Select Section WEEKLY Parasha Parshat Shemini Language : russian, german, SHIURIM & COMMENTARIES MULTI-LANGUAGES,


Section Jewish Parshat language hebrew, french, english, spanish, german, russian, Machon Meir, CHABAD, The Jewish Woman, YOUTH/TEENS SHIURIM & COMMENTARIES


Rabbi Yona Levin

Недельная глава Шмини (19/03/14)

Недельная глава Шмини часть 2 (19/03/14)

Недельная глава Шмини

Социальная сеть “Общение, Бней-Ноах и Евреев” на благодарит фонд СТМЭГИ: за предоставленную нашему youtube каналу, ИНФОРМАЦИЮ.

Недельные главы Цав и Шмини (25/03/12)

Недельная глава Шмини

Недельная глава Шмини. Сужение во времени. 27/2

Недельная глава Шмини – (23/03/11)

Недельная глава Rav Moshe Chaim Levin

Рав Даниэль Булочник. Недельная глава Торы “Шмини”

Недельная глава Шмини

Недельная глава: Шмини. Тайна числа 8 и нашего календаря

Недельная глава: Шмини. Трепет перед Всевышним – все (что) в наших руках!

Недельная глава – Шмини: Рав Хаим Шаул 1

Недельная глава – Шмини: Рав Хаим Шаул 2

Недельная глава – Шмини, книга Ваикра

Й. Херсонский. «Шмини» недельная глава Торы

Недельная глава Шмини 06

Maxoh Opa

Недельная глава

Rabbi Svirsky Парша Ваэра. Я Выбираю Свободу

РБеерот Ицхак

Махон-Меир (Книга Берешит)

Махон-Меир (Книга Шмот)

Недельная глава Ваикра

Махон-Меир (Книга Бемидбар)

Махон-Меир (Книга Бемидбар)

Махон-Меир (Книга Дварим)

Недельная глава

Каждый день есть новое видео о Иудаизме

✡ ✡ ✡ ✡ ✡ ✡ ✡ ✡ ✡ ✡ ✡ ✡ ✡

Просим всех кому нравится

наш канал ⇒ ПОДПИСАТЬСЯ

Недельная глава с Ашером Альтшулем. Глава…


Ашер Альтшуль беседует о недельной главе Торы в cвете сегоднешней риальности.

Глава ….

29.03.2012 Rav Moshe Chaim Levin

בית חבד לדוברי רוסית בארהק

Недельная глава 

Rav Moshe Chaim Levin

25.12.2012г. Недельная глава Торы


Занятие по недельной главе Торы проходит в нашей общине регулярно. В сезоне 2012-2013 – по вторникам, 19:40 – 21:00.

Раввин общины, Йосеф Херсонский разработал формат этого занятия:

– Мини-урок (15-20 минут) помощника раввина

– Часовое занятие раввина, в котором участникам предлагается выбрать наиболее интересующие их темы из сюжета недельной главы. В начале занятия раввин делает общий обзор главы и предлагает участникам список тем, упомянутых в главе + пояснения, каким образом эта тема актуальна сегодня. Каждый участник озвучивает 3 наиболее интересующие его темы. Рейтинг интересующих тем формирует программу занятия.

Данное занятие провел полностью помощник раввина ввиду того, что раввин был в отъезде.

Каждый день есть новое видео о Иудаизме

Daniel Naftoli Surovtsev


Официальный сайт программы “Лимуд” под руководством рава Мойше Шапиро и рава Звулуна Шварцмана

The official website of the “Limmud” under the leadership of Rabbi Moshe Shapiro and Rav Schwartzman Zebulun

Недельная глава  Rabbi Sergei Kruglyanitsa

Недельная глава Rabbi Svirsky

Недельная глава Rav Chaims Haulov

Недельная глава Торы

nerhashem channel

Parshat  Language : german

“Jukebox. Jewbox! Ein jüdisches Jahrhundert auf Schellack und Vinyl” – 10.04.2015

“Jukebox. Jewkbox! Ein jüdisches Jahrhundert auf Schellack und Vinyl” – Ulrich Trebbin hat sich die neue Ausstellung im Jüdischen Museum München am Jakobsplatz für uns angesehen. Sowie Parascha von Rabbiner Joel Berger.

“Pésach 5775” in Regensburg – 03.04.2015

Jüdische Gemeinde “Beth Schalom” – 27.03.2015

Judentum in Baiersdorf – 20.03.2015

Zwischen allen Fronten – jüdisches Leben in Belfast – 13.03.2015

Während sich die jüdischen Gemeinden in Europa hinter Sicherheitsschleusen verschanzen, bleiben die Juden von Belfast überraschend entspannt. Robert B.Fishman gibt Einblick in das jüdische Leben in Belfast. Sowie Parascha von Rabbiner Joel Berger.

Wie lebt man nach der Erfahrung im KZ weiter? – 27.02.2015

Wie lebt man nach der Erfahrung im KZ weiter? Elsa Weiss hat Ghetto und vier KZ überlebt. Ein Beitrag von Kristina Dumas, sowie die Parascha Tezawe von Joel Berger.

“Jewrovision” in Köln – 20.02.2015

Die “Jewrovison 2015” unter dem Motto “Make A Difference” beginnt am Wochenende in Köln. Durch das jüdische Musik- und Tanz-Spektakel führt der Berliner Rapper Ben Salomo. Gerald Beyrodt hat sich mit ihm getroffen. Sowie Parascha von Rabbiner Joel Berger.

Endstation: der Wald von Bi?ernieki – 13.02.2015

Endstation: der Wald von Bi?ernieki. Die Ermodung deutscher Juden in Riga. Ein Beitrag von Julia Smilga. Sowie Parascha “Mischpatim” von Rabbiner Joel Berger.

Mehr Transparenz und Effektivität – Aufbruch der IKG Nürnberg – 06.02.2015

Thomas Senne berichtet über die Kehliáh in Nürnberg, über eine Gemeinde mitten im Aufbruch. Sowie Parascha “Jitro” von Rabbiner Joel Berger. (zur Startseite)Bucharajuden – Der letzte Rabbi von Buchara – 30.01.2015

Vor etwa 2600 Jahren zogen aus der Gefangenschaft freigelassener Juden nach Usbekistan, in das damaligen Handelszentrum Buchara. Heute gibt es in Buchara nur noch eine verschwindend kleine jüdische Gemeinschaft. Julia Smilga war auf Spurensuche in Usbekistan. Sowie Parascha von Rabbiner Joel Berger.

Leon Weintraub – Überlebender des Rassenwahns – 23.01.2015

Leon Weintraub hat nicht nur Auschwitz überlebt, sondern auch Getto Litzmannstadt, die Konzentrationslager in Groß-Rosen, Flossenbürg und Natzweiler und den Todesmarsch. Thomas Muggenthaler hat mit dem “Überlebenden des Rassenwahns” gesprochen. Sowie Parascha von Rabbiner Joel Berger.

La Table Ouverte – 16.01.2015

La Table Ouverte – ein Restaurant du coeur für mittellose Juden in Nizza. Ein Beitrag von Robert B. Fishman. Sowie Parascha “Va erá” von Rabbiner Joel Berger.

Von Kirche zu Synagoge – die Schlosskirche in Cottbus – 09.01.2015

Am 27. Januar wird die ehemalige evangelische Schlosskirche in Cottbus als erste neue Synagoge im Land Brandenburg eingeweiht. Ein Beitrag von Rocco Thiede. Sowie Parascha “Schemot” von Rabbiner Joel Berger.

“Erzähl es deinen Kindern: Die Torah in fünf Bänden” – 02.01.2015

“Erzähl es deinen Kindern: Die Torah in fünf Bänden” – ein Beitrag von Kristina Dumas, sowie die Parascha “Wajechi” von Joel Berger.

Rabbanim Shiurim

Rav Joseph Pardes Hafazat Hatora

Raw Frand zu Parschat Schmini 5772

Das grösste Glaubensbekenntnis: “Und Aharon schwieg”

Parschat Schemini enthält eines der grössten Glaubensbekenntnisse der gesamten Tora.

Das jüdische Volk brachte nach der Spaltung des Jam Suf (Roten Meeres) seinen Glauben “an G’tt und Seinen Diener Mosche” in einem grossen Glaubensbekenntnis zum Ausdruck [Schemot 14:31]. Die Parscha dieser Woche beinhaltet aber auch das grösste in der Tora vorkommende uneingeschränkte Glaubensbekenntnis eines Individuums. Dieser Ausdruck eines vollendeten Glaubens war die Reaktion von Aharon Hakohen (Aharon, dem Priester) auf den Tod seiner beiden Söhne.

Aharon hatte zwei aussergewöhnliche Söhne. Sie waren grosse Zaddikim (Fromme, Gerechte). Diese Söhne waren würdig, einst zu Führern der Gemeinschaft zu werden. Diese Söhne wurden Aharon weggenommen, gerade während der besonders freudigen Einweihungszeremonie des Ohel Mo’ed (Stiftszeltes).

Wie reagiert Aharon? Mit Schweigen und mit vollständiger Annahme [Wajikra 10:3 ]! Aharon war dazu nur wegen seinem unerschütterlichen Glauben an G‘tt fähig. Eine Person, die den Tod zweier seiner Söhne erleben muss, und dennoch mit Schweigen und Akzeptanz reagiert, gibt damit das aufschlussreiche und stärkste Zeugnis seines Glaubens ab, das man sich überhaupt vorstellen kann.

In Parschat Re’eh (zum Passuk “Ihr seid Kinder G‘ttes, ihr sollt euch aus Trauer keine Einschnitte machen“ [Dewarim 14:1]) schreibt der Ramban, dass die Verbote der Tora gegen Selbstverstümmelung aus Trauer dazu dienen, unseren Glauben in die Ewigkeit der Seele zu bezeugen. “Da du an die Ewigkeit der Seele glaubst, und daran, dass, was immer G‘tt beschliesst, nie schlecht sein kann, sollst du auch nicht übermässig trauern – auch nicht angesichts tragischer Todesfälle von jungen Menschen.“

Viele von uns sahen in unserer Gemeinde ein ähnliches Glaubensbekenntnis wie dasjenige von Aharon Hakohen. Herr Israel Weinstein und seine Frau erlitten an einem Erew Pessach (Vortag von Pessach) durch den Verlust von zwei Kindern bei einem Verkehrsunfall eine Tragödie enormen Ausmasses. Ich selbst war an diesem Pessach, an dem sich diese Geschichte zutrug, nicht in der Jeschiwa in Baltimore. Diejenigen, die dabei waren, und die sahen, wie Herr Weinstein nach dieser schrecklichen Nachricht reagierte, waren in höchstem Masse erstaunt über den Glauben, den er damit zeigte.

Es ist schlicht unvorstellbar, wie ein Jude, der am Sederabend am Pessach hört, dass er soeben zwei seiner Kinder verloren hat, sich wieder dem Seder zuwendet, sich hinsetzt, und Schehechejanu (Segensspruch an G‘tt dafür, dass Er uns am Leben erhält und uns diese Zeit hat erleben lassen) aussprechen kann. Es verlangt ein ganz besonderes Mass an Glauben ab, um am nächsten Morgen nach Schul (Synagoge) zu gehen, zu beten, und die Anwesenden mit “Gut Jomtov” (Festtags-Gruss) zu begrüssen, ohne seine Gefühle zu zeigen oder die Stimmung des Festtages zu stören. An diesem Pessach-Vormittag lief ein kleiner Junge in die Jeschiwa hinein, den Gang hinunter und an dem Platz vorbei, an dem Herr Weinstein sass. Herr Weinstein streichelte dem Jungen die Wange.

Der Vater des Jungen besuchte Herr Weinstein während der Schiw’ah (Trauerwoche, die auf das Begräbnis folgt) und fragte diesen wie er dies überhaupt fertig gebracht hatte. “Wie konnten Sie es fertig bringen, in der Zeit Ihrer grössten Trauer, sich über einen Jungen zu beugen und ihm die Wange zu streicheln?” Herr Weinstein antwortete, dass er gerade dann realisierte, wie kostbar jedes jüdische Kind ist. Er musste dieses Kind streicheln, weil er gerade dann fühlte, wie speziell jedes unserer Kinder ist.

Oft kommt es vor, dass wir unsere Kinder als selbstverständlich hinnehmen. Manchmal ärgern wir uns übermässig über sie und realisieren nicht, wie kostbar sie sind.

Eine Person, die in einer solchen Tragödie in der Lage ist, einen solch tiefen Glauben auszudrücken, und die Tat von “Und Aharon schwieg” zu wiederholen, kann nur ein Mensch sein, der erkennt, dass es auch auf der anderen Seite der Welt weiteres Licht gibt. Möge die Familie inmitten der Trauernden um Zion und Jerusalem Trost finden.

Quellen und Persönlichkeiten:
Ramban: Rabbi Mosche ben Nachman (1194 – 1270); Gerona, Spanien; Erez Jisrael; einer der Haupterklärer des Chumasch (Fünf Bücher Moses).

Rav Frand, Copyright © 2012 by Rav Frand und Project Genesis, Inc und Verein Lema’an Achai / Jüfo-Zentrum.

