS) (1810-1904) was a Hebrew publisher,astronomer, inventor, and science author

Hayyim Selig Slonimski was born in Białystok, in the Grodno Governorate of the Russian Empire (present-day Poland) on March 31, 1810.

He pioneered the education of Jews in Eastern Europe in science; to do this, he introduced a vocabulary of technical terms created partly by himself into the Hebrew language. His reputation as a strictly orthodox rabbi assured fellow Jews that his scientific teachings would not undermine religion.  . Read More Button--orangePhotos by Wikipedia

This Day in Jewish History / Ocean liner leaves Germany with fleeing Jews on board…

This Day in Jewish History / Ocean liner leaves Germany with fleeing Jews on board… …Yet of the 937 passengers, nearly a third wound up …

When Canada Said No: The Abandoned Jews of the MS St. Louis

In May 1939, the oceanliner MS St. Louis departed Hamburg, Germany carrying Jewish refugees desperate to flee Nazi Germany.
They tried to escape any way they could.
But the world did not want them.
This is their story.

▶ ▶ ▶ Holocaust Task Force

File:StLouisPorthole.jpgMS St. Louis

From Wikipedia

The MS St. Louis was a German ocean liner most notable for a single voyage in 1939, in which her captain, Gustav Schröder, tried to find homes for 915 Jewish refugees from Germany, after they were denied entry to Cuba, the United Statesand Canada, until finally accepted in various European countries, which were later engulfed in World War II. Historians have estimated that, after their return to Europe, approximately a quarter of the ship’s passengers died in concentration camps. The event was the subject of a 1974 book, Voyage of the Damned, by Gordon Thomas and Max Morgan-Witts. It was adapted for a 1976 American film of the same title. Read More Button--orangePhotos by Wikipedia

This Day in Jewish History / Archaeologist announces finding 2000-year old letters by Bar Kochba

The letters presented by Yigael Yadin were signed by Bar Kochba, the man revered by modern Israelis — but who led the Jewish nation to disaster.

Wysinfo Docuwebs: Yigael Yadin on the Dead Sea History



Follow an expedition to a remote cave in the Judean desert, first excavated by the famed Israeli archeologist Yigael Yadin in 1960-61. Yadin uncovered a cache of ancient documents, human skulls, and artifacts that shed light on a legendary revolt by Jews against the Roman Empire in the year 132. The uprising, led by Jewish patriot Shimon Bar-Kokhba, is said to have resulted in the Roman slaughter of 580,000 Jews. Explore t

The Temple Scroll

A description of the Temple Scroll one of the longest of the scrolls purchased by Professor Igael Yadin

File:Israeli delegation to the 1949 Armistice Agreements talks.jpgYigael Yadin

From Wikipedia,

Yigael Yadin (Hebrew: יִגָּאֵל יָדִין, born Yigael Sukenik (Hebrew: יגאל סוקניק‎) 20 March 1917 – 28 June 1984) was an Israeliarcheologist, politician, and the second Chief of Staff of the Israel Defense Forces.

The Israeli delegation to the 1949 Armistice Agreements talks. Left to right: Commanders Yehoshafat Harkabi, Aryeh Simon, Yigael Yadin, and Yitzhak Rabin(1949)

IDF Chief of Staff Yigael Yadin presenting a decoration to actorEdward G. Robinson (1950)

Yadin was born in 1917 to noted archeologist Eleazar S ukenik and educationalist and women’s rights activist Hasya Feinsod Sukenik.[1] He joined the Haganah at age 15, and served there in a variety of different capacities. In 1946, however, he left the Haganah following an argument with its commander Yitzhak Sadeh over the inclusion of a machine gun as part of standard squad equipment. Read More Button--orangePhotos by Wikipedia  The Israeli delegation to the 1949 Armistice Agreements talks. Left to right: Commanders Yehoshafat Harkabi, Aryeh Simon, Yigael Yadin, and Yitzhak Rabin(1949)

Menashe Kadishman

From Wikipedia,

A Tribute to Artist Menashe Kadishman

Iconic Israeli painter and sculpture Kadishman died at the age of 82

Popular Jewish Museum, Berlin & Menashe Kadishman videos

Menashe Kadishman (August 21, 1932 – May 8, 2015) (Hebrew: מנשה קדישמן‎;) was an Israeli sculptor and painter.

Kadishman artworks are presented in central locations in Israel, such as Habima Square and his paintings can be found in many different galleries in Israel. He is most famous for his metallic sculptors and colorful sheep paintings.

From 1947 to 1950, Kadishman studied with the Israeli sculptor Moshe Sternschuss at the Avni Institute of Art and Design in Tel Aviv, and in 1954 with the Israeli sculptor Rudi Lehmann in Jerusalem.

In 1959, he moved to London, where he attended Saint Martin’s School of Art and the Slade School of Art.[1] During 1959 and 1960 he also studied with Anthony Caro and Reg Butler.[1] He remained here until 1972; he had his first one-man show there in 1965 at theGrosvenor Gallery. . Read More Button--orangePhotos by Wikipedia

This Day in Jewish History / A Jewish engineer so good the Nazis wanted him back is born

Theodore von Kármán’s insights into aerodynamics, and tinkering, is the reason mankindtoday has jet engines. By David B. Green | May 11, 2015 …

NASA | Theodore von Kármán and the Creation of JPL [HD]

The year 2013 marks the 50th anniversary of Theodore Von Karman’s death. Born in Budapest, Austria-Hungary in 1881, Von Karman emigrated to the United States in 1930, joining the faculty of the Guggenheim Aeronautical Laboratory at Caltech, where he remained until 1944. He then gradually moved to Washington, DC., to head the Air Force’s Scientific Advisory Group. He was ultimately awarded the first Medal of Science by President Kennedy in 1963. Von Karman was also the first director of JPL. This talk will tell the story of Von Karman’s role in founding rocketry at Caltech, and Caltech’s role in developing rocket weapons for the U.S. Military during World War II.

Theodore von Kármán

From Wikipedia,

Theodore von Kármán (Hungarian: Szőllőskislaki Kármán Tódor; May 11, 1881 – May 6, 1963) was a Hungarian-Americanmathematician, aerospace engineer and physicist who was active primarily in the fields of aeronautics and astronautics. He is responsible for many key advances in aerodynamics, notably his work on supersonic and hypersonic airflow characterization. He is regarded as the outstanding aerodynamic theoretician of the twentieth century

Von Kármán was born into a Jewish family in Budapest, Austria-Hungary as Kármán Tódor. One of his ancestors was RabbiJudah Loew ben Bezalel.[2] He studied engineering at the city’s Royal Joseph Technical University, known today as Budapest University of Technology and Economics. . Read More Button--orangePhotos by  Wikipedia 

This Day in Jewish History / An extraordinary Jewish leader dies in punitive exile in Uzbekistan

Moses Schorr, rabbi and scholar, Jewish activist and Polish senator, was found guilty by Russia of ‘defending the interests of the bourgeoisie.’.

The Jews in Poland-Lithuania and Russia: 1350 to the Present Day

YIVO Institute for Jewish Research

A middle aged man with glasses and a beard and moustacheMoses Schorr

From Wikipedia

Moses Schorr, Polish: Mojżesz Schorr (May 10, 1874 – July 8, 1941) was a rabbi, Polish historian, politician, Bible scholar,assyriologist and orientalist. Schorr was one of the top experts on the history of the Jews in Poland. He was the first Jewish researcher of Polish archives, historical sources, and pinkasim. The president of the 13th district B’nai B’rith Poland, he was a humanist and modern rabbi who ministered the central synagogue of Poland during its last years before the Holocaust. Read More Button--orangePhotos by  Wikipedia 

This Day in Jewish History / Biologist who discovered ‘death genes’ through worm research is born

H. Robert Horvitz won the Nobel Prize following a unique insight that mysteries of human genetics could be elucidated by studying lowly animals.

