Section Jewish Music & Simcha Channel: 24JEWISH ALERTS large selection videos and feeds in each section

Benny Friedman – One Day – Rosenblatt Prod.

Benny Friedman singing Mattisyahu’s “One Day” accompanied by Chaim Rosenblatt Productions – Terrace On The Park (10 – 9 – ’13) Wedding Of Dovy & Rochelle Kutner

BEST JEWISH  Wedding Songs

BEST JEWISH  Wedding Songs

BEST JEWISH  Wedding Songs

Chazzan Helfgot Sings V’Yerushalayim at His Daughter’s Wedding

Bobover Rebbe’s Daughter Wedding

The Wedding of the Daughter of the Bobover Rebbe Rabbi Mordechai Dovid Unger in Boro Park February 08 2012,

kosson rebbe dancing mitzva tanz at his sons wedding-1

kosson rebbe dancing mitzva tanz at his sons wedding-2

kosson rebbe dancing mitzva tanz at his sons wedding-3

kosson rebbe dancing mitzva tanz at his sons wedding-4

Section Jewish Communities: 24JEWISH ALERTS large selection videos and feeds in each section

Cantor David Koussevitzky Live Concert Anu Avdu

New US Jewish Population Figures: 6.7 MillionBoulder Jewish News

New reports from the Pew Research Center and Brandeis University’s Steinhardt Social Research Institute (SSRI) estimate the Jewish population of the United 
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Jewish Professionals Gather in Toronto to Discuss Challenges in the Shalom Life

Jewish Federations of Canada-UIA (JFC-UIA) strengthens Jewish life in Canada, Israel and overseas in partnership with Jewish Federations andcommunities 
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A Moment of Historic Justice: Landmark Ruling Returns Torahs toShalom Life

A recent landmark ruling in the Ukraine saw hundreds of confiscated Torahs put back in the hands of the Jewish community, reports the Times of Israel.
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Warsaw Jews to open first JCC in Polish capitalJewish United Fund

The American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) and the Jews of Warsaw will inaugurate the city’s first-ever modern Jewish Community Center in the 
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Are settlements worth it?Jerusalem Post

Opponents of Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria (“settlements”) charge that they drain our economy, diverting funds that should be spent within the 
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400 Global Jewish Communities Will Unite Through Study of Jewish PR Newswire (press release)

NEW YORK, Oct. 24, 2013 /PRNewswire/ — Tens of thousands of people will participate in this year’s Global Day of Jewish Learning on November 17, 2013.
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Day of Philanthropy covers bases in world of

Bringing together major players from the worlds of sports, startups and even Starbucks, the S.F.-based Jewish Community Federation and Endowment Fund will 
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Regency Jewish Heritage hosts annual community

Regency Jewish Heritage Nursing and Rehabilitation Center, 380 DeMott Lane, hosted their Annual Community BBQ, inviting residents from thecommunity.
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Will rising nationalism renew Montreal Jewish exodus?

Battered and bruised by decades of separatist governments, restrictive language laws and a modern-day exodus, the Jewish community of Quebec may finally 
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Video: ‘Olive Harvest’ as Terror PreparationArutz Sheva

The annual harvest often leads to conflict as Arabs and foreign left-wing activists insist on entering Jewish communities to pick olives – including communities 
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Bloomberg awarded “Jewish Nobel Prize”Connecticut Jewish Ledger

Intended “to inspire unity throughout the global Jewish community,” the prize of pride in his Jewish identity and heritage,” said Speaker of the Israeli Knesset 
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The Collaboration: Hollywood’s Pact with HitlerConnecticut Jewish Ledger

He quotes AJC head Cyrus Adler, who reflected the prevailing wariness of the Jewish community in lobbying for American support of Europe’s Jews: “They will 
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Torah Portion – Chayei SarahConnecticut Jewish Ledger

It is comforting to those of us for whom slavery is repugnant to learn that the institution of slavery within Jewish law and practice has been obsolete for many 
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ADL to honor five Fairfield County community leadersConnecticut Jewish Ledger

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) will honor Julie and Robert Haroun, Anita Schorr, and Bonnie Slyn and David Ball at ADL’s 2013 Upper Fairfield County 
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On the bimah…at age 92Connecticut Jewish Ledger

Bein has worked to create a rich Jewish life since leaving her Orthodox family in  out the artifacts and collectibles from community members every few months.
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West Hartford native appointed president of Reconstructionist Connecticut Jewish Ledger