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Select Section WEEKLY Parasha Parshat Shemini Language: Spanish , Português SHIURIM & COMMENTARIES MULTI-LANGUAGES,


Section Jewish Parshat language hebrew, french, english, spanish, german, russian, Machon Meir, CHABAD, The Jewish Woman, YOUTH/TEENS SHIURIM & COMMENTARIES


Rabino Rafael Spangenthal

PURO PLACER DIVINO – Parashat Sheminí 5770

Mensaje del Rabino Itzjak Ginsburgh para la parashá TZAV 5771

Parashat Shemini -Con el rabino Iona Blickstein

Parashat Shemini Pruebas de la veracidad de la torah

Shiur Rab David Perets : Parashat Shemini 5774

Parashat Shemini

Parashat Shemini

Shiur Rab Eliahu Mamrutt – Parashat Shemini

Parashat Shemini 453

Parashat Shemini Tuvia Krawchik

Learning with Ramban Shemini

Commento alla Torà Parasha Shemini

Student Dvar Torah Series Parshat Shemini Don Greenberg

Shemini 5774- Rav Tuvia Krawchik

Tremenda Recompensa!

Parashat Shminí

Señales para la vida




Conociendo la Parasha

Cómo lograr una alegría completa

Mensaje del Rabino Sergio Slomianski sobre la parasha de la semana – Bo.

Rabino Aharón Shlezinger

Shiur Rab David Perets : – parashat


Página de Torá y judaísmo del Rabino Juan Mejía: Torá sin fronteras.


<h1Yaakov Benlev – Parasha …..Português – Kehilah Beit ‘Or

Rab Mijael Perets – parashat …..

Tzion Shelanu

Los polos opuestos se atraen pero no se entienden

KolIsrael.TV Comunidad de Torah

Parasha …..Shmuel Friedman

Rabino Aharón Shlezinger

Moshe shneur

videos with various things from Moshe Shneur Blum,one tamim(lubavitcher boy)from mexico,as contains messages from the inner part of the torah,the chasidut ,to everyone,songs and more

Comentario Parashat ….. – Rabino Pablo Gabe Kehilá de Córdoba

Centro Unión Israelita

Parashat …..Shavei Israel

Clase de Torá, sobre la parashá de la semana Behar. Brindada por el Rabino Nissán Ben Avraham, descendiente de chuetas que retornó al judaísmo y se desempeña hoy día como enviado de Shavei Israel en España. Para más información sobre las actividades de Shavei Israel, blog para Bnei Anusim

KolIsrael.TV Comunidad de Torah

Parashat…..Rabino David Tabachnik

Comentario de la parashá de la semana por el Rabino David Tabachnik, director de los Institutos Ariel.

Parashat… Rav Rony Gurwicz

Parashat……….. – Shiur Rab David Perets

Parashat …….

 Rabino Alfredo Goldschmdit

Parasha …. segunda parte Rabino Moshe Abravanel

Rab Yacar: Tora HD (Periodismo Kosher)



Mensaje del Rabino Itzjak Ginsburgh para la parashá …
Hay algo muy especial con respecto a los mandamientos, acerca del concepto de ordenar, mandar. Ordenar, en primer lugar implica reinado, ¿Quién da órdenes, quien manda? El rey, un rey ordena. Entonces, el hecho que toda la Torá sea un libro de preceptos, quiere decir que todo su propósito es el de revelar, manifestar el reino de Dios en la tierra, que Hashem Hu Hamelej, que Dios es el Rey, Él ordena y nosotros cumplimos, lo que Él ordena nosotros lo hacemos.

שיעור שבועי בשעה שהקדימו

Parshat …Harav Yitzchak Ginsburgh

Video Mensaje Semanal del Rabino Itzjak Ginsburgh shlita
desde Israel

Rabí Aharón Shlezinger, .

Parashat…  Harav Yitzchak Ginsburgh

Parashat…  Rabino Alfredo Goldschmdit

Parasha Rabbanim, Rav Bracha

Parashat de la semana Rabino Moshe abravanel – A forma certa de estudar Torá

Parashat Rabino Iona Blicktein



The Jewish Woman Select Section WEEKLY Parasha Parshat Shemini Language : english, hebrew SHIURIM & COMMENTARIES MULTI-LANGUAGES,


Section Jewish Parshat language hebrew, french, english, spanish, german, russian, Machon Meir, CHABAD, The Jewish Woman, YOUTH/TEENS SHIURIM &amp; COMMENTARIES


Irène Landau: les fleurs de Bach – 613TV

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S.E.M. Torah -Shemini (English) By: Rav Yonatan Kohn

פרשת שמיני – מאכלות אסורות (Hebrew) Rav Yechezkel Yakovson

Removing The Roadblock Parshat Shemini

Thoughts on Parashat Shemini – Miriam Gedwiser

A Moment of Torah: Shemini Season 3

Sarah Perets

La Parsha della Settimana in Italiano, Un Minuto di Torah – Shemini

שמיני מעל הטבע

פרשה באהבה – פרשת שמיני 

מירי שניאורסון מארחת את שלי ארטמן על מה שמעבר לטבע

Miri Schneorson

הרבנית אהובה ארד- פרשת שמיני ויידום אהרון


A Mayanot Moment – Parashat ….

הרבנית אהובה ארד

הצפייה לנשים בלבד!!
שיעור על פרשת “בא” מפי הרבנית אהובה ארד שתחי’
לשיעורים נוספים .

בואי והצטרפי אלינו למסע רוחני ומיוחד עם הרבה שמחה, אהבה ותפילה.
לכל קברות הצדיקים באוקראינה-
רבי נחמן מאומן, הבעל שם טוב הקדוש, רבי נתן, רבי לוי יצחק מברדיצ’ב, רבי אברהם בר ברוך,
רבי שמשון ברסקי, בעל התניא, גן סופיה ועוד..
ביחד במסע נעשה הפרשות חלה, סעודות אמנים, שיעורי תורה, סדנאות התבודדות ומסיבות ריקודים וטקס חינה לרווקות!!!
והכל במחירים הכל זולים בארץ!!אוכל כשר!! ותנאים מעולים!!
התקשרי עכשיו לברר על הנסיעה הקרובה ובעז”ה תראי ניסים וישועות!!

Rabbanit Yehoshua Rabbanit Batia Yehoshua’s weekly shiur in Queens, NY.


הרבנית אהובה ארד

Rabbanit Yehoshua Rabbanit Batia Yehoshua’s weekly shiur in Queens, NY.

Parasha Sh’mot



JCC Krakow

channel of JCC Krakow – the Jewish Community Centre of Krakow.

פרשת השבוע לאור הברית החדשה

מכון תורני לנשים MATAN

Thoughts on Parashat DrishaInstitute

הרבנית אהובה ארד- פרשת ..

The Van Leer Jerusalem Institute – מכון ון ליר בירושלים

פרשת השבוע לאור הברית החדשה

אשת חיל

ערוץ וידאו לנשים חרידיות – שיעורי תורה לצפייה ולהורדה, שיחות וראיונון עם נשים מיוחדות בעלות מקצוע , טיפים חשובים ושימושיים לכל אחת, שווה להכנס ולהתרשם…

The Van Leer Jerusalem Institute – מכון ון ליר בירושלים·

Online Torah Study (

Thoughts on Parashat  …

How is doing a voluntary mitzvah like wearing a snazzy outfit? Parshat …. Rabbi Ari Strulowitz

Parshat Vayikra opens the third book of Torah by outlining korban, burnt offerings. Rabbi Ari Strulowitz of Midwest NCSY, interprets the wording of the second verse: “a man from AMONG you brings a sacrifice.”
While some mitzvot are must-do’s but many others are voluntary, and so perhaps this sacrifice is a voluntary one. Why does this matter? Find out!

שיעור דבר מלכות לנשים, פרשת

הרבנית אהובה ארד- פרשת

הצפייה לנשים בלבד!!

פרשה בשניים

פרוייקט ייחודי של עין פרת – המדרשה באלון בשיתוף עם ynet יהדות, במסגרתו מסבים בכל שבוע שני אישים המלמדים במדרשת עין פרת באלון, סביב מחשבות אודות הפרשה, בזוויות שונות ומעניינות.
דרך נעימה ומרעננת להיכנס אל תוך השבת

A Mayanot Moment – Parashat  – Rebetzin Hendel

Questions and Answers for Today’s Jewish Woman




Rabbanit Iris Tomer Devorah: Mishneah Torah LaRambam Walking in His Ways HEBREW

Rabbanit Yehoshua Rabbanit Batia Yehoshua’s weekly shiur in Queens, NY.

Two minute Torah

Good and Evil: Understanding our Choices

Right and wrong, good and evil; they are all clear cut examples of choices. But as Rachael explains, life is not always a choice between two options.

Rachael’s Centre for Torah, Mussar and Ethics is a not for profit, charitable organization that focuses on sharing and applying Jewish wisdom from a woman’s perspective.
Dr. Rachael Turkienicz, our founder and executive director, has developed a unique approach to revealing these ancient truths in the context of a modern world. Rachael holds a Ph.D. in Talmudic and Midrashic Studies from Brandeis University. Currently she is a Professor at York University in both of its Education and Jewish Studies faculties. Rachael is an influential and needed woman’s voice within Judaism today.
Rachael’s Centre in Toronto and are pluralistic, community based, unaffiliated and open to people of all backgrounds. The core of the Centre and its programmes is the wisdom of Jewish text presented through a female lens. Rachael’s Centre also offers programmes and courses on the interior moral and life systems of Mussar (Jewish ethics).

Popular Shabbaton & NCSY videos

Celebrate 60 years of NCSY at the historic Shabbaton this Spring. Sign up online at your regional website or go to

Popular Shabbaton & Chabad videos

A fantastic group of Young Adults from Chabad NDG in the heart of Montreal’s trendy Monkland Village went down to Crown Heights, New York for an incredible Shabbaton weekend. It was the best of both the physical and spiritual worlds. This is a 6 minute documentary of our journey, reflections and inspirations… hope you enjoy it!

Filmed by Rabbi Yisroel Bernath on Canon Powershot SD1400 IS
Edited in iMovie for iPhone, , Machon Meir , and more… WEEKLY Parasha Parshat Shemini , Language : english,SHIURIM & COMMENTARIES MULTI-LANGUAGES,



Section Jewish Parshat language hebrew, french, english, spanish, german, russian, Machon Meir, CHABAD, The Jewish Woman, YOUTH/TEENS SHIURIM &amp; COMMENTARIES


Machon Meir

Rabbi Dov Begon

Parshat Pekudei (10/03/10)  Machon MeirMachon Meir  ENGLISH  :MeirTV English

Rabbi Menachem Listman

For over 35 years, Machon Meir has become known throughout Israel as the place to get a deeper understanding what it truly means to be a member of the Jewish people. It has also become the landing point for many new immigrants from all over the world because of the institute’s encouragement of living in the Land of Israel. Machon Meir has also created a strategy to distribute Torah worldwide through their media channel, Arutz Meir. Since it began, Arutz Meir has debuted a range of television series and archived over 25,000 classes which are constantly being updated and viewed daily throughout the world in 5 different languages. With a variety of topics and discussions led by renowned Jewish scholars, our viewers will surely find a class that will create sparks of inspiration. Whether you are looking to connect to your Jewish heritage or you are simply seeking out answers, we exist to imbue the words of Torah and engage our viewers with real and meaningful

Paracha Pekoude (01/03/11)  Machon MeirMachon Meir MeirTvFrench

Rav Yossef David

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Rabbi Yona Levin

“За чашкой чая”
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Por más de 35 años, Machon Meir ha dado a conocer a través de Israel como el lugar para obtener una comprensión más profunda lo que realmente significa ser un miembro del pueblo judío. También se ha convertido en el punto de aterrizaje para muchos nuevos inmigrantes de todas partes del mundo, porque de aliento de la vida en la Tierra de Israel del instituto. Majón Meir también ha creado una estrategia para distribuir la Torá en todo el mundo a través de su canal de medios, Arutz Meir. Desde sus inicios, Arutz Meir ha estrenado una serie de series de televisión y archivado más de 25.000 clases que constantemente se están actualizando y ver todos los días en todo el mundo en 5 idiomas diferentes. Con una variedad de temas y discusiones dirigidas por renombrados eruditos judíos, nuestros televidentes seguramente encontrará una clase que va a crear chispas de inspiración.

Rabino Rafael Spangenthal



  Machon MeirMachon Meir   עברית    Rabbi Dov Bigon

Rabbi Elisha Wishlitzky

Machon Meir


24JEWISH Parshat Hashavuah, Rabbanim, rav Reuben Ebrahimoff , language english, SHIURIM & COMMENTARIES




Nissan 26, 5775 · April 15, 2015
Leviticus 9:1-11:47

On the eighth day following “seven days of inauguration,” Aaron and his sons begin to officiate as Kohanim (priests); a fire issues forth from G-d to consume the offerings on the Altar and the Divine Presence comes to dwell in the Sanctuary.

Aaron’s two elder sons, Nadav and Avihu, offer a “strange fire before G-d, which He commanded them not” and die before G-d. Aaron is silent in face of his tragedy. Moses and Aaron subsequently disagree as to a point of law regarding the offerings, but Moses concedes to Aaron that Aaron is in the right.

G-d commands the kosher laws, identifying the animal species permissible and forbidden for consumption. Land animals may be eaten only if they have split hooves and also chew their cud; fish must have fins and scales; a list of non-kosher birds is given, and a list of kosher insects (four types of locusts).