H. Robert Horvitz (MIT/HHMI): When Stockholm Called

Lecture Summary: Have you ever wondered how scientists react when they discover that they have been awarded a Nobel Prize? Horvitz, one of the winners of the 2002 Prize for Medicine or Physiology, tells us where he was and what he did when he found out he had won.

H. Robert Horvitz

From Wikipedia,

Howard Robert Horvitz (born May 8, 1947) is an American biologist best known for his research on the nematode wormCaenorhabditis elegans.

Horvitz was born in Chicago, Illinois, the son of Mary R. (Savit), a school teacher, and Oscar Freedom Horvitz, a GAO accountant.[1]He did his undergraduate studies at MIT in 1968, where he joined Alpha Epsilon Pi. He obtained his PhD in Biology from Harvard University in 1974. Read More Button--orangePhotos by  youtube

This Day in Jewish History / The movie producer who didn’t go to Hollywood but created it is born

Marcus Loew started working at age 6, quit school at 9 and became the quintessential capitalist, building an entertainment empire and creating MGM.

MGM 90th Anniversary – Official® [HD]

Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM) announced today a yearlong global campaign to honor the studio’s storied 90-year legacy. Founded in 1924 when theater magnate Marcus Loew bought and merged Metro Pictures Corp. with Goldwyn Pictures and Louis B. Mayer Productions, MGM and its legendary roaring lion logo signify the golden era of Hollywood to film lovers around the world. Since its inception, the company has led the industry in creating some of Hollywood’s greatest stars and is home to over 175 Academy Award-winning films, including 14 Best Pictures.

The celebration of 90 extraordinary years kicks off today, as the MGM icon, Leo the Lion, is immortalized with a paw print ceremony at the world famous TCL Chinese Theater in Hollywood, cementing his place in Hollywood history. Sylvester Stallone, writer and star of Rocky (1976), one of MGM’s most iconic and enduring characters, is also on hand to commemorate the special occasion.

MGM is debuting a special 90th anniversary trailer which will play in theaters, on MGM channels – including MGM’s 24/7 movie network, MGM HD its action-themed VOD channel, Impact and its premiere multicast programming service dedicated to movies, THIS TV – as well as on DVD products and across social media. The trailer includes a tapestry of iconic images and scenes from films in MGM’s library, evoking a deep emotional connection and celebrating the company’s extensive contributions to the entertainment world.

Additionally, several of MGM’s signature films including Rocky, Rain Man, Fargo, RoboCop and The Good, The Bad and The Ugly, have been meticulously restored in 4K resolution (four times the clarity of HD) and will be presented on Blu-ra for a high-definition home viewing experience. These re-releases will be issued through MGM’s home entertainment partner, Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, and are now available for pre-order on Amazon.

Other initiatives to mark the company’s 90th anniversary include:

– MGM will complement its already vast collection of films currently available on Blu-ray by releasing new titles across all genres throughout the year. Upcoming titles for release include In the Heat of the Night, A Chorus Line, and The Birdcage.

– MGM has created a one-of-a-kind collector’s book and bonus video disc companion commemorating 90 amazing years, featuring interviews from award-winning filmmakers, directors, and actors discussing the significance of their contributions to MGM’s legacy. The book and video highlight the evolution and history of the legendary studio and provide an extensive look into the studio’s golden years, classics, iconic franchises and much more. Interviews include Sylvester Stallone on Rocky, Clint Eastwood on The Good, The Bad and The Ugly, Susan Sarandon and Geena Davis on Thelma and Louise, and Walter Mirisch on The Pink Panther. The bonus disc will also be available accompanying select DVD offerings.

– Fans can also relive their favorite film moments at, a unique Tumblr website and the first Tumblr integration to feature a studio’s full library. The MGM 90th Tumblr site’s dynamic design encourages fans to explore and immerse themselves into rich content celebrating 90 years of MGM filmmaking. As fans integrate socially with the yearlong celebration, the Tumblr site will serve as an active aggregator showcasing all of the current sharing and postings.

File:1914 MarcusLoew his 42ndSt office NYC.pngMarcus Loew

From Wikipedia

Marcus Loew (May 7, 1870 – September 5, 1927) was an American business magnate and a pioneer of the motion picture industry who formed Loews Theatres and Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM).

Marcus Loew was born into a poor Polish Jewish family who had emigrated to the U.S. And settled in New York City just a year before. He was forced by circumstances to work at a very young age and had little formal education. Nevertheless, beginning with a small investment from money saved from menial jobs, he bought into the penny arcade business. Shortly after, in partnership withAdolph Zukor and others, Loew acquired a nickelodeon and over time he turned Loew’s Theatres into a leading chain of vaudeville and movie theaters in the United States.  Read More Button--orangePhotos by  Wikipedia 

This Day in Jewish History / Peace activist unloved by his country dies

This Day in Jewish History / Peace activist unloved by his country dies. Austria’s Albert Fried performed a scientific analysis of war, and he won a …

Vom Wiener Lehrling zum Friedensnobelpreisträger

(c) Andreas H. Landl für

AK Präsident Herbert Tumpel erwies Wiens Friedensnobelpreisträger die Ehre. Tumpels Vater war Esperantist und ein Mann er Lettern, sprich gelernter Drucker wie der Friedensnobelpreisträger. Tumpel ist ein Anliegen, dass die von den Nazis verbrannten Bücher der Pazifisten in Österreich wieder zugänglich gemacht werden. Denn was nicht gedruckt vorliegt ist nicht zugänglich und kann tot geschwiegen werden. Ab jetzt wir “zurückgedruckt”, denn:

Im Land der unbegrenzten Möglichkeiten schaffte ein Bursche aus elendigen Verhältnissen eine Karriere mit Lehre. Er wurde der einzige Wiener Friedensnobelpreisträger. Bis 2006 war das in Wien kaum jemandem bekannt. Denn der war Freidenker aus einer jüdischen Familie, Pazifist, Gewerkschafter, Friedensjournalist, Internationalist und Freimauerer. Soviel Friedensengagement war natürlich für die Militaristen im deutschsprachigen Raum ab 1914 zuviel des Guten. Fried und seine Werke wurden bekämpft. Er musste zweimal fliehen. Einmal aus Österreich und einmal aus Bayern. Rechtsextreme aller Couleur säuberten die Bibliotheken in vier Wellen von seinen Werken. So kam es, dass selbst Friedensbeweger wie ich oder Herbert Tumpel der Präsident der Arbeiterkammer bis 2006 nichts über den Wiener Friedensnobelpreisträger wussten. Walter Göhring stieß bei der Recherche über Ferdinand Hanusch auf den Wiener Friedensnobelpreisträger und macht erstmals 2006 breiter publik, was fast vollkommen verdrängt war.

Am 11.04.2012 18:00 Uhr gab es eine hochkarätige Veranstaltung des

Instituts für Gewerkschafts- und AK Geschichte und derAlfred Hermann Fried Gesellschaft Löcker Verlag in der AK Bibiliothek in Wien.

“Zwei Mal in der Geschichte ging der begehrte Friedensnobelpreis auch an ÖsterreicherInnen:
1905 an Bertha von Suttner (1843-1914) und 1911 an
Alfred Hermann Fried (1864-1921).

Die Leistungen des Friedensnobelpreisträgers Alfred Hermann Fried standen lange Zeit im Schatten Bertha von Suttners. Vielfach unbekannt ist, dass Fried
* als Buchhandelslehrling eine Jugendgewerkschaft gründete, die in die Gewerkschaft der Kaufmännischen Angestellten mündete, eine der Vorläufer organisationen der heutigen GPA-djp.
* Ab 1892 gab er gemeinsam mit Bertha von Suttner die pazifistische Zeitschrift „Die Waffen nieder!” heraus, in der er u.a. seine pazifistischen Ideen artikulierte.