The RRC is the primary organization of the Jewish Reconstructionist movement.  a momentous time for the Reconstructionist community, which in the last year 
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Film Review – “The Zigzag Kid” screens in Stamford Oct. 27 and 31Connecticut Jewish Ledger

Sponsored by the Stamford Jewish Community Center, this year’s Festival is immersed in Israeli culture and society. In addition to “Melting Away” and “Nicky’s 
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Visiting teacher learns about the Holocaust – and the life of Varian FryConnecticut Jewish Ledger

“He told me that he wanted to meet Jeanette because there are no Jews living in his  Lady Eleanor Roosevelt, as well as the New York literary community.
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Texas A&M to open campus in NazarethConnecticut Jewish Ledger

“The goal is that Arabs and Jews will study as one at the campus.” Plans for the new campus were announced by Texas Governor Rick Perry, who is visiting 
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Connecticut College proves the ever-delicious (and kosher) Oreo to Connecticut Jewish Ledger

oreo According to recent reports, a new study shows that the deliciousness factor that the consumption of Oreo cookies delivers could actually be compared to 
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FR.CHABAD.ORG    Magazine
Cheshvan 19, 5774 · October 23, 2013
Un mot de la Rédaction :
Cher ami,

Ce jeudi sera l’anniversaire de la naissance de Rabbi Chalom DovBer, le cinquième Rabbi de Loubavitch.

Il fut une fois demandé à Rabbi Chalom DovBer de définir ce qu’est un ‘hassid. Il répondit qu’un ‘hassid est un allumeur de réverbères: Il porte un feu qui n’est pas de son fait, et enflamme les âmes des autres, quel que puisse être son éloignement.

Nous pouvons tous prendre cette leçon à cœur. Il y a beaucoup de lampes qui attendent d’être allumées, dans nos villes, dans nos communautés, et même dans nos propres maisons. Tendez la main et allumez-en une avec le feu de la Torah et vous serez vous aussi un allumeur de réverbères.

Telle est la mission d’un ‘hassid, et par extension de tous les Juifs et, finalement, de tous les êtres humains.

Cette semaine Magazine imprimable

par Tzvi Freeman

Où est la cohérence?

Il y a tellement d’opinions différentes quant a qu’est-ce qui s’est passé exactement, et qu’est-ce que cela signifie. Comment peuvent-elles être toutes justes?

par Yisroel Cotlar

Haute sécurité

Ce n’est pas une sonnette juive. C’est un dispositif de sécurité appelé une mézouza, reliée à l’agence Protection Ultime. Le logiciel dans ce gadget est un parchemin dont le texte commence par «Écoute Israël, l’Éternel est notre D.ieu, l’Éternel est un»…


Barou’h demandé en mariage

Mais où était Barou’h? Sa famille le voyait rarement. Tout ce que put dire Rabbi Joseph-Isaac à Abraham fut de lui indiquer le Beth-Hamidrache que fréquentait Barou’h…

Raconté par Rabbi Yossef Its’hak de Loubavitch

Genèse 23, 1 – 25, 18

Un peu sur la mort, beaucoup sur le mariage et l’art de raconter les histoires. Egalement: 400 shekels, 10 chameaux, deux bracelets et un anneau, une troisième éppouse et six nouveaux fils – tout cela dans la paracha de ‘Hayé Sarah

Faut-il en parler?

Dans son récapitulatif de la vie de Sarah, la Torah nous dit deux choses: qu’elle était belle et qu’elle avait un caractère parfait. Et elle nous présente ces deux grandes qualités juxtaposées.

par Rochel Holzkenner


Jüdische.Info Wöchentliches Magazin


Cheshvan 19, 5774 · October 23, 2013
Sehr geehrte Leserschaft,
der Tora-Abschnitt dieser Woche bedeutet “Das Leben Sara’s”. Das wirft eine naheliegende Frage auf. Der Abschnitt berichtet von Sara’s Tod und Begräbnis – warum also heißt er “Das Leben Sara’s”? Nun, damit will die Tora uns lehren, dass jeder Mensch in gewisser Hinsicht unsterblich werden kann – nicht nur auf der spirituellen Ebene, wo jede Seele ewig lebt, sondern auch im Gedächtnis dieser materiellen Welt.

Der Wochenabschnitt befasst sich mit drei Ereignissen: Abraham kauft in Hebron eine Grabstätte für Sara; er sucht eine Frau für Jizchak; und er setzt Jizchak als Erbe ein.