Also in Shemini are some of the laws of ritual purity, including the purifying power of the mikvah (a pool of water meeting specified qualifications) and the wellspring. Thus the people of Israel are enjoined to “differentiate between the impure and the pure.”

WEEKLY ALIYOT: Parshat Shemini

Nissan 26, 5775 · April 15, 2015
Shemini Aliya Summary

General Overview: This week’s reading, Shemini, is a continuation of the previous week’s reading, Tzav, where we learned about the Tabernacle’s seven-day inaugural ceremony. This week’s reading opens on the eighth day, when G‑d’s presence descends upon the Tabernacle. On that day, Aaron’s sons Nadab and Avihu die when offering an uncalled-for incense sacrifice. The portion concludes with a discussion about the laws of Kosher and ritual purity.

First Aliyah: Moses gathers all the Jews to the Tabernacle to witness the Divine presence descending upon the Sanctuary on that day. Aaron offers various sacrifices in preparation for this revelation.

Second Aliyah: After concluding the offering of all the sacrifices, Aaron blesses the people with the priestly blessing. Moses and Aaron bless the Jewish people that G‑d’s presence dwell in their handiwork, and, indeed, the Divine presence visibly descends upon the Tabernacle.

Third Aliyah: At this point a heavenly fire descends and consumes the offerings on the altar. Aaron’s eldest two sons, Nadab and Avihu, bring an unauthorized incense offering and a heavenly fire consumes them. Moses orders the removal of their bodies from the Tabernacle, and instructs Aaron and his remaining two sons not to observe the traditional laws of mourning, considering that they had to continue serving in the Sanctuary on behalf of the Jewish nation. The priests are instructed not to imbibe wine before performing Temple service.

Fourth Aliyah: Moses addresses Aaron and his sons, instructing them regarding the consumption of that day’s offerings — despite the deaths of their next of kin.

Fifth Aliyah: Moses becomes aware that one of the sin offerings had been burnt, rather than eaten. When he expresses his displeasure, Aaron explains his reasoning for ordering the burning of that particular offering, and Moses humbly accepts Aaron’s explanation.

Sixth Aliyah: G‑d gives the commandments of Kosher, explaining how to distinguish between kosher and non-kosher animals, fish, and birds. Kosher animals must chew their cud and have cloven feet. The Torah lists four animals that have only one of these attributes, but not both, and are therefore non-kosher. Kosher fish must have fins and scales. The Torah then gives a list of species of non-kosher birds, and species of kosher locust. The Torah then discusses the ritual impurity caused by coming in contact with the carcass of a non-kosher animal, as well as certain species of rodents and amphibian creatures.

Seventh Aliyah: We learn of the possibility of foods and utensils contracting ritual impurity if they come in contact with any of the aforementioned impurities. The Torah then mentions the impurity contracted through coming in contact with the carcass of a kosher animal which was not ritually slaughtered. We are commanded not to consume any insects or reptiles. The reading closes with an exhortation that we remain holy by abstaining from eating all forbidden foods.

TORAH STUDIES: Parshat  Shemini

Nissan 26, 5775 · April 15, 2015
Adapted by Rabbi Jonathan Sacks; From the teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe

The name of our Sidra, Shemini, (“the eighth”) refers to the day on which Aaron and his sons were inducted as the priests of the Sanctuary. It was also the day on which the presence of G‑d was revealed. But why was it called the eighth day? It followed the seven days during which the Sanctuary was consecrated. But it hardly seemed a continuation of them. For they were the days which represented man’s effort to draw near to G‑d by consecrating himself and his world; whereas the eighth day was the moment when G‑d answered his efforts by revealing Himself. And surely there is no comparison between man’s efforts and G‑d’s response. The one is finite, the other infinite. So how can we talk of the eighth day as if it were a mere continuation of the previous seven? Starting from this problem, the Rebbe explores the relation between human endeavor and Divine revelation, as exemplified in the Sanctuary, the Shabbat, circumcision, and the counting of the Omer.

1. On The Eighth Day

Our Sidra begins with the words, “And it came to pass on the eighth day. . . .” The Kli Yakar, in his commentary to the Torah, asks why this day, which followed the seven days of consecration of the Sanctuary, was called the “eighth day.” For this implies that it was a natural continuation of the previous days. But in fact the consecration was limited to seven days: “And you shall not go out from the door of the tent of meeting for seven days, until the days of your consecration be fulfilled; for He shall consecrate you seven days.” During that time the altar was dedicated. And the following day was quite separate: It was set aside for the induction of Aaron and his sons to the priesthood.

The answer which the Kli Yakar gives is that it is called the eighth day to emphasize its extraordinary character. For it is written shortly afterwards, “Today the L-rd appears to you.” And to explain why it was then that the L-rd appeared, and not during the actual days of consecration, the Torah tells us that it was because it was the eighth day. Seven is the number of the days of the week, the measure of earthly time, a symbol of the human dimension. Eight signifies the more-than-human; it is the symbol of holiness.

This is why a circumcision can be performed on Shabbat. For circumcision takes place on the eighth day from birth, and Shabbat is the seventh day. In other words, Shabbat belongs to human time, but circumcision belongs to the realm of the Holy, the supernatural. And the claims of the spiritual override those of the physical.

2. Degrees of Holiness

To say that seven is the span of the week does not mean that it is the symbol of the weekday world, the secular. Because Shabbat is itself one of those seven days, and it is a day of holiness. But nonetheless it is reckoned as one of the seven days of creation, and thus belongs to the created order. Whereas the number eight expresses the idea of being beyond the normal confines of time, and thus of being wholly united with G‑d as He is in Himself, rather than as He is related to the world.

The Kli Yakar cites an example of this significance of the number eight, namely that the harp which will be used in the Temple of the Messianic Era will have eight strings. The harp which was played in the Sanctuary had only seven. It was holy. But less so than the harp of Messianic times.

The Torah itself is holy. But compared to the way in which it will be learned and revealed in the Messianic Age, our own response to it is called, in the Midrash, “a vanity.”

There are, in other words, degrees of holiness. There is the holiness of this world, which is symbolized by the number seven, which is confined to the limits of human capabilities. And there is the holiness which goes beyond the world, beyond the idea that G‑d and the world are two distinct entities, which is expressed in the number eight.

3. Gifts and Reward

Curiously, the answer which the Kli Yakar gives to his own question does not appear to answer it. Instead it seems to make the question more forceful.

If the eighth day stands for the state of absolute unity with G‑d, then it signifies something supernatural. If so, then it surely has no connection with the previous seven days of consecration, which represented human activity, the sanctification of the natural order, and earthly time. Whereas the clear implication of the phrase “the eighth day” is that it was a continuation of the previous seven.

The answer is that supernatural revelation depends on our human efforts. The Messianic Age will be brought about by our acts of worship and of service of G‑d. Our efforts to consecrate the world during the seven days of human time are the gestures of faithfulness which will produce the Divine response of the eighth day-the day of the Messiah. So that although the Messianic Age will be of an altogether higher level of holiness than we can evoke with our Divine Service in the present, it will not be a sudden break in the history of Jewish consciousness. It will be the outcome of what we do now. It will be the “eighth day” in the sense that it continues and completes the perfection after which we now strive, after we have done all of which we are capable.

To draw an analogy: Shabbat, which is the seventh day, has two aspects. Firstly it is one of the days of the week, holier than the other six, but still a part of human time. There is a significant phrase in the command: “And the children of Israel shall keep the Shabbat, to make (usually translated, ‘to observe’) the Shabbat throughout their generations.” Shabbat is something we make. It is a Sanctuary within the week which we construct by our own service. But secondly the Shabbat is “a semblance of the World to Come,” a glimpse of the Messianic Age. This aspect of the Shabbat is not something we can achieve ourselves. It is something we receive as a gift from G‑d. It is this of which the Talmud says, “The Holy One, blessed be He, said to Moses, I have a precious gift in My treasure house, and it is called the Shabbat.”

There is a difference between a gift and a reward: A reward is something which the recipient has earned, a gift is something he receives only through the grace of his benefactor. And this facet of Shabbat, this glimpse of the future revelation, belongs entirely to the grace of G‑d. It has a holiness which goes beyond human limitations.

Yet, even though it is a gift, we must work for it. The Rabbis say, “If the recipient had not given some pleasure (to the donor of the gift) he would not have given it to him.” That is, if we do not give pleasure to G‑d by our actions, we will not receive His gift. Whereas “he who labors on the eve of Shabbat will eat on Shabbat.” Because of our labors we are given a Divine gift which far outweighs the worth of our work.

The same is true about the revelation within the Sanctuary on the eighth day. Although it was not earned by the human activity of consecration on the previous seven days, it was only when this consecration was completed that the Divine response came. G‑d gives His gift to man only after man has done all within his power to consecrate himself to G‑d. This is why it is called the “eighth day”-the day of Divine grace which answers the seven days of man’s own initiative in drawing close to G‑d.

4. The Counting of the Omer

In many years, the Sidra of Shemini is read immediately after Pesach, near the beginning of the seven week period of the counting of the Omer. What is the connection between the two?

The Torah says about the Omer, “You shall count for fifty days.” And yet in fact we count only forty-nine days. Why? In the seven weeks we remove ourselves step by step from the forty-nine “gates of impurity” and pass through the forty-nine “gates of understanding.” The fiftieth, the ultimate level of understanding, is beyond us. But it is only when we have reached by our efforts the forty-ninth, that the fiftieth comes to us as a gift of G‑d.

The seven weeks of the Omer are like the seven days of consecration. They represent the spiritual achievement of man. The fiftieth day of the Omer is like the eighth day of the Sanctuary: It is the revelation which breaks in on us from the outside, the answer of G‑d to our endeavors. The fiftieth day is Shavuot, the day when the Torah was revealed on Mt. Sinai. And that day was a foretaste of the revelation of the Messianic Age.

5. Past and Future Redemption

The counting of the Omer was not only a preparation for the Giving of the Torah. It is also a preparation for the Messianic revelation itself.

In Michah it is written, “As on the days of your coming out of Egypt, I will show him wonders.” But the Exodus from Egypt took place on one day, the 15th of Nissan. The previous Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak, explained: the redemption from Egypt will only be complete when the future redemption has come. Until then we are still captives in a metaphorical Egypt, namely the limitations and constraints of our human situation, from which we must liberate ourselves. The historical exodus, in the year 2448, was only the beginning of a continuous process of self-liberation. This will only be complete in the Messianic Age, when we will finally reach the stage where no spiritual heights are beyond the scope of man. If there seem to be dark ages where this process is halted or even reversed, where we seem to be regressing spiritually, this is only because new achievements need sometimes to be preceded by a time of darkness, in which new reserves of strength are discovered. They are not true regressions, for they serve to bring man to new heights of religious understanding. They are part of the Divine plan, stages in the continual ascent of man.

(Source: Likkutei Sichot, Vol. III pp. 973-977)

YOUTH/TEEN Select Section WEEKLY Parasha Parshat Shemini SHIURIM & COMMENTARIES

Who’s Misameach?


A Studio123 productions
Directed by Shia Fried
Edited by JACK MASO

בא אל פרעה כי אני הכבדתי את לבו יהונתן שטנצל יציאת מצרים שירי פסח bo el paro

לקראת פרשת וארא אולפני ר’ חיים בנט עם מקהלת הילדים “רננו חסידים” שחררו שיר מיוחד של “בא אל פרעה כי אני הכבדתי את לבו”, הלחן מיוחד ומלא הומור והוקלט בחודש האחרון לראשונה , של נוסח עתיק ששמעו בבית משפחת שטנצל של בא אל פרעה כי אני הכבדתי את לבו.
שיר זה היה נוהג לשיר מזכה הרבים רבי שלמה שטנצל זצ”ל, בעקבות פטירתו בנו בעל התפילה הרב יונתן שטנצל החליט להקליט שיר זה על מנת ששיר זה, יהיה לנחלת הכלל, וגייס לעניין את מקהלת “נרננה” ואת המעבד המוכשר איתן פרישברג , את ר’ חיים בנט שגייס את מקהלת “רננו חסידים”


Section Jewish Parshat language hebrew, french, english, spanish, german, russian, Machon Meir, CHABAD, The Jewish Woman, YOUTH/TEENS SHIURIM &amp; COMMENTARIES

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Shemini: The Kosher Animal Song

Oh yes, it’s a bluegrass song about kosher animals!

NOTE to short attention spans: DON’T STOP BEFORE YOU GET TO THE SECOND PART AT 1:50!!

This is Episode 26 of the weekly Torah cartoon from Each week, a different storyteller – some musical, some poetic, some just straight-up, tell the story of the current Torah portion…and then we animate it!

Download the Curriculum:…

Thank you to each of the writers, narrators, producers, educators, and sound engineers that contributed to this animated interpretation of Shemini (שְּׁמִינִי “eighth” Leviticus 9:1–11:47) including Tim Cosgrove, Nick Fox-Gieg, Liesje Kraai, Sarah Lefton, Matthue Roth, and Dan Saks. Additional thanks to all of our generous funders that contributed to the G‑dcast Parashat haShavua (פָּרָשַׁת הַשָּׁבוּעַ or “weekly Torah portion”) animated series.

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s… hope you enjoy it!

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WEEKLY TORAH FOR  KIDS:  Parshat Shemini

Nissan 26, 5775 · April 15, 2015
Mobile Boxes
By Mendy Loewenthal

“Where is my mobile phone?” Ben thought. It was early on a sunny Wednesday morning. Ben was feverishly trying to get his stuff together so he could go off to school with his friend Danny, but he just couldn’t find his mobile phone. Not that he was allowed to take it to school. He just wanted to know that it was safe.