Dass Fried damit zu den Vorkämpfern der europäischen Friedensbewegung gehörte, ist heute ebenfalls vielfach vergessen: mit seiner

Zeitschrift “Die Friedenswarte”

schuf Fried ein Organ, in dem die Ideen für ein neues demokratisch geeintes Europa ihren Niederschlag fanden.

Der Zeithistoriker Walter Göhring hat sich in Archiven und Bibliotheken in der Schweiz, in den USA, den Niederlanden, Ungarn, der Slowakei und Österreich auf die Spuren Alfred Hermann Frieds begeben. Ergebnis dieser Spurensuche sind Publikationen und Beiträge sowie eine Ausstellung über Alfred Hermann Fried, der mit seinen Arbeiten bis in die Gründung der UNO und der Europäischen Union hineingewirkt hat.

Sein Werk ist heute aktueller denn je.”

Entfetzung für Wiener Friedensnobelpreisträger Alfred Hermann Fried nach 100 Jahren

Wien – 1911 vor 100 Jahren erhielt der Wiener Pazifist Alfred Hermann Fried den Friedensnobelpreis. Der revolutionäre Pazifist, Friedensforscher und erste Friedensjournalist von Weltrang erhielt nun gestern nach fast 100 Jahren seine 1. Gedenktafel in Wien.

Vor Widerhofergasse 5 wo Fried 1911 wohnte versammelten sich am 25.5.2011 abends über 200 Menschen und nahmen am Festakt teil.

Klaus Maria Brandauer enthüllte die Gedenktafel während der Brunnenchor
Kayra Silo (Mandingo/En: The Way of Peace)

Hevenu Shalom (Wir haben Euch Frieden gebracht) sang.

Alfred Hermann Fried

From Wikipedia,

Alfred Hermann Fried (11 November 1864 – 5 May 1921) was an Austrian Jewish pacifist, publicist, journalist, co-founder of the German peace movement, and winner (with Tobias Asser) of the Nobel Prize for Peace in 1911.

Born in Vienna, Austria-Hungary, Fried left school at the age of 15 and started to work in a bookshop. In 1883 he moved to Berlin, where he opened a bookshop of his own in 1887. Following the publication by Bertha von Suttner of Die Waffen nieder! (Lay Down Your Arms) in 1889, he and von Suttner began in 1892 to print a magazine of the same name. In articles published within Die Waffen nieder! and its successor, Die Friedenswarte (The Peace Watch), he articulated his pacifist philosophy. Read More Button--orangePhotos by  Wikipedia 

This Day in Jewish History / A trailblazing female archaeologist dies

Hetty Goldman wanted to write novels but thought she had ‘nothing to say.’ Then she discovered human history – and war. And found she had something to say.

Hetty Goldman

From Wikipedia

Hetty Goldman (December 19, 1881 – May 4, 1972) was an American archaeologist. She was the first woman faculty member at the Institute for Advanced Study[1] and one of the first female archaeologists to undertake excavations in Greece and the Middle East. Read More Button--orange

Israeli players mark Holocaust Remembrance Day at Prague tournament

And the personal history of two of the players made the tour especially … to legend, the famous Maharal of Prague created a golem to protect the Jews. … Slovakia, so it is possible that the teammates’ ancestors met during this period.

La biographie du Maharal de Prague

Sinai, Purim & The MaHaRaL of Prague

Le Maharal de Prague sur Pourim: La force de la pensée

Prague Maharal Synagogue


El cementerio judío se ubica en el distrito de Josefor de Praga y se creó en 1439. El poeta y erudito Avigdor Karo fue la primera persona enterrada en este lugar. El cementerio estuvo activo hasta 1787, cuando fue clausurado definitivamente con la tumba de Moses Beck. Debido a la falta de espacio los cuerpos se enterraban unos encima de otros llegando a más de 11 capas de enterramientos. Cientos de nombres célebres descansan en este lugar, como el sabio del Renacimiento, historiador, matemático y astrónomo David Gans (d.1613), o el erudito e historiador José Salomón Delmedigo (d.1655), y el rabino y coleccionista de manuscritos y libros impresos en hebreo David Oppenheim (m. 1736). Aunque sin duda el más conocido de todos es el gran erudito y maestro religioso Judá Loew ben Bezalel, conocido como el rabino Loew (d. 1609), que se asocia con la leyenda del Golem, un muñeco de barro creado por Loew para defender a los judíos de Praga, pero que enloqueció y no pudo cumplir su tarea.A día de hoy se pueden ver más de 12.000 lápidas y se estima que puede haber enterradas unas 100.000 personas

Maharal of Prague’s Netivot Olam w/R. Daniel Kohn

File:Loew-rabin-tombstone.jpgJudah Loew ben Bezalel

From Wikipedia

Judah Loew ben Bezalel, alt. Loewe, Löwe, or Levai, (c. 1520 – 17 September 1609)[1] widely known to scholars of Judaism as the Maharal of Prague, or simply The MaHaRaL, the Hebrew acronym of the initials of “Moreinu Ha-Rav Loew,” (“Our Teacher, Rabbi Loew”) was an important Talmudic scholar, Jewish mystic, and philosopher who, for most of his life, served as a leadingrabbi in the cities of Mikulov in Moravia and Prague in Bohemia.

Within the world of Torah and Talmudic scholarship, he is known for his works on Jewish philosophy and Jewish mysticism and his work Gur Aryeh al HaTorah, a supercommentary on Rashi’s Torah commentary.

The Maharal is the subject of a nineteenth-century legend that he created The Golem of Prague, an animate being fashioned from clay.  Read More Button--orangePhotos by  Wikipedia 

This Day in Jewish History / Benjamin Franklin helps save floundering Philly synagogue

This led to large numbers of Jews seeking refuge in Philadelphia. Among … The letter included a brief history of the synagogue, and explained that the …

File:Mickve.jpgCongregation Mikveh Israel (Philadelphia)

From Wikipedia

Congregation Mikveh Israel, Mikveh Israel synagogue, officially called Kahal Kadosh Mikveh Israel (Hebrew: קהל קדוש מקוה ישראל‎, which translates as “Holy Community of the Hope of Israel”, is a synagogue founded in the 1740s inPhiladelphia, Pennsylvania.[1] Established by Spanish and Portuguese Jews, the congregation practices according to theSpanish and Portuguese rite. The congregation conducts daily, Sabbath, and Jewish holy day services. The synagogue will host the Abrams Hebrew Academy Center City Jewish elementary day school beginning in September 2014.[2] The congregation is also responsible for Mikveh Israel Cemetery, the second oldest surviving Jewish cemetery in the United States.   Read More Button--orangePhotos by  Wikipedia 


Miles Davis’ All Blues performed at ‘Jazz in the Sukkah” in Philly in America’s oldest synagogue

America’s oldest synagogue, Congregation Mikveh Israel in Philadelphia, founded in 1740, hosts a Jazz Night to celebrate the Jewish holiday Sukkot. A six piece band entertains the crowd, lead by the temple’s talented maintenance man. Here’s the jam on a legendary Miles Davis song. An amazing celebration of cultures and community.