Alle diese Ereignisse spiegeln Sara’s Lebenswerk wider. Als Frau setzte sie durch, dass G–ttes Versprechen an Awraham, Israel werde dem jüdischen Volk gehören, keine abstrakte Zusage blieb, sondern Wirklichkeit wurde.

Sara wünschte, dass ihr Sohn heiraten und für den Fortbestand ihrer Familie sorgen solle. Darum wurde Rebekka für ihn ausgewählt. Und als Awraham sein Erbe verteilte, gab er “Jizchak alles, was er hatte”, so dass seine anderen Kinder nur “Geschenke” erhielten. Das zeigt, welchen Einfluss Sara auf ihn hatte; denn sie hatte ja zu ihm gesagt: “Die Söhne der Mägde werden neben meinem Sohn Jizchak nicht erben.”

Gut Schabbes

Der Themenschwerpunkt der Woche Druckbares Magazin

von Aryeh Citron

Das Gute bleibt

Neulich nahm ein Jugendlicher am G-ttesdienst teil, der für seinen verstorbenen Großvater abgehalten wurde. Er hatte nie zuvor eine orthodoxe Beerdigung gesehen und wunderte sich daher über das Verhalten von “Seides” alten Freunden aus seiner kleinen Schul.


Genesis 23:1–25:18

Sara stirbt im Alter von 127 und wird in der Machpela Höhle in Hebron begraben. Abraham’s Diener Elieser wird mit Geschenken beladen nach Charan geschickt, um für Isaak eine Frau zu finden. Rebekka, die Tochter von Abrahams Neffen Betuel, erscheint am Brunnen und besteht den “Test”.


Gebete werden erhört

In der dieswöchigen Sidra wird die Lebensgeschichte Abrahams, des ersten Juden, zu Ende geführt. Die überaus große Liebe G-ttes für Abraham und für seine Nachkommen windet sich wie ein goldener Faden durch die Schilderungen, die die Tora über unsere Stammväter gibt.

von Dr. William Stern

Gen. 23:9

Unser Leitgedanke zu Chaje Sara


Richtiges Lieben ist wichtiger

Warum sind die Männer meiner Freundinnen so wunderbar? Bei den Männern, die ich treffe, fehlt immer irgendetwas.

von Aron Moss

Das Wie, Warum und die kabbalistische Bedeutung

Die Vorbereitungen der Braut und des Bräutigams auf die Chuppa; die Atmosphäre die die Zeremonie begleitet, die rechtliche und mystische Tragweite der Chuppa und vieles mehr.


Ein Brief zum Thema Mischehe

Die folgenden Worte, wie schmerzhaft sie auch für dich sein mögen, kommen aus einem Ort voller Liebe. Ich wünsche mir, dass ich das nicht sagen müsste, aber ich habe keine andere Wahl.

von Anonym
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Section Events, Jewish Life : 24JEWISH ALERTS large selection in each section

Beautiful  hasidic jewish music mix

Beautiful  hasidic jewish music mix

Beautiful  hasidic jewish music 

Beautiful  hasidic jewish music 

Beautiful  hasidic jewish music 

Hachnasas Sefer Torah,Amazing Hasidic dance amazing

שירי שבת \ אסף נוה שלום – שעה שלימה של עונג


Adon Olam – Tsahal

Famous Israeli song by singers of Tsahal during a Keren Hayesod celebration


Beautiful  hasidic jewish music mix

Beautiful Lipa & Chaim Yisrael Duet Live in Concert

Beautiful Lipa Schmeltzer & Chaim Yisrael Duet Live in Concert at the Millennium Theater Chol Hamoed Succos 2013
Lipa to Run in Our Place Fundraiser, Hopes Others Will Share in the Kol Isha

Superstar Lipa Schmeltzer will be taking to the runway this Sunday, morning. Nope, the bespectacled singer won’t be modeling any of his psychedelic bekeshes 
Jewish Music Report

Halachipedia: Where Halacha Meets The World Of WikiThe Jewish Press

Sukkot was cold in Ithaca, N.Y. Josh Polevoy and friends wondered if they needed to return after dinner to the sukkah, and the frigid outdoors, to eat the few 
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Regina Brett joins CJN as columnistCleveland Jewish News

Brett, 57, who has been a sought-after speaker at Jewish events will be introduced to the community at an event to be announced. “The CJN is elated to bring 
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Schedule for VOSJCC Cultural Arts and BookfairJewish News of Greater Phoenix

The 12th annual Valley of the Sun Jewish Community Center Cultural Arts and Bookfair, to be held Nov. 3-10, has programs for everyone. Authors from around 
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Jewish Federation of Cleveland Presents Cleveland: A 20/20 Vision Cleveland Jewish News