“Ah here you are,” he said excitedly, he had left it plugged in behind the couch. He put it safely in a drawer in his room.

“It still needs to get charged every so often, just like my Dad””You see,” Ben said to Danny as they started off towards school, “the mobile phone lasts a long time but it still needs to get charged every so often, just like my Dad.”

“How is your mobile phone like your Dad?” Danny asked.

“Well,” Ben said, “my Dad puts on tefillin every morning; they are these black leather boxes that have parchment scrolls inside them. On the scrolls a scribe writes theShema, the Hebrew prayer that declares the unity of G‑d and speaks about how much we love Him, along with a few more passages from the Torah.”

“Hmm,” Danny said. “When we are bar mitzvah we will also wear tefillin. But I cannot see what they have to do with a mobile phone.”

“My Dad says that although he only wears them for the morning prayers, it’s as if he’s wearing them the whole time” Ben said. “It’s like the phone—you plug it in once a day and then it stays charged for the whole day.”

“Interesting,” Danny said. “I wonder what it feels like to be charged up by tefillin all day. We’ll find out when we’re bar mitzvah!”

Just then the boys got to school. Their first lesson was on the Torah reading of the week, Shemini.

“What does Shemini mean?” asked their teacher, Mr. Benson. Some boys in the class answered together: “Eighth.”

Danny and Ben both put up their hands. All the other boys just looked puzzled”That’s right! The Sanctuary, the Mishkan, had been put up by Moses every day for seven days, and then taken down. That was in last week’s reading. This week’s reading tells how it was put up on the eighth day, and it stayed up. But even concerning the earlier seven days, it is interesting that each time it was put up, it caused a connection with G‑d. And then it was taken down, but the connection was still there.”

Mr. Benson looked round the class. Everyone was focused on him, for once. “Does that remind you of anything?” he asked.

Danny and Ben both put up their hands. All the other boys just looked puzzled. Mr. Benson looked from Danny to Ben and back. Which one should he ask? “You both seem very keen,” he said. “You can answer together.”

With one voice they answered. “Tefillin!” said Danny. “Mobile phones!” said Ben. Update

Decorate Adorable Kosher Fish Cupcake

Nissan 23, 5775 · April 12, 2015
Hey kids!

Passover is over and it’s time to enter the freedom challenge. Hop on over and fill out the mission for your chance to win some exciting prizes!

As we move on from Passover, it’s time to count the Omer. When the Jews left Egypt, they counted the days until the giving of the Torah at Mount Sinai. We do the same, counting 49 days from the second night of Passover until the holiday of Shavuot, when we celebrate the giving of the Torah and listen to the 10 commandments being read in the synagogue. Print and decorate ourOmer-counting chart and use it to help keep track of the days.

The week after Passover it’s traditional to bake challah, so follow along with our challah baking video and try it yourself at home. This week we also read the Torah portion of Shemini, which tells us which types of animals, birds and fish are kosher. Discover which signs to look out for in kosher fish by decorating these colorful fish cupcakes.

Have a great week!

Your friends at

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La viande à la marocaine, la recette d’Ariel Wizman


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Jewish Life

Symphonies for IDF Soldiers,,, Avi Pilcer

PM Netanyahu at Mimouna Celebrations
Yom Hashoah Message
Yom Hashoah 2015 – JBS Programming Preview
Buchenwald: 70th anniversary of Nazi concentration camp’s liberation
70 años de la liberación de Buchenwald
> Thousands attend inter-faith march in Brussels

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Buchenwald, 70 ans après des survivants font le voyage du souvenir
Commémoration de la Shoah sur fond de montée de l’antisémitisme à Budapest
Exclusif – Jean-Marie Le Pen renonce à sa candidature en PACA
Quelle Bible ont les juifs ?
L’avortement dans le judaïsme
Concert d’Aldona – Fantaisie Polonaise au New Morning
Condamnation de l’usage de symboles de la shoah GUYSEN TV 01/01/2012

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Nach Kampagne der Tochter: Jean-Marie Le Pen verzichtet auf Kandidatur für Front National<
Panel 1: Formative Zeit und Dokumentarismus / Formative Time and Documentarism
70. Jahrestag der Befreiung von Auschwitz – Rede vom Präsidenten Martin Schulz

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Jewish Communities
Israel Jerusalem Mea Shearim מאה שערים
Satmar Kuf Alef Kislev NYS Armory 5772-2011
Exclusive: Satmar Kuf Alef Kislev 2013 | כ”א כסלו ב’סאטמאר תשע”ד ניו יארק סטעיט ארמאר

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Jewish Culture

Israel Tel Aviv Museum of Art New Building
The Spielberg Jewish Film Archive – Morocco Music
דני רובס – משהו חדש מתחיל

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Jewish History

Holocaust Survivors tell their stories
The Future of Remembrance: Presentation of the European Holocaust Research Infrastructure
A Glimpse of Jewish Life in Budapest Before the Holocaust By. Professor Rich Gair
The Lost Faces of Europe’s Jews
Why Should We Remember?

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This Day in Jewish History

Nathan the Wise by Gotthold Ephraim Lessing (This Week in Jewish History)
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Watch What Happens:Insights of Judaism !
Why was the Oral Law of the Torah not written
שבעים פנים לתורה (קצר ומצחיק) הרב אמנון יצחק
Pesach Sheni – Rabbi Einbinder
Cheder Menachem

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PICof theDay




24Jewish Video Jewish Culture of the Day ! Buchenwald: 70th anniversary of Nazi concentration camp’s liberation, Part 2 Section on the right side, Holocaust Survivors,Buchenwald: 70th anniversary of Nazi concentration camp., Great Videos Selection

24Jewish Video Jewish Life of the Day ! LA SOURCE DE VIE Au commencement était l’école , Part 2 Section on the right side, Alliance israélite universelle,., Great Videos Selection

24Jewish Video Jewish Life of the Day ! Straßenumfrage zum Thema Juden in Deutschland,,Kiss Me, I’m Jewish, Part 2 Section on the right side,Yad Vashem – Deutsch,., Great Videos Selection

clip-Moshe Hecht

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24Jewish Video Jewish Clip of the Day ! Happy Pesach !, Part 2 Section on the right side Israel Defense Forces,., Great Videos Selection


24Jewish Video Jewish Simcha of the Day ! Hamenagnim, Part 2 Section on the right side, Hamenagnim, Kumtantz | Yisroel Werdyger,., Great Videos Selection

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24Jewish Video Jewish Simcha of the Day !Blue Melody ft. Chaim D. Berson & Zemiros Group “Mi shehassa Nissim”, Part 2 Section on the right side,” – Blue Melody ft. Chaim D. Berson & Zemiros Group,., Great Videos Selection

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24Jewish Video Jewish Clip of the Day ! The Maccabeats – Dayenu – Passover, Part 2 Section on the right side,The Maccabeats,., Great Videos Selection


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Symphonies for IDF Soldiers,,, Avi Pilcer

PM Netanyahu at Mimouna Celebrations

ראש הממשלה בנימין נתניהו ורעייתו הגברת שרה נתניהו משתתפים בחגיגת המימונה באור עקיבא.

וידאו: לע”מ

Yom Hashoah Message

A short and moving message by Rabbi Benji Levy to mark the occasion of Yom Hashoah.



Yom Hashoah 2015 – JBS Programming Preview

Check for details.

Buchenwald: 70th anniversary of Nazi concentration camp’s liberation

Survivors and veterans have been gathering at what was Buchenwald Concentration Camp

70 años de la liberación de Buchenwald

El 11 de abril de 1945 los 21 000 presos del campo de concentración de Buchenwald, ubicado cerca de Weimar, fueron liberados por el ejército estadounidense. Más de 56 000 personas fueron asesinadas en este infierno circundado de alambradas.

Thousands attend inter-faith march in Brussels

Around 5,000 people gathered in the centre of Brussels on Sunday to participate in a march calling for peace and tolerance between religious faiths.

Seder Table for Missing Israelis


The Jerusalem Opera Festival June 2015

L’eliser d’amore will be performed in Jerusalem’s Sultan’s Pool. The magnificent backdrop of the Old City, set the ideal tone for this breathtaking opera. june 24-28, 2015
For more information:

Israel’s President Shimon Peres in the The Norwegian Nobel Institute

Israel’s President Shimon Peres was on a state visit to Norway 12 and 13 May 2014. He gave an interview at The Norwegian Nobel Institute.

Recording by Med Israel for fred,, the largest pro-Israel website in Scandinavia.

Israeli Female Jumper Wins Bronze in Prague

Hanna Knyazyeva-Minenko became the first Israeli woman to win a medal at the European Indoor Championships in Prague.
For more news and videos:

Assi Rose ++++

Israel housing crisis protest Revolution Rothchild Tel Aviv מאבק האוהלים ברוטשליד

שניאור שיף

A new anti-Semitism? Why thousands of Jewish citizens are leaving France

Some Jewish citizens in France say there is a rising tide of a new, more dangerous anti-Semitism in the country. In turn, thousands are leaving for Israel and other countries. In an effort to reassure Jewish people in France that they are safe, the government has taken strict measures against anti-Semitic demonstrations. Special correspondent Martin Seemungal reports.

Why have anti-Semitic attacks on French Jews nearly doubled in one year?

Last month’s terror attack at a Kosher supermarket in Paris called attention to rising anti-Semitism in France. This week, attackers slashed three soldiers guarding a Jewish community center in Nice. French authorities believe a small number of radicalized young men from North Africa are responsible for a disproportio

Historic Practice Passover Offering



As reported earlier, in preparation for the upcoming festival of Passover, this past Wednesday (5 Nisan – 25 March) the ‘Priestly Training Academy’ established by the Temple Institute held a Passover offering

תרגול קרבן פסח תשע”ה – Korban Pesach 5775

צולם על ידי LiveGiving TV
02-6246460 צילום אירועים עסקיים ופרטיים ושידור חי באינטרנט Shmuel Benhamou עורך: מתניה אליה בן חמו

Memorial Ceremony for Mrs. Maria Finkle z”l. March 15, 2015: Rabbanit Chana Henkin’s remarks


Bobover Rebbe & Thousands Chassidim At The Kosel

מוצש”ק פרשת יתרו תשע”ה
כ”ק אדמו”ר מבאבוב שליט”א בכותל המערבי עם 4000 חסידים.

Bobover Rebbe shlita and thousands of chassidim at the Kosel. Motz”k Yisro 5775

For Bobove Rebbe speaking see here:

Bobov Rebbe At Hachnusas S”T In Bnei Brak 5775

Bobov Rebbe Shlita Was For Massive “Masa Eretz Yisroel” Shvat 5775 Feb. 2015


כל הסרטים בערוץ זה צולמו ע”י בעל החשבון. לצפייה באיכות גבוהה מומלץ לצפות בהם ממחשב נייח או מאפליקציית יוטיוב מפלאפון חכם, אחרת איכות הצפייה נמוכה.
All the videos in this channel filmed by the owner of the channel

Happy Pesach ! פסח שמח

With so many of us wondering on the best wine choices for the Arba Kosos, VIN News photographer Shimon Gifter paid a visit to The Wine Cave in Flatbush for a crash course on wines, wine glasses and all things oenological.

Erev Pesach in Boro Park Part 1

Erev Pesach in Boro Park Part 2

Biur Chametz

Kosher For Passover Cigarettes Explained [HD] דוגמיות חינם סיגריות כשר לפסח

Cigarette manufactures in Israel are ramping up their advertising campaigns ahead of passover, aggressively targeting the ultra-orthodox community by offering free sample cigarettes outside of supermarkets in orthodox neighborhoods around the country. Their main selling point are the multiple kashrut certifications that they are kosher for passover.

Non Profit Gives Kosher Foods to Needy Families for Passover in Williamsburg

BROOKLYN – With the Jewish holiday of Passover just days away, one non-profit is offering help to those who need it most.

State of Israel Preparing for Pesach


Meet David Smith, The YouTube Chossid

David Smith traveled around the world, has seen many things.

But he never saw the Rebbe.

“We celebrated the holidays, my mother bentched licht,” Smith says. “We had an identity, we knew who we were – but it was a secular lifestyle.

“My mother would say in Yiddish, ‘You’re a Jew! You should be practicing Judaism!'”

And then one day, he says, he “met” the Rebbe, via YouTube.

Uzi Hitman – Shirei Yeladim

מחרוזת שירי פסח ברצף – שירים לילדים לפסח בילדות ישראלית +++

פסח בילדות ישראלית. מחרוזת שירים לילדים לחג הפסח.
שירי המחרוזת של פסח: שמחה רבה, עבדים היינו, מה נשתנה ועוד.

Turkey’s Great Synagogue inaugurated after restoration

The Great Synagogue, which is considered the third largest in the Europe and the largest in Turkey, has been inaugurated for worship after a-four-year-long restoration in northwestern Edirne province of Turkey on March 26, 2015. The synagogue was in use until 1983 and the restoration was launched by Turkey’s General Directorate of Foundations. (Footage by Salih Baran / Anadolu Agency)

Historical synagogue in Turkey’s northwest to open soon

A historical synagogue, the subject of an outcry due to a governor’s remarks to turn it into a museum, is waiting to be reopened for services at the end of the month.