Congregation Mikveh Israel

Congregation Mikveh Israel’s Second Cemetery Philadelphia, PA

Uriah P. Levy Statue Dedication – Mikveh Israel

This Day in Jewish History / A polyglot cultural mongrel who would take Paris and Piaf by storm is

This Day in Jewish History / A polyglot cultural mongrel who would take … of Sarah and Nessim Mustacchi, Jews of Italian-Greek Sephardi descent, …
File:Alain Meilland Olympia 1992.jpg
Hommage à Paul Castanier en Février 1992 à l’Olympia avec de gauche à droite : Jacques Serizier – Georges Moustaki – Léo Ferré – Philippe Val – Jacques Higelin – Wasaburo Fukuda – Alain Meilland – Patrick Font –

Georges Moustaki : Les Mères Juives

File:Grand Gala du Disque Populaire 1974 - Georges Moustaki 254-9467.jpgGeorges Moustaki

From Wikipedia,

Georges Moustaki (born Giuseppe Mustacchi;[1] (May 3, 1934 – May 23, 2013) was an Egyptian-French singer-songwriter ofItalo-Greek origin, best known for the poetic rhythm and simplicity of the romantic songs he composed and often sang. Moustaki gave France some of its best-loved music by writing about 300 songs for some of the most popular singers in that country, such asÉdith Piaf,[1] Dalida, Françoise Hardy, Yves Montand, Barbara, Brigitte Fontaine, Herbert Pagani, France Gall, Cindy Daniel, Juliette Greco, Pia Colombo, and Tino Rossi, as well as for himself.[2]

Georges Moustaki was born Giuseppe Mustacchi in Alexandria, Egypt on May 3, 1934. His parents, Sarah and Nessim Mustacchi, were Francophile, Italo-Greek Sephardic Jews from the island of Corfu, Greece. They moved to Egypt, where their young child first learned French. They owned the Cité du livre – one of the finest book shops in the Middle East – in the cosmopolitan city ofAlexandria where many ethnic communities lived together.

  Read More Button--orangePhotos by  Wikipedia 


This Day in Jewish History / Avigdor Arikha, who survived the Holocaust and painted the Queen, dies

On April 29, 2010, the celebrated French-Israeli painter Avigdor Arikha died, one dayafter his 81st birthday. A Romanian-born Holocaust survivor, …

Avigdor Arikha PAINTINGS

VIDEO: The Universe Of Art – Avigdor Arikha PAINTINGS;
Graphics: Th3Mirr0r [& crediting other artists]
Music: Song: “Moon Phases – New Moon, Third Quarter, Full Moon”
/ Album: “Eclipse” ©Th3Mirr0r

File:Avigdor Arikha (Portrait).jpgAvigdor Arikha

From Wikipedia

Avigdor Arikha was born to German-speaking Jewish parents in Rădăuţi, but grew up in Czernowitz in Bukovina, Romania (now inUkraine).[1] His family faced forced deportation in 1941 to the Romanian-run concentration camps of Transnistria, where his father died. He survived thanks to the drawings he made of deportation scenes, which were shown to delegates of the International Red Cross.

Arikha emigrated to Palestine in 1944, together with his sister. Until 1948, he lived in Kibbutz Ma’ale HaHamisha. In 1948 he was severely wounded in Israel’s War of Independence. From 1946 to 1949, he attended the Bezalel School of Art in Jerusalem     Read More Button--orangePhotos by  Wikipedia 

This Day in Jewish History / The best basketball coach, if you ask Bostonians, is promoted

Even today, nearly 50 years later, Auerbach is generally remembered as the finest coach professional basketball has ever seen, although his …

Red Auerbach’s last interview (from ‘Basketball Man’)

NBA giant Red Auerbach gave his last filmed interview to Burt Kearns & Brett Hudson of Frozen Pictures for inclusion in the documentary feature, Basketball Man, about the life and legacy of basketball’s inventor, Dr. James Naismith (on DVD in February).

This clip is but a small portion of the complete, comprehensive, interview, which will be featured as a bonus extra on the DVD set.

Larry Bird, Red Auerbach & The Boston Celtics – Winning Basketball (COMPLETE )

VHS – Released in 1987.

“You play as you practice” (Mr. ‘Red’ Auerbach)
“It’s about whether you win or lose, not about how you play the game” (Mr. Larry Bird)

9/1/2012: Thanks to for sharing this video on their website:

File:Auerbach Lipofsky.jpgRed Auerbach

From Wikipedia

Arnold Jacob “Red” Auerbach (September 20, 1917 – October 28, 2006[1]) was an American basketball coach of theWashington Capitols, the Tri-Cities Blackhawks and the Boston Celtics. After he retired from coaching, he served as president and front office executive of the Celtics until his death. As a coach, he won 938 games (a record at his retirement)[1] and nine National Basketball Association (NBA) championships in ten years (a number surpassed only by Phil Jackson, who won 11 in twenty years). As general manager and team president of the Celtics, he won an additional seven NBA titles, for a grand total of 16 in a span of 29 years,[2] making him one of the most successful team officials in the history of North American professional sports.

Arnold Jacob Auerbach was one of the four children of Marie and Hyman Auerbach. Hyman was a Russian Jewish immigrant from Minsk, Belarus, and Marie Auerbach,    Read More Button--orangePhotos by  Wikipedia 

This Day in Jewish History / US bans Austrian president for suspected WWII war crimes

If the World Jewish Congress, which was joined by the Simon Wiesenthal Center, in Los Angeles, had meant to torpedo Waldheim’s bid to become …

Kurt Waldheim, a commission of enquiry parts 1-9

These nine films are part of a much larger programme that was aired in 1988 which looks into allegations that the recently elected president of Austria Kurt Waldheim was a Nazi war criminal. Waldheim had previously been the fourth Secretary-General of the United Nations from 1972 to 1981. I do not possess any more of this programme which I ‘rediscovered’ in 2008 on a VHS cassette used some 20 years earlier.

Waldheim had unsuccessfully sought election as President of Austria in 1971, but his second attempt on 8 June 1986 proved successful. During his campaign for the presidency in 1985, the events started that marked the beginning of what became known internationally as the “Waldheim Affair”. Before the presidential elections, Alfred Worm revealed in the Austrian weekly news magazine Profil that there had been several omissions about Waldheim’s life between 1938 and 1945 in his recently-published autobiography. A short time later, the World Jewish Congress alleged that Waldheim had lied about his service as an officer in the mounted corps of the SA, and his time as an ordnance officer for Army Group E in Saloniki, Greece, from 1942 to 1943 based in files from the United Nations War Crimes Commission. Waldheim called the allegations “pure lies and malicious acts”. Nevertheless he admitted that he had known about German reprisals against partisans: “Yes, I knew. I was horrified. But what could I do? I had either to continue to serve or be executed.” He said that he had never fired a shot or even seen a partisan. His former immediate superior at the time stated that Waldheim had “remained confined to a desk”.
Part of the reason for the controversy was Austria’s refusal to address its national role in the Holocaust – which was the home not only of Adolf Hitler but also many other leading Nazis. Austria refused to pay compensation to Nazi victims and from 1970 onwards refused to investigate Austrian citizens who were senior Nazis.
Because the revelations leading to the Waldheim affair came shortly before the presidential election there has been speculation about the background of the affair.
Declassified CIA documents show that the CIA had been aware of his war time past since 1945. Some sources report information about Waldheim’s wartime past was also previously published by a right wing Austrian newspaper during the 1971 presidential election campaign – including the claim of an SS membership.

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Waldheim (second from left) with Italian General Ercole Roncaglia, Col. Hans Herbert Macholz, and SS-GruppenführerArtur Phleps at Podgorica airfield, 22 May 1943.

Kurt Waldheim

From Wikipedia

Kurt Josef Waldheim (German pronunciation: [ˈkʊɐ̯t ˈvaldhaɪm]; 21 December 1918 – 14 June 2007) was an Austrian diplomat and politician. Waldheim was the fourth Secretary-General of the United Nations from 1972 to 1981, and the ninth President ofAustria from 1986 to 1992. While he was running for president in Austria in 1985, his service as an intelligence officer in theWehrmacht during World War II raised international controversy.   Read More Button--orangePhotos by  Wikipedia 

Hatikva at Bergen-Belsen

In rare and moving footage dated to April 20th 1945, inmates at Bergen Belsen Concentration Camp sing the anthem of hope ‘Hatikva.’


Memorial stone at the entrance to the historical camp area

Bergen-Belsen concentration camp

From Wikipedia,

Bergen-Belsen (or Belsen) was a Nazi concentration camp in what is today Lower Saxony in northern Germany, southwest of the town of Bergen near Celle. Originally established as a prisoner of war camp,[1] in 1943, parts of it became a concentration camp. Initially this was an “exchange camp”, where Jewish hostages were held with the intention of exchanging them for German prisoners of war held overseas.[2] The camp was later expanded to accommodate Jews from other concentration camps.