The Jewish Federation of Cleveland will hold a conversation featuring  The event includes an appetizer reception, panel presentation and optional tour of the 
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Jewish Woman’s Odyssey through Christianity and

An author, speaker, and Executive Director of Shomrei Emet Institute and Torah Life Strategies, Penina regularly answers questions from Jews and non-Jews 
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Jewish Entrepreneur Chosen to Fix ObamaCare SiteShalom Life

Jewish entrepreneur and National Economic Council Director Jeffrey Zients has been tapped by President Obama to fix the Federal Health Exchange website.
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New JCC set to open in WarsawConnecticut Jewish Ledger

( In a sign of the growing revival of Polish Jewish life, a new Jewish Community Center will open in Warsaw on Oct. 27. The new JCC, the second in the 
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‘Birthright in reverse’ for Israelis born in USSRHaaretz

In recent months, the Israeli division of Hillel, the international Jewishcampus life organization, has organized and financed two such trips back to the former 
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On the bimah…at age 92Connecticut Jewish Ledger

Bein has worked to create a rich Jewish life since leaving her Orthodox family in Brooklyn at the age of 19, and moving with her husband, Irving, to the heavily 
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D’var Torah: The life of SarahSt. Louis Jewish Light

The portion Life of Sarah (Chayei Sarah) begins with the death of Sarah, as if the confrontation with death refines the notion of life. At the end of life,life clarifies.
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New course to explore Jewish perspective on modern ethical Your Houston News

The kick-off course this fall, Life in the Balance: Jewish Perspectives on Everyday Medical Dilemmas, will examine modern and everyday ethical medical 
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Metro Briefs October

The Holocaust Center of the Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh will present “Lessons from Kristallnacht: Maintaining Jewish Life, Culture, & Vibrancy in the 
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Ultra-Orthodox singers defy stereotypes in IsraelPress of Atlantic City

In this photo taken Oct. 22, 2013, Ultra-Orthodox Jewish singers Arie Gat, right,  devoted to studying ancient biblical texts and rejecting the ills of secular life.
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Spielberg’s Schindler’s List archive transferred to PolandHaaretz

The Taube Foundation for Jewish Life and Culture, founded and headed by American businessman Tad Taube, donated the sophisticated servers that will store 
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New Chabad House Celebrates Arrival of First Torah zalman

The first new Torah scroll for the 2-month-old Pollack Chabad Center for Jewish Life in Chandler, Arizona was inducted for use Sunday. Donated by the Irv and – Chabad News, Crown Heights News, Lubavitch News
From Pew Will Come Forth Torah – eJewish PhilanthropyeJP

by Arthur Green. Judaism is in trouble in America. Almost a third of young Jewish adults consider themselves to be people of no religion. Yes, they still identify as 
eJewish Philanthropy: Your Jewish Philanthropy Resource
Sarah’s years, life and deathJewish News of Greater Phoenix

Torah Study Sarah’s years, life and death. Chayei Sarah, Genesis 23:1-25:18. Story · Comments. Print: Create a hardcopy of this page; Font Size: Default font 
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‘Lost’ creator Damon Lindelof takes on Torah with ‘Unscrolled’The Jewish Journal of Greater L.A.

“I’m so not one to try to sell Torah, but I think the job of people who interpret it, or any  Although its Torah can be slight, “Unscrolled” offers a surprising swath of 
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The Torah of ‘doing’New Jersey Jewish News

When Superstorm Sandy pounded the Atlantic coast one year ago, it quickly, and devastatingly, separated the lucky from the unlucky. Shore communities took 
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Kindness connection: Parashat Chayei Sarah (Genesis 23:1-25:18)The Jewish Journal of Greater L.A.

It’s too much of a story to imagine that the Torah isn’t deliberately telling it. of affairs and what the Torah wants us to make of it, and I will attempt only one here.
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DC synagogue sets Torah study into a modern settingClal

““The Jewish community is shifting radically, and the [idea] is to see all of it — Torah, prayer, mitzvot [commandments] — all as technologies that are there for us 
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Moderate haredi Tov Party posts disappointing results in local Jerusalem Post

By contrast, Bnei Torah, a hardline haredi party set up as part of a rebellion against the mainstream non-hassidic haredi rabbinic and political leadership of 
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Israel the Beautiful: A fruit with 613 different meaningsJerusalem Post