The Great Synagogue, in the northwestern province of Edirne, will open on March 26, after undergoing a four year restoration.

Jewish community head, İshak İbrahimzadeh, who visited the synagogue before the opening ceremony, said the opening of the restored synagogue was a milestone that made him very happy.

Deputy Prime Minister Bülent Arınç and Turkey’s chief rabbi, İshak Haleva, will attend the opening, along with many other Jewish community members from both Turkey and abroad.

As Europe’s second largest synagogue, the Edirne Synagogue was built in 1907 after a widespread fire in 1905 that burnt down 13 separate synagogues. The synagogue was constructed using the architectural model of Vienna’s Leopoldstadter Tempel and abandoned in 1983.

The temple was transferred to Thrace University to be used as a museum after its restoration but after much criticism from the Jewish community in Turkey, the building was transferred back to the General Directorate for Foundations.

Edirne Gov. Dursun Şahin created uproar when he told reporters on Nov. 21, 2014, that the synagogue would be turned into a museum, citing the recent Israeli raid on the al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem.

“While those bandits blow winds of war inside al-Aqsa and slay Muslims, we build their synagogues,” Şahin said.

Şahin later offered an “apology” to Haleva, claiming that his proposal to turn the synagogue into a museum as a reprisal for Israel’s policies over Jerusalem’s al-Aqsa Mosque “had no connection” to the Turkish Jewish community.

Sefer Torah Celebration in Memory of Har Nof Terror Victims


Colel Chabad Pesach 2015

Preparing the (more than 98,000) Food Crates for Passover 5775/2015 distribution to 19,700 families.

התנדבות בקהילה | פסח של נתינה בקבוצת פרטנר

עשרות עובדי הקבוצה התנדבו באריזת חבילות מזון ונתנו מעצמם כדי להביא שמחת חג גם לאחרים. נתראה בפעילויות נתינה נוספות.

Chassidic Matza Baking

Matzas must be baked within 18 minutes from the time water is added to the flour until the matzas are totally baked. The Melitzer Rebbe and his staff are some of the world’s fastest bakers; their shmura matzas are kneaded and baked from start to finish in less than six minutes. Filmed in the Komemyut Moshav bakery in the south of Israel.

Lets Bake Passover Matzah

The Complete process of Passover matzah baking,
from the wheat field to the flour mill, to the matzoh bakery, including the art of kosher wine making , by Sholom B. Goldstein

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Exceptional Program! Dream Destination!
San Remo (Italy), French Riviera

Preparing The Seder Plate

Learn how to prepare the items for the Passover Seder Plate

YOUR HOLIDAY GUIDE: Passover 5775 – 2015 (April 3-11, 2015)

Your Passover Guide – 2015

Editor’s NotePassover begins this year on Friday evening, April 3, 2015, and continues until nightfall, April 11, 2015. We bring you a brief overview of how and when to prepare your home for Passover, along with a daily holiday schedule for the entire holiday. If you have any further questions please consult your local orthodox rabbi or, in case you don’t have one, write to us read this guide in its entirety before the beginning of the holiday. Some holiday items need pre-holiday “action.” We welcome you to print it and carry it with you in the days before Passover for easy reference, and to distribute this guide to whomever will benefit from it.


Operation Zero Chametz

Passover is a holiday that mandates our complete involvement, not just during its eight days but for weeks before. Aside from the regular holiday obligations, we are also commanded (Exodus 13:3–7): “No leaven shall be eaten . . . For seven days you shall eat unleavened bread . . . and no leaven shall be seen of yours [in your possession].”

We accomplish this by cleaning and inspecting our homes well before Passover, and gradually eliminating chametz from every room and crevice. This intensive cleaning takes place in Jewish homes throughout the world.

What is Chametz?

Chametz is any food product made from wheat, barley, rye, oats, spelt, or their derivatives, which has leavened (risen). Our sages have determined that flour from any of these five grains that comes in contact with water or moisture will leaven, unless fully baked within eighteen minutes. As we are commanded by the Torah, if a food contains even a trace of chametz, we don’t eat it, we don’t derive benefit from it, and we make sure not to have any of it in our possession for all the days of Passover.

To be certain that a product is kosher for Passover, it must have rabbinical certification. Otherwise it is possible that it contains chametz ingredients, or traces of chametz if it was processed on the same equipment as chametz products. Thus, unless a product is certified Kosher for Passover, we consider it chametz, and make sure not to have it in our possession on Passover.

Note: Matzah used all year round might be pure chametz, and not for Passover use. Only matzahs baked especially for Passover may be used on Passover.


The medieval Jewish sages placed a ban on eating legumes (kitniyot) on Passover, because they are similar in texture to chametz—even bread can be made out of their flour—so people might assume that if, for example, cornbread can be eaten on Passover, wheat or rye bread can be eaten too. This prohibition includes rice, beans and corn. This injunction was unanimously accepted by Ashkenazic Jews; many Sephardic Jews, however, continue to eat kitniyot on Passover. If you are Sephardic, speak to your rabbi to determine your family and community tradition.

The prohibition is only with regards to consumption ofkitniyot; there is no obligation, however, to destroy or sell kitniyot products before Passover.

Getting Rid of Chametz

Search and Destroy
Any area where one can reasonably suspect that chametz might have been brought throughout the year must be thoroughly cleaned. This includes the home, office, cars, garage, etc. Check carefully to ensure that no crumb is left behind: check and clean desks, drawers, closets, clothing pockets (especially the children’s), pocketbooks, briefcases and attache cases, beds, dining and living room furniture, bookcases, etc.

If You Can’t Destroy it, Sell It
Chametz that you don’t want to destroy, and utensils used throughout the year (and not koshered for Passover), should be stored in closets or rooms which will be sealed for the duration of Passover. The chametz should be sold to a non-Jew through a rabbi.Click here to sell your chametz online.

Preparing the Kitchen

Every part of our homes is cleaned for Passover, but we pay special attention to the kitchen, because (a) that’s where most of our chametz hangs out during the year, and (b) we will be using our kitchens to prepare our Passover food.

Dishes and Utensils
Today, most Passover-savvy homes have a special set of dishes, silverware, pots, pans and other utensils for Passover use only. If necessary, certain year-round utensils can be used—provided they are koshered for Passover. This gets rather complex—you’ll need to consult a competent rabbi about your particular utensils, but you can click here for the basic koshering procedures.

Thoroughly clean and scour every part of the stove. Heat the oven to the highest temperature possible for 1–2 hours. Heat the grates and the iron parts of the stove (and the elements, if electric) until they are red-hot. It is suggested that the oven and the stove top should be covered with aluminum foil afterwards for the duration of Passover.

Microwave Ovens
Clean the oven thoroughly. Fill a completely clean container, that was not used for 24 hours, with water. Turn on the microwave and let it steam heavily. Turn it off and wipe out the inside.

To use the microwave during Passover, use a flat, thick, microwave-safe object as a separation between the bottom of the oven and the cooking dish. When cooking or warming, the food should be covered on all sides.

For 24 hours before koshering the sink, do not pour hot water from chametz pots into it. Meticulously clean the sink, boil water in a clean pot which was not used for 24 hours, and pour three times onto every part of the sink, including the drain stopper. Then line the sink with foil or liner.

Refrigerator, Freezer, Cupboards, Closets, Tables, and Counters
Thoroughly clean and scrub them to remove any crumbs and residue. Afterwards, place a heavy covering over those surfaces that come into contact with hot food or utensils.

Tablecloths and Napkins
Launder without starch.

Cars, Garages, etc.
Vacuum your car or van; thoroughly clean your basement, garage, or any property you own. Special care should be taken with items you will be using, or rooms you will be accessing, during Passover.

Passover Shopping

While shopping for Passover we must be careful that the foods we buy are not only kosher, but are also kosher for Passover—that is, chametz-free.

Starting “From Scratch”

All fruits and vegetables, as well as all kosher cuts of meat and kosher fish, are kosher for Passover, provided they have been prepared in accordance with Jewish law and have not come into contact withchametz or chametz utensils.

The prevailing custom in Ashkenazi communities is that on Passover we do not eat rice, millet, corn, mustard, legumes (beans, etc.) or food made from any of these.

Commercially Prepared Products

Today there are many kosher-for-Passover packaged foods available. However, care must be used to purchase only those packaged foods that have reliable rabbinical supervision which is valid for Passover.

Obviously, all leavened foods made from—or that contain among their ingredients—wheat, barley, rye, oats, or spelt are actual chametz and are prohibited on Passover. Examples are bread, cake, cereal, spaghetti, beer and whiskey.

Check That Medicine Cabinet!

Many medicines, sprays, and cosmetics contain chametz. Consult a competent rabbi as to which ones may be used on Passover. The same applies to pet food.

Click here to to purchase your Passover essentials from our store.

The Passover Calendar—2015

Thursday  April 2—13 NissanDid you remember to sell your chametz? Your local Chabad rabbican help, or complete an online “Authorization for the Sale of Chametz” form by clicking here.Search for the chametz after dark (click here for the exact time). Recite the blessing prior to the search, and the nullification of thechametz (Kol Chamira) following the search. Click here for more information on the search and removal of chametz.
Friday April 3—14 Nissan
The day before Passover
Fast of the Firstborn. For a male firstborn to be exempt from fasting, he must participate in a meal marking the fulfillment of a mitzvah; such a meal is generally held in a synagogue after morning prayers on this day.Have you sold your chametz? Final call! Your local Chabad rabbican help, or complete an online “Authorization for the Sale of Chametz” form by clicking here.Stop eating chametz before the end of the fourth seasonal hour (click here for the exact time).Burn your remaining (unsold) chametz before the fifth seasonal hour (click here for the exact time).It is customary to recite the “Order of the Passover Offering” after the afternoon Minchah prayer.Light the Passover candles, reciting blessings 2 & 4. Click here for the blessings, and here for local candle-lighting times. Click herefor a summary of the laws of Yom Tov.According to Chabad custom, complete Hallel is recited during Maariv (evening) services.First Seder: The Seder contains the observance of many biblical and rabbinical mitzvot, including: eating matzah, eating maror(bitter herbs), drinking four cups of wine, relating the story of the Exodus to our children, reclining as a symbol of freedom, etc. (Click here for a How-To Seder guide.)To locate a public Seder near you, please click here.The first night of Passover is referred to as leil shimurim (a night of guarding), based on Exodus 12:42.
Shabbat April 4—15 Nissan
1st day of Passover
Morning service. Full Hallel is recited. Two Torah scrolls are taken out of the ark.
Torah reading: Exodus 12:21–51 and Numbers 28:16–25.
Haftorah: Joshua 3:5–7, 5:2–6:1, 6:27.Beginning with the Musaf Amidah, we recite morid hatal, the prayer for dew, and we omit the prayer for rain. This practice continues until Shemini Atzeret, the day after Sukkot.The priests bless the congregation with the priestly blessing during the Musaf prayer.Festive lunch meal.According to Chabad custom, complete Hallel is recited during Maariv evening prayers, followed by the “Counting of the Omer.” We count the 1st day of the Omer. The counting of the Omer is recited during each of the next 49 days, leading up to the holiday of Shavuot on the 50th day. The 49 days embody the 49 steps of self-improvement—beginning with the departure from our “personal” Egypt, until our arrival at Mount Sinai, when we are ready to accept the wisdom of the Torah.After dark, light candles for the second day of Passover, using an existing flame, and recite blessings 2 & 4. Click here for the blessings, and here for local candle-lighting times.Second Seder: The Seder contains the observance of many biblical and rabbinical mitzvot, including: eating matzah, eatingmaror (bitter herbs), drinking four cups of wine, relating the story of the Exodus to our children, reclining as a symbol of freedom, etc. (Click here for a How-To Seder guide.)
Sunday April 5—16 Nissan
2nd day of Passover

Morning service. Full Hallel is recited. Two Torah scrolls are taken out of the ark.
Torah reading: Leviticus 22:26–23:44 and Numbers 28:16–25.
Haftorah: II Kings 23:1–9, 21–25.The priests bless the congregation with the priestly blessing during the Musaf prayer.Festive lunch meal.After nightfall, count the 2nd day of the Omer, and perform thehavdalah ceremony, omitting the blessings on the spices and candle.Celebrate Passover’s intermediate days. Between now and the last two days of Passover, we may resume much (not all) of our regular workday activities; but, of course, we continue to eat Kosher for Passover foods exclusively. It is customary to drink a glass of wine each day, in celebration of the festival.
Monday April 6—17 Nissan
3rd day of Passover
1st day of Chol Hamoed (intermediate days)
Morning service: In many communities, throughout the intermediate days of Passover, tefillin are not worn.Half-Hallel is recited. Two Torah scrolls are taken out of the ark. Torah reading: Exodus 13:1-16 and Numbers 28:19–25. The Musaf Amidah is recited. During all of the intermediate days, “Yaaleh Veyavo” is inserted during all prayers and in the Grace After Meals.The intermediate days are observed with limited work restrictions.After nightfall, count the 3rd day of the Omer.
Tuesday April 7—18 Nissan
4th day of Passover
2nd day of Chol Hamoed (intermediate days)
Morning service: In many communities, throughout the intermediate days of Passover, tefillin are not worn.Half-Hallel is recited. Two Torah scrolls are taken out of the ark. Torah reading: Exodus 22:24–23:19 and Numbers 28:19–25. The Musaf Amidah is recited. During all of the intermediate days, “Yaaleh Veyavo” is inserted during all prayers and in the Grace After Meals.The intermediate days are observed with limited work restrictions.Light Shabbat candles and recite blessing 1. Click here for the blessing, and here for local candle-lighting times.After nightfall, count the 4th day of the Omer.Festive holiday meal, complete with kiddush.
Wednesday April 8—19 Nissan
5th day of Passover
3rd day of Chol Hamoed (intermediate days)