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The Liberation of Bergen-belsen Concentration Camp, April 1945
Cheerful women inmates collect their bread ration from one of the five camp cookhouses.

After 1945, the name was applied to the displaced persons camp established nearby, but it is most commonly associated with the concentration camp. From 1941 to 1945, almost 20,000 Soviet prisoners of war and a further 50,000 inmates died there,[3] with up to 35,000 of them dying of typhus in the first few months of 1945, shortly before and after the liberation Read More Button--orangePhotos by  Wikipedia 

At Bergen-Belsen, where tens of thousands perished… and others began their lives
REPORTER’S NOTEBOOK Ahead of the 70th anniversary of its liberation, a visit to the German camp with what is Europe’s largest Jewish cemetery, accompanied by some of the ‘babies’ born in the DP camp after the war



Eddie Straight age 94 of Saltburn, a former Company Sgt. Major of the 11th Armoured Division, recalls liberating Bergen-Belsen on the 70th anniversary.

Bergen Belsen Liberation

Bergen-Belsen was a Nazi concentration camp in Lower Saxony in northwestern Germany, southwest of the town of Bergen near Celle. Between 1943 and the war’s end, an estimated 50,000 Russian Prisoners of War and a further 50,000 inmates died there,up to 35,000 of them dying of typhus in the first few months of 1945.
The camp was liberated on April 15, 1945 by the British 11th Armoured Division.60,000 prisoners were found inside, most of them seriously ill, and another 13,000 corpses lay around the camp unburied.When the British and Canadians advanced on Bergen-Belsen in 1945, the German army negotiated a truce and exclusion zone around the camp to prevent the spread of typhus. Under the agreement, Hungarian and regular German troops guarding the camp returned to German lines when Allied troops liberated the camp on April 15, 1945.

(Uploader note: Ripped from youtube, comments were disabled – not sure why. Video’s like this must be commented and be reflected so that we can never forget history, otherwise we are condemned to relive this.)


Belsen Nazi Concentration Camp Footage – stock footage –

Eva Kor speaks about Auschwitz, medical experiments, and forgiveness

At the age of 10, Eva and her twin sister Miriam were taken to Auschwitz, the concentration camp where Nazi Dr. Josef Mengele used them for medical experiments.

Nazi Experiment Survivor Eva Mozes Kor Speaks at Clarkson University

Auschwitz survivor Eva Mozes Kor delivered a powerful message of forgiveness on October 8 at Clarkson University, while speaking before a large audience of students, faculty, staff and community members.

When she was about 10 years old, Kor and her family were taken by the Nazis to the Auschwitz slave labor and extermination camp, where her parents and two older sisters were quickly sent to the gas chambers.

Kor and her sister, Miriam, were twins, so they were of chilling interest to Dr. Josef Mengele, who subjected them to a series of heinous human experiments.

Her talk, “The Journey from Auschwitz & Mengele to Forgiveness,” told the amazing story of what she endured and how she eventually came to forgive Mengele and the Nazis.

Sheila Faith Weiss, professor of history in the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences at Clarkson, arranged for Kor to share her story.

“I received a $277,000 National Science Foundation grant to write a biography of Dr. Mengele’s mentor, the German human geneticist Baron Otmar von Verschuer, and I had been in contact with Eva Mozes Kor,” Weiss says. “Because I am teaching a seminar on the Holocaust this semester, I asked Eva whether she might be willing to give a lecture at Clarkson. Normally, she would have charged more for her talk, but generously agreed to accept significantly less so we could bring her here. Her message is especially important for our students to hear.”

Trained in German history and the history of biology, Weiss has written a book which explores the background that led to the kind of bestial human experimentation Kor was subjected to in Auschwitz. The Nazi Symbiosis, Human Genetics and Politics in the Third Reich (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2010) raises compelling questions about medicine and ethics.

Forgiving Dr. Mengele

Eva Mozes Kor, who survived Josef Mengele’s cruel twin experiments in the Auschwitz concentration camp, shocks other Holocaust survivors when she decides to forgive the perpetrators as a way of self-healing.

Wladyslaw Bartoszewski, a former Foreign Minister of Poland, noted historian, journalist, …

File:Bartoszewski 2004.jpgWładysław Bartoszewski

From Wikipedia,

Władysław Bartoszewski [vwaˈdɨswaf bartɔˈʂɛfskʲi] (19 February 1922 – 24 April 2015) was a Polish politician, social activist, journalist, writer, and historian. He was born in Warsaw.

He was a former Auschwitz concentration camp prisoner.[1] He was a World War II Resistance fighter and Polish undergroundactivist. Bartoszewski participated in the Warsaw Uprising. He was wrongly convicted as a spy and was imprisoned for some years before being released due to medical problems and for being wrongly convicted during the 1950s.[2]

Bartoszewski served twice as the Minister of Foreign Affairs from March through December 1999 and again from 2000 to 2001.[3] He was also an ambassador and a member Read More Button--orangePhoto by  Wikipedia 

Władysław Bartoszewski nie żyje

Nie żyje Władysław Bartoszewski, działacz społeczny, historyk, więzień Auschwitz i żołnierz Armii Krajowej. Profesor Bartoszewski odszedł w wieku 93 lat. Wspominają Go nie tylko media polskie, ale i zagraniczne, bo Bartoszewski znany był świetnie poza granicami kraju. Odejście Władysława Bartoszewskiego to wielka strata, a w naszej pamięci Profesor zapisze się jako jeden z największych Polaków.

Trauer um WLADYSLAW BARTOSZEWSKI – Ehemaliger POLNISCHER Außenminister gestorben – 25.04.2015

Er kämpfte im polnischen Widerstand, wurde 1940 ins KZ Auschwitz verschleppt – und machte sich später um die Aussöhnung mit Deutschland verdient: Polens Ex-Außenminister Bartoszewski, der nun im Alter von 93 Jahren gestorben ist.

Wladyslaw Bartoszewski war ein äußerst engagierter, manchmal gar impulsiver Politiker und trotzdem ein großartiger Diplomat. Er war kein Polterer – vielmehr einer, der seine Zuhörer zum Nachdenken zwang.

Sein Motto lautete: Es lohnt sich, anständig zu sein. “Neun Mal habe ich meinen Geburtstag in verschiedenen Gefängnissen und Lagern erlebt. Aber ich bin stets optimistisch geblieben. Meine Haft hat weder Hitler noch Stalin geholfen. Und mir hat sie nicht geschadet – ich bin weiterhin derselbe geblieben.”

Widerstand gegen deutsche Besatzer

Wladyslaw Bartoszewski wurde im Februar 1922 in Warschau als Sohn einer polnischen Beamtenfamilie geboren. Eigentlich wollte er Journalist werden. Doch der Zweite Weltkrieg machte seine Zukunftspläne zunichte. Im polnischen Widerstand kämpfte er gegen die deutschen Besatzer, wurde 1940 verhaftet und ins Konzentrationslager Auschwitz verschleppt.

Trotz oder vielleicht doch eher wegen der Erfahrungen des Krieges wurde Bartoszewski zu einem hervorragenden Anwalt der Aussöhnung mit Deutschland: “Eines der wichtigsten Ereignisse in meinem Leben war der Kriegsausbruch 1939. Dann kam das Kriegsende und das Gefühl der großen Verluste und der brennenden Ungerechtigkeit, die unser Vaterland getroffen haben. Das nächste wichtige Ereignis für mich war das Jahr 1989 – die politische Wende, die etwa anderthalb Jahre dauerte. Ich meine damit den Umbruch in Europa, den Fall der Berliner Mauer und die Emanzipation Polens.”