The pomegranate, one of the seven species of the Land of Israel described in the Torah, has in the past several years gained widespread popularity as both an 
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Netanyahu in Message of Support for Hevron JewsArutz Sheva

Shabbat Hevron is a relatively new tradition, which takes place on the Sabbath in which the Torah portion Chayei Sarah is read in synagogues. The Torah 
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Knesset Discuses Proposed Circumcision Ban in EuropeArutz Sheva

Member of Knesset Yisrael Eichler (United Torah Judaism) stated that circumcision was both a health issues and an issue of religious freedom. He added that 
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Firefighters battle blaze at illegally converted yeshiva in RamapoThe Journal News /

The town of Ramapo took Talmud Torah Ohr Yochanan to state Supreme Court to force installation of fire-safety devices and ensure the congregation obtain 
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Moshav to bring Israeli flair to Desert GatheringJewish News of Greater Phoenix

With that kind of background, he adds, it was only natural that a group that grew up there would have a talent for making Jewish music and turning it into a career 
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Ultra-Orthodox singers defy stereotypes in IsraelBradenton Herald

The issue also has seeped into music. Religious soldiers have walked out of military events in which women were singing — which extremely devoutJews 
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Israel Philharmonic Orchestra: A gift for all ‘Seasons’The Jewish Journal of Greater L.A.

New York Times music critic Bernard Holland once commented on the IPO’s tonal  Jewish musicians and their families — and a good part of Jewish musical 
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24JEWISH ALERTS videos and feeds Jewish News חדשות יהודיות

Illini Chabad 2013, 10 Years and Counting

The Chabad on the campus of the University of Illinois is celebrating its tenth anniversary on campus. We caught up with students and alumni in this heartfelt video montage of their experiences with Chabad.

Produced, directed, written, edited by Jeff Samson
Music by Topher Mohr and Alex Elena via YouTube Audio Library

Jewish student group sues Twitter

France’s Union of Jewish Students brought legal action against Twitter. CNN’s Hala Gorani talks to a member of the group

France’s Jewish Exodus Because Of Rise Of Anti-Semetic Attacks

The imperiled condition of French Jewry, at this point, is pretty well-trod territory. That said, one’s shock at a statistic like the 58 percent rise in anti-Semitic attacks in France last year, may not diminish.

A few weeks ago, an article chronicled the growth of a French Jewish community in the United Kingdom. To accommodate the influx, St. John’s Wood Synagogue in London started hosting French-language Shabbat services. Here’s one about the French Jews arriving in Israel at a rate of 2,000 per year.

Earlier this week, La Stampa revealed a similar expansion of French Jews in the Upper West Side of New York. To understand what’s happening, we have to go to the Jewish Centre on 86th Street where, in March 2012, the Jewish New Yorkers urged their French counterparts to commemorate the victims of the shooting in the “Ozar Hatorah” school in Toulouse, where the jihadist Mohammed Merah killed a rabbi and three children. Leading the ceremony was Zachary, 29, a transport manager from Strasbourg. “If New York is full of French Jews- he explains- it’s because in 2002, in connection with the second Palestinian Intifada, a season of physical aggression began towards us from the Arabs that still hasn’t stopped. It just brought the conflict from the Middle East onto our streets.”

From the sounds of it, the ferment of French Jewry’s plight has been a full decade in coming and not just a few years as it’s been assumed. It’s stunning to remember the way that former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon–at the height of the Second Intifada no less–infamously instructed French Jews to move to Israel for their own safety. His remarks were blasted by French leaders–both Jewish and not–including the French foreign ministry, who called on Sharon for an explanation of his “unacceptable comments.”

It’s manifested itself not just in terrorist attacks, arson, assaults, or acts like the planting of a fake bomb near the Hillel Center in Lyon earlier this week, but in language as well. For each incident of anti-Semitic graffiti, consider several thousand or more digital analogues. Writing in Tablet today, Jillian Scheinfeld outlined an actual, popular trend of anti-Semitic hate speech on Twitter. Last October, when the hashtag #UnBonJuif reached the top three on Twitter’s trending topics list in France, a French Jewish student group, the Union of French Jewish Students, complained directly to the San Francisco-based social networking giant asking for the names of Twitter users promoting the anti-Semitic hashtag. When Twitter failed to respond, the students took their case to a French court—and won.

A court order may ultimately impel Twitter to police its users more thoroughly, but even if that accomplishment is managed, there’s still a whole world offline and in the dark.