Torah reading: Exodus 33:12-34:26 and Numbers 28:19–25.
Haftorah: Ezekiel 37:1-14.
Morning service: Half-Hallel is recited. Two Torah scrolls are taken out of the ark. During all of the intermediate days, “Yaaleh Veyavo” is inserted during all prayers and in the Grace After Meals.Festive holiday meal, complete with kiddush.Evening prayers and havdalah, including the blessings on the spices and fire, are recited after dark.After nightfall, count the 5th day of the Omer.
Thursday April 9—20 Nissan
6th day of Passover
4th day of Chol Hamoed (intermediate days)
Morning service: In many communities, throughout the intermediate days of Passover, tefillin are not worn.Half-Hallel is recited. Two Torah scrolls are taken out of the ark. Torah reading: Numbers 9:1–15 and Numbers 28:19–25. The Musaf Amidah is recited. During all of the Intermediate Days, “Yaaleh Veyavo” is inserted during all prayers and in the Grace After Meals.The Intermediate Days are observed with limited work restrictions.Light candles for the 7th day of Passover, and recite blessing 2.Click here for the blessing, and here for local candle-lighting times.Evening prayers. After the Amidah, count the 6th day of the Omer.Festive holiday meal, complete with the holiday kiddush.It is customary in many communities to remain awake all night, studying Torah, in commemoration of the great miracle of the splitting of the sea, which occurred on the 7th day of Passover.
Friday April 10—21 Nissan
7th day of Passover—Shevi’i Shel Pesach
Morning service. Half-Hallel is recited. Two Torah scrolls are taken out of the ark.
Torah reading: Exodus 13:17–15:26 and Numbers 28:19–25.
Haftorah: II Samuel 22:1–51.The priests bless the congregation with the priestly blessing during the Musaf prayer.Festive lunch meal.Evening prayers. After the Amidah, count the 7th day of the Omer.Light candles after dark for the 8th day of Passover before sunset, using an existing flame, and recite blessing 2. Click here for the blessing, and here for local candle-lighting times.Festive holiday meal, complete with the holiday kiddush.
Shabbat April 11—22 Nissan
Final Day of Passover—Acharon Shel Pesach
Morning service. Half-Hallel is recited. Two Torah scrolls are taken out of the ark.
Torah reading: Deuteronomy 14:22–16:17 and Numbers 28:19–25.
Haftorah: Isaiah 10:32–12:6.The Yizkor memorial service is recited following the Torah reading.The priests bless the congregation with the priestly blessing during the Musaf prayer.Festive lunch meal.On this final day of Passover we strive for the highest level of freedom, and focus on the final redemption. Following the Baal Shem Tov’s custom, we end Passover with “Moshiach’s Feast”—a festive meal complete with matzah and four cups of wine, during which we celebrate the imminent arrival of the Messiah. The feast begins before sunset and continues until after nightfall.Evening prayers. After the Amidah, count the 8th day of the Omer.After nightfall, perform the havdalah ceremony, omitting the blessings on the spices and the candle.Nightfall is the official end of Passover (for the exact time, click here). Wait an hour to give the rabbi enough time to buy back yourchametz before eating it.
Wednesday April 12—23 NissanThe day following the holiday is known as Isru Chag. It is forbidden to fast on this day.

Passover Candle-Lighting Blessings

Note: Please refer to the Holiday Calendar above to determine which blessings are recited on which holiday and Shabbat nights.


Blessed are You, L‑rd our G‑d, King of the universe, who has sanctified us with His commandments, and commanded us to kindle the light of the holy Shabbat.


Blessed are You, L‑rd our G‑d, King of the universe, who has sanctified us with His commandments, and commanded us to kindle the Yom Tov light.


Blessed are You, L‑rd our G‑d, King of the universe, who has sanctified us with His commandments, and commanded us to kindle the Shabbat and Yom Tov light.


Blessed are You, L‑rd our G‑d, King of the universe, who has granted us life, sustained us, and enabled us to reach this occasion.

The Seder Ingredients

Matzah, the “Food of Faith”
When our forefathers left Egypt, they were in such a hurry that there was no time to wait for the dough to rise. They therefore ate matzah, unleavened bread. With only this food (but with great faith), our ancestors relied on the Almighty to provide sustenance for the entire Jewish nation—men, women and children. Each year, to remember this, we eat matzah on the first two nights of Pesach, thereby fulfilling the Torah’s commandment, “Matzot shall you eat . . .”

The Humblest of Foods
Matzah symbolizes faith. In contrast to leavened bread, matzah is not enriched with oil, honey or other substances. It consists only of flour and water, and is not allowed to rise. Similarly, the only “ingredients” for faith are humility and submission to G‑d, which come from recognizing our “nothingness” when compared with the infinite wisdom of the Creator.

One of the holiday’s primary obligations is to eat matzah during the Seder. It is strongly recommended to use shmurah matzah to fulfill this commandment.

Matzah is eaten three times during the Seder:

  1. After telling the story of the Exodus from Egypt (Maggid), washing our hands for bread (Rachtzah) and reciting the blessings (Motzi Matzah), 1¾ ounces of matzah are eaten.
  2. For the sandwich (Korech), ¾ of an ounce of matzah is eaten.
  3. For the afikoman at the end of the meal (Tzafun), a minimum of ¾ of an ounce (and ideally 1½ ounces) of matzah are eaten.

In each instance, the matzah should be eaten within 4 minutes.

How much is one ounce of Matzah?
Half a piece of shmurah matzah is generally one ounce.

If store-bought matzot are used, the weight of the box of matzot divided by the number of pieces shows how much matzah is the equivalent of one ounce.

Shmurah Matzah

Shmurah means “watched,” and it is an apt description of this matzah, the ingredients of which (the flour and water) are watched from the moment of harvesting and drawing.

The day chosen for the harvesting of the wheat is a clear, dry day. The moment it is harvested, the wheat is inspected to ensure that there is absolutely no moisture. From then on, careful watch is kept upon the grains as they are transported to the mill. The mill is meticulously inspected by rabbis and supervision professionals to ensure that every piece of equipment is absolutely clean and dry. After the wheat is milled, the flour is again guarded in its transportation to the bakery. Thus, from the moment of harvesting through the actual baking of the matzah, the flour is carefully watched to ensure against any contact with water.

The water, too, is carefully guarded to prevent any contact with wheat or other grain. It is drawn the night before the baking, and kept pure until the moment it is mixed with the flour to bake the shmurah matzah.

Also in the bakery itself, shmurah matzot are under strict supervision to avoid any possibility of leavening during the baking process. This intensive process and careful guarding gives the shmurah matzah an added infusion of faith and sanctity—in fact, as the matzah is being made, all those involved constantly repeat, “L’shem matzot mitzvah”—“We are doing this for the sake of the mitzvah of matzah.”

Shmurah matzot are round, kneaded and shaped by hand, and are similar to the matzot that were baked by the Children of Israel as they left Egypt. It is thus fitting to useshmurah matzah on each of the two Seder nights for the matzot of the Seder plate.

Click to order your own shmurah matzah.

Passover Wine

For each of the four cups at the Seder, it is preferable to use undiluted wine. However, if needed, the wine may be diluted with grape juice. (One who cannot drink wine may use grape juice alone.)

One drinks a cup of wine four times during the Seder:

  1. At the conclusion of kiddush.
  2. After telling the story of the Exodus from Egypt, before eating the matzah ofMotzi Matzah.
  3. At the conclusion of the Grace After Meals.
  4. After reciting the Hallel.

It is preferable to drink the entire cup each time. However, it is sufficient to drink only the majority of each cup.

How large a cup should be used? One that contains at least 3½ fluid ounces.

The Bitter Herbs

The bitter herbs are eaten once after the matzah (step 9 of the Seder), and then again with matzah in the Korech sandwich (step 10).

How much bitter herbs should one eat each time? Three-quarters of an ounce (a little more than 7 grams).

Either of two different types of bitter herbs may be used at the Seder, individually or in combination:

  1. Peeled and grated raw horseradish.
  2. Romaine lettuce. [Some suggest that the stalks be used rather than the leafy parts, because of the difficulty in properly examining and ridding the leafy parts of commonly present tiny insects.] Three-quarters of an ounce of stalks covers an area 3″ × 5″.

Click here to learn more about the bitter herbs used on the Passover seder plate.

Introduction to the Seder Plate

Preparing the items for the Seder plate requires some time. It is best to prepare all the Seder foods before the onset of the holiday, in order to avoid halachic questions.

Three matzot are placed on top of each other on a plate or napkin, and then covered. (Some also have the custom to separate the matzot from each other with interleaved plates, napkins or the like.)

The matzot are symbolic of the three castes of Jews: Priests, Levites, and Israelites. They also commemorate the three measures of fine flour that Abraham told Sarah to bake into matzah when they were visited by the three angels (Genesis 18:6).

On a practical level, three matzot are needed so that when we break the middle matzah, we are still left with two whole ones to pronounce the hamotzi blessing (as required on Shabbat and holidays).

On a cloth or plate placed above the three matzot, we place the following items:

The Shank Bone

A piece of roasted meat represents the lamb that was the special Paschal sacrifice on the eve of the exodus from Egypt, and annually, on the afternoon before Passover, in the Holy Temple.

Since we can’t offer the Paschal sacrifice in the absence of the Holy Temple, we take care to use something that is relatively dissimilar to the actual offering. Accordingly, many communities have the custom to use a roasted chicken neck or the like.

Preparation: Roast the neck on all sides over an open fire on the stove. Afterwards, some have the custom to remove the majority of the meat of the neck.

Role in the Seder: The shank bone is not eaten. After the meal it is refrigerated, and used a second time on the Seder plate the following night.

The Egg

A hard-boiled egg represents the holiday offering brought in the days of the Holy Temple. The meat of this animal constituted the main part of the Passover meal.

Preparation: Boil one egg per Seder plate, and possibly more for use during the meal.

Role in the Seder: Place one egg on each plate. As soon as the actual meal is about to begin, remove the egg from the Seder plate and use during the meal.

A popular way of eating these eggs is to chop and mix them with the saltwater which was set on the table. The eggs prepared this way are then served as an appetizer before the fish.

The Bitter Herbs

Bitter herbs (maror) remind us of the bitterness of the slavery of our forefathers in Egypt. Fresh grated horseradish, romaine lettuce, and endive are the most common choices.

Preparation: This must be done before the holiday begins. Peel the raw horseradish roots, and rinse them off well.

Note: Dry the roots very carefully, since they will be eaten with the matzah later on for the korech sandwich; to avoidgebrokts, not even a drop of water should be left on the horseradish.

Next, grate the horseradish with a hand grater or electric grinder. (Whoever will be grating the horseradish will begin to shed copious tears or cough a lot. Covering the face with a cloth from the eyes downwards helps prevent inhalation of the strong, bitter odor.)

The lettuce or endive leaves must be washed, carefully checked for insects, and thoroughly dried. You can instead use just the stalks, which are easier to clean and check.

Place the horseradish on the Seder plate, on top of a few cleaned, dried leaves of romaine lettuce.

Role in the Seder: After the recital of most of the haggadah comes the ritual handwashing. Then matzah is eaten, followed by some maror, followed in turn by a sandwich of matzah and maror.

The Paste

A mixture of apples, nuts and wine which resembles the mortar and brick made by the Jews when they toiled for Pharaoh.

Preparation: Shell walnuts and peel apples and chop finely. Mix together and add a small amount of wine.

Role in the Seder: This is used as a type of relish into which the maror is dipped (and then shaken off) before eating.

The Vegetable

A non-bitter root vegetable alludes to the backbreaking work of the Jews as slaves. The Hebrew letters of the word karpas can be arranged to spell “perech samech.”

Perech means backbreaking work, and samech is numerically equivalent to 60, referring to 60 myriads, equaling 600,000, which was the number of Jewish males over 20 years of age who were enslaved in Egypt.

Preparation: Peel an onion or boiled potato. Cut off a slice and place on Seder plate. On the table, next to the Seder plate, place a small bowl of salted water.

Role in the Seder: After recital of kiddush, the family goes to the sink and ritually washes hands, but without saying the usual blessing.

Then the head of the household cuts a small piece of the root vegetable used, dips it in saltwater, and gives each person at the table a very small piece over which they say the appropriate blessing. Care should be taken that each person eats less than 17 grams (about ½ ounce).

The Lettuce

The lettuce symbolizes the bitter enslavement of our fathers in Egypt. The leaves of romaine lettuce are not bitter, but the stem, when left to grow in the ground, turns hard and bitter.

So it was with our enslavement in Egypt. At first the deceitful approach of Pharaoh was soft and sensible, and the work was done voluntarily and even for pay. Gradually, it evolved into forced and cruel labor.

Preparation: Romaine lettuce is often very sandy. Wash each of the leaves separately, checking very carefully for insects. (Pat gently with a towel and let sit until completely dry, so that there will be no moisture to come in contact with the matzah.)