Geduld und Gelassenheit

Zur Geschichte gehöre immer auch Geduld und die Gelassenheit, pflegte Bartoszewski zu sagen. Missstimmungen in bilateralen Beziehungen sollte man daher nicht allzu viel Gewicht einräumen. “Wenn es um die deutsch-polnischen Beziehungen geht: Was erwarten wir eigentlich noch von ihnen? 250 Millionen Mal wird die Oder-Neiße-Grenze in beide Richtungen überschritten und zwar ohne jegliche Zwischenfälle. Die Deutschen denken in sehr rationalen Kategorien. Und wir Polen sollten uns nicht das Recht nehmen, über die Gedanken der Deutschen mehr wissen zu wollen, als sie selbst.”

Bartoszewski fühlte sich in seinem politischen Leben nie einer Partei verpflichtet. Im Vordergrund stand für ihn immer das Wohl des Landes. Welcher Regierung er als Außenminister nach der Wende diente, war für den ehemaligen Solidarnosc-Mitstreiter unerheblich.

Außenpolitischer Berater noch im hohen Alter

Nach den Wahlen 2007 berief Premierminister Donald Tusk den damals 85-Jährigen zum außenpolitischen Berater. Sein Alter spielte keine Rolle. Gefragt war vielmehr sein Verhandlungsgeschick, um auf europäischer Ebene die Scherben wegzuräumen, die die abgewählte Kaczynski-Regierung hinterlassen hatte.

Nur in einem Punkt, da fiel es Bartoszewski schwer, Contenance zu bewahren: beim Thema Erika Steinbach. Seiner Mission schadete das aber nie. Wenn die Deutschen heute Polen aus einer ganz anderen Perspektive betrachten, dann ist das auch sein Verdienst.

Genau dafür erhielt Wladyslaw Bartoszewski 1986 den Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels – eine Auszeichnung, die er mit dem Satz kommentierte: “Es scheint das Wichtigste zu sein, all das zu unterstützen, was die Menschen verbindet, und sich all dem zu widersetzen, was die Menschen gegen ihren Willen trennt.”

This Day in Jewish History / Yossi Harel, the real person behind Paul Newman’s Ari Ben-Canaan

This Day in Jewish History / Yossi Harel, the real person behind Paul … However, like so many of his Jewish peers, while he had fought with the British …  

Exodus 1947 Documentary Trailer

Exodus 1947 Documentary Film narrated by Morley Safer. Filmmakers: Elizabeth Rodgers & Robby Henson. PBS broadcast.

To buy the DVD, please go to

After World War II, a group of private American citizens banded together in a clandestine effort to transport Holocaust survivors to Palestine.

On July 11, 1947, in the port of Sête, France, 4,500 Jewish refugees were crammed into the hull of a decrepit steamship, later named Exodus 1947.

A British blockade intercepted Exodus 1947 in international waters off the coast of Palestine. The tense standoff culminated in a direct attack by military personnel against the unarmed civilians on the Exodus 1947. This highly publicized international incident heavily influenced the United Nations resolution authorizing the partitioning of Palestine into separate Jewish and Arab states. Thus, the Exodus 1947 voyage acted as a catalyst in forming a new nation. The program focuses on clandestine and illegal American efforts to finance and crew the most infamous of ten American ships that attempted to bring Jewish refugees to Palestine.

EXODUS 1947 is a one hour documentary narrated by Morley Safer with a score by Ilan Rechtman. The film is a richly layered program, constructed with first person accounts to recall events that shaped world history.

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Yossi Harel

From Wikipedia,

Yossi Harel (Hebrew: יוסי הראל‎) (January 4, 1918 – April 26, 2008), born Yosef Hamburger, was the supervisor of the Exodus 1947 operation and a leading member of theIsraeli intelligence community.[1]

Yossi Harel was born in Jerusalem in 1918. He was a sixth generation Jerusalemite. At the age of 15, he joined the Haganah. Later, he fought under Orde Wingate. Between 1945 and 1948, he played a leading role in the clandestine immigration enterprise in Palestine, commanding four Aliyah Bet ships: Knesset Israel, the Exodus, Atzma’ut and Kibbutz Galuyot. After the establishment of the State of Israel Harel studied mechanical engineering at M.I.T in the United States. Just before he finished his studies, Moshe Dayan, as Chief of Staff, called him back to Israel to investigate the Lavon Affair and made him head of Unit 131, an Israel Defense Forces intelligence unit.Photo by  Wikipedia Read More Button--orange

This Day in Jewish History / Estee Lauder dies, at some age or other

Born Josephine Mentzer, she may not have finished high school but working with her uncle in developing things from chicken-lice remedy to …

Beauty Queens: Estée Lauder

Art Documentary
A Film by Eila Hershon and Roberto Guerra
Language: GB
Subtitles: DE, FR

What’s New at Estee Lauder

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Estée Lauder (businesswoman)

From Wikipedia,

Estée Lauder (/ˈɛst ˈlɔːdər/; July 1, 1908 – April 24, 2004) was an American businesswoman. She was the co-founder, along with her husband, Joseph Lauter (later Lauder),[2] of Estée Lauder Companies, her eponymous cosmetics company. Lauder was the only woman on Time magazine’s 1998 list of the 20 most influential business geniuses of the 20th century. She was the recipient of thePresidential Medal of Freedom. She was inducted to the Junior Achievement U.S. Business Hall of Fame in 1988.Photos by  Wikipedia  Read More Button--orange












24Jewish Video Jewish Event of the Day ! Israel Independence Day Video, Part 2 Section on the right side,Sussex Friends of Israel,., Great Videos Selection

Israel celebrates 67th Independence Day

PM Netanyahu’s Greeting for Independence Day 2015

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Greeting for Independence Day 2015

Israel Independence Day Fireworks 2015

This year it was short, and suprising.
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David Ben-Gurion declaring independence beneath a large portrait of Theodor Herzl, founder of modern Zionism

Yom Ha’atzmaut

From Wikipedia,

Yom Ha’atzmaut (Hebrew: יום העצמאותYōm hā-ʿAṣmāʾūṯ   lit. “Independence Day”) is the national day of Israel, commemorating theIsraeli Declaration of Independence in 1948. It is celebrated either on the 5th of Iyar, according to the Hebrew calendar, or on one of the preceding or following days, depending on which day of the week this date falls on. Yom Ha’atzmaut is preceded by Yom Hazikaron, the Israeli Fallen Soldiers and Victims of Terrorism Remembrance Day.

Israeli Declaration of Independence

From Wikipedia

The Israeli Declaration of Independence (Hebrew: הכרזת העצמאות‎, Hakhrazat HaAtzma’ut or Hebrew: מגילת העצמאותMegilat HaAtzma’ut), formally the Declaration of the Establishment of the State of Israel, was proclaimed on 14 May 1948 (5 Iyar 5708) byDavid Ben-Gurion, the Executive Head of the World Zionist Organization[2][3] and the chairman of the Jewish Agency for Palestine.[4]It declared the establishment of a Jewish state in Eretz-Israel, to be known as the State of Israel, which would come into effect on termination of the British Mandate at midnight that day.[5][6] The event is celebrated annually in Israel with a national holiday Yom Ha’atzmaut (Hebrew: יום העצמאות‎, lit. Independence Day) on 5 Iyar of every year according to the Hebrew calendar.Photos by  Wikipedia  Read More Button--orange


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Large celebratory crowd outside the Dizengoff House (now called Independence Hall) to hear the declaration and signing of Israel’s Declaration of Independence, dated May 14, 1948.

The original document of Israel’s Declaration of Independence



This Day in Jewish History / The banker who helped William of Orange conquer England dies

On April 22, 1710, Francisco Lopes Suasso, scion of one the wealthiest and most influential banking families of the Dutch Golden Age, died in the …
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Suasso as a young man

Francisco Lopes Suasso

From Wikipedia,

Francisco Lopes Suasso, second Baron d’Avernas le Gras (ca. 1657 – 22 April 1710) was a banker and financier of theDutch Republic. He was also known within the Sephardic community as Abraham Israel Suasso.