American Jewish History discussed, All Saints Day ceremonies (blog)

American Jewish History, Backwards and Forwards” is the topic of a special event with award-winning author Jonathan Sarna of Brandeis University tonight at 
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West Hartford native appointed president of Reconstructionist Connecticut Jewish Ledger

Waxman earned a Ph.D. in American Jewish History from Temple University and her M.A. in Hebrew Letters and her title of rabbi from RRC. She has received a 
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Young Turkish Jews Flee Growing Anti-SemitismArutz Sheva

Turkish Jews are leaving the country due to growing anti-Semitism, exacerbated by the Islamist AKP government’s antagonism towards Israeland Jews. So says 
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Keep the prizes for IsraelisCleveland Jewish News

KARNEI SHOMRON, Israel – I am puzzled by the debate over a “brain drain” in Israel following announcement of this year’s Nobel Prizes and the awarding of a 
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Dead Boston Bomber Participated in Triple 2011 MurderArutz Sheva

The other two men who were slain were Raphael Teken, 37, and Erik Weissman, 31 – both reportedly Jewish. A Chechen immigrant, Ibragim Todashev, 
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Report: Israel bombed Syrian weapons convoy bound for LebanonThe Jewish Journal of Greater L.A.

Israel Air Force jets bombed a convoy carrying advanced missiles from Syria to Lebanon, a Kuwaiti newspaper reported. The Arabic language Al-Jarida daily 
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On the Move 10-25-13Jewish News of Greater Phoenix

Sussman Susser was associate editor at Jewish News of Greater Phoenix from 2004 to 2010. Birthright Israel Foundation has elected Joshua Nash, a leader in 
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Australia Threatens Jewish AcademicsMWC News

Dan Goldberg writing in the Israeli newspaper Haaretz on 27 August 2013 stated: “Jewish community leaders in Australia have virtually abandoned support for 
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Regina Brett joins CJN as columnist
A familiar name across Northeast Ohio and across the world is coming to the pages of the Cleveland Jewish News. (full story)

All City Candy hopes to hit sweet spot
Richmond Heights is about to get a little sweeter. All City Candy, a new 5,000-square-foot retail candy store on Richmond Road, will debut at 10 a.m. Saturday, Oct. 26 with a grand opening celebration. (full story)

Showtime renews ‘Homeland’
Fans of the Showtime series “Homeland” can look forward to a fourth season of the Emmy-winning CIA thriller. (full story)

Yom Kippur War memories recalled at FIDF gala
Former Israeli Deputy Defense Minister Dr. Ephraim Sneh has vivid but painful memories of serving in the Israel Defense Forces during the Yom Kippur War in 1973. (full story)

Today’s Best Bet
Talalay distinguished lecture with Eve Ashcraft, 7 p.m., Museum of Contemporary Art Cleveland, 11400 Euclid Ave., Cleve. Tickets: $10 nonmembers, free for members and students. 216-421-8671

B’nai mitzvah – week of Oct. 25
Ariel Cohen, Saturday morning, Suburban Temple-Kol Ami
Bradley Jacob Gilbert, Saturday evening, Park Synagogue
David Gold, Saturday morning, Congregation Shaarey Tikvah
Sophie Greff, Saturday evening, Jewish Family Experience at the John Carroll University Green Road Annex
Morgan Wynne Kahn, Saturday morning, Beth Israel-The West Temple
Evie Rose Krislov, Saturday morning, B’nai Jeshurun Congregation
Ally Marchewitz, Saturday afternoon, The Temple-Tifereth Israel in Beachwood
Jake Marchewitz, Saturday afternoon, The Temple-Tifereth Israel in Beachwood
Daniel Myeroff, Saturday morning, Anshe Chesed Fairmount Temple
Jack Newman, Saturday morning, Park Synagogue
Dylan Siegler, Saturday evening, Anshe Chesed Fairmount Temple
Click here to read the complete b’nai mitzvah listings at
This Day in History
1945: The UN officially came into existence today upon ratification of the Charter by the five permanent members of the Security Council—France, the Republic of China, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom and the United States—and by a majority of the other 46 signatories. (read more)

By Menachem Posner
The annual event draws nearly 1,000 participants and offers a taste of just about everythingPost CommentPost Comment  |  Read Story
A former fraternity house transformed into a Chabad on Campus center offering extensive amenitiesPost CommentPost Comment  |  Read Story
Speaking tour to provide guidance on addictions to students and staffPost CommentPost Comment  |  Read Story
Emissaries and communal leaders to gather in New York at larger new venue.Post CommentPost Comment  |  Read Story