Depending on how much romaine lettuce is needed, it can take several hours to prepare. This task should be completed before candle-lighting time on the first night. Prepare enough leaves for both nights and store in the refrigerator. Soaking of the romaine leaves may not be done on the holiday.

Role in the Seder: The lettuce is used in conjunction with horseradish. It is used when eating the maror and when eating the matzah-and-maror sandwich.

Place the leaves in two piles on the Seder plate, one under the maror and one separately at the bottom.

Keep a stack of extra cleaned leaves handy in the refrigerator in case additional leaves are needed.

The Seder Service in a Nutshell

Click here for a more detailed Seder wizard, and here for a spiritual guide to the Seder.

In Our Forefathers’ Footsteps

At the Seder, every person should see himself as if he were going out of Egypt. Beginning with our Patriarchs, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, we recount the Jewish people’s descent into Egypt and recall their suffering and persecution. We are with them as G‑d sends the Ten Plagues to punish Pharaoh and his nation, and follow along as they leave Egypt and cross the Sea of Reeds. We witness the miraculous hand of G‑d as the waters part to allow the Israelites to pass, then return to inundate the Egyptian legions.

Kadesh—the Benediction

The Seder service begins with the recitation of kiddush, proclaiming the holiness of the holiday. This is done over a cup of wine, the first of the four cups we will drink (while reclining) at the Seder.

The Four Cups of Wine

Why four cups? The Torah uses four expressions of freedom or deliverance in connection with our liberation from Egypt (see Exodus 6:6–7). Also, the Children of Israel had four great merits even while in exile: (1) They did not change their Hebrew names; (2) they continued to speak their own language, Hebrew; (3) they remained highly moral; (4) they remained loyal to one another.

Wine is used because it is a symbol of joy and happiness.

Why We Recline

When drinking the four cups and eating the matzah, we lean on our left side to accentuate the fact that we are free people. In ancient times only free people had the luxury of reclining while eating.


We wash our hands in the usual, ritually prescribed manner as is done before a meal, but without the customary blessing.

The next step in the Seder, Karpas, requires dipping food into water, which in turn mandates, according to Jewish law, that either the food be eaten with a utensil or that one’s hands be purified by washing. On the Seder eve we choose the less common observance to arouse the child’s curiosity.

Karpas—the “Appetizer”

A small piece of onion or boiled potato is dipped into saltwater and eaten (after reciting the blessing over vegetables).

Dipping the karpas in saltwater is an act of pleasure and freedom, which further arouses the child’s curiosity.

The Hebrew word karpas, when read backwards, alludes to the backbreaking labor performed by the 600,000 Jews in Egypt. [Samech has the numerical equivalent of 60 (representing 60 times 10,000), while the last three Hebrew letters spell perech, hard work.]

The saltwater represents the tears of our ancestors in Egypt.

Yachatz—Breaking the Matzah

The middle matzah on the Seder plate is broken in two. The larger part is put aside for later use as the afikoman. This unusual action not only attracts the child’s attention once again, but also recalls G‑d’s splitting of the Sea of Reeds to allow the Children of Israel to cross on dry land. The smaller part of the middle matzah is returned to the Seder plate. This broken middle matzah symbolizes humility, and will be eaten later as the “bread of poverty.”

Maggid—the Haggadah

At this point, the poor are invited to join the Seder. The Seder tray is moved aside, a second cup of wine is poured, and the child, who by now is bursting with curiosity, asks the time-honored question: “Mah nishtanah ha-lailah hazeh mikol ha-leilot? Why is this night different from all other nights?” Why only matzah? Why the dipping? Why the bitter herbs? Why are we relaxing and leaning on cushions as if we were kings?

The child’s questioning triggers one of the most significant mitzvot of Passover, which is the highlight of the Seder ceremony: the haggadah, telling the story of the Exodus from Egypt. The answer includes a brief review of history, a description of the suffering imposed upon the Israelites, a listing of the plagues visited on the Egyptians, and an enumeration of the miracles performed by the Almighty for the redemption of His people.

Rochtzah—Washing Before the Meal

After concluding the first part of the haggadah by drinking the second cup of wine (while reclining), the hands are washed again, this time with the customary blessings, as is usually done before eating bread.

Motzi Matzah—We Eat the Matzah

Taking hold of the three matzot (with the broken one between the two whole ones), recite the customary blessing before bread. Then, letting the bottom matzah drop back onto the plate, and holding the top whole matzah with the broken middle one, recite the special blessing “al achilat matzah.” Then break at least one ounce from each matzah and eat the two pieces together, while reclining.

Maror—the Bitter Herbs

Take at least one ounce of the bitter herbs. Dip it in the charoset, then shake the latter off and make the blessing “al achilat maror.” Eat without reclining.

Korech—the Sandwich

In keeping with the custom instituted by Hillel, the great Talmudic sage, a sandwich of matzah and maror is eaten. Break off two pieces of the bottom matzah, which together should be at least one ounce. Again, take at least one ounce of bitter herbs and dip them in the charoset. Place this between the two pieces of matzah, say “kein asah Hillel . . .” and eat the sandwich while reclining.

Shulchan Orech—the Feast

The holiday meal is now served. We begin the meal with a hard-boiled egg dipped into saltwater.

A rabbi was once asked why Jews eat eggs on Passover. “Because eggs symbolize the Jew,” the rabbi answered. “The more an egg is burned or boiled, the harder it gets.”

Note: The chicken neck is not eaten at the Seder.

Tzafun—Out of Hiding

After the meal, the half-matzah which had been “hidden,” set aside for the afikoman(“dessert”), is taken out and eaten. It symbolizes the Paschal lamb, which was eaten at the end of the meal.

Everyone should eat at least 1½ ounces of matzah, reclining, before midnight. After eating the afikoman, we do not eat or drink anything except for the two remaining cups of wine.

Berach—Blessings After the Meal

A third cup of wine is filled and Grace is recited. After the Grace we recite the blessing over wine and drink the third cup while reclining.

Now we fill the cup of Elijah and our own cups with wine. We open the door and recite the passage which is an invitation to the Prophet Elijah, the harbinger of the coming of Moshiach, our righteous Messiah.

Hallel—Songs of Praise

At this point, having recognized the Almighty and His unique guidance of the Jewish people, we go still further and sing His praises as L‑rd of the entire universe.

After reciting the Hallel, we again recite the blessing over wine and drink the fourth cup, reclining.


Having carried out the Seder service properly, we are sure that it has been well received by the Almighty. We then say “Leshanah haba’ah bee-rushalayim—Next year in Jerusalem.”

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‘עבודת הניגון’ עם חיליק פרנק – מלוה מלכה בישיבת עתניאל

מלוה מלכה עם חיליק פרנק שהתקיים בישיבת עתניאל במוצאי שבת פרשת ‘וארא’ אור לב’ שבט התשע”ג. בערב נוגנו ניגונים וחיליק שיתף את הציבור כיצד לדעתו מתבטאת עבודת ה’ בניגון.

לניגונים נוספים של חיליק פרנק בעתניאל ולשיעור תורה של רבני הישיבה מוזמנים לבקר באתר הישיבה:

אבי בן ישראל – הראשון לציון רבי יצחק יוסף | Avi Ben Israel – Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef

הזמר המיוחד אבי בן ישראל מוציא בימים אלו שיר חדש ומרומם על הראשל”צ ונשיא בית הדין הרבני הגדול הגאון רבי יצחק יוסף שליט”א.

מילים: הוא עמל בתורה יומם ולייל , שעורים בהלכה לעם ישראל , שפתותיו שזורות בתורה וזיו , מרים קרן התורה בדרכיי אביו , הוביל ישיבתו כרועה של צאן , מוליך את עמו באמונה ורצון , פוסק ודורש כל ימיי חייו , כותב ומלקט מאוצרות מרן ,
פזמון: הוא הראשון לציון רבי יצחק יוסף , מחבר הספרים , אוצרות ילקוט יוסף
הוא נבחר כאביו להנהיג את העם , כי ראשון לציון הנה הינם., גאון הדור ואור לעולם , בליבו ונשמתו אהבת חינם ,לומד ושוקד בתורת אמת , וידיו פרושות להעניק ולתת , מאחלים אנו לך , את כל הברכות , שתצעד בהצלחה , בדרך האבות , והקל איתך תמיד , במעשה ידך , וממעל בהשגחה , גם מרן איתך.

הראשון לציון – רבי יצחק יוסף / מילים: קטרין ברכה ואבי בן ישראל. לחן: חיים בר ואבי בן ישראל. תמונות: יעקב כהן , עיבוד: אלי אסרף

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A timely powerful תפלה encapsulated in a powerful Melody.

As חדש ניסן is upon us, the month of חרות, the month of גאולה, one cannot help but think about all of the צרות that we are facing across every part of the world. Without exception. We are all in it together. We can feel each others worry and pain. Who can say they are not ready nor anxious to see the גאולה שלימה immediately!

This coming Pesach let’s come together as one. Let us Sing as One Nation in harmony. A תפלה in אחדות. A cry that will pierce the above from all corners of earth.

מי שעשה נסים לאבותינו וגאל אותם מעבדות לחרות. הוא יגאל אותנו בקרוב ויקבץ נדחינו מארבע כנפות הארץ חברים כל ישראל, ונאמר אמן.

המנגנים | קומטאנץ | שרולי ורדיגר – ייבנה המקדש | Kumtantz | Yisroel Werdyger – Yiboneh Hamikdosh

תזמורת המנגנים: קומטאנץ | שרולי ורדיגר – ייבנה המקדש
מקהלת שירה: שרגי גולד, זבי פריד, הרשי וינברגר, יואלי הורוביץ, אלי שפריי

המנגנים | קומטאנץ 1 – תקציר וידאו | Hamenagnim | Kumtantz 1 Official Trailer

Shwekey Live In Nokia – Mi Sheberach

Yaakov Shwekey au Palais des Congrès de Paris le Lundi 17 Novembre 2014 avec la participation exceptionnelle de Shlomi Shabat

Mendy J – Habeit Reimagined (Ft. Chananya Begun)

Music video by Mendy J Performing Habeit Reimagined Ft. Chananya Begun. (C) 2015 New Sound Productions

Mendy J- Sim Shalom (Official Music Video) מענדי ג’- שים שלום

Adir Hoo – Folk – Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach – אדיר הוא – עממי – רבי שלמה קרליבך

Adir Hoo – Folk – Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach – אדיר הוא – עממי – רבי שלמה קרליבך

The Naftali Kalfa Project – Full Album

Naftali Kalfa

Lo Yaavod – Yaakov Shwekey

Time to Dance – Yaakov Shwekey

Yaakov Shwekey au Palais des Congrès de Paris le Lundi 17 Novembre 2014 avec la participation exceptionnelle de Shlomi Shabat

Dance! Wedding with Menachem Moskowitz and Naftali Schnitzler | רקוד! חתונה חסידית מנחם מאשקאוויטש

Chasidic Wedding with Menachem Moskowitz and Naftali Schnitzler

Avraham Fried and Avrumi Halpern Live in Manchester

Avraham Fried Live in Manchester at the Zichron Menachem concert – Event City. A selection of English classics

Siman Tov by Shauly Waldner (Official Music Video)

Shauly Waldner presents his all new music video, Siman Tov, from the debut album Tov Hashem. This original music video brings out the Simcha in a unique and fresh way.

Al Naharot Bavel – Boaz Davidoff, Martin Widerker | על נהרות בבל – בועז דוידוף, מרטין וידרקר

Director: Yizik Grovais
Script and Production Manager: Israel Bergman
Photography Director: Mendy Or
Photographer: Yakov Salem
Aerial Photography: “Hyper”
Editing & After Effects: “Hyper”
Set Manager: Yidi Grusgot
Composer: Martin Meir Widerker
Singing and Music Arrangements: Boaz Davidoff

Tzaly Gold – Geroishen! With Sympinny and Yedidim | צלי גאלד – גערוישן אין הימל – סימפיני וידידים

Enjoy this fabulous performance of MBD’s all time hit מי כעמך ישראל presented here by Tzali Gold and Yedidim Choir, at an event in upstate New York.
צלי גולד – גערויש אין הימל – סימפיני וידידים

Freilach feat. Shmueli Ungar & Shira – Moshe Rabeinu מקהלת שירה, פריילך ושמילו – משה רבינו

הכל אפשרי כשצוות מוזיקאלי מנצח נפגש יחד על במה אחד ולוטשת יהלום של שיר
כל זה קרה בחתונה של נגיד הקהילה בבארא פארק שבברוקלין מסביב שולחנות ערוכי באוכל משובח ויינות עתיקים
הנגיד ביקש מחברי המקהלה שיר ביידיש משהו אופייני לכבוד חג הפסח הקרב ובא. חברי המקהלה החליטו ללכת מקורי על חומר משובח ועתיק של
״מונה רוזנבלום״
ועיבד את השיר ושיגר את זה היישר לאוזני האורחים שקפצו מכיסאותיהם כששמעו את הביצוע
הזמר שמילו אונגר תרם בקולו החזק והמתוק וביצע את הלחן בטוב טעם וחן כשתזמורת פריילך מלווה את השיר עם גרוב מוזיקאלי מיוחד

לחן ומקור : מונה רוזנבלום מתוך הדיסק ״מונה 4״
שירה מקורית ומילים : ליפא שמלצער

Yumi Lowy & Yedidim Choir “The Second dance set ” an Aaron Teitelbaum Production

Yumi Lowy & Yedidim Choir Singing The “Second Dance set “At a Wedding in the Hilton Meadowlands On March 8, 2015 Conducted by Yisroel Lamm an Aaron Teitelbaum Production

Avrum Mordche Schwartz Singing “4 Sides To One Story” At The RCCs KJ Dinner,
RCCS provides an array of services for cancer-stricken patients in need; primary among them is the subsidizing of health insurance.