After being expelled from the Iberian Peninsula, most of the Sephardic Jews settled in trading cities such as London andAntwerp. By the late sixteenth century they were arriving in Amsterdam and The Hague. The Lopes Suassos were a rich old Sephardic family of Marranos, or Jews who had been forced to convert to Christianity under pressure from the Portuguese Inquisition, but once in Amsterdam they openly returned to their true religion, Judaism.Photo by  Wikipedia  Read More Button--orange

5765 Portrait of Moreinu HaRav Lichtenstein.jpgAharon Lichtenstein

From Wikipedia

Aharon Lichtenstein (May 24, 1933 – April 20, 2015) was a noted Orthodox rabbi and rosh yeshiva.[1] He was an authority inJewish law (“Halacha”).[2]

Rabbi Lichtenstein was born in Paris, France, but grew up in the United States, studied in Yeshiva Rabbi Chaim Berlin under RabbiYitzchok Hutner. He earned a BA and semicha (“rabbinic ordination”) at Yeshiva University and a PhD in English Literature atHarvard University, where he studied under Photo by  Wikipedia  Read More Button--orange

<h1Rabbi Aharon Lichtenstein: Love of the Torah and Love to a Fellow Jew

Interview with Rabbi Moshe Taragin, Yeshivat Har Etzion

Shock and Emptiness – Students Eulogize Rabbi Aharon Lichtenstein


A Hesped on Rabbi Ahron Lichtenstein by Rabbi Yochanan Schrader

Baruch Dayan Emet. One of the greatest has left us. This is a Hesped said by Rabbi Yochanan Schrader, in the Beit Midrash of Akiva Hebrew day school in Southfield Michigan.
The photo is from a Shiur that Rav Lichtenstein gave in the Beit Midrash of the Hesder Yeshivah of Yerucham

Rav Aaron Lichtenstein zt”l


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Toaff with Oscar Luigi Scalfaro in 2007.

Elio Toaff

From Wikipedia

Elio Toaff (30 April 1915 – 19 April 2015) was the Chief Rabbi of Rome from 1951 to 2002.

In 1947 Toaff served as a rabbi in Venice and in 1951 became the Chief Rabbi of Rome.

One of his children is Israeli-Italian professor Ariel Toaff.

On 17 May 2012 he was awarded the Prize Culturae within the Italian National Festival of Cultures in Pisa.

Toaff died on 19 April 2015, 11 days before his 100th birthday.Photo by   Wikipedia  Read More Button--orange

Elio Toaff, l’addio del Ghetto romano al suo rabbino


TagDiv Composer Draft

Il Papa ricorda il rabbino Toaff uomo di pace e dialogo

(Papa Francesco)
Esprimo le mie sentite condoglianze per la scomparsa, ieri sera, del Rabbino Elio Toaff, già Rabbino Capo di Roma. Sono vicino con la preghiera al Rabbino Capo Riccardo di Segni – che avrebbe dovuto essere qui con noi – e all’intera comunità ebraica di Roma, nel ricordo riconoscente di quest’uomo di pace e di dialogo, che accolse il Papa Giovanni Paolo II nella storica visita al Tempio Maggiore.

Papa Francesco ricorda così la figura del Rabbino Toaff nell’incontro con la delegazione della Conferenza dei Rabbini europei. Sottolinea poi i progressi fatti e l’amicizia che lega la Chiesa Cattolica e le Comunità ebraiche a 50 anni dalla Dichiarazione conciliare Nostra aetate. Il Ponte …

Addio a Elio Toaff, la massima autorità spirituale e morale ebraica in Italia dal secondo dopoguerr

Fra pochi giorni avrebbe compiuto 100 anni. Parliamo dell’addio a Elio Toaff, rabbino emerito di Roma considerato la massima autorità spirituale e morale ebraica in italia dal secondo dopoguerra. Dalle 11 di oggi, 20 aprile 2015, il feretro esposto sotto il colonnato del tempio maggiore di Roma per l’ultimo saluto
Da Giorgio Napolitano a Laura Boldrini, da Emma Bonino a Marco Pannella, da Ignazio Marino a Pierferdinando Casini, in tanti sono venuti al Ghetto per rendere omaggio al rabbino emerito Elio Toaff

Yom Hazikaron

Remembering Israel’s fallen soldiers and victims of terror.

Yom Hazikaron

Yom Hazikaron (Hebrew: יום הזיכרון לחללי מערכות ישראל ולנפגעי פעולות האיבה‎, lit. Day of Remembrance for Israeli Fallen Soldiers and Victims of Terrorism) is Israel’s official Memorial Day. The national observance was enacted into law in 1963. While Yom Hazikaron has been traditionally dedicated to fallen soldiers, commemoration has now been extended to civilian victims of the ongoing armed dispute.

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IDF soldiers at Yom Hazikaron ceremony, 2007

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An IDF officer places new flags on the graves of IDF soldiers for Yom Hazikaron.

Yom Hazikaron

From Wikipedia,

Yom Hazikaron (in full Yom Hazikaron l’Chalalei Ma’arachot Yisrael ul’Nifgaei Peulot Ha’eivah Hebrew: יום הזיכרון לחללי מערכות ישראל ולנפגעי פעולות האיבה‎; lit. “Day of Remembrance for the Fallen Soldiers of Israel and Victims of Terrorism”)[1] is Israel’s officialMemorial Day,[2] enacted into law in 1963.[3] While Yom Hazikaron has been traditionally dedicated to fallen soldiers, commemoration has now been extended to civilian victims of political violence,[4] Palestinian political violence,[5] and terrorism in general Photo by Wikipedia  Read More Button--orange

This Day in Jewish History / The medieval rabbi who put Aristotle before God passes on

Quoth Levi ben Gerson, also known as Gersonides: ‘The Law cannot prevent us from considering to be true that which our reason urges us to believe.’.

This Day in Jewish History / With the land groaning in crisis, the Jews of Lisbon are massacred

As disease and drought racked Portugal, murders of New Christians who denied a Catholic’s vision of Jesus spread to the Jews. By David B. Green …

This Day in Jewish History / Not profound, but adored: ‘Greatest American novelist’ dies

On April 16, 1968, the novelist and playwright Edna Ferber died, at her home in New York.Today Ferber may be best known for the popular films that …

Edna Ferber – Long Distance

Edna Ferber (August 15, 1885 – April 16, 1968) was an American novelist, short story writer and playwright. Her novels were especially popular and included the Pulitzer Prize-winning So Big (1924), Show Boat (1926; made into the celebrated 1927 musical), Cimarron (1929; made into the 1931 film which won the Academy Award for Best Picture), and Giant (1952; made into the 1956 Hollywood movie).

Ferber was born August 15, 1885, in Kalamazoo, Michigan, to a Hungarian-born Jewish storekeeper and his Milwaukee, Wisconsin-born wife, Jacob Charles and Julia (Neumann) Ferber. After living in Chicago, Illinois, and Ottumwa, Iowa, at the age of 12 Ferber and her family moved to Appleton, Wisconsin, where she graduated from high school and briefly attended Lawrence University. She took newspaper jobs at the Appleton Daily Crescent and the Milwaukee Journal before publishing her first novel. She covered the 1920 Republican National Convention and 1920 Democratic National Convention for the United Press Association.

Ferber’s novels generally featured strong female protagonists, along with a rich and diverse collection of supporting characters. She usually highlighted at least one strong secondary character who faced discrimination ethnically or for other reasons; through this technique, Ferber demonstrated her belief that people are people and that the not-so-pretty persons have the best character. Several theatrical and film productions have been based on her works, including Show Boat, Giant, Ice Palace, Saratoga Trunk, Cimarron (which won an Oscar) and the 1960 remake. Three of these works – Show Boat, Saratoga Trunk and Giant – have been developed into musicals.

When composer Jerome Kern proposed turning the very serious Show Boat into a musical, Ferber was shocked, thinking it would be transformed into a typical light entertainment of the 1920s. It was not until Kern explained that he and Oscar Hammerstein II wanted to create a different type of musical that Ferber granted him the rights. Saratoga, based on Saratoga Trunk, was written at a much later date, after serious plots had become acceptable in stage musicals. In 1925, she won the Pulitzer Prize for her book So Big, which was made into a silent film starring Colleen Moore that same year. An early talkie movie remake followed, in 1932, starring Barbara Stanwyck and George Brent, with Bette Davis in a supporting role. A 1953 remake of So Big starred Jane Wyman in the Stanwyck role, and is the version most often seen today.

Edna Ferber (August 15, 1885[1] – April 16, 1968) was an American novelist, short story writer and playwright. Her novels were especially popular and included the Pulitzer Prize-winning So Big (1924), Show Boat (1926; made into the celebrated 1927 musical),Cimarron (1929; made into the 1931 film which won the Academy Award for Best Picture), and Giant (1952; made into the 1956 Hollywood movie).
Ferber was born August 15, 1885, in Kalamazoo, Michigan, to a Hungarian-born Jewish storekeeper, Jacob Charles Ferber, and hisMilwaukee, Wisconsin-born wife, Julia (Neumann) Ferber. After living in Chicago, Illinois, and Ottumwa, Iowa, at the age of 12 Ferber and her family moved to Appleton, Wisconsin,……Wikipedia  Read More Button--orange

This Day in Jewish History / ‘Apostle to friends, secular pope to enemies’ is born

This Day in Jewish History / ‘Apostle to friends, secular pope to enemies’ is born … This did not mean, however, that Durkheim (who dropped the name …

File:Emile Durkheim.jpgÉmile Durkheim

From Wikipedia

David Émile Durkheim (French: [emil dyʁkɛm] or [dyʁkajm];[1] April 15, 1858 – November 15, 1917) was a French sociologist, social psychologist and philosopher. He formally established the academic discipline and — with Karl Marx and Max Weber — is commonly cited as the principal architect of modern social science and father of sociology.,,,,,

Emile Durkheim was born in Épinal in Lorraine, coming from a long line of devout French Jews; his father, grandfather, and great-grandfather had been rabbis.[8] He began his education in a rabbinical school, but at an early age, he decided not to follow in his family’s footsteps and switched schools.[8][9] Durkheim led a completely secular life. Much of his work was dedicated to demonstrating that religious phenomena stemmed from social rather than divine factors.Photo by Wikipedia  Read More Button--orange


This Day in Jewish History / Its author safely dead, ‘Nathan the Wise’ premiers in Berlin

Sociological Theory: Emile Durkhiem and Social Solidarity

Conceptual art and historical imagery vivifies a discussion of Emile Durkhiem’s Division of Labour in Society. The video focuses upon differences between traditional “mechanical” solidarity and modern “organic” solidarity.

Yet Lessing was probably the most important figure in the German theater of his day, and he remains influential today, as much for his work as a ..


Nathan the Wise

From Wikipedia

Nathan the Wise (original German title: Nathan der Weise) is a play published by Gotthold Ephraim Lessing in 1779. It is a fervent plea for religious tolerance. Its performance was forbidden by the church during Lessing’s lifetime; it was first performed in 1783 inBerlin. In 1922 it was adapted into a silent film of the same title.

Set in Jerusalem during the Third Crusade, it describes how the wise Jewish merchant Nathan, the enlightened sultan Saladin, and the (initially anonymous) Templar bridge their gaps between Judaism, Islam and Christianity. Its major themes are friendship, tolerance, relativism of God, a rejection of miracles and a need for communication.

File:Gottlieb-Recha Welcoming Her Father 1877.jpg


Recha Welcoming Her Father. From an incomplete series of illustrations for the play Nathan the Wise. Photo by Wikipedia  


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Nathan the Wise by Gotthold Ephraim Lessing (This Week in Jewish History)

In August of 1778, the non-Jewish writer Gotthold Ephraim Lessing wrote to his brother of a new literary project designed to further tolerance of Jews in German society. The result was Nathan the Wise, a sensation that was initially banned by the Church and heavily criticized by antisemites of the day.

This Day in Jewish History / Einstein’s ’embarrassing granddaughter’ dies

Hire put the baby up for adoption, and at the age of eight days, Evelyn was taken into the family of Hans Albert Einstein and his wife, the former Frieda …

Evelyn Einstein

From Wikipedia,

Evelyn Einstein (28 March 1941 – 13 April 2011) was the adopted daughter of Hans Albert Einstein, the son of Albert Einstein

Einstein was born in Chicago; after her birth she was adopted by Hans Albert Einstein. She obtained a Master’s degree in Medieval literature at University of California, Berkeley. She was married to Grover Krantz for 13 years. She then worked briefly as an animal control officer, as a cult deprogrammer and as a Berkeley, California reserve police officer.Read More Button--orange


This Day in Jewish History / Lawyer couple invent new Internet ‘service’ – spamming

In today’s terms, the numbers of individuals reached would probably appear puny, but the transmission was quickly dubbed “spam,” the term used to …

Eliezer Ben-Yehuda

From Wikipedia,

Eliezer Ben‑Yehuda (Hebrew: אליעזר בן־יהודה‎‎ pronounced [ɛli’ʕɛzeʁ bɛn jɛhu’da]; 7 January 1858 – 16 December 1922) was a Litvaklexicographer and newspaper editor. He was the driving spirit behind the revival of the Hebrew language in the modern era.

Eliezer Ben-Yehuda was born Eliezer Yitzhak Perlman[citation needed] (Yiddish אליעזר יצחק פערלמאן), in Luzhki (Belarusian Лужкі (Lužki), PolishŁużki), Vilna Governorate of the Russian Empire (now Vitebsk Oblast, Belarus). He attended cheder where he studied Hebrew and the Bible from the age of three,[citation needed] as was customary among the Jews of Eastern Europe.  Photo by Wikipedia  Read More Button--orange

Revival of Hebrew

While Hebrew had remained the language of study and prayer, it had not been a spoken language for centuries. Few believed it could again become a tongue of everyday speech, but one man did, and dedicated his life to reviving Hebrew. His name was Eliezer Ben-Yehuda.

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The Story of Eliezer Ben Yehuda Part 1 of 5

The Story of Eliezer Ben Yehuda Part 2 of 5

The Story of Eliezer Ben Yehuda Part 3 of 5

The Story of Eliezer Ben Yehuda Part 4 of 5

The Story of Eliezer Ben Yehuda Part 5 of 5

This Day in Jewish History / First boy to be raised speaking modern Hebrew dies

This Day in Jewish History / First boy to be raised speaking modern Hebrew dies. Itamar Ben-Avi was son of Eliezer Ben Yehuda, the founder of the …

File:Itamar Ben-Avi 1933.jpgItamar Ben-Avi

From Wikipedia,

Itamar Ben-Avi (Also Ittamar, Hebrew: איתמר בן אב”י‎; born Ben-Zion Ben-Yehuda, בן-ציון בן-יהודה on 31 July 1882, died 8 April 1943) was the son of Eliezer Ben-Yehuda. Eliezer is credited with reviving the Hebrew language and brought up Itamar to be the first native speaker of what would become Modern Hebrew. Ben-Avi worked as a journalist (starting with his father’s newspaper HaZvi), and as a Zionist activist.

Ben-Zion grew up speaking modern Hebrew with his parents, making him the first native speaker of the Hebrew language in over a thousand years. When he was very young,  Photo by Wikipedia  Read More Button--orange


This Day in Jewish History / Pivotal figure in sensationalist US journalism is born

This Day in Jewish History / Pivotal figure in sensationalist U.S. journalism is born. Walter Winchell’s name may have been forgotten but he attracted …