RCCS “Balaichtungen” Official music video – Yoely Greenfeld

Yoely Greenfeld sings “Balaichtungen” a tribute to RCCS – Rofeh Cholim Cancer Society.

The video captures a father to a sick child as he travels to meet different people who encourage him and his son.

Produced by Danny Finkelman
Director of Photography Sean Sinderbrand
Co-directed by Tzvi Waldman
Starring: Shai Wiener, and Gedalya Rauch.
Music by Leib Yaakov Rigler
Composed by Noam Kamelhar and Michoel Pruzansky
Lyrics by Motti Illowitz
Choir by Yedidim

Isaac Honig & Malchus Choir with Hamenagnim Orchestra – Kinesher

מעמד סיום המחזור הראשון של הדף היומי בהלכה של ארגון דרשו

Simply Tzfat – Instrumental



Cantor Yanky Lemmer, Frank London & Michael Winograd – Project Ahava Raba – Studio Session

Project Ahava Raba

A prayer, a Nusach and most importantly an invocation of the the abundant love between man and his Creator.

It is through this project that Cantor Yaakov Lemmer, trumpeter Frank London and clarinetist Michael Winograd elicit these emotions.

The project was conceived while touring Europe and performing at various Jewish Culture festivals. It is a marriage of Klezmer, Chazzanut, with an old school feel yet a refreshening energy and vibe.

Reuven Stone Bookings

Section 24Jewish funny videos : 24JEWISH ALERTS large selection videos and feeds in each section





Section Jewish Parshat language hebrew, french, english, spanish, german, russian, Machon Meir, CHABAD, The Jewish Woman, YOUTH/TEENS SHIURIM &amp; COMMENTARIES

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Pub sixt biggestinisrael nov2012ok

Pub sixt insurance nov2012

Pub sixt nov2012OK

Bibilou Yatsanou Mimitsrayim ! (Humour)


ניקוי ראש – חד גדיא

מערכון שכתב חתולי (אלי שרייבר) מתוך תוכנית 3, 6.6.1974.
משתתפים: טוביה צפיר (הרב הראשי עובדיה יוסף), שמעון לב ארי (הרב הראשי שלמה גורן), שבתאי קונורטי (ח”כ יצחק רפאל), דובי גל (ח”כ זבולון המר), אהרון אלמוג (ח”כ יוסף בורג).

מעשנים?! לי זה לא מתאים-פרויקט הלהקה 2, בשיתוף האגודה למלחמה בסרטן

אנדרדוס – אחד מי יודע

יוצרים: אנדרדוס – מתן צור, אשר בן אבו, נדב נוה, יאיר יעקבי
אהבתם? הצטרפו לדף הפייסבוק שלנו וקבלו מידע על הופעות!

Fiveish in Flight – AMAZING 3D Animation – Full Feature Trailer

Oorah just upped the level of Jewish entertainment in a BIG way, with a full featured 3D animated film!
Join Fiveish & co. as they fly off on a journey full of excitement, danger, and a whole lot of laughs!

Pesaj 5775 – Lamroth Hakol


Etgar Yoram Hen 24 1 2015

7 Hours fun biking in the Israeli Negev desert. The winter brought with it a new life and blossom to the desert.

Der Albtraum von Peace Now

Hand in Hand With Israel

Let’s wipe out hunger this Pesach. Say YES to YES (Yad Ezra v’Shulamit). Donate now! -…
Yad Ezra V’Shulamit is one of the largest Jewish charities in the world. We provide thousands of food baskets that are delivered to the hungry weekly.

PASSOVER SPACE – Taylor Swift “Blank Space” Passover Parody

Ari Blau: “Passover Space.”
Taylor Swift: “Blank Space” Parody!

Google Exodus – Passover movie

Passover like you’ve never experienced before

If you liked our Google Exodus Passover video, you’ll love our weekly newsletter – sign up today here (privacy guaranteed):

שיר מחנה קיץ 2014-שבט אופק

Dating Advice From Bubbe and Zayde

For you, a little mazel: In honor of Sweetheart’s Day (February 14), we have some dating advice to those seeking love at any age from experts who have seen it all before. Sympathetic and wise; practical and nurturing; funny and sweet — seniors at the Los Angeles Jewish Home make the perfect matchmakers. They know from experience what it takes to light a spark and turn it into a flame.

The Maccabeats – Dayenu – Passover

Music video for “Dayenu,” a multi-genre twist on the classic Passover Seder song.
For lyrics and translation click here:


Wonders of Hashem #2 – Under the Sea

Ari and his Abba are off on another fun adventure! This time, their travels take them under the ocean! What is there to see under the sea?

Come along as they learn about the many species of fish and other creatures found in the sea and learn about the AMAZING WONDERS OF HASHEM. This FUN, exciting and educational
DVD is packed with JOKES, “FASCINATING FACTS” and “IN THE TORAH” highlights! Your children will laugh and learn NEW THINGS EACH TIME THEY WATCH IT!

Featuring cartoon animation, film footage of fabulous fish images and AMAZING graphics.

Recommended for children ages 3 and up.

For more videos, games, and books go to

Batmoses – Freedom Rises


A.K.A. Pella Presents: 2014- A Pesach Medley

Here it is, the Pesach parody you’ve all been waiting for… times six! Six awesomely reimagined songs, rolled together into one fun medley, expressed in this hilarious music video! Oh, and did we mention? It’s all a cappella!!! We’re sure you’re going to love it, and hope you spread the love far and wide! On behalf of Team A.K.A. Pella, we would like to wish a Chag sameach/Gut Yom Tov/Happy Passover to all!

1,000 Dance Shake & Donate on Main Street, Ridgefield, CT

On November 22, 2014, approximately 1,000 people gathered to dance on Main Street in Ridgefield, CT to Taylor Swift’s “Shake It Off in support Parkinson’s disease. This is what it looked like.
 clip-Passover Funk

24Jewish Video Jewish Clip of the Day ! Passover Funk – “Uptown Funk” PARODY , Part 2 Section on the right side, Aish Video,., Great Videos Selection


24Jewish Video Jewish Clip of the Day ! Six13 – Uptown Passover, Part 2 Section on the right side, Six13,., Great Videos Selection

Orthodox Jew High Fiving Strangers in NYC

Looking for a taxi cab is a common sight in the city. For some people, an outstretched arm is usually the sign for hailing a cab. A few other folks see it as something else.

Dancing Behind People in Jerusalem

Directed/Starring: Meir Kalmanson

Crank That Kosha Boy by Eric Schwartz aka Smooth-E

Jewz N The Hood

Clip from the short film By Joshua Stern, “JEWZ N THE HOOD”
Starring Adam Shapiro, Anthony Leeds, Ben Goldstein, Ben Newmark, Simon Chernin, Chuck Carter, Jonathan Murphy, and Joe Egender

אנדרדוס – מר פודלמן – ביעור חמץ

יוצרים: אנדרדוס – נדב נוה, מתן צור, אשר בן אבו, יאיר יעקבי
אהבתם? הצטרפו לדף הפייסבוק שלנו וקבלו מידע על הופעות!


Prince of Egypt Mash up
All video and cinematic copyright belongs to Dreamworks and Paramount Studios.
Song performed by Shtar

Things Not To Say On A Shidduch Date – Bloopers

RebbeSoul – “Let My People Go” (Official Music Video)

New Video 4/14 for REBBESOUL “Let My People Go” in honor of 2014 Passover.

Directed by: Stephen Estey & Atif Ekulona

Yidcore – Dayenu דַּיֵּנוּ

Remedy – Exodus

מה, אתה לא מלך?!

danzas Judias en plena calle de Jerusalem. mp4

flash mob – hora jerusalem פלאש מוב הורה ירושלים

Updated Jerusalem YMCA FlashMob (Official)

The Jerusalem International YMCA members and friends celebrate the holiday season at the outdoor Mamilla Mall just outside the walls of the old city and down the street from the JIY

פלאשמוב אחד במאי – נחלת בנימין תל אביב 2010 – May Day Flashmob

ריקוד ‘פלאש מוב’ בירושלים – Flash Mob Michael Jackson Dance in Jerusalem, Israel

Jerusalem Flash Mob – Taglit Birthright-Israel: Mayanot

Updated Jerusalem YMCA FlashMob (Official)

Anger over Singer Lipa Schmeltzer in IDF Uniform: Hassidic Singer Upsets Haredi Jews

They Tried To Kill Us (We Survived, Let’s Eat!) [The Passover Song]

Best Seder in the USA (The Passover Song)

Jewish Treats and @JewishTweets invite you to the “Best Seder in the USA”!

I Will Survive – Hilarious Pesach Cleaning Song With Lyrics

I do not own this song. This song is from the album Jewish Housewives. Lyrics by Estee Stimler. Starring Marion Hermes, Ayelet the Kosher Komic and Caroline Cohen. I just added the images and lyrics so that it can be shared here 🙂
Disclaimer: It’s a female singing…

Stuff People say on Pesach

A.K.A. Pella Presents: 2014- A Pesach Medley

The Maccabeats – Les Misérables – Passover

The Pesach Blues from Oorah’s Shmorg

Dayenu, Coming Home – The Fountainheads Passover Song

Six13 – P-A-S-S-O-V-E-R

Six13 – Chozen (A Passover Tribute)


Envisioning Freedom – Passover Video

Jew Direction – “Not Slaves Anymore” Passover Parody of Katy Perry’s “Roar” ✡D

Are you Smarter than a 10 year old Passover Dilemma

The Chumrah Song

Lev Aryeh 2015 Purim Teaser (NEW VIDEO)

Shoshanas Yaakov – Lev Aryeh 2015 (NEW) Purim Music Video – Catwalk

Six13 – P-A-S-S-O-V-E-R

Six13 – Pesach Shop (2013 Passover Jam)

Six13 – Chozen (A Passover Tribute)

The Mashal Man Treasury – AMAZING new trailer!

The Mashal Man Treasury features more than 3 hours of high-quality exciting entertainment! Your kids (and you!) will find themselves watching this over and over again, learning the incredible lessons that “The Mashal Man” teaches in his incredible, unique style.
Get yours TODAY with your Oorah Auction donation:

The 2015 Pesach Miracle

a Superio® Commercial

Superio, parent company to the Miracle household cleaning brand, presents this adorably creative commercial, which has been developed in celebration of Pesach 2015. Follow an animated incarnation of the final moments before kriyas yam suf, as the yidden stood trapped between the angry mitzri’im and the crashing sea.

Produced by GCNY Marketing and Co-produced Meedio Digital

ארץ נהדרת פסח 2015

קטע מתוך ארץ נהדרת לכבוד פסח שהי לכם פסח שמח

הגדה של פסח מצחיק!!!

Between Two Jews: The Inside Scoop To Travel Deals & Credit Card Points – Part 2

This week on “Between Two Jews” we bring you the inside on travel deals and credit card points with the CEO of Miles Marketeer Chaim Hertzel. Special thanks to Benshimon Studios for the filming location.

Stand Up Comedy By Reb Velvel Goldstein – Chatzatzka Rebbe

A Sneak Peak at Lifetimes New Series Kosher Soul

Old Jews Telling Jokes

24JEWISH ALERTS videos and feeds Jewish News חדשות יהודיות JEWISH ACTUAL NEWS


Arutz Sheva TV

IBA News

IDF the Israel Defense Forces (IDF).



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Statement by PM Netanyahu

Statement by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

דברי ראש הממשלה בנימין נתניהו לתקשורת הבינלאומית.

וידאו: רועי אברהם, לע”מ.
סאונד: ניר שרף, לע”מ.

French Far-Right Feud: Le Pen drops out of election amid feud with daughter

The founder of France’s far-right National Front Party, Jean-Marie Le Pen, has announced he will not run in local elections. The announcement comes amid a feud between Le Pen and his daughter Marine Le Pen, who currently leads the nationalist party.

Israeli man man found beaten to death in Berlin Reuters

A 22-year-old man found dead in the ruins of a Berlin church on Easter Sunday was an Israeli citizen, according to a prosecutor who confirmed the victim was killed.

Germany to mark 70 years since Buchenwald’s liberation

Historical footage shows the horrors of Buchenwald concentration camp in April 1945, the same month it was liberated by American forces. Vanessa Johnston reports

Buchenwald: 70th anniversary of Nazi concentration camp’s liberation

Survivors and veterans have been gathering at what was Buchenwald Concentration Camp

70 años de la liberación de Buchenwald

El 11 de abril de 1945 los 21 000 presos del campo de concentración de Buchenwald, ubicado cerca de Weimar, fueron liberados por el ejército estadounidense. Más de 56 000 personas fueron asesinadas en este infierno circundado de alambradas.

Thousands attend inter-faith march in Brussels

Around 5,000 people gathered in the centre of Brussels on Sunday to participate in a march calling for peace and tolerance between religious faiths.



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the Permanent Mission of Israel to the United Nations.

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This channel is dedicated to promoting diplomatic relations, economic growth and friendship between the State of Israel and the UN Member States

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Lowell interviews….